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The deciduous Oak |
Deciduous trees are the ones that give us this magnificent array of colours, whose spell we all fall under in the Autumn ... the evergreens remind us beneath the snow and ice, or just bare earth with brown stemmed plants, that new shoots of spring will push through in timely fashion as the new year brightens our view.
The falling leaves are the ones we scrunch, that emanate that sensuous nutty smell as we wander through the mists of mellow fruitfulness that arise at this time of year heralding winter’s approach.
In the beech wood |
... the
oranges comes next (carotene), and the yellower xanthophylls.
... it
is the anthocyanins that are responsible for the glorious rusty colours in the
foliage that we see as Autumn progresses.
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A layer
of cork forms to block the leaf channel, the leaf comes loose and falls to the
ground ... our scrunch.
All the
colours of Autumn rainbow will be seen at different times in the northern
hemisphere ... the American Fall, our Indian Summer ... the swathes of mottled
greens, bright oranges, golden yellows, russety reds, ruby rouges, glossy
browns ...
Acer leaves in snow |
will along with rich rosy hips, bright cherry berries, the dark blush of
blackberries, damsons, sloes, the scarlet of holly - all of which offer delight to man and beast
alike ...
A time
of plenty as Harvest arrives – we remember those times past, when the year was
geared to the seasons, when care and husbandry of the people and their lands
was essential to life.
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Pollarded trees in Epping Forest |
As I
travel to Cornwall for my mother’s memorial I shall remember happy autumn days
– our recent holiday in Wales, those crackly walks through the golden spectrums
with the clear blue skies above, and the sun sparkling through those drooping
leaves ...
mother had that caring knowledge of the land, the ability to make sure in our
childhood most of our food came from the garden through planting carefully, plucking
those ripe vegetables and fruits, harvesting the excess for winter days ... and
in doing so gave us that love too.
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Black Bute Blackberry |
... the
cork is being readied ... autumn leaves are dropping ... the harvest will be
readied ... winter provisioning prepared ... then as always in life – spring
will burst through once again ... and we can pop a cork or two of champagne for a celebratory drink to the
wonders of mothers, we, in particular, to our mother.
As you
will have gathered I shall be gone for just over a week – travelling happily
along the autumnal motorways of England – with some tiny lane driving in
between ... main roads to get there – diagonally up to the Welsh Marches, to
the market town of Leominster.
There I
will collect Jenny, Emily Hobhouse’s niece, who has come over from Vancouver
Island to be at her cousin’s memorial service.
We’ll beat the motorways into the west of Cornwall ... and then if
there’s time and the inclination – we shall wander a few Cornish lanes. It is Jenny’s homeland too ...
closing off of a life – well remembered, much loved and almost certainly not
forgotten for many a year ...
... then the dormancy and remembrances through the darkening days ... before the world turns once again, 2013 arrives, spring starts to push forth giving us renewal and new opportunities as we move on.
... then the dormancy and remembrances through the darkening days ... before the world turns once again, 2013 arrives, spring starts to push forth giving us renewal and new opportunities as we move on.
Hobhouse and Oxford – part 1
Hobhouse and Oxford – part 2
holiday to Wales – Provender Hedgerows with Autumn Colour
very happy weeks and see you in (early) mid October .....
Letters Inspirational Stories
Have a safe journey, Hilary. I hope you find peace and comfort in celebrating your mother's wonderful life. Take care
What a lovely tribute to your mom, Hilary. Safe travels to you...and hugs.
Safe journey and look forward to your return. It is a wonderful tribute to your dear mother.
Beautiful tribute to your mum. It also reminded me why autumn is my favourite season.
Have a safe trip.
@ Old Kitty - many thanks .. I'm sure I shall -
@ Elizabeth - much appreciated .. especially the hugs!
@ Yvonne - I expect to have a good trip ... preferably if it's stopped raining!
@ Ellie - there's much to be said for Autumn isn't there - we seem to have lovely seasonal changes here in our little world - large seasons in small spaces!
Cheers to you - Hilary
What a beautiful tribute to your mother, Hilary. Have a safe trip.
Hi Hilary
Oh, I am sorry about your mother. But you are handling it well, with mention of happy memories. My own mother isn't doing well, but I don't think she is near death.
We do appreciate nature when our parents take the time to teach us their wonders beyond their beauty. I lived in Minnesota for ten years. That's over 1,000 miles from Colorado and much further north. Autumn was amazing there. I loved it. Here in Colorado to appreciate the full beauty of the season requires a drive in the mountains.
Take care, I'm hugging you too and sending a kiss in care of Jesus for your Mom.
