I needed some cash … off to town I poddle – it’s not far –
about half an hour each way … down going down, and up coming back … strange
that – but when you live on the edge of the Downs – life can be a little
Find bank, go inside, insert card and enter PIN, get statement … just to make sure and see status … ask for money – it will give it to me … and reverse the process …
… wander out of the banking hall – to get a bit of shopping for the friend who is visiting – ah! …… what did I do with the cash … oh oh …
… back into the bank I go – by my machine (NB the ‘my machine’!) there’s a man – now that’s a strange being! – he’s at right-angles to the cash machine … so I potter up and ask ‘is my money there?’
… a little bemused this equally senior man is by this question – ah ha … realisation … oh it’s her money … yes it is – 'oh good I say' … we both turn to the machine - - - oh no it’s not! It’s been swallowed …
Swallows - but not swallowing dosh |
… explain my situation to her show her my slip and she checks
– but no money returned … the machine has well and truly swallowed it!
View from flat at low tide - Beachy Head is just round the corner |
I’m not worrying … and the rep says – look it should be back in your account tonight, if not tomorrow morning … I’m still not worrying – why worry?! It’s all been recorded via video in the bank … (presumably!) …
Next morning off (down) to town I go, still poddling, to check in with the bank – slot my card in and check the statement … nothing … off to another customer relations chap – oh hello … tale retold … he says don’t worry – please go and sit down (in a little room!) and I’ll be back shortly - he then goes off to the nether regions to check things out …
… I meanwhile think … (I do think - occasionally … I promise
you! - just occasionally some wires in the grey cells get a little crossed)
where’s my card … not in the machine, right another more thorough look through
pockets, in my bag etc etc …
… back comes my friendly man rep – oh I smile brightly ‘have
you got my card’ – “no” – he smiles and off he goes back to where he’s just
comes from – those nether regions …
Looking north from back of flat (my flat only faces the English Channel) with the Downs in the background |
I went off to a Memoir Writing Class … guess what the 10
minute topic was … Senior Moments –
the others were unimpressed!!
After my class – here we go back to my saga – but with an
interlude! … I went off to see my cousin who does a number of jobs for the
tennis tournaments around the country and was down in Eastbourne for a
When I got home the bank had phoned and they’d have my money,
or I could pick it up the next day. Yes,
I don’t carry my phone around with me … it can rest its little chops up here –
and usually does.
Now the third day – I go back down the backside of the Downs
to the bank … with a thank-you note for the reps who’d been helping – they were
pleased … and I withdrew my cash – yeah it gave it to me … my brain remembered
it needed to take said cash as the machine regurgitated it …
Red Arrows 2016 - view from flat |
So all’s well in the grey land of sunny Eastbourne! We have had the Red Arrows team, part of Airborne, giving us displays for 3 days – so I’ll probably need my ears tested next week!
Nope – this senior citizen is alive and well, standing and
laughing happily …
… just had a friend from South Africa staying – but am slowly getting back to normal …
![]() |
PS - if there's lots of eclipse posts - forgive me, but I won't comment
on many ... I can see there'll be lots and lots ...
See you for the We are the World Blogfest next week: end of the month ...
Hilary Melton-Butcher
Positive Letters Inspirational Stories
It could have been worse Hilary we now someone who had collected cash and card, carefully put in their wallet. Placed on the roof of their card while they opened the door. Guess what - drove off and lost the lot as a result.
Yes, that was very fortunate you got your cash back. Money hanging out of a machine wouldn't last ten seconds here.
Fortunately I have not experienced anything like that at all. Well with one exception that several years ago, I paid my winter electric bill twice in succession which put me in credit for most of the following year !
I've never walked away without my money, but I've come close! This had me giggling.
I remember the story a woman told of the bank machine at her bank had been assaulted for malfunctioning during the middle of the night during the early eighties. One time I paid for a food order in a drive through and drove off without my food. It was very late at night and I was exhausted from work. So I let it be.
I often laugh when I have that moment. Can we blame it on age or just being human? LOL Having worked in geriatrics I was alerted to a few items to look for with age, I think.Now I can share the stories and hope my life goes somewhat smooth,I hope.
Funny and cute story that had a happy ending! I would have been a nervous wreck and you found the lighter side...love it Hilary!!!
LOL! I don't think I can match that, but I do often wander into a room (or the high tech equivalent, a website) and forget why I went there.
