The bloggers we
really miss…
and the ones we would really miss!
How do
you decide – an impossibility ... as so many have so many wonderful attributes
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O come all ye faithful ... with apologies! |
I’d miss: those who comment often and genuinely on my
blog and around the blogosphere ...
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My hands ... up for help |
Bloggers I really miss – I notice when people don’t post so often ... and will almost certainly notice those who slip slide away ...
There are one or two who have
challenges and I respect their quiet withdrawl ... miss them hugely (Ann,
Jannie)– but some I keep in touch via
email ...
I would miss:
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The sunshine of our blog lives - our blogging friends |
Coltrin at Journaling Woman –
just because she’s always been there ... and I love her take on life ... and I
want to get to mow her yard one year?!
at all the Ttttttts ...
‘cos she just combines so much and keeps her spirits up ...
Lee of Lennys-world ....
who could be more alive than this kid ...?
shout outs
Elizabeth Spann Riley – blogs I read to learn from
Friko - educates me ...
Prufrock – Susan – musically educates me ... well that's a hard one!
No .... no .... I can’t do this ... Denise in Oz, Gary –
who pours his heart out,
but teaches us so much .... Joylene at Cluculz Lake – I need that lake in my life! Just
love rattling that name outa my littly mouth ... Ros up in Leicester, Sue in Oz ... Judy Croome in South Africa ... Diane in France (with
African connections) .... heavens above .... ah ah ... I have the exact right
quote now ...
My brain is bigger than the sky above
this on the side of a school bus yesterday ...
So my hand is up ... I give up ... I
wilt into my blog post – I know I’ve missed way too many supportive writers,
bloggers, friends, commenters ...
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Joylene's Cluculz Lake |
Barbara, Joanne ...
one is around, one may return, one has gone ...
The organisers of How I miss you Blogfest promoted by Andrew, Matthew and Alex ..... and I definitely couldn't leave the Bird out - Arlee ....
Then there’s another 390+ who are there
somewhere ... they followed ... to most I say don’t leave me!
Susan of Prufrock's Dilemma
Denise Covey - L'Aussie Writer ... Aussies Writer Blogspot
Gary and Penny, his special beloved pal - Klahanie Blogspot
Joylene of Cluculz Lake ... Cluculz Writer Blogspot
Ros Adam - Ros is Writing in the Rain blogspot
Sue of Australia ... Jumping Aground Blogspot or Traverse Life (where, as a former teacher, now career counsellor) she focuses on perspectives of life .. including bullying and climate aspects)
Positive Letters
Inspirational Stories
You did such a wonderful job with this Hilary! You always make everyone feel special with your comments! Julie
It really is so difficult to pick out just a few. The on-line writing community is filled with wonderful people from around the world that amaze me very day. (:
The blogging community is wonderful, isn't it?
I am really enjoying this blogfest as I am meeting and reading so many wonderful new (to me) blogs. I am your newest follower.
Though am enjoying this blogfest, I had a hard time writing my post. you did a pretty good job with yours!
There are many bloggers who I really miss if they have not posted or commented. I worry if they are not around and wonder what what has happened.
Thanks for mentioning me, I appreciate it. Have a good weekend Diane
Hi Hilary! You picked out some bloggers that I have not heard of so off I go to check them out! Have a wonderful week-end :)
Yes! The list is so hard! You are a most wonderful blogger, Hilary. I enjoy the energy and information you pour into your posts. Keep going! :)
You want to mow somebody's lawn?
Thank yo, Hilary. Your blog is a delight, as are you. I feel cheated if I don't get to read your posts. They are so informative.
My yard is waiting for you, well not right now as it's trying to become dormant for the winter.
Again, thanks for mentioning my blog. It means so much!
Nicely done...
I too enjoy your energy and voice! I always learn something, when I visit you! Cheers to you~
You covered so many and so well! Thanks, Hilary.
And thank you for participating in our blogfest.
Sort of I'd miss you all isn't it? How can you really cover the whole gamut of bloggers you read and enjoy?
I don't know what we'd do without Elizabeth.
