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Lilac Breasted Roller - c/o Kruger Park |
We had a Lenny Lee blogfest in June set up by Theresa, Sharon and Shannon ... he’s one special lad ... and we sent him some cards – real ones .. those cardboard-paper things .. you know what I mean – remember them?!
I spotted Lenny up and about again around the blogosphere ... and thought I’d send another card or two with a letter – nothing like a surprise through the post.
Lenny’s smiling face lit up .. and he replied with an email ... which lit my fire and cheered me up enormously ... and now I’m passing on our cheer.

I started this blog because I had letters back from friends and family ... saying please don’t stop your letters – they’re so positive and so informative (about how my mother was doing following her strokes, and the sorts of things we were discussing) ... a blog was born.
It’s a two way process ... my mother got letters and cards, I replied and the process was repeated ... much as blogging – a post, a comment and a reply.
Back to the important one – Lenny!! Here’s how he starts his email:
hi miss hilary!
wow! what a neat surprise i got in the mail of a cool postcard all the way from england. wow! how cool is that! i love that bird. its sooooo pretty and i like how its got a lot of different colors. it looks just like a blue bird that we got her in georgia. it sorta for its shape looks like a carolina wren that we got here. i love those little wrens.
The bird he’s referring to is the Lilac Breasted Roller found in Southern Africa .. such a descriptive name .. Lenny’s email goes on (I’ve put the odd capital in ... and made a few paragraphs) ...
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A House Wren .. Rene or Renoir? |
Could you believe a little while back a girl and boy wren got through a hole in our house and builded a nest in a hanging plant we got in the kitchen.
My bother sebastian name them rené and renoir. They stayed there for the whole winter and came in and out of the little hole. We didnt fill up the hole cause it was cool haveing those wrens.
They didnt get afraid of us and we put a little bowl of water on the table and some seeds and they came and drank and ate. In the morning they did a real pretty whistle before they got outside.
After their eggs got born and the wrennettes (that what my one brother called them ha ha) got big they didnt come back any more. I’m doing a attachment for you of a picture of a carolina wren and a bluebird ... hope you like it. (I do Lenny .. posted above - sent via Dropbox ... this kid has got some teaching to do to bring this old bird back in the UK up to date!)
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Barn Owl |
We got lots of birds that come at our back yard. We got lots of trees round our house and a big woods at the back. We got squirrels and chipmunks and rabbits in the day time and at night we got raccoons possums foxes and sometimes coyotes.
One time we even saw a flying squirrel. It was way cool. Oh, we got a big ol hoot owl that comes round some times. My brother Andrew build a critter cafe on our deck and that how come we got lot of them coming at our house for dinner.
I got a little video of a raccoon thats my friend and I named him ‘cashew’ cause he loves eating cashew nuts and I gave him some of my brothers one time and now thats all he could want. He likes strawberry jam too. I’m gonna see if I could find that vidio and send it so you could see it. (Hi Lenny .. I did see the video - amazing ... but I'm not clever enough to put it here .. perhaps you can put it up in your next post?)
Wow its way cool that you had a air show. I could like to see that. Its neat how those planes could so all those tricks and I like when they get that smoke coming out the back.
Thanks again for the thinking of me and sending me that cool postcard. I love getting surprised in the mail.
I hope your mom is doing ok. I do prayers for her and for you.
...big hugs from lenny 

Well ... from me to all of you – I sure hope this has cheered your weekend ... it has mine ... easy post!! What an absolute treat though ... and I know my mother, if she was well enough, would be delighted too –
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Red Arrows escort Concorde at the flyover for the Queen's Golden Jubilee 2002 |
Lenny – you’re an inspiration to know .. have a glorious weekend with your family ... and very definitely with big hugs from me ... we can learn so much from the eleven year old you!
Here’s a video of the Red Arrows practising over Cyprus (an island in the Mediterranean Sea) ... with the song Queen booming away in the background .. everytime I see the Red Arrows now – that song comes into my head – even at the Royal Wedding earlier this year.
For some reason for someone so unmusical .. 'Georgia On My Mind' – also comes into play too ... and I learnt that it is the song of your State written by Hoagy Carmichael ...