This was hilarious, I didn't know you were so funny! This episode, as told by you here, definitely could go in that 1,000 senior moments book. And in addition to it all, it sounds like you got some good exercise, trotting up and down that hill.
Now you are different than I am - I would have been WORRIED and STRESSED! I am so glad you got your money back - I did not know the machines would do that after awhile. Sandie
@ Bob - I don't think I'd admit I'd done that ... well not here anyway - these series of episodes were just so funny. Gosh I'm glad I didn't do what your friend did - I know people who've had various things fly off their roof - I sincerely hope it doesn't happen to me!!
@ Diane - thankfully I was in the bank getting money - I try not to use the outside ones ... well if the cash had been outside - who knows what might have happened ...
@ Mel - I'm not normally like that ... but I just thought it was so funny ... forgetting the cash, and then the card being swallowed. Oh that was inadvertently clever - I wouldn't mind if my electric was sitting in credit!
@ Anabel - glad you had a giggle ... the only thing was the wandering up and down to town for 3 days was a pain ... ?!
@ Ann - that was a little strange - but I guess people get frustrated ... not sure what the machine will do though in the middle of the night. Tiredness is another story isn't it ... I've walked away when I'm exhausted and have forgotten something ...
@ Steve - yes I wonder what I'm doing sometimes ... usually think I'm going somewhere else and have to turn round and drive back ... at least we can laugh - I think having led a full life and still have lots going on = we're human. I hope my life goes smoothly forward ... so far, should be ok ...
@ Jan - thanks, yes it was a happy ending and I still laugh to myself about it - I knew the money was safe ... as it had all been conducted inside the bank ... I just felt an idiot -not once, but twice!!
@ Ian - well I certainly didn't expect to be able to post a series of events such as this ... but yes cupboards get open, or I go past the kitchen towards the other end of the flat - then think - no it was tea I wanted!!
@ Inger - well this is another side of my life - I think this sort of thing will come through when I put these posts into audio - the intonation will be there. That Senior Moments book was a good find ... it does say: there's only 246 senior moments in there ... maybe they couldn't count to a thousand?! Yup walking up and down is not a problem - now I have my new hip ... thankfully my health is reasonable ...
@ Sandie - well I knew my money was safe and yes I'm not a worrier, or won't let myself get stressed - life is easier that way ... The machines don't beep to say the money is coming out, yes there's metallic noise, but it doesn't beep to remind you - that you need to pick it up - then I'd have collected the cash ...
Thanks everyone - glad you saw the funny side of these tales ... cheers Hilary
Bank mistakes can be aggravating. I think you handled it well. I would've been frantic.
I took a kiwi fruit out of the fridge and put it on the kitchen work surface, closed the fridge, turned around to pick it up - and it's gone!
This was yesterday and it still hasn't turned up. It's not gone back in the fridge, it's not in the kitchen waste bin, it didn't roll on to the floor, it's not stuck on the ceiling and it's not in the oven, microwave, sink, garden, patio, bedroom, lounge, bathroom - getting desperate by now.
It's still missing and I believe it has time-travelled - no other explanation works.....
CLICK HERE for Bazza’s unthinkable Blog ‘To Discover Ice’
YIKES! You make it all sound so fun, but I would have been in panic mode with no cash. Kudos to you for not losing your mind and laughing about it. I had this happen to a friend, and she needed to catch a flight, so her story ended a little differently.
Aren't Senior Moments the best?(lol)
Hugs and Happy Sunday!
I am glad you got your money back (and your card too). Sorry it took three days!
I have ordered food and or coffee at places before, paid and left without what I purchased! It is funny and embarrassing when that happens. :)
Hope you have a lovely week!
I'm glad it all worked out, at least. My wife ran into a situation once where it just ate her card and she's been terrified to use ATMs ever since.
Ooops glad that you eventually got your money and that nobody had just taken it and walked off. Note to self: Remember to take money from bank machine!!!! Take care Diane
I am very glad you got your money - in the fullness of (bank) time.
My senior moment (when I wasn't quite): Coming home I had stopped off and bought some milk. I came inside and only when my shoes didn't fit in the milk compartment of the fridge did I realise it was the milk I had tossed under the bed as I went past...
I feel for you. Glad the bank could straighten it out. I'm guilty of going to the store for a specific item and picking a dozen other things and forgetting the thing I went for. My husband loses his glasses constantly.
Doesn't really sound like a senior moment to me Hilary but an inefficient machine. Senior moments happen all the time, opening up the internet and then forgetting what I was looking for, walking into another room and not remember what for.