Awww...Theresa and Lenny! Theresa is so supportive and absolutely wonderful. I would miss her, too. And I just met Lenny. What a cool kid!
Well done. You're right... our blogging friends really are the sunshine of our lives. It's hard to believe how much we can look forward to hearing from someone we've never actually met... and likely never will meet. And how much we can learn from them, think about them, worry about them, etc. The bloogosphere is amazing. It gives us a sense of community.
You were so touching in your tributes to bloggers, Hilary. I loved reading what you said. I also got such a kick out of the Dalai Lama's blessing. You are wonderful.
Thanks Hilary. You blog is always informative and I will always come back. Keep up the good work.:)
Thank you for the mention my dear Hilary. I've missed visiting of late, not just your blog, but many. So many things have been going on with me of late that I've found it difficult to keep up with all the networking I used to do and still attend to my family and my daily affairs. There's never enough time for everything!
I'm sure you understand. Blogging is so hugely time consuming to do it in such a way that I can continually include everyone. Maybe I need to cut back more on my posting. I don't know. Somewhere some sacrifices will have to be made.
Thank you for your continued support and kindness.
Tossing It Out
@ Julie - many thanks and for the mention ... just glad I persevered and eventually blogger pulled the threads together - so now it works: thankfully!
@ Elise - exactly as you say
@ Lynn - amazing
@ Rhonda - good to meet you .. and thanks for following...
@Damyanti - appreciate the complement re the post .. it's pretty!
@ Diane - pleasure I'd miss not reading about France etc ..
@ Siv - I hope you can find their links .. if not email me or post again and I'll tie you in .. I only posted three links! Conformed in one way or the other ... an unusual occurrence!!
@ Laura - really appreciate the comment .. yup - I quite enjoy mowing lawns .. guess I don't have one of my own! Teresa's lawn - I'll get there one day!!
@ Teresa - just delighted to have such a wonderful comment .. oh yes I look forward to that mow ..
@ Ella - thanks so much - makes me want to blog more ...
@ Alex - it's a pleasure .. you, Matthew and Andrew have put on a good show ..
@ Jo - yes that's just about right .. I'd miss them all ..
@ Diane - you and Elizabeth both .. so much information on your sites - it's wonderful to know the resource is there ..
@ Susan - Lenny is amazing isn't he .. and then Theresa - she achieves so much ..
@ Karen - I didn't want to post a few .. but I did only link 3 - enjoy Guatemala ..
@ Susan - I certainly learn loads and learn how to look at different ways of life ... the education is very interesting. Then I do worry if I don't see someone for a while ... and I see an article and I think oh so and so would be interested in that .. occasionally that tie in will happen which is so rewarding ..
@ Lee - had to put some fun and light into the post .. just delighted you found the post happy .. when I saw the Dalai Lama's photo - I just thought ah ah .. that's a good way to end ... how can we acknowledge everyone ... way too many ...
@ A Lady's Life - so kind of you and so pleased you'll always be reading ..
Cheers to you all - have great weekends ... Hilary
Hi Lee - it's a pleasure .. you've always been there for everyone and done so much for us.
I realise family and daily life haven't been that easy for you - and only hope things ease up ..
I know coping with one blog and 400+ followers keeps me fully occupied - so I always felt you were stretching those strings rather a lot ... especially with the A - Z Challenge - which is just so amazing ...
... and I'm sure is one of the reasons we all have so much fun - because you set that up and allowed us to actively interact with each other ... it's been brilliant - opened up my world.
So you probably deserved chief mention and you only got a passing pat on the back ..
Good luck with evaluating where you're at and I'm sure many of us will be there to support you ..
It's been a pleasure being with you on this journey ... have a peaceful weekend ... Hilary
There are a lot of good blogs around, aren't there? I'd find it impossible to list all those I'd miss if they vanished.
A great post with some great blogs mentioned!
And thanks so much for the mention, here! Much appreciated. :) I'd miss your blog, too...I always, always learn something here.
Hilary, so glad to be connected now! You've got a fabulous blog. And I loved your list of bloggers here! ;-)
It is impossible to only pick a few and not feel like you've left someone out.