You brought tears to my eyes, remembering my mother as I read this tribute to yours. You also made me long for good old England with lanes lined with hedgerows, ancient trees, and green grass. Have a safe trip.
Interesting post! I enjoyed reading about the chemical changes in the leaves that give them their characteristic fall colors.
Have a wonderful trip!
Have a wonderful trip and remember your mother with happiness.
@ Susanne - many thanks.
@ Nancy - I'm sorry to hear that your mother is not too good .. these times are always difficult, because we never know what is unfolding before us. My thoughts for you and the family ...
We were lucky to be able to be around nature as children and appreciate the seasons.
I can imagine The Fall in the States - but I'd love to have the opportunity to drive up into the mountains .. such a change of scenery and thus thought provoking.
Really appreciate your thoughts for us ... that's lovely.
@ Inger - a gentle tear drops forth occasionally ... but it's good to remember our parents.
I know your love of England with our ancient trails and byways - my motherland - yours is a little further east ... but each special.
@ Karen - yes .. she will be around, keeping an eye out for us as we complete our own path of life.
@ Jo - I shall .. it will be a happy time.
Thanks so much for your kind words .. cheers Hilary
Have a great time .
Our parents will always be with us no matter where we go.
Their spirit lives on.:)
What a beautiful tribute to your mum Hilary. It brought tears to my eyes and a heavy heart as I think of my mum too. I'm sure her spirit will travel with you wherever you go.
Have a good trip. I hope all goes well with the memorial.
Sounds like this season will be bittersweet with you due to memories of your mom. Such loveliness with the loss of leaves this time of year. Our leaves have just begun to change.
I've always loved autumn. It's not the same here in Los Angeles--not the colors of back east.
In a couple of weeks I'll be going to East Tennessee during what will probably be the height of the fall colors. It will be a poignant visit as I will be going to say good-bye to my step-father who has been afflicted by liver cancer. I hope he lasts for a long time, but my experience with this ailment is that people don't last too long once it's been diagnosed. I pray that he'll still be somewhat up and about by the time I get there.
The irony is that my father died in 1990 of essentially the same type of cancer. I'm concerned about my mother having to go through this a second time at her age.
Sorry, I haven't been by your blog recently, but various circumstances have caused me to curtail much of my blogging activity.
Take care
Tossing It Out
@ A Lady's Life - many thanks and yes her spirit lives on ..
@ Jenni - great to see you: it's sad to remember, yet good to bring our parents back into our lives ...
@ Morning AJ - many thanks .. I'm sure it will be a happy day ..
@ Theresa - I hope we forget the sadness and remember their happy lives and our times with them; a good walk remembering them will clear the cobwebs and tears ..
@ Lee - lovely to see you here .. I am sorry to hear about your mother's 2nd husband and the present trials and tribulations - it's not at all easy - my thoughts are with you all.
I can understand your anxiety for your mother - I do hope there will be family around to help her in the future ... it's not forgetting them and bringing them into life ... giving them something to live for.
You too .. look after yourself ..
Thanks everyone for visiting .. we'll have a lovely time .. cheers Hilary
It's a sad time, but I hope you have a wonderful visit with everyone, Hilary. I hope it comforts you hearing all their wonderful stories.
Last fall we were in New Brunswick for Thanksgiving, and we saw the most spectacular array of reds and purples. The colours captured my heart and I long to live there.
And oh my, don't get me started on blackberry bushes. We had one probably 800' circumference when I was a child. Deadly bushes, but the most delectable fruit.
Inger sent me to you because I long to see England and now I've discovered how lovely you are and how beautiful your writing is.
Janie Junebug
If you're like me, and I suspect you are, your mother's memorial service will be tearful, but surprisingly uplifting, too. Have a safe journey.
@ Joylene - many thanks .. it will bring us all together and will be uplifting.
I remember your trip across country - those Canadian forests must be amazing - one day I hope to get to see it.
Blackberrying has been in full swing this year - the bushes are overflowing - the rain has done something good!!
@ Janie - how lovely to see you (that's what's great about blogging friends .. we get to be able to move around so much ... Sweden, England and the States.)
I really appreciate your comment - and hope to see you around ..
@ Susan - yes .. I'd better pack some handkerchiefs!! I'll try my best not to .. but suspect I won't be able to help myself .. as you say it will be uplifting.
Many thanks Joylene, Janie, Susan .. lovely to see you .. cheers Hilary
What a beautiful post Hilary; I love hearing the science of the autumn colour changes, and what you say about cork especially. Your mother gave you such a love of the earth - what a gift, and what wonderful memories you have of her. I hope the memorial time will be a rich one for you. Travel well.
