Friday, 14 December 2012

Christmas with The Hobbit ...

Christmas is a-coming – it is the launch of The Hobbit – the film ... and last night I was able to do something I thought I’d never get to do on this blog ... beat many of you to see a film.

Mary Pax' poster design

Our film society had its latest showing on Wednesday and I was wondering if I needed to get back for SkyFall before they took it off – but to my surprise noticed The Hobbit was showing the next day – I thought it only opened today on the 14th ....

So as SkyFall is still on ... off I went to meet up with the curious Hobbit.  He must have been surprised to find in this ‘retirement’ town on the south coast of little England – the outskirts of Middle Earth – a cinema practically empty – luxury!!

An Art Deco cabinet  - that would look
not out of place at Bag End
The film is brilliant and I’ll be so looking forward to reading your thoughts on the movie, once you get to see it ... Alex I know will want to be first ... but nota bene – I beat you to it Capn Alex Joseph Ninja!

 Curiouser and curiouser ... oh that comes from a much more recent book and I thought it was an ‘old phrase’ (interesting how quickly that has come into my mind’s (at least) psyche ...

Bilbo appears from his Down the Rabbit Hole – but as we know Tolkien, on marking exam papers – got bored! – found a blank page ... and wrote the immortal words: In a hole in the ground there lived a hobbit ...

Fruit and Flowers at Fortnums (homely!)
I’d love to live in Bilbo’s hole in the ground – it seemed extraordinarily homely ... lovely creamy woods, full of food – pantries of it ... so don’t go hungry, because you’ll have a rumbling tum ... mind you you’ll work it off in the chases!

Rewind a few years (regrettably a few decades) I remember being daunted by my grandmother’s Christmas present to us all, though I doubt my brothers remember as I must have only been 8; this big box arrived from Fortnum and Mason’s ...

Fortnum and Mason £ breaking hamper
... it was full of all kinds of goodies I expect, but was definitely not what we were used to ... I’m sure it had biscuits, teas, jams, chocolates etc, lots of toys – but the thing I remember (and always have) was a book: The Hobbit.

I read voraciously ... but could never get my head into that book then or later, perhaps now is the time of change.  The imagination required from this youngster was obviously not there ... also my grandmother died soon afterwards, and my father was not very well ... so no guidance would have been available to help with reading it.

That Christmas box with the book The Hobbit remains embedded in my memory ...

British Library's poster of Hobbiton Hill

On one of my forays to the British Library I spotted that there was a lecture on 21 September – 75 years to the day after the first publication of The Hobbit – I thought of you ...
An Art Deco panther ... possibly a model for
the deadly Wark?

It was fascinating, choc-a-block, and I just sat mesmerised listening, without taking notes (I’m sorry to say – I should have had a tape recorder for this one). 

The speakers were brilliant ... the main thing that stood out in my mind, was one of the speakers saying that all great stories come from the heart, written without thought for publication ...

... often written for children, grandchildren, nephews, nieces, or young friends with no intent in mind, other than to tell a mighty good yarn – which purely by default turns into a masterpiece ... many that we know: Wind in the Willows, Alice through the Looking Glass, The Hobbit ...

Oh and one other snippet I remembered: on the early dust-cover the red sun had to be taken out ... because in pre-war Britain they could only use three colours ...

Just had to add in this
Art Deco staircase made
from golden wood
(warm and homely too)

So to celebrate with you all fellow Hobbit Festers c/o Mary Pax and Tyrean and her writing spot ... this has been my personal history of The Hobbit – and now it looks like I must clamber down my hobbit hole to read the book, then see the film again – no doubt with a fuller audience.

Enjoy the fest and the film anon ...

The British Library notes on the Event “TheHobbit at 75”

*The cinema can now show HD films – and this has enabled us to see films that we might have missed ... this week's being the very British 1943 updated version of The Life and Death of Colonel Blimp ...

Hilary Melton-Butcher
Positive Letters Inspirational Story


Elizabeth Spann Craig said...

Looking forward to this film...thanks for sharing your thoughts, Hilary. You did beat everyone to it!

Aren't we glad Tolkien got so bored while grading? :)

Laura Eno said...