Love how you did this blogfest, Hilary. You are always such a cheer-giver!
That's a great list!
There's a few in your list that I'm not acquainted with, so I'm about to remedy that now. You would be missed, too. :)
Thanks for stopping by my blog! I don't know any of the bloggers you mentioned, but it sounds like you have a great network!
@ Patsy .. I so agree - this was a really difficult post to compose - and always people are going to be left out.
@ Elizabeth - great to see you - yea one or two great bloggers?! Glad you noted your name ..
@ Morgan .. good to see you - many thanks for your comment
@ Nancy - yes I'm afraid I probably missed out many ..
@ Nutschell - appreciate that thought .. your blogposts are so thorough ..
@ Sherry - it was fun to make up ..
@ David - I hope you can find the people .. let me know if not .. and thank you re the note
@ Camille - yes I'm very lucky with my blogging friends ..
Cheers everyone - have great weekends ... Hilary
You mention so many blogs I don't know about! I'll have to check them out!
Yay...another rule breaker. Everyone else stuck to the rules of just naming three--but I didn't either. haha. I didn't even realize until I started hopping around. Too many people to name though, right?
Glad I found your blog.I'm a new follower. :)
bloggyland is such an amazing place filled with great people. Glad to have bumped into you, Hilary. :)
You did good! I recognize many of those bloggers, and I would miss them, too.
Happy Weekend :)
You are so brave to have mentioned so many (in different colors, too:)
Have a safe, happy weekend, Hilary :)
I wanted to list people like that, too! There are just so many great bloggers around. :) Love your choices.
Great post! So many great blogs out there.
Teresa at Journaling Woman is amazing and always has something positive and uplifting to say.
A few of these people are strangers to me. I'll have to stop by and visit them over the weekend.
This post is an inspirations message in itself. Thank you for sharing.
Hello Hilary. You love this blogosphere, don't you, and it shows. How beautiful. Thanks for the mention. I also love many bloggers you mentioned esp. Diane from France. She's are so many others, including yourself! D
Just dropping by to say "hello Hilary". I hope you're having a wonderful weekend.
You made me chuckle with this one Hilary. Thank you. I needed a chuckle.
@ Kimberley - I think I'll have to go back to the post and put the links up .. they're all wonderful ..
@ Tamara - I'll skip around I'm afraid - way too many good bloggers around ..thanks for following ..
@ Mary - good to have you here .. good luck with your new book too ..
@ Carol - yea .. I don't have a Tiki Hut - but I can get my post to look as though it belongs there! Great bloggers around ..
@ Mark - I didn't wimp out - I threw the sheet to the wind .. forgot many, remembered a few!
@ GE - I just went for it .. freedom of speech isn't it?!
@ Christine - it was a fun exercise ..
@ Stephen - Teresa is always delightful isn't she .. I'll be putting the links up of the others I gave honourable mentions to!
@ Caroline - appreciate that .. and I hope you find some new bloggers ..
@ Denise - yup I keep up (just!) .. you deserve a mention as do the others, and many more I didn't highlight ..
@ Donna - good to see you - I'll get to the weekend when I've woken up properly!!
@ Juliet - glad you had a laugh with me .. we all need a chuckle don't we ... well we do here with the gloomy weather!
Cheers everyone - enjoy the weekend .. I'll put the links in for all honourable mentions! Looking forward to Sunday and a sunny day ... Hilary
Wonderful tribute to deserving bloggers, Hilary.
You surely would be on my list as a blog(ger) I would miss - I'm glad you're out here and that I've had the pleasure of getting to know you!
Hugs, Jenny
I'm a day late, but I'm hitting the rounds now. I've been struggling keeping up with blogging, and I'm so thankful when I get to come here and enjoy your energy. Love your blog!
Hilary, I reached the photograph and thought "wow, what a pretty lake." LOL, boy some days I'm just too quick for my own good.
Excellent choices, Hilary. Excellent!