Lenny Lee Blogfest post - Mud, Mud, Glorious Mud ...
It is with enormous regret that I need to tell you that one of the Red Arrows crashed earlier today ... with peace we think of them all and the family at this very sad time.
Hilary Melton-Butcher
Hilary Melton-Butcher
Positive Letters Inspirational Stories
It's very rare to received a real letter anymore. But, it still provides us with so much pleasure. Someday, we might just start it up again for nostalgia sake. I know I love getting letters but with the mail system here in Mexico, I'm not sure any I send will go anywhere, or anything sent to me will reach me. How sad...
I don't know Lenny and already I love him. I love your blogs too, Hilary. They're so uplifting. BTW my neighbour has a bird's nest on the outside of her dining room window, attached to the glass. They slip a cardboard over the spot so the babies aren't disturbed by what's going on in the dining room. It is such a treat to take a peek at them every time I visit. I swear everyone's grandchildren have stopped by one time or other.
Best to your mum.
@ Clarissa .. sorry about your not getting letters through - either in or out - I wonder how you get your books?
It is rare to get a letter - we had two up at Mum's today .. so that was lovely.
@ Joylene .. Lenny is a youngster with a heart of gold, and a soul full of compassion - I hope you get over to his blog .. he's special.
Thanks so much .. that's wonderful about your neighbour .. Lenny and I both would be round if we could!
How brilliant that everyone can see through the glass at 'viewing times' - and how sensible to protect the nest from the inside light with the cardboard. I'm sure all the children in the neighbourhood have been round!
Thanks Clarissa and Joylene .. I've added a sad addendum that happened this afternoon .. an unfortunate accident.
Lovely post. Such a shame about the Red Arrows news today. At this stage they still aren't saying what's happened to the pilot. Let's hope he's OK.
Hi Anne .. many thanks - just sorry I had to add the postscript .. looking at the pictures/mobile footage - I'm not holding out much hope.
Lenny's enthusiasm in his email to me .. shines through. I'm just extremely sorry this had to happen today and with this post. Hilary
Lenny's email is inspiring to read. This is the best post I've read for a while Hilary.
I've been watching the Red Arrows footage too.
Hi Bob .. thanks for coming by and commenting .. you're really kind - the post is all Lenny's - his enthusiasm for life really does shine through.
Very sad to hear of the crash - appreciate the thought - Hilary
Hi Hillary,lovely post and just to say thank you for commenting on my blog so often! Have a wonderful weekend!
Love the names renée and renoir (I was thinking renato. Do you remember those two?)I like the wrenettes too. Great pics. I also enjoyed the idea of bringing the old snail mail correspondence into the 21st century by blogging. :O)
@ Liesl .. pleasure .. enjoy your news on Tzaneen and the farm ..
@ Madeleine .. Sebastien's names - clever family! No - I don't remember Rene (male!) and Renato .. or Renee and Renoir?
Obviously they make the most of things a la Lenny .. 'wrennettes' good terminology!!
Thanks - sort of thought of that .. but the elderly, the sick and the kids love a personal letter .. I do quite a lot of it.
Hopefully a jogger for others to write to their special near and dear with the odd real snail mail letter.
Liesl and Madeleine .. thanks so much .. lovely to see you - Hilary
I remember Lenny's day. Sorry, don't have his address though.
Lenny is the best!
Such a sweet post. So lovely, all the good will and kind thoughts being shared. And, of course, I very much enjoyed that there IS a bit of music that runs through your mind at such a time. Lovely piece, that, Georgia on my Mind.
Warm regards
Hilary, love your post. You and Lenny are both inspiring. It is sad that we don't write letters or send cards like we once did. Sorry to hear about the Red Arrow crash. Sending prayers that way. Hope your mother is resting well.
Thoughts in Progress
Freelance Editing By Mason
This post put a smile on my face, Hilary. Lenny is a sweetheart and you are a special lady.
I would have been overjoyed, sharing my kitchen with those wrens. I *love* birds so much! Very sad about the Red Arrows news though.
@ Alex .. it was a special day wasn't it - Theresa, Shannon and Sharon .. did wonders for him that day.
@ Matthew - you are so right = Lenny is the best.