Yes, you beat the ninja captain to the movies!
I've never read The Hobbit. I started to read Lord of the Rings before but couldn't stand Tom Bombadil so gave up. I noticed he's not in the LotR movie so many other people didn't like him either. :)

A Lady's Life said...

Oh I think The Hobbit is a wonderful story I love all those stories for kids and adults alike.

Tonja said...

That's great you got to see it already.

Optimistic Existentialist said...

I am very much looking forward to this film. I recently watched the Lord of the Rings trilogy for the first time so I feel it's all fresh in my memory :)

Betsy Wuebker said...

Oh, you lucky! When Lord of the Rings ended, Pete and I were stupefied: "What? Wait…don't stop!" Can't wait to see this. Thanks for the recommendation!

Mike Goad said...

Love the Hobbit and looking forward to seeing the movie. My old paperback copy -- which I may have somewhere -- was well read, well used, cover missing, spine broken through multiple reads my me and our oldest daughter. I do have a newer hard bound copy, a present, I think from oldest daughter.

Ella said...

wow, you beat the Ninja! You deserve pastries, chocolate and tea! Or maybe Hot Tamales, lol.

I love all you shared and how THE HOBBIT entered your world. I think my brother has my original copy!

Luanne G. Smith said...

Whaaaaat??! A half empty theater! I'm waiting until next week to see it just so I can avoid the initial crowds.

And I LOVE that cabinet you found. Very Hobbit-like.

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

@ ELizabeth - you and the family will love the film .. and I think I did beat everyone to it! Oh yes .. thankfully his mind too was full of other ideas - I know someone else like that, who uses the aka Spann-Riley!, but has a head full of multiple creative thoughts ...

@ Laura - he's not even here yet ... I must give the Hobbit another go and see if I can get into Tolkien's head a little .. The Lord of the Rings films I haven't seen, let alone read the books ..

@ A Lady's Life - lucky you ... being able to enter Tolkien's world ... you must have been so absorbed.

@ Tonja - lucky me!

@ Keith - I have yet to see the Lord of the Rings trilogy .. soon perhaps.

@ Betsy - yup I got lucky .. good thing my eyes were working! I need to see LOTR trilogy though ..

@ Mike - you'll love the film ... and obviously passed on your love to the family ... I do have a copy I think - but it's practically untouched I think!

@ Ella - oh goodie .. pastries and chocolate would be good, though then I'll need tea ... the hot tamales will have to wait!

I hope your brother can find your copy - for your kids .. I enjoyed sharing my memory bank - good to have those memories down here ..

@ Luanne - I know - not even half empty ... just plain empty - but they're anticipating the crowds, Skyfall has been downgraded to the smaller theatre to make way for The Hobbit upstairs in the larger room.

Thanks .. I loved putting the other photos in ..

Cheers to you all - it's a great movie ... Hilary

MorningAJ said...

I am SO jealous! I want to see the film so much. It's been a favourite book of mine for a long time. I even had a dog called Bilbo Baggins many years ago!

Sherry Ellis said...

I'm looking forward to seeing the Hobbit. Lucky you for being able to see it before everyone else!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Yes, you beat me to it! Jamie is posting his review today as well. I'll still go and enjoy.

Tyrean Martinson said...

Thank you for sharing your personal history with the Hobbit. I would have loved to have heard that lecture! And I'm glad you enjoyed the movie. I did too!

M Pax said...

It was a great opening line to the Hobbit. I enjoyed reading your unexpected Hobbit journey. The visions of the shire have always stuck with me.

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

@ Karen - at least I didn't do a review .. couldn't have done it justice anyway - so am looking forward to reading everyone else's.

@ Morning AJ - it's on here - jump a train and we'll go together! I now wish I'd got into the book .. and a dog called Bilbo Baggins - good old Bilbo the dog - love it ..

@ Sherry - I was lucky .. if the film society hadn't of had their film on - I'd have never have known ..

@ Alex - I didn't do a review .. just a little history ..

@ Tyrean - the lecture was brilliant, just wish I'd take notes .. and I see you've seen it ... it was fun.