Great job! I must start checking out these blogs. It is so wonderful how the blog world is vast and full of awesome people. I wanted to list more than 3 and I can see I should have. :-)
Hi Jenny - you're going great guns with your drawing-sketching .. just so plucky. I'd miss you too .. but we're in touch via email ..
@ Ciara - no worries re a day late .. I've just done the rest of the list - many thanks for your thoughts ..
@ Joylene - I wondered about the lake! Thought it'd be fun to put the pic in ... your photos are lovely - mind you your home-setting is great ... I'm jealous! Thanks re the choices ..
@ Junebug - well I rarely stick to the rules .. and try and make things fun and interesting - amuses me too .. good to see you -
Thanks Jenny, Ciara, Joylene and Junebug ... enjoy your weekends - Hilary
Hard to pick, isn't it? Nicely done though, and I totally agree about Arlee....
Tina @ Life is Good
We all love you and would MISS you terribly if you stopped blogging, Hil. You are sunshine to all. Mwah!
I love how you set this up! Some great blogs listed. You have a new ;)
Some new names here for me I'll have to check them out. Nice to meet you Hilary :)
so many friends! and a fun colorful presentation! yay!
What a great way to do the post. You took so much time and put so much care in it. I think that's sweet!
Since I discovered blogging in 2006 and nobody knew what a blog was it became my hobby. I wouldn't know what to do if I didn't have my 4 blogs ! I made many virtual friends and some of them became real and we met. Blogging to me is my window to the world. I have learned so many things ! I think I could never stop ! The good thing is, even sitting in a wheelchair I could always follow my hobby !
@ Tina - so hard to pick - and yes Arlee - he really did set things up ...
@ Robyn - you are a star - thanks very much ..
@ Donna - welcome and thanks for following
@ Suzanne - good to see you too
@ Tara - missed many too .. not easy to remember and select!
@ Elizabeth - I enjoyed doing something different - thanks
@ Gattina - does make a difference doesn't it .. one blog is enough for me! Something we can do in the years ahead - you're right there ..
Thanks everyone .. lovely sunny Sunday morning .. Hilary
Beautiful tribute! Just beautiful, thank you for stopping by my blog, but more importantly for introducing me to so many other wonderful bloggers.
Hi, Hilary....
SO Glad I wasn't the only one with posting only three! It's IMPOSSIBLE ... too many blogger buddies to even contemplating picking so little.
Well done! I love you ZEST!
Thank you, Hilary for including me on this list. I am honoured because I've not been posting or commenting as often as I used to. However, I'm glad that we have stayed in touch via email!
I know what you mean about missing those blogging friends that have slowed down with their posting. I understand that life takes people in different directions, but it is always nice to visit a familiar blog and join in the conversation.
You have a great community here and I admire your consistency and your dedication to posting on your blog. You do a wonderful job, Hilary.
@ Yolande - many thanks .. it's great to meet new people and to find out about others ...
@ Michael - oh I know - it was impossible and I kept on remembering others .. but ... I zested them up .. thanks for coming by and commenting ..
@ Davina - pleasure - I know .. but talk about luck you've just posted, so I hope a few will come over and meet you ..
You're right it's that joining in the conversation and not being forgotten as time passes ..
I'm very lucky with everyone that visits .. just love them all ..
Cheers to you three ... Hilary
Hi, Hilary.
You've given me a slew of blogs to check out. Thanks. Also, I didn't realize I wasn't already a follower, so I just changed that.
Be well.
What a great list! I'm not familiar with many of these but I must check them out. A few sound very interesting to me
It's hard keeping up with everyone, isn't it?
How could I leave you when I enjoy your posts so much? :)
Hi Hilary,
I am compelled at gone one in the morning, to comment on this wonderfully formulated posting in regards to that most noble of blogfests. Indeed, it embraces the genuine ideals of a sharing, caring community and you have shown such clear demonstration.
And I note that ray of youthful, positive sunshine, our buddy, Lenny is on your list.
Looking down your list at the end, I must say I'm truly flattered that you would include us in the "don't leave me!" group. Of course, Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet star, recently promoted to superstar status, due to her guest posting on Alex's site, thinks you are well neat for a human!