@ Susan - thanks .. just had to share the email - so much enthusiasm for life there. A little music from time to time!!
@ Mason - really grateful .. perhaps some will start writing the odd letter or card - they certainly cheer us up.
I feel very sorry for the Red Arrow pilot's family .. and thanks for your prayers here and for my mother ..
@ Davina .. it's good to have a smile and a laugh - certainly that's what I did when I got his email.
Lenny and his neighbours obviously love the wrens and wrennettes - good new word! Their homes seem like wonderful refuges for the wild life ...
So good to see you Alex, Matthew, Susan, Mason and Davina .. have a good Sunday .. Hilary
Hilary; I've changed my comment setting as you suggested.
I can't recall Lenny, sounds quitge a character. Your blogs are very informative and positive and it's good to have someone not so far away from home, Keep up the good work,
Hi Bob .. thanks very much for changing to the comment pop up box, as this blog has.
It's made all the difference and I can comment .. thank you to Alan for passing on my email .. so pleased that I could get a message through even if via a friend.
Cheers - if you have trouble commenting anywhere - please ask the blogger to change to a pop-up comment box version.
Thanks so much Bob .. Hilary
Hi Yvonne .. Lenny is amazing and well worth following.
So pleased you enjoy the blog and it comes over as positive .. that's its aim .. and as you say - I'm only up the coast! Cheers - enjoy a peaceful Sunday .. Hilary
I work for the postal service and it is in great financial trouble. Just in the last year the first class mail volume as dipped 20%.
I am so glad you communicate with Lenny through the mail. This is a very beautiful thought provoking post...to let us know, sometimes the simple things bring so much joy.
What a great post! Lenny is quite the young man. Wiser than his 11 years. Sending cards and letters is a wonderful way to stay in touch with someone. How sad that it seems to be a dying art. I wonder if there is a National Letter Writing Day? If not, we should all pick a day and flood the post offices with letters to be mailed. : )
Lenny is *such* and inspiration -- he's so joyful and his passion for life and writing shine through! He's very special.
@ Gail .. I remember you do - I can believe fewer are writing letters - mainly bills sadly! Magazines and bumph ..
I still write a lot of letters - but just felt I wanted to send another overseas letter to Lenny - and so am delighted he was so pleased to receive it ... made my evening and next day too - and now still!!!
You're right the simple things in life bring us the most joy.
@ Susanne - there I'd definitely agree with you .. Lenny is much wiser than his 11 years.
I googled for a National Letter Writing Day and there was / is ..
"National Letter Writing Day:
Friday 21st May - Exchanging handwritten letters can have a positive impact on child development, yet as many as one in five children in the UK have never received a letter, according to a new World Vision survey."
So next year .. perhaps I'll have to have a blogfest for that day .. and get everyone to write at least one letter, or send a card to a near and dear and tell us about it on their blog.
Good thought?! Well done Susanne - you've set the wheels in motion ..
@ Talli - isn't Lenny such a little ball of fire - nothing unnoticed and everything questioned and queried to learn more .. quite wonderful to see. Exactly as you describe him ... he is definitely very special.
Cheers Gail, Susanne and Talli - enjoy your Sundays .. Hilary
Lenny is a special one. When I've received his thank you e-mails, they've made my day.
He loves animals, so I'm sure he loves this post and others you've done on the same subject. I'm a big fan of birds and owls, so I enjoyed this post too.
Thanks for linking me regarding the blogfest. I'm glad we did it!
Hi Theresa .. yes, I'm sure his emails to you were just as joyous.
His critters sure keep him up in the world of creepy crawlies .. and I know birds and owls always please.
Pleasure to include you .. you were one of the main instigators .. it was a great idea. I'm very glad we did it - so right.
Cheers - hope you've enjoyed your day at the beach for the birthday boy .. Hilary
What a fun post and how happy little Lenny sounds.
I didn't hear on the news that a Red Arrow has crashed. That's awful.
Lenny Lee is certainly a very special boy. Letters are special too. It's a long time since I received an actual letter but then it's a long time since I sent one.
Very sad news about the Red Arrows. Their performance is so breath taking and now it's taken a life. Tragic.