@ Mary - Tolkien's opening line is fun isn't it .. I must now complete my Hobbit journey - and read the book ... so the visions of the Shire can open up in my imagination ..

Cheers to you all - I've got lots of others to visit over the weekend .. Hilary

Old Kitty said...

Oh you lucky lucky lucky thing you!! Oh wow - I cannot wait to see the Hobbit and re-enter my very own Hobbit Home and Hole too! Yay!

Fortnum and Mason?! Nice!!

Take care

Joylene Nowell Butler said...

Ah, you've made me so excited over the Hobbit that I must insist my husband see it sooner than soon. I love the actor Martin Freeman from the Sherlock series. The lady reviewer on the morning news said it okay, but too violent. That surprised me. Glad you chose to review it so I have a 2nd opinion!

Merry Christmas, Hilary.

Janie Junebug said...

How lovely that you enjoyed the movie so much. The Hurricane loves everything hobbity, so I bet she'll want to see the movie and perhaps she'll allow me to accompany her.


Tamara said...

Loved reading your memory of getting the box. Little things like that are the coolest childhood memories. I never read The Hobbit either. I read voraciously my whole life, and even tried to read it out loud to my kids once I reached adulthood, but I could never get into the story. I hear The Lord of the Rings is much better, although I'll admit to never having read that either. haha.

I still want to see the movie though! Glad you enjoyed it so much. :)

Denise Covey said...

Well done Hilary beating the Ninja to The Hobbit. There was such a hoo-ha down here in the Southern Hemisphere when it premiered in NZ, of course where it was made. It's going to be such a hit. Great Hobbit post.

Patsy said...

I haven't been to the cinema in a long time. Must go soon.

ana said...

Hi Hilary I dont usualy go to the cinema.How lovely that you enjoyed the movie.

Summer Ross said...

I have never read but I do plan to see the movie. Thank you so much for always taking the time to visit my blog. I appreciate you.

Anonymous said...

I dare say I shall await the DVD - but lucky you seeing The Hobbit first! The Hobbit was the book we were given to read in English lessons aged eleven. I remember it well and I enjoyed it back then. I have also read Lord of the Rings and seen it at the cinema but funnily enough, I prefer the Hobbit any day. As always your posts is full of interesting links Hilary, thank you :-)

Gwen Gardner said...

Joseph, huh? Now we know.

It's a lovely Hobbit in the basket story. And I remember that cover, as well, from the firsst time I read it.

Chatty Crone said...

Well you got a variety of answers. I know when it comes out here - we'll all go this Christmas. Glad for the good review. sandie

Chuck said...

Hilary I will be seeing this after the holiday rush and getting back from vacation. I really enjoyed the Hobbit when I was in was the book all the cool kids were reading.

If you have time Shannon over at the warrior muse and I are hosting a Apocalypse blogfest next Friday. Stop by and check it out! Love to have you join us...

Vallypee said...

Lovely post, Hilary! The Hobbit was a big favourite of mine when I was a child, but I never had to read it myself! It was always read to me...lovely!. So glad you enjoyed the film. Maybe this is one for me too.

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

@ Old Kitty - it was lovely to see it so early on ... such a great story ... yes - it was a big box!

@ Joylene - oh good .. enjoy. There's so many great actors in the film .. they're there all the time, though very disguised! They had to beat the enemy somehow ... but I didn't think any more about it .. just loved seeing how they animated it ..

@ Janie - well the two of you will love the film, and I sure hope The Hurricane will enjoy your company ..

@ Tamara - many thanks .. my only 8 year old memory .. I think! It's interesting to read many had it read to them in school ... I must now give the book another go.

I couldn't get into the LOR films .. so they needs a revisit as too the book .. you'll enjoy The Hobbit ..

@ Denise - well it was to be able to write that I'd beaten the Cap'n for the one and only time. I bet there was a rush and lots of promotion going on down under ..

@ Patsy - I probably go a fair amount simply because our film society is SO GOOD and they recommend films too .. don't see a lot of mainstream films. I can walk down to it too ..

@ Ana - I realise how much I missed early on, in my life, by not going to the good films ..