Hey! How wonderful to see the Red Arrows from your window! You must live near the Hydro Hotel, that is one of my favorite places in Eastbourne.
Also, I hope to walk up to Beachy Head over the downs again before I am too old to do so. :-)
I know I have had lots of senior, just can't remember what they were!!
You live in a beautiful area, lovely views.
@ Chrys – thankfully I knew it’d be sorted out … just as it happened it needed patience …
@ Bazza – the only thing you haven’t mentioned is one of your pockets … or did you eat it and not realise? Oh dear I hope it turns up … well just for reassurance – it’s not down here! Time travel it is then …
@ RO – thankfully I had enough cash til it turned up … just needed to sort it out and make sure I did get it back. Yes if I’d been in another town, or travelling – it’d have been a real pain … so I feel for your friend. Yes – Senior Moments don’t do anyone harm (mostly) and can be laughed at – before a repeat performance comes around!
@ Jess – yes thankfully all turned out right in the end – card and cash duly found and back under my control. Oh gosh if I was waiting for coffee and food which I’d paid for – I’d not have had a senior moment!! Or forgotten – but can imagine it occurring … and one does feel so silly …
@ Robert – oh dear … I’ve had my card eaten as well – thankfully 3 weeks later I got a replacement. I tend to use the machines inside banks, so if help is needed someone’s on hand to deal with it … I can feel for your wife and her anxiety re ATMs … automated is fine as long as it works …
@ Diane – I was lucky (or intelligent in using the machine inside a bank) that the money wouldn’t have been stolen – all on video. Yes – remember to take money … good reminder ‘note to self’ …
@ EC – well it was pretty quick, but could have been quicker if I’d gone back the second day. The bank were pretty efficient over this …
Oh gosh tossing your milk under the bed and then trying to put your shoes in the fridge … well that is funny … I hope the milk didn’t burst …
@ Susan – I often buy things I need and forget what I went to buy – that’s a pain! People losing glasses – that’s just one of those very common things isn’t it …
@ Jo – no, it was me being stupid … the machine was very efficient – it took the money back, because I’d been stupid enough to leave it behind – it might have gone missing if I’d been outside … but thankfully that didn’t happen. Oh forgetting what one’s doing as I’m getting on with life inside the flat is another matter …
@ Kay – yes I’m fairly near the Hydro and can walk up to the edge of the Downs very easily … and could walk over, but don’t because of other reasons. I hope you will get to walk up to Beachy Head and possibly on to Birling Gap – lovely walk … when you visit Eastbourne again …
@ L+ R – well that’s another problem isn’t it – remembering what we’re meant to be remembering. It is gorgeous here – just not today … full cloud cover and misty rain …
Thanks so much – hopefully our brain cells are kept fairly active as we’re blogging … and we won’t suffer from too many senior moments … let’s hope! Cheers Hilary
I don't experience senior moments yet but..erm...blast, I've forgotten what I was going to say! Having lived and run a business in Meads for many years your views are very familiar to me. You can take your fingers out of your ears until next August!
Hilary, you tell such a funny story - I'm glad it all ended well. I find that the older I get the more I'm challenged to practise mindfulness.
Glad it all got sorted - and just think of all that extra exercise you got :-)
I recently drove into the gas station, paid to fill up my tank, went back out, got into my car and drove off... only to realize a half mile down the road that I hadn't pumped any gas.
Fortunately, it was early morning and no one had used that pump by the time I got back.
I'm so glad you got your cash! The same thing happened to my father on my wedding day 24 years ago...he was trying to get money out to pay the musicians and caterer and the ATM ate his money! He walked into the bank and had fortunately taught the manager English and the manager believed him when he said that he'd gotten a receipt and no money. :)
I left the groceries in the back of my car for over an hour last week...just walked into the house and forgot to get them out. It was in the 90s F, too. Ugh.
Good to know its all been sorted out, although it did take a while. Warm greetings to you.
Ooh, I love the way you 'poddle down and up" sounds like an Enid Blyton story! Senior moments I have a-plenty -I was sitting in the car, in the passenger seat not long ago. My husband had opted to drive. I remarked that it was clean because I had vacuumed it recently. Husband threw me odd looks but said nothing. I then noticed mud and dog hair on the carpet,
"Have you had the dog in here?" I exclaimed, irritated beyond belief (I had worked hard!)
"Yes," he said.
"Might as well not bothered cleaning it then," I retorted. Aware I was being given some very strange looks I looked around me.