Personal letters and postcards, Hilary, are what we "older" folk remember. They especially meant a lot to my mother, too. I kept a few of the ones she wrote. I say only a few because she basically wrote the same thing over and over!
But I wouldn't want to give up email. We can reach so many people this way where we couldn't through snail mail. Plus and minuses about everything in life, don't you think?!
I always enjoy your comments on my blog. All who have commented so far have loved the Beach Boys, too. And then there's Hoagy Carmichael...he's a classic.
Postcards ARE cool. Those cardboard-paper things! They ARE still around, fortunately. Occasionally, a friend (an "older" friend) will send me and Jen one. We love them!
That smiling face to my right on your post as I type this lights up my afternoon! I LOVE your place here, Hilary. You do us all such a great service, being so positive when I know life isn't easy for you either.
Have a great Sunday. :-) Jen says HI with a big smile too!!
Ann Best, Author of In the Mirror, A Memoir of Shattered Secrets
@ Friko .. thank you .. Lenny values his happiness very much.
Didn't you - the crash happened Saturday afternoon - very very sad.
@ Rosalind - Lenny is great .. and is it that long .. I write to people quite often - but perhaps that's me!
The Red Arrows crash is very sad .. it's up on Wikipedia, along with other incidents - but as someone said on my previous post - it's the possible nature of the job ... very tragic, I agree.
Thanks Friko and Rosalind .. have a good week .. Hilary
Hi Hilary,
I've been interacting with Lenny, my little buddy, for quite some time. The young dude is one heck of an inspiration.
And the good old fashioned way of using pen and paper is an art that I hope shall make a triumphant return.
I have had the great delight of exchanging cards with Lenny. What a great kid!
Very sad to hear about the pilot in the Red Arrows plane.
Cheers, Gary.
Hi Ann .. yes - it does seem so important to the oldies .. and the Jen's of this world, as too my mother and my uncle ...
Oh I agree I wouldn't want to give up email .. but we can write more in a general way to so many and send with a personal letter & a card - always so appreciated.
Thanks Ann .. always good to be over at your blog .. I can understand everyone being keen about the Beach Boys and Hoagy!
Ah .. postcards are fun aren't they - I send those out too!!
I hope you mean Lenny's smiling gravatar .. he's just brilliant .. and so pleased I cheer everyone who comes here .. thank you!!
Sunday's over .. and now ready for the coming week .. please give Jen a big smile and hug too .. cheers for now - Hilary
Hi Gary .. so pleased to here you've been enjoying his company across the airwaves.
I'm afraid with the postal costs - cards won't make a come-back - but they could become a special treat and something grandchildren or godchildren write to say thank you ...
Or special people we meet on-line .. always worth writing to ... when I win a prize -I write a personal note back saying thank you.
I know the loss of the Red Arrows pilot is really sad ..
All the best - Hilary
Yes! to the very dear practice of writing cards, notes and letters. I do that occasionally and it's a treat to do it, never mind receive one!
Lenny, you are so expressive. Many thanks for your delightful email.
Hilary, thanks for the picture of the Lilac Breasted Roller. I actually saw one in the northern South Africa! Its beauty was breathtaking for this Canadian prairie & West Coast person who does not see birds of such colour!
hi miss hilary! wow your post is a BIG surprise for me. im just way happy that email i did got you cheered up. its cool that you shared it out with so much neat bloggers. it got lots of nice comments. for sure it got me feeling sad bout that pilot. im feeling way sad for his family.
...big hugs from lenny
Hi Amy .. glad you agree with me - on writing letters and cards .. so nice to receive and send.
Isn't Lenny so expressive .. he'll be pleased to hear from you.
They are so beautiful in the wild - the colours are just amazing .. and am so pleased you've actually seen one. Your colours may be fewer in the Canada .. but the expanses are just wonderful to view.
Thanks for coming by .. Hilary
Helloooo little Mr Sunshine - so wonderful you've stopped by .. you certainly inspired me to write my post.
Everyone seems to be enjoying all the wonderful information you shared with us .. I loved your description of your critters around the house and the woods behind. The bluebird is a very pretty bird - one day I hope to see one in real life.
