Thank you for joining us in the We are the World Blogfest ...
We are the World … yes part of it
… but the important bit is our family and our locality – where we live, where
we experience life, and where we wish the best for all …
… yet we are the world … it is us – we need to set the
examples, we need to lead … we need to protect nature …
… then let the butterflies of Spring flutter their wings and
spread our message …
… open our heart to others – let the light in … be aware others
have different viewpoints – we are all entitled to our views … perhaps look to understand
more … acknowledge other people and set positive examples …
![]() |
The creation of Light by Gustav Dore |
… close our hearts to darkness, unfairness, cruelty, ignorance
We are the World ….
In Darkness, Be Light ….
As the American Cochran – Payne families whose son, in the
recent London terror attack, lost his life, miraculously their daughter lives
and is recovering … the families’ comments:
‘this has
been a humbling and difficult experience, but we have the love of so many
people during these past several days’ …
… ‘it has
been a tender experience for our family to be together with Melissa here.’
Kurt Cochran, who died in the attack on Westminster Bridge,
has left a legacy of generosity and service that continues to inspire us, we
are deeply saddened to lose him but grateful that the world is getting to know
him and be inspired by him.
This story is detailed here in the Guardian article.
We are the World …
Darkness, Be Light
……… as these brave families have done for their loved ones and
as examples for us …. in darkness, they let the light in.
Sylvia McGrath, and
From a blogger who blogs positivity ... please join us via this website
Hilary Melton-Butcher
Positive Letters Inspirational Stories
Thank you.
And all carriers of light.
Such a horrific incident, and now families thrown into disarray because of one person's actions. Thanks for enlightening us, Hilary. It seems we can't ever assume any place is safe and we must always be alert. There are more mentally ill in our society than anyone wants to admit.
I don't know how people live through such loss Hilary, but somehow they do - the love and support of others is so meaningful. Sharing stories of pain and loss goes some way too. Thank you for this post.
it seems that there is so much darkness in this world, and yet, the strength and fortitude of the human spirit always shines through. This was a beautiful and inspiring post.
@ EC - yes all carry light and we need a lot of inspirational light to light our way ...
@ DG - it was such an awful incident - yet so many stories giving us goodness despite their darkness at this time of sorrow. It makes us think - we know not where and we not why and we certainly cannot ever understand these people's reasoning - thank goodness for forgiveness by so many.
@ Susan - human life is extraordinary in its ability to deal with this sort of dreadful atrocity ... and importantly there are so many, who are willing to help, support and guide those affected ...
@ Arlene - lovely to see you and as you so rightly point out the human spirit does shine through ...
We need to spread the word of love and humility to bring the light out ... cheers Hilary
I can add nothing to your words but to thank you for your timely reminder that whatever happens there will always be carriers of light.
This is my perspective from 1985.
Being, beings
Being we, we beings
We an enigma?
Dredged from dark knowledge.
Dredged beings, beings dredged from knowledge.
Dark beings
Dark beings from the depths
Dark knowledge, deep beings
Being deep of death, dead beings
Being hidden in death, hidden dead beings
Being hidden in earth, beings of clay
Being dead in heaven, beings of heaven
Heavenly beings, being and being just being beings....
© MRL June 1985 .
I love the message of this post. We need it now.
Some people have such a capacity for love in their hearts that nothing shakes them. Thank you for the lovely post Hilary - your blogs always bring positivity into our screens and lives. and thanks for the intro to this lovely blog hop.
So sad Kurt is gone now. May the family continue to heal. And find the light again.
At such a time as when darkness could consume them.
@ Keith - it's the creative minds who decided this was a blogfest worthy of sharing with the world ... so it's to them we will thank and all those participating ...
@ Mel -wonderful poem "On Being" ... we are just beings being - at whatever time in life we find ourselves ...
@ Theresa - we do need love, humility and acceptance to share with others ... and right now, is good timing ...
@ Fil - I'm always amazed at how much forgiveness there is in the world today - it would be wonderful if we spread the word ... I hope to see you on the blog hop, perhaps next month ...
@ Diane - yes the randomness of those caught up ... just so sad for all the families who have suffered loss or injuries ... let's hope the surrounding light heals ...
@ Alex - yes darkness could consume them, sadly some it does and then consumes even more ...
@ Karen - the co-hosts all deserve much for putting this together ...
Thanks for being here and sharing your light with us ... Hilary
I often wonder at the twisted mind of a terrorist to kill and hurt innocent people......
What a lovely uplifting post. Thank you.
'(Lead me) from ignorance to the Truth, from darkness to the Light, from death to Immortality' ~ Upanishad, Ancient India.
Such a beautiful idea for a blogpost! Thoughts for Kurt's family, and all the families affected by the evil of terrorism and hate.
It is these times, these occurrences, that crack our hearts open. And call to all of us to shine our light - to offer the balm of lovingkindness and hold each other tenderly. Thank you for sharing this Hilary.
Thank you. If only the whole world could get on board. But one light at a time. Yours shines bright
Sometimes I despair of humanity, but these are uplifting thoughts.
It is great indeed when people find the light after tragedy.
Beautifully said, Hilary. All the best to you.