A light bulb moment showed me my mistake. This was not my car, this was my husband's car. How on earth had I thought it mine? Maybe because we had been about to take mine when we changed our minds...Senior moment indeed! :-)
You handled that quite well, doesn't sound like you got the least bit frustrated. We call these excursions to the bank, "going to buy money." And personally, I've never used an ATM because I can't remember my PIN! Easier to go into the bank or drive-through and withdraw it directly.
That would sure be long gone here. Great they got it all worked out. So is that what they call those moments in the 30's? I've had a few, nothing recently though.
@ Keith – senior moments can occur at any age I think … just I seem to remember more of them now – not sure why! Thanks re reminding me I can hear again … there was one enormous concorde style ear blast … and a few other major ones – I was surprised to see the planes first and hear the blasts after … but I was only half paying attention – so got shocked occasionally.
@ Juliet – thanks … so glad it made you smile or giggle – I do breathe deeply and think that it all could be worse – and that I’m lucky to be where, and who, I am …
@ Annalisa – yes easily sorted… and yes it was more exercise than I needed – and I’d have preferred to take other routes …
@ Jz – oh gosh … I occasionally get things and then forget to pay – but immediately remember. You were lucky with that forgetful episode …
@ Elizabeth – yes I knew the cash would be ok. Oh crumbs re your father … well he was lucky and no doubt the story of you waiting at the aisle helped with his student believing him and getting that sorted out quickly … wedding days can be panicky enough, without not having the money for the musicians and caterer …
24 years later and still happily married – wonderful.
Oh no - 90 deg C … left the groceries in the car … I suppose some went to waste - … yes I’d be saying doh!!! to myself … sadly it happens.
@ Blogoratti – thankfully all sorted out even if I stretched it out over three days …
@ Debbie – oh gosh I can believe that sort of thing happening – taking another car and forgetting that you are in your husband’s – how funny – no wonder he sat shtum and waited for you to finish your gentle nagging – then that lightbulb – oh how funny!
My poddling works wonders … I could bring in an Enid Blyton character – couldn’t I?
@ Karen – oh don’t talk about phones … I cannot understand them … I faff through and get done what I need to – but still cannot understand how I could make life easier for myself with them. Airplane – well I sort of am aware of that mode … but that’s about it!
@ Bish - no I didn't ... after all it was totally my fault. I can get frustrated, but try not to if I've made a mistake. Sometimes I muddle my PINs up ... but usually work that one out. We don't have drive-throughs ... and thankfully getting into the machines inside the bank is quicker than queuing ... some banks are ok at getting to the till - some definitely not so and this particular one isn't ...
@ Pat - I was inside the bank - so it'd have been ok. I'm sure a 30s person would have a senior moment over a 20s person!? After all I'm middle aged now - not ancient ... thankfully I feel middle aged - though may be nearer my sell-by date than I'd like ...
Cheers everyone – glad you’ve something to laugh about on eclipse day … enjoy it - Hilary
I'm quite good at looking for things I already have in my hand. Or the glasses I'm wearing, wondering why my cup is empty after I've drunk my tea ...
I say my short term memory is bad. Gary says it isn't – I'd have to actually have a memory for it to be bad.
Under the category 'misery loves company', I loved every word of your story. Haven't done that yet but I'm sure it's in my future!
I'm glad your money turned up. The way you wrote the post was quite amusing. My days are one senior moment after another.
So glad it all worked out. It's pretty spooky when you're up to bat and the pitcher (brain) takes a holiday.
The first and last time we ever used an ATM was to deposit proceeds from the sale of our overhead camper. Next thing we knew checks were bouncing from the account as if from a pitching machine. Lots of head-scratching and heated discussions went on before the bank finally conceded that their ATM machine had literally eaten our deposit! They even provided the shredded pieces so that we could have the destroyed checks re-issued. Then they disposed of the machine.
Stepping down from having climbed the shelves to reach an item at the grocery store, I then (happily) dropped it in the cart and was almost out of the aisle before I realized it wasn't my cart ;-)
Oh, do I recognize the situation. Not the verb, poddle, but all the rest. There are days when I'm not able to identify the image in the mirror and I'm the only one in the room.
By the way, I think I'll steal that verb and poddle over to store.