Hi Juliet - many thanks .. I've wanted to post about the colour change each year - this year it had to happen! The cork growth was interesting I thought ..
The service will be uplifting and despite her parting there is much richness in life ..
I'm quite looking forward to the journeys! It'd be really kind if it stayed dry!!
Cheers Hilary
I love autumn. I hope you have a wonderful holiday, Hilary. My mother's family was originally from Wales. Apparently there is a Garlington castle somewhere in Wales. Let me know if you see it. :)
Have a safe trip. This was a lovely post about your mother and this beautiful season.
Our leaves don't change where I am, but I used to live elsewhere where they did. It was a gorgeous sight.
Have a safe trip. Fall is my favorite season. What a beautiful post.
travel safely! We dont have autumn in L.A., so I enjoyed your pictures a lot:)
Wonderful tribute.
I hope you have a good trip!
The colors of fall are just incredible. It will make a nice associated memory.
Thanks so much for this info, Hilary. I love fall, and the colors are just one of the reasons. The rusty oranges are my favorite, I think.
Hope you have a safe and sweet journey as you remember your mother. Will be thinking of and praying for you.
Love and blessings,
Thinking of you.... (hug)
My sincerest condolences on the loss of your mother, Hilary. I enjoyed the signs of fall over in England for my brief visit...colored leaves, cool winds...many blessings to you and your family as you say goodbye.
So many memories captured in a season...be well and happy as you gaze at the beauty.
Damn, I wish I had known you were so close to my part of Shropshire. For some reason your comments always end up in my spam box, from where I have to retrieve them.
We could have met in Leominster! It's only about 3/4 hrs. drive from me.
I feel as if I met and knew your mother through you. I'll be thinking of you for your mother's memorial. I know how much the memorial service for my mother meant to me. Take care.
Have a safe trip, Hilary. This is really a beautiful tribute to your mother.
When some years ago my grandma died, my mom told me the story of her mom, so my grandma. Her dad was in the Second World War back then, and one day while my grandma, her brother and sisters, were setting the dinner table, they heard some steps coming upstairs and they knew it was him. My grandma ran towards the door, opened it, but no one was there. A few days later they got the letter he passed away.
After my grandma died I could see her in some way, feel that she's with me. I only can't see her with my eyes anymore, but with my heart. That story is the reason why I believe that the souls will come back to their beloved ones, and continue to live. As long as we think about them, they won't be forgotten.
You've created a wonderful tribute Hilary, to make your mother proud. Thinking of you.xx
I hope you have a wonderful holiday, Hilary.
Here in Colorado our fall is very welcome after a long, very hot summer. We'll now bobble between warmish temps and cold...we might even have our first light dusting of snow tomorrow night.
They're right...an excellent tribute to your mother.
I took my mother in law to see the beautiful fall leaves a couple of days ago. She is 87 and appreciates simple beauties like that.
The leaves are already starting to cover up some of the trails I've been running. Fall seems to have come too quick this year. Just hope it stays nice so I can run for another month or so.
What an awesome tribute, Hil. I am so proud to be your friend. Thinking of you. Please be safe. I am moving to WordPress in November.
It takes me an hour just to log in to post or make comments. Stupid hackers!
Anyway, your mom would be so proud. <3
Your mother must be very proud of her daughter, Hilary.
Through your writings, she captured the hearts of many of us. She will be missed and not only my her family, but also by your readers.
I know the memorial service will go well and you will see many family and friends...just remember to come back to us, too. Okay?
This is a beautiful post, your descriptions of nature and the tenderness of remembering your Mom~
I am so sorry for you loss~ Cherish her in your memories~ Our heart finds a way, to keep those we love close~
Your Mother would love this post!
a glowing description of autumn, a season both fleeting and thinly spread through the beginnings and middle of our winter here.
You may be back by now - I hope your trip went well.
Hi Hilary,
I know I'm rather late in getting here. I'm sure that the memorial for your mother was peaceful and reflective.
May the resplendent colours of Autumn bring glowing warmth to our hearts as we await the throes of Winter and the rebirth in the Spring.
Blessings to you, my friend.
I'm late, too, Hilary, but hope you have a wonderful time with your family.
Nice to hear that someone from our part of the country, Vancouver Island, is visiting you.
@ Lynn - thanks so much .. I don't know Garlington Castle .. perhaps it's spelt another way?
@ Medeia - I think we all love Autumn don't we .. many thanks.
@ Ciara - lovely to see you .. it wasn't as autumnal as I thought it would be
@ Nutschell .. delighted I brought some memories of Autumn into your sunlit LA life!