I know - it is very sad that one of the pilot's died ..
Bigs hugs from me too .. have a lovely week and just carrying on amusing us with your blog and comments - Hilary
Dear Hillary
How wonderful to discover your blog!
And thank you so much for the wonderful comments you made when visiting me. You brought tears to my eyes. And now reading your recent posting I see you, too, also have a mom who is struggling with medical issues.
Before blogging about my mom, I felt pretty much isolated. I am beginning suspect that there are a lot of caring people out there with similar concerns to mine and I just needed to pop my head up and say "hello".
Thank you so much.
Elaine - Retired Knitter
Hi Elaine .. thanks for coming by - it was good to meet you via Doris' blog ..
Well you hit the right post to learn a little more about why I started blogging .. usually I'm into history or other eclectic thoughts .. and I love presenting each blog post from another angle and thus I know, as does anyone who visits, that it's unique content.
Stimulates the thought processes - and the ideas I talked to my mother about - expanded into this blog.
So I agree - if you can put your head above the parapet .. there's plenty of supportive people around - the locality, the States, the UK and the world ...
Good to see you here .. cheers Hilary
What a lovely post Hilary. Lenny sounds absolutely delightful. I still write the odd letter and I receive a few but it certainly is getting more rare.
Re. red arrows - wasn't that just so sad?
Hi Deborah .. Lenny is just great!
I think I must be quite unusual .. and because of my Mama I've been writing a great many cards and letters - each out usually brings a card or letter back - they kept my mother going. We don't get so many now ...
Yes, I agree - the Red Arrows accident was extremely sad .. Hilary
Wonderful post Hilary and nice introduction to Lenny...I love all the bird words and pics.
Sorry to hear about the plane crash - oh that must have been a hard thing to hear.
My mum loved her letter writing and receiving and she got mail nearly everyday from a school chum or family friend...then about age 88 the letters stopped because she was one of the few left in the system and because she was really good at email on her computer...at 91 she gave it all up and was gone at nearly 94..
I like to write letters and think of my posts as a letter often
Nice job here Thank you
Hi Patricia .. great to see you - Lenny is just brilliant! Glad you liked the photos etc ..
I know - the plane crash is really sad to hear about.
Mum never quite got into email - but she always said I was her Emanuensis .. absolutely correctly the right terminology.
I just wrote out for her and then the letters and cards followed as replies to her in her sick bed, which made a huge difference to her life .. and to mine - except I had to keep writing!!
I think of my posts that way to blogging friends who communicate .. but few friends appreciate the value here ( they don't understand blogging .. - I am spreading the word!).
Good to see you - cheers Hilary
Hi Hilary -
A purple-breasted bird? Be still my heart! I love that color, but never imagined there was a bird draped in such finery.
Susan :)
Hi Susan .. I know - such a pretty bird .. and this photo is gorgeous ..
You're right that description fits perfectly .. draped in such finery.
Always love looking at them! Cheers me up no end .. Hilary
I love receiving cards and letters and rarely do anymore, though I rarely send them myself it seems anymore -i have atrocious handwriting!
Readers have sent me things - letters, cards, stones, and such and I treasure them - seeing their handwriting and knowing they took the time to do that makes me smile.
Wrens build nests in the strangest places!
Hi Kat .. my handwriting isn't great - unless I make a real effort! So I type and add a card usually.
Yes - I can understand the delight in getting a card or letter or a treasure from other bloggers and readers .. I've loved mine and I love sending them out.
The wrens are sweet aren't they .. thanks - really good to see you here .. cheers Hilary
Thanks Hilary for yet an other beautiful post.
I have to visit Lenny's Blog. It has been a long time.
The Wrens are cute.
A few years ago a pair of sparrows had built their nest in the outside part of our air conditioner and when they had to clean the filter the nest was removed and carefully placed on the side of the deck, but the birds never came back. I guess they did not like us humans touching their home. I felt very selfish. I do try to make up for that incident by placing bird seeds and soft bread for them in little containers. They do appreciate that.
Hi Munir .. many thanks - Lenny's blog is special .. and I know he posts when he feels he can .. it's always good to see him around the internet.