@ Summer - good to see you, and I'm pleased to come and visit you at your blog .. you're doing so much for your children ..

@ Deborah - you'll enjoy the DVD too; perhaps if I'd had it to read in school .. I'd have got into it and appreciated the imagination - perhaps I was too young. Glad you enjoyed the links ...

@ Gwen - nice to meet you .. yes Joseph the J stands for ... glad you spotted the original cover - or perhaps yours had the red sun shining through ...when more than 3 colours could be used in the printing process.

@ Sandie - have fun when the family gets to see it ... I'm sure grandson will love it.

@ Chuck - I'd have loved to have read it at school - failed! Wonderful that you enjoyed it so much.

Thanks for the invite .. I'm a-thinking ... I have lots going on to finish my year off tidily!!

@ Val - perhaps being read to would be the thing ... I've always thought that's a good way to read books I might struggle with ...

Definitely get to the film if you can - Holland I'm sure has cinemas!?!

Cheers everyone enjoy this bit of freedom before the final Christmas rush ... Hilary

Talli Roland said...

I just read a review of The Hobbit before hopping over here! Glad you enjoyed it, Hilary. I used to teach the book in Canada, so I'd be interested to see the film.

cleemckenzie said...

I loved reading your personal history with The Hobbit: the special package from your grandmother, the three-color cover, the poster of Hobbiton Hill.

So many generations of children have and will read this wondrous tale. My only regret about reading the Hobbit now is that I can never enter that world again for the FIRST time. That was truly special because I shared Bilbo's story aloud with my son. I think we read every night long after both of us should have been asleep.

Cherie Reich said...

That's awesome you got to see The Hobbit already! I'm hoping to see it next week. :)

Davina said...

Hilary, I'm loving your trip down memory lane. Can you believe that I've never seen the Hobbit? I generally see a couple of movies over the holiday season so I will check into this. Thanks for writing about it. Merry Christmas to you!

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

@ Talli .. oh you're so lucky - you'd have all the inuendos .. I do hope you can get to see it - before Master TR appears ...

@ Lee - strange to be able to bring those memories to 'print' as such ...

I know the first time - but our imaginations grow don't they - or come from angles that we've never thought of ... being a non-writer til I started blogging has been an eye opener .. imaginative creative skills abound ..

@ Cherie - yes I got very lucky .. it was wonderful being able to concentrate as the cinema wasn't full ..

@ Davina - good to see you .. well the film has only just come out .. so you can catch up very soon!

It's so worth a movie to see .. but there are rather a lot of good films out there ..

have fun everyone .. and Happy Christmas to all ... Hilary

Tara Tyler said...

thanks for the back story =)

klahanie said...

Hi Hilary,

No nothing predictable from me like, I try to make a Hobbit of commenting on your blog! No, that would be way too predictable.

I shall be trying to persuade my son to come along with me and watch the movie. Fascinating info you have submitted. And once again, I note that Tolkien stayed in Leek and evidently the locals inspired the characters in his books. Yes, noting some of the locals, I can understand the inspiration :)

Near Leek is a town named "Biddulph". Sounds suspiciously like it should be the name of a character in a Tolkien book...

Have a peaceful Sunday, Hilary.


Susan J. Reinhardt said...

You're not the only one who hasn't read this book. :)

Maybe someday...

Golden Eagle said...

How cool that you got to see the film earlier than other countries!

It was wonderful to read your thoughts about The Hobbit.

Juliet said...

Well Hilary, you've beaten me to it, and it was launched right here in NZ. Fascinating to hear your early history with The Hobbit. I didn't get into it the first time, but then I read it aloud to my son and became totally immersed. Hope you enjoy the book this time round.
PS I've been off line and will be back at the bach for the week before Christmas, dial-up only, but will have a good catch up when I return.

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

@ Tara - I'm delighted I've seen it!

@ Gary - Tolkien's words could have been "In a hole in the ground there lived a Habbit .. ?! now that would have changed things ..

I do hope the two of you will be able to get to see The Hobbit - it's a delight ...

Biddulph sounds like an excellent name for a character .. in a book you might write?! But Tolkien did spend lots of time in your part of the world ... Middle Earth (middle England)

@ Susan - I'm so pleased you and others are joining me in the list of the great unreads of The Hobbit ..