@ Bellybytes of India … good to see you and yes one does wonder what drives people to terror …
@ Susan – many thanks, so glad it resonated …
@ Nila – wonderful quote from Upanishad … interesting to read and learn about. Please thank the hosts who had their and this bright idea – to which I felt I could and should join …
@ Deborah – you are certainly right there about cracking our hearts open. We do rise to shine above these dreadful happenings … balm of loving kindness and reach to hold each other tenderly … such a great idea …
@ Joanne – oh I so agree if only the whole world could get on board … but one light at a time needs to start and spread the butterfly message – many thanks.
@ Anabel – I think we do despair and wonder where we’re heading, yet many loving, thoughtful souls can uplift us all …
@ Liz – it’s a wonder people can find love and light after tragedy …
@ Suzanne – thank you … now it’s up to us to keep the lights burning with hope and love …
Thanks so much everyone – let’s take the lead, and light up that darkness … Hilary
caring thoughts spread for the family, thank you
How beautifully written, Hilary. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and your positive voice with us.
Hilary, thank you for your post showing that in darkness, people can be the light needed to bring them through it. Thanks for being a fellow #WATWB member.
Positively wonderful, Hilary - every line!
A very sad and tragic event. Thank you for your inspirational words.
Hillary: Thank you for your kind thoughts about the Cochran-Payne family. We have tender hearts here in Indiana about victims of senseless killings. I have been praying for six weeks about the senseless murders of two young teenage girls in Delphi, Indiana. The community has rallied to help remember these two girls.
Beautiful post, so eloquent. Thanks so much for sharing! #WATWB
Belinda Witzenhausen~Writer, Creativity Coach & Artist
I wish we could let the light in to some of the Terrorist groups but maybe a good example of bringing in the light will help to help them.
Sad story for the family. I hadn't heard about it before.
Thank you for sharing the bit of light in the darkness.
@ Steve – thank you …
@ Janie – appreciate your comments
@ Lynn – good to see you here … we can shine the light and encourage others to join us and lead the way to a more positive place
@ Diedre – many thanks …
@ Rhonda – it was such a shock and then so sad for the destruction and damage caused to families …
@ QS – senseless murders are just terrible – ours, yours, and so many others around the world … let the light of hope shine forth
@ Belinda – pleasure to join in the WATWB and spread its thoughts …
@ Jo – it was such a shock to the British people … with many showing their support. I hope the word spreads out to help others at all times of their life …
@ Susan – let’s help the light spread to the darkness in life ..
Thanks so much for visiting – lovely to see you = cheers Hilary
Thanks for giving us positive takes on such a bleak story. A lovely post.
How a parent can forgive in such circumstances -- they must be really strong. I live in Central PA and some years back a local man walked into an Amish school and just started shooting -- young kids, many of whom died. The Amish forgave him as a community. I still want to cry with sorrow and hope when I think of it all. Thanks for sharing this story.
@ Elizabeth - it was a very bleak event... desperate in so many ways ...
@ PJ - good to see you and I know - you read and listen to people involved talking about what has happened ... then I hope I have the temerity to react as they have done.
I'm sure I heard about your Amish school shooting ... that sort of incident is so difficult to understand - how someone can go to those lengths and take other's life ... especially kids - so agree with you ...
Thank you both for visiting and joining in the "We are the World in Darkness Be Light" blogfest or commenting therein ... cheers Hilary
A lovely post!
We live in crazy times...the world has gone mad.
Here in SA, we're hanging by a thread.
It has been SO uplifting to read all the WATWB posts! We need this feel-good day to rejuvenate our spirits that take a beating from all the negative stories that flourish on social media.
Thanks, Hilary!
What a beautiful post. I agree- in darkness we need to be light. It seems we need to shine our lights even brighter and spread smiles and love wherever we can. Sending hugs to you and good wishes to everyone who has had darkness fall over them recently.
@ Michelle - thanks so much ... yes I agree - the world is definitely doing its own thing at the moment seemingly letting too much negativity to pervade. I gather SA is in troubling times ... and the WATWB posts and idea is wonderful, which will continue each month - that's the good thing ...
@ Jess - it was a brilliant idea of the WATWB organisers and hosts I was glad I could add a post in raising a degree of awareness, as well as hopefully advertising the blogfest out to others ...
We need hugs - so thank you to you both - let's hope this troubled world will improve very soon ... cheers Hilary
Light is everything ... the one and only thing we need in our challenging Earth journey. Love your positive posts, Hils, and hope you are doing well with your own challenges. Much love from me and Jen
Hi Ann - lovely to see you ... and it's great the positivity of this post and my other posts shines through. All well here so far ... we shall see - but thanks for your wishes and thoughts ... I hope you and Jen enjoy reading the A-Zs .. cheers for now - Hilary
This is a shining example fo the love we hold within, in spite of loss the families are sharing love.
Thank you so much! Team #WATWB
Thanks for the visit Indy ... their acknowledgement of their loss is heart-rending - but inspirational to read ... this is a great monthly Blogfest - cheers Hilary
So glad you chose such a feature for this post. What a sad event it was. What an inspiring family they are. Thank you :) Simon’s Still Stanza #WATWB
Hi Simon - thank you so much for the visit - those deaths near the Houses of Parliament and Westminster Bridge are tragic - desperate for everyone. The two families certainly showed humanity at its best - despite their heart-rending loss ... all the best - Hilary
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