Lenny would love the story of your sparrows - that's the challenge for sparrows as we disturb their nesting sites ... but you've got a critter-bird cafe at your home too!! Wrens are so pretty .. in their little brown job ways!
Thanks for coming by - Hilary
What a lovely letter that is to receive, Hilary! Lenny's light shines.
Condolences to the family and friends affected by the crash. Too sad...
Hi Talon - it was a wonderful surprising email .. and so full of the joys of Spring (though it's nearly Autumn!) .. his light definitely shines.
Thanks for your thoughts re the pilot and his family - any death is terrible .. Hilary
Hi Hilary! (I'm still busy at work on querying, but a little bird told me about your post and I had to come and comment.)
I "met" Lenny last summer when my cat died. He is an amazing kiddo. He says such wonderful caring things on every blog he visits. He is an inspiration to all of us. He has a special way of touching our hearts.
Lovely letter and a great post.
Sharon - hi! Great to see you and thanks for stopping querying for a few minutes and commenting here.
Lenny is one great ball of empathy and understanding .. and I'm sure he'd have had just the right words for you over the loss of your beloved pet - they're so special.
I feel really privileged to have met Lenny and been able to participate in the LennyFest which you kindly invited me to .. that was fun for all of us.
It is just wonderful how Lenny does inspire us .. even to pop in to comment! Good luck with the finishing of the querying .. cheers for now and see you back soon - Hilary
what a delightful post Hilary. It's so interesting to see the world through someone else's eyes, particularly someone like Lenny who is enjoying the creatures around his home.
I'm sorry to hear that one of the Red Arrows crashed, those pilots are amazing. My thoughts are with the rest of the crews and the families affected.
Hi Sue .. wonderful to see you - so recently back from your incredible trip to Macau, Hong Kong and Shanghai .. can I come too next time?!
Your last two posts are great reading ... Macau and Shanghai ..
I just love the way Lenny is so enthusiastic about all he sees and does .. and has the added interest of blogging about it - which when he's not very well ... give him visitors to meet up and communicate with beyond his normal boundaries of home, school and town ...
Yes - it is very sad for the Red Arrows team and families, particularly for the pilot's wife.
Thank you - lovely seeing you here .. Hilary
How wonderful to have a pen pal! I very seldom receive or send letters anymore. It's no wonder the USPS is in such financial trouble. The trend away from personal mail is ongoing and permanent, I'm afraid.
I love Lenny's enthusiasm about life. It gives me hope.
Hi W2W - I just thought Lenny would like a surprise letter with some cards and postcards from overseas ... 11 year olds love receiving mail - as do many others.
We don't encourage our youngsters to write proper letters or cards anymore and that excitement that letters can generate seems to have gone or be going .. great pity ...
How right you are about Lenny's enthusiasm .. you can read it in his words can't you .. little ones do give us hope - thanks so much for commenting .. cheers Hilary
Thanks for sharing Lenny's letter and for reminding me to stop and say hello to him. :) I didn't realize why you had started your blog. It's fun to learn more about you.
Have a wonderful week!
Hi Karen .. Lenny will love another 'hello' from a fellow blogger and animal lover!
Yes .. the positive aspect to my letters .. but from my point of view the snippets or articles of information I brought with me to discuss with Mum .. and then the new threads that would come from those in our discussions ... often led me to find things for my next visit.
Now to things that I blog about .. and can discuss with others around the world ..
You too have a good rest of the week .. cheers Hilary
The story about rene and renoir is stunning! I've never heard of birds building nests in a home where folks were living, what a great tale. And LOVE their names!
Lenny seems like someone one could be friends with for life. Hi Lenny!!
Kelly had one letter off a penpal from Nigeria, a school project. It was cool.
Have a happy day!
Hi Jannie .. isn't the story about the wrens, called Rene and Renoir, absolutely fabulous. Such creativity!
I guess if it's quiet and they'd be undisturbed .. how that happens in Lenny's household I've no idea .. so much going on - yet the little wrens feel totally safe .. mind you there is a critter cafe outside .. not sure if they do red vino too?!
You've hit the nail on the head here .. with being friends for life with Lenny - absolutely and would love to be.