@ GE - it was exactly how I felt - cool - and that doesn't occur very often now-a-days! Glad you enjoyed the post ..

@ Juliet - I heard about the hoo-ha for its NZ opening - beautiful scenery - stunning ... the film is worth seeing for that.

So pleased you were able to read it to your son and that you both became totally immersed .. I shall definitely give it another go.

Thanks everyone - enjoy the film .. and let your dreams soar ... all the best for the coming frantic week -Hilary

Anonymous said...

What an enchanting post Hilary. Sounds like a magical F&M basket.

I also adored reading the Hobbit and cried when one of the characters (an elf king, I believe) died, but couldn't get into LoR. I am looking forward to seeing the film between Christmas & New Year with Hubby & friends.

We are off to see Breaking Dawn Pt2 today, for our wedding anniversary. x

Lynn said...

I think I'll see this film over the Christmas holidays. It's lovely you got to see it early!

Do you still have that old book? How wonderful that something that came in that box made an impression that has lasted until adulthood.

Lovely post.

D.G. Hudson said...

I've got to see that film. I first read the Hobbit at 17 years and was memsmerized. My roommate said I could have been a Hobbit (since I'm petite), but no hairy toes.

I just don't like underground places that much. In the side of the hill, okay. A hole in the ground - there wouldn't be any windows, I don't know if I'd like that. But the story lives in my heart. And I love old Gandalf.

Love the photos, Hilary. Lucky you getting an early showing. Hope your holidays are great!

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

@ Madeleine .. the F & M box was wonderful - sadly granny died the following year - so we had no more!

I must definitely read the book - enjoy the film when you all get to see it ...

I haven't got into the Twilight saga either .. something else to add to my list for the coming years! Hope you had a wonderful anniversary weekend ...

@ Lynn - you'll enjoy it .. and a lovely idea for Christmas watching at some stage.

No - I don't .. I've probably given away all my copies of The Hobbit - not even sure I have one left now ... I'll be having a good root through my books shortly ..

The memories of that box - well that one memory ... I probably wanted to be playing - but got a book to read!!

@ DG .. glad to hear you haven't got hairy toes!! Lucky you that you got into the book early on in life - I have to catch up.

Underground .. we have some wonderful buildings now - built into the ground .... very clever, but they have light and windows ... Bilbo's house looks pretty alright to me!! Gandalf is just wizardy ...

Thanks re the photos ..

Happy holidays to one and all and here's to a very happy 2013 - cheers Hilary

Francene Stanley said...

I read The Hobbit in the 70's and became totally engrosed.

Elise Fallson said...

You're so lucky to have seen the movie already! I can't wait to see it too. And that box from Fortnum and Mason's sounds amazing. When I visited London years ago my friend took me there and I got several types of tea that I still have today, though it's almost all gone. Guess I need to make a trip back for more. (:

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

@ Francene ... that must have been lovely - I'm sure I was too young.

@ Elise - it is wonderful The Hobbit was on, along with a few other good films at the moment.

The Fortnum box was a treasure trove ... especially for three young children. Their food department is just magical isn't it .. and tea ... when you get here - we'll go together!!

Cheers to you both .. Hilary

Glynis Peters said...

Looking forward to seeing it!

Hilary, can you email me at glynissmy at gmail dot com so I can send you the prize ebook of Maggie's Child. Thanks.

dolorah said...

I think I get to see this next week; I'm so looking forward to it. I'm glad the book has been around for you all these years to enjoy when the time was right. I'm glad you enjoyed the movie. I think I'd enjoy living in a Hobbit hole too :)


Rosalind Adam said...

Gosh, you've already seen The Hobbit. Mr A is looking forward to it. It's not my kind of thing, I'm afraid. I could never get into the book either but Mr A apparently has read it many times.

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

@ Glynis - you'll enjoy it - will it get to Cyprus soon?! Thanks so much for my win .. delighted and look forward to downloading it ..