Cheers Hilary and may you long continue to delight and inform with your articulate and fascinating posts.
Gary and of course, Penny! :)
Very sweet post, Hilary! And some of those blogs are new to me so I look forward to checking them out. I know I would miss your positive stories and letters if you ever stopped blogging! :)
You mentioned a lot of bloggers I need to check out. It's such an amazingly supportive community!
Thanks so much for taking part, Hilary!
I love the look of this post. I love the colors and the jumping orientation.
And what a list! I'm gonna check out a few of these.
@ Robyn - love the word 'slew' - thanks for following and sure hope you enjoy the other bloggers ..
@ Heather - I'm sure you'll enjoy some of them - they're fun
@ Susan - it's very hard keeping up - and thanks so very much for the big tick for my posting!
@ Gary - one o'clock .. oh boy that's an unearthly hour!
Gary, you and Penny are great always giving us the better side of life .. well, I sure hope you won't ever leave us bloggers ... Penny, the superstar, of course is always humble and that's a blessing in this world - and it's fun to read Penny thinks "I'm well neat for a human"!!
Appreciate the thumbs up for the posting .. and Lenny is just wonderful = that ray of sunshine.
@ Julie - that's great .. it's good to be able to note some new bloggers .. and I'd hate to miss my librarian friend and her Clancy ..
@ Michael - you hit the nail on the head .. an amazingly supportive community
@ Matthew - pleasure I've enjoyed participating and meeting new people
@ Shelly - I'm not always so colourful - just thought a little colouring was due! Enjoy a few of my blogging friends .. Thanks for following too ..
Cheers everyone - enjoy your preparations for Thanksgiving .. Hilary
Dear Hilary,
I've been remiss most of the summer but I peep once in awhile. I don't even know what going on. I do know that I really missed many bloggers and it was like weening one's self from an addiction. It makes no sense that I push myself to the limit and keep so busy but I guess that is just the nature of certain people. I saw you over at Sue's and I agree with you.... as mostly always.
Hi Hilary! It's so hard to single only a few out, but there are those who just seem to resonate for whatever reason and affect us just a tiny bit more. Thanks for sharing yours! :)
This was a great idea for a blog fest, and you choose some wonderful bloggers. It's such a great community.
Hi, Hilary! Great post! Lenny Lee would definitely be missed in the blogging community if he quit blogging. He is such a great kid.
Such a wonderful heartfelt post. How difficult it must have been to choose. I don't know where I would begin. The blogging world rocks!
@ Manzanita - well I think you've had lots going on and being able to be outside sorting out your property - makes a lot more sense. Thanks for coming by though ..
@ PK - it was extremely hard to single people out - as in life some resonate .. and affect us in so many ways ..
@ Talli - it was fun post to write up .. just so many to choose from this great community of ours ..
@ Susanne - you're so right Lenny would be missed enormously .. I love seeing his avatar around the blogosphere ..
Cheers everyone - lovely to see you .. Hilary
Hi Hilary,
What a thoughtful post. I know that I've made some great blogger friends and I really look forward to reading every new post.
I don't say that often enough though. I just read in happy silence. Maybe I should do something about that.
@ Ellie - sorry you popped into spam - rescued! Why when all your other comments come through I have no idea ..
It was really difficult and I didn't necessarily want to chose the obvious bloggers ...
@ Chase - it's a degree of work to comment - yet the rewards in the interaction we get are so wonderful .. but you're very busy with a lot on your plate - so I understand and am always grateful when I see you!!
Cheers to you both .. Hilary
Thank you so much for the mention. It was a most unexpected mention. I was mentally preparing my comment which was to say that I too value Arlee's contribution to my blogging life. I would never have met you for a start. So thank you, Hilary and thank you, Arlee and what a fascinating topic for a blogfest.
Hi Ros .. it's been great having you around and knowing you're relatively nearby ... and I've loved reading about Leicester and your Jewish voice at times ...
Delighted you're chuffed!! Cheers Hilary
Hilary, you're an inspiration to us all.
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