That's great that the school encouraged the idea of penpals .. especially from Africa .. will it be ongoing? Good for Kelly ...
You too - have a happy day .. mine is winding down .. cheers for now .. xoxo Hilary
I enjoyed this post very much. I loved the Lenny's writing and what you did.
You are so right that we don't send cards anymore. It's something special to get them. It's obvious this was the case with Lenny.
You know me...I love any story about animals and so, I really enjoyed Lenny's story about the wrens. They do a very distinctive call and will nest anywhere, but I haven't heard of them staying in someone's kitchen. Unfortunately, this would NOT work in my house due to stalking kitty:~)
This is post that must put a smile on the face of everyone who reads it. I know it did for me. Thanks for sharing this:~)
p.s. I was sorry to read the part about the crash of the Red Arrow. That's horrible for the family members, as well as the people watching. I send my prayers to the crew's families.
Lenny is such a dear one to pick up pen and paper and write a lasting post. He has such an interest in birds. Wrens are interesting little hoppy birds to watch.
So much sadness for the families of the Red Arrow that crashed. Such glorious young people.
Hi Manzanita .. any communication from an 11 year old is very special - especially one from way over the pond!
He does have such an interest in life .. and the wrens hop along, bobbing up and down .. I can see that - thanks for letting me know about this habit.
Thank you too for your thoughts re the pilot and his family and friends ... all the best - Hilary
Lenny is such a remarkable boy! I could tell how much he likes you!
I'm so sorry about the pilot. My heart goes out to him and his family.
I don't know how I missed this post before. My apologies for showing up so late. Julie
Hi Julie .. Lenny bubbles naturally - there's always a fizz in his blog and his comments .. so am delighted his remarkableness shines through.
Yes - it was a very tragic accident, and your thoughts are appreciated.
No worries - always lovely to see everyone at any time! See you around soon .. cheers Hilary
Lenny sounds fantastic! I love writing letters and notes to people. I've got piles of stationary!
Hilary, I have an award for you on my blog. It's just a "thank you" for being you.
@ Blonde Duck .. Lenny is just great! That's wonderful that you're keeping the actual art of letter writing going .. I have tons of postcards and notelets .. not pretty necessarily - practical and historical of sorts - sounds like your stationery is extra special.
@ Joylene .. that's lovely .. an award for just being me - great! Thanks so much .. on my way over ..
Cheers everyone - have great weekends .. Hilary
That's wonderful how your blog got started. I'm sorry to hear your mother is not well, I hope she picks up strength soon and is able to read her letters again. I still get such a thrill from "snail mail" as they say...I send a lot of cards myself since I like to make them by hand. Lenny's letter is so fun to read, loved every bit! Many blessings to you and your sweet mother, Scarlett
Hi Scarlett .. thank you - it seems to have worked to my surprise! My mother is incredibly strong and pulls through each time I'm pleased to say - though she's taken a knock on this one. As long as she's calm, peaceful and comfortable .. that's the main thing.
You are the star of beautiful inspiring cards .. they look just wonderful and by showing us how to make them, with clear instructions, certainly gives us the opportunity to try at home.
Isn't Lenny's letter such fun - glad you enjoyed it ..
Thanks so much Scarlett .. I send you my thoughts, blessings and prayers for you all at this time .. Knox is one special lad .. with a few big hugs - Hilary
Thanks for sharing about Lenny and the email, Hilary. It always puts a big smile on my face when I just see his name, and especially reading what he has written. So sad about the crash.
Hilary, I love these bird shots, especially the first one, the Lilac Breasted Roller - such beautiful colors. We have some of those little wrens around here. We called them little turned up tail birds before we knew what they were.
@ Connie .. yes - Lenny gives us all a lift, he has such amazing joie de vivre .. and his stories are just wonderful.
It can't be easy for the Red Arrow team - and I'm sure his widow will have much support from them and their families. Thanks for your note.
@ Linda .. the Lilac Breasted Roller obviously tickled Lenny to see such colours .. but he's so right about the little wren being similar in shape. Love your description of them .. 'turned-up tail birds' .. great visualising words!
Thanks Connie and Linda .. I'm sure Lenny will love seeing these extra comments ... enjoy your week .. Hilary
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