@ Donna - you'll love it .. sadly the actual book went whichever way .. but if I don't have a copy here - I'll get another one to read the first 7 chapters and see how I go - that's as far as this first film take us!! A Hobbit hole seemed pretty comfortable ...

@ Ros - you'll love the film - it's very easy going .. and I thoroughly enjoyed it - I think you should accommodate Mr A!!

Thanks to you three - Glynis, Donna and Ros ... see you soon Hilary

Julie Flanders said...

I can't believe you beat the Ninja to a movie, I didn't think it was possible. :D

Loved reading about your grandmother's Christmas present to you so many years ago. It's such a special thing when a book is truly timeless.

Ciara said...

I'm looking forward to seeing The Hobbit. My kids are begging to go. :)
Thanks for your thoughts!

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

@ Julie - I was surprised too! Still we both enjoyed the movie ... and The Hobbit has always brought back those memories of that box and the book - now to read it!

@ Ciara - welcome back .. that's fabulous that the kids want to go - that will really bring the film to life (if it's possible to do more so) through the eyes of your children.

Delighted to see you both .. cheers Hilary

Ingrid said...

I have never heard of "Hobbit" so I can't comment on that, but that the goodies from your Grandma coming from Fortnum and Mason’s must have been very good ! They only have good things, (I think,lol)

Ellie Garratt said...

You beat the Ninja?!

Glad you enjoyed it the film. I'm not planning to see it myself but plenty of friends are.

Deniz Bevan said...

I read The Hobbit for the first time when I was very young too. How lovely to receive it as a gift with so many other hobbit-ish gooides! Just saw the movie yesterday - it's nice to see the dwarves having more screen space than they were given in The Lord of the Rings films.

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

@ Gattina - a very English book! I know .. that year we were very lucky, but I expect only I remember ... and it was that book that sang out!

@ Ellie - yes - I sure did beat the Cap'n!! amazing wasn't it!! The film was lovely .. I'm glad I went.

@ Deniz .. hobbitish goodies - yes - good jam, teas, chocolates ... but our house wasn't as comfortable as Bilbo's!! I have to see the LOTR films now before Hobbit 2 and 3 come out ... so pleased you enjoyed it though ..

Cheers to you - Hilary

Morgan said...

It *is* an amazing world, Tolkien's crafted, isn't it? The detail and the feeling he brings is incredible. Though it took me years to appreciate---I'm afraid I wasn't a fan when I was young--but that was with all reading ;-)

M. Reka said...

Looking forward to this film.
Thank you so much for always taking the time to visit my page. I appreciate it!

Lots of love

Susan Flett Swiderski said...

Good for you getting in on "the ground floor", so to speak. Don't tell anyone, but I've never read any of the hobbit books. Maybe it's time to change that, huh? This movie just might inspire me to do just that.

Anonymous said...

Hello! I have never jumped onto the Hobbit train... Now I feel like I'm missing out!!

scarlett clay said...

Ahh! I can't wait to see it, feel like everyone's seen it but me! maybe this weekend...and yes, I want a Hobbit hole as well, would make a great personal art studio I think! :)

Anonymous said...

I've never been a great fan of fantasy, but from the sound of it, this is a movie I must see! Love your colorful post, Hilary. It lifted my spirits to come over here!

Have a very merry Christmas. You are one who is close to my heart, and Jen' you know.
Ann Best’s Blog

Anonymous said...

Happy holidays, Hilary, and may your New Year be bright!

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

@ Morgan - I'm with you - so I look forward to giving the book another go.

@ Marinela - hope you enjoy it ..

@ Susan - ah well we seem to be amongst good company not having read the books or being able to ... I'm definitely going to give it a try now I've seen part 1

@ Michelle - good to meet you and thanks for coming by and joining in the fun - you're right it could have been a hobbit train - in a hobbit round tunnel ..

@ Scarlett - I hope you can get a chance to see it .. now a personal art studio would be wonderful - sounds an excellent idea .. I can see that ...

@ Ann - I think you and Jen would enjoy the movie - lots of creativity in it to dwell on ... and beautiful scenery .. just delighted I lit up your day a little.

Thanks so much for the special note - it's lovely having special friends around the blogoshpere ..