@ Golden Eagle - many thanks ..
@ Holly - surprisingly they were still relatively green .. lots of berries but not a lot of autumn - they were changing though .. yes it will be a happy time to remember.
@ Karen - we had the flowers in the Church - but driving down there was still a lot of green ..
@ Sharon - many thanks ..
@ Scarlett - so pleased you had an interesting visit here .. and thank you so much for your thoughts ..
@ Laura - memories keep popping up from friends and family and our own .. such a good thought.
@ Friko - blogger is a pain, I know! I'd have loved to have met up with you - but probably not the right time .. as the brain was occupied with the Memorial and picking Jenny up safely to drive down to Penzance .. definitely another day!
@ Ros - thanks Ros so much - my mother would be so chuffed to receive everyone's thoughts .. the Memorial was lovely .. and does mean much ..
@ Sanny - appreciate your comment. I can quite believe your mother's story ... and similarly others .. and I love the way you say you can see your grandmother with your heart ... I can quite believe that. Our dear ones aren't forgotten in our own memories ... so so true
@ Susan - many thanks ..
@ Patricia - it was a memorable trip which was the intent ... autumnal mists are upon us here .. I'm pleased we don't have snow yet!
@ Michelle - many thanks .. I'm so pleased to see your MIL enjoyed her trip into the autumn colours of fall - she sounds a very down to earth lady .. the simple pleasures are so often the best .. wise lady.
@ Chase - running on damp leaves can't be much fun .. especially as they sludge down ..I can see that - but the aromas that touch the senses are just gorgeous .. I hope that some trails stay open for you ...
@ Robyn - many many thanks .. we had a lovely service and gathering .. sorry you're having so much stress with your blog, and hope the WP move sorts things out .. selfish hackers I'd say (time wasters). My mother would have enjoyed her party ... I'm pleased to say!
@ Sara - it's funny how someone can be transmuted across: I do feel as though I've given an essence of my mother via the blog - despite not writing that often ..the postscript notes seemed to do the trick.
So appreciate your thoughts here - the Memorial Service was lovely and we had a good day ... and I'm back now - sort of ... !!
@ Ella - your words are lovely - thank you .. we are cherishing her memory and as you say our hearts will remember .. I believe my mother would have loved the post, but more importantly everyone's comments ..
@ Coral - our Autumn, your Spring ... those colourings are the same .. and your rebirth with the greenings let us know new life south of the equator is springing forth ...
@ Gary - no worries .. we had a happy time .. the Autumn is resplendent (good word!) isn't it .. and does bring a warm glow to the cockles of our heart .. I could do with an 'easy' winter and look forward to the advent of 2013's Spring.
@ DG - not a problem, lovely seeing you. Yes Jenny has been very good at visiting her home country and county ... she has lots of connections over here ... it was a happy Memorial ..
Many many thanks everyone .. my mother would have loved all your comments over the years .. she did love her hugs, and all those thoughts ... and yes, I'm sure she'd have been extremely gratified at all your lovely thoughts .. she was always grateful for interaction ..
You're all stars ... I really appreciate you all ...
Cheers for now - I'm around again and will ease in ... many many thanks and hugs - Hilary
I miss you, Hil. Safe return soon. Hugs and loves. I'm thinking of you.
Have a safe journey, Hilary.
Lovely tribute to your mum.
@ Robyn .. I'm back! Got home safely last night .. I'm honoured you're keen for my blogging journey to continue ...
@ Nas - many thanks, safely concluded now ... much appreciated ..
Cheers and big hugs to you both - Hilary
A lovely tribute to your mother. Thanks for sharing such a special post. Autumn carries a tinge of hope and the beauty of sadness and nostalgia. I also think of somebody I lost at this time of year... your comments are very wise and insightful Hilary.
Hi Julia - lovely to see you here .. remembering those days of care and husbandry of not many decades ago is a good reminder - I'm sorry for your loss, but am glad if my words brought some small comfort with them in your memories. Thanks so much - Hilary
Oh my gosh, Hilary. My Mom loved fall and she just passed in late August. This is a beautiful post about autumn and mothers and nature. Thank you so much for sharing this with your followers. Happy Fall!
Hi Victoria Marie - thanks for clicking through and reading ... after your delightful post about helping your kids understand the Fall colour changes in the trees/leaves. Six years on ... and I'm so glad I had a chance to read through again and remember my Mama in this context. Mothers are nature ... aren't they ... the start us all off - and the Fall is wonderful with its fullness of colours and crisp air. Cheers Hilary
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