@ Susan - many thanks .. I've been saving your posts - so I can think and dwell on them .. and listen to the music at the same time! Thanks for your thoughts ..

Great to see you all .. it's bucketing down with rain here - very soggy ... warm - but wet!! Cheers for now - Hilary

Sharon K. Mayhew said...

I love it when that happens and you get almost a private showing at the movies. :) Have a wonderful Christmas holiday, Hilary!

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Sharon .. just lucky - and I enjoyed the peace and quiet, so I could just relax and soak up Hobbitland!! Cheers - you too have a fabulous and peaceful time .. Hilary

Unknown said...

Goodness, you did beat everyone to it, Hilary. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

I'm heading to the cinema later in the week. I'd planned to see The Life of Pi but maybe I'll take a journey to Hobbitland instead. :)

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Shirley .. The Life of Pi has just come on our local cinema too - and I want to get to see that ... I gather it is wonderful ...

Both: you'll love though - a good release to just be absorbed by a film .. have fun ..

Cheers and thanks for coming by .. Hilary

loverofwords said...

My grandson who has autism and I went to see The Hobbit in 3D! Three hours two bags of popcorn, two huge containers of lemonade later, I staggered out of the theater. It was amazing, but I enjoyed spending time with Joshua who whispered in my ear to explain who the characters were.

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Lover of Words .. I'm so pleased to read your comment - your grandson sounds lovely - and you both thoroughly enjoyed the film and the extras!!!

Have a very happy Christmas later on today ... Hilary

A Lady's Life said...

Merry Christmas Hilary!
I hope the day brings you peace and joy and a feeling of fulfillment.:)

Manzanita said...

You do so speak the truth that we humans get so tied up in our own worlds, we forget others. That is what happened to me this summer and I'm so sorry, I had no knowledge of your Mother's passing. You wrote a positive post of hope for the New Year. I seem to have misplaced mine, so I read your post several times.
Thank you
Merry Christmas and a very bright New Year.

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

@ A Lady's Life .. many thanks - it's a time of peace and joy for the year ahead ..

@ Manzanita - no worries .. you were so tied up with your huge project out at the house, I'm not surprised you weren't able to do the rounds of blogs.

Just so glad these posts have given you some food for thought, and solace in these troubled times that we live in ..

To you both - have very happy New Years and that the year ahead is successful .. Hilary

Jannie Funster said...

Art Deco ROCKS!! And over here homely means "not especially appealing to the eye." Homey is the word here for warm and cozy places. funny, eh these language differences?

How lucky to have had the theater practically to yourself for a special viewing, that ROCKS!!

I remember my brother Joe reading the Hobbit Series in high school. I never have read them -- was introduced to the whole story via the Grande Trilogy en film a few years back, the first which I believe SWEPT the Oscars that year. Poor Finding Nemo -- one of the top 10 kids movies ever, swept into virtual oblivion by Lord Of The Rings.


we used to get such Christmas goody parcels from an exotic place called Toronto. Then, when Grandmother returned for the summer via rail, there'd be a whole trunk FULL of amazing things. My fave was a tin tea set she brought back to me. She died when I was 6. That was my dad's mom -- Carrie was her name.

Lovely post.

Long live good over evil Mordor and all her peons. Or is that paeons? Pawns, I guess we could say.


Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Jannie - Art Deco does rock doesn't it ... "homely" is the same as yours .. cozy, warm ... if it was not that appealing - it's probably because it's cluttered ... but yes, as we experience different turns of phrase on each side of the Atlantic .. sometime we need to stop and think what's being said.

The little cinema in town is an extremely valuable asset ... it also hosts the film society shows.

LOTR was on tv over Christmas ... but I couldn't bring myself to watch - felt too ill at that stage. It'll be interesting to see what happens this year to the Hobbit ...

You too had the experience of exotic Christmas parcels from Toronto ... lovely remembrance of the tea set ... so many things for a little girl to do with one. Sad she died while you were so young .. lovely name Carrie ...

Long live healing, recuperative song ... as you do so well -

Pronunciation is another discussion for another day! Happy New Year and much success in 2013 - especially for those paeans ahead ... xoxoxoxoxoox