Pleased to hear you got your money in the end and lucky someone didn't snatch it from the machine and take off with it as some would do that
Plenty of exercise and fresh air. Such pretty views. And while you were tracking down your money you weren't spending it. Funny post and I see this in my near future. Take care
@ Patsy – sometimes I can do that: looking for my glasses, or wondering how come I’ve drunk my coffee … short term memory is another thing isn’t it – I try not to worry about that sort of thing as I believe it brings it on … not a good idea.
@ Kali – I tried to find your blog to comment – sadly I failed: so apologies for not being around. I suspect there’s more of the same for us all …
@ Janie – I’m glad the post amused you … and yes I was glad I got the money back. Senior moments just come along like buses – all together, or just none!
@ Diedre – I hadn’t thought about my brain being a pitcher – now I’ll look at it (well I can’t really can I?!) in a different light …
Oh gosh – really chewing up your money… that is a bit much. I’m glad they realised the machine itself was at fault – automation has problems occasionally and needs a brain to sort it out. Extraordinary story … head scratching and heated discussions required to sort it out …
Oh gosh I sometimes wander around with an item in my hand trying to find my cart – I usually stash it out of the way, while I shop the aisle and then retrieve it …
@ Lee – I’m not quite sure where poddle came from – but it fitted my story, so I used it. I see it is a rarely used word – so the more of us who use it – perhaps it’ll come back into fashion.
The image in the mirror is another story … it is me I believe …
@ Joanne – yes I get plenty of walking exercise around here and the views are lovely – that’s true … the money wasn’t being spent – I’m sure there’ll be more of these for me – but I hope not.
Thanks everyone – so glad many of you could relate, and others could think ahead to their future! Have good weeks – cheers Hilary
oh great story What a relieve it had a happy ending. I have heaps of these moments were I forget everything, like walking into a room and forgetting why I got there in the first place, misplacing stuff etc. It gets worse and worse lol
Oh my. You sound like you were very calm.
Been there. Done that...or very similar to that.
How I like an amusing tale with a happy ending - yay! I've never left cash behind in a machine, but I'll confess to once finding a five dollar bill laid out flat in my freezer. No idea how I managed that, but I like my scenerio of finding money rather than losing it.
Hahahahahahahahahahaa... Hilary, this made me laugh out loud. You've no idea the number of times I've done the same thing—and I'm only ('only'...) 44! But I've always been rather easily distracted, or maybe it's the opposite: I tend to concentrate so deeply in some things—say a conversation with an intelligent friend, or a book I'm reading, or a story I'm working on, or a particular bit of dog training stumping me—that I do the other stuff (driving, ATM withdrawals, housework, etc.) on autopilot... And all too often I do really, really stupid things. Just last week I finished applying the anti-frizz cream to my hair, a rather potent one, given the level of humidity on the island *and* the curliness of my hair, rinsed off my hands, and proceeded, quite nonchalantly, to apply it again. As I spread it down from scalp to ends, I got a vague sense of dèja vu... And then I realized it was an actual memory. From, like, 30 seconds before :D
Moments like these make me laugh... and then make me panic. Alzheimer's runs in the family, after all. *Sigh*
Glad you were able to recover not just your cash but your card!
Guilie @ Quiet Laughter
@ Marja - yes I was relieved to get the money eventually ... but didn't think there'd be a problem. Wondering what I'm doing can be a problem as I'm by then usually doing something else ... I'd hope this sort of thing stays in abeyance for a while!
@ Rhonda - yes I was calm ... just needed to allow extra time was built in to my time frames for each day ...
@ Sandra - I'm sure many of us have ... and will continue to do ...
@ Deborah - it was amusing and still is to me - I laugh at myself. Well I've never laid out money in my freezer! I have lost things and then found them in odd places .. including that extra pound note - which is a surprise at the time - quickly spent usually!
@ Guilie - that's great ... I would like to say it doesn't get worse ... but I suspect we're all trying to do too many things and our brains jump their synapses - so we move on and forget the immediate moment. Doing things on autopilot is easily done ... and sometimes I've washed my hair twice - not sure what the anti-frizz thing would do to my hair ... but it's funny when it happens.
I agree moments like this make me laugh - I won't panic ... but Alzheimer's doesn't run in our family ... it's good you know I guess - and it's better to laugh at times like this ...
Yes cash, card and brains all returned to normal (I think: what others think I don't know!) ...
Thanks so much for coming over - cheers Hilary
I was looking forward to a pleasant tour of your town through photos. Was not expecting the harrowing adventure.
I commend you for staying calm and composed. I know many, many people that would have lots their minds and pitched a scene in the bank. I'm sure the bank staff were thanking their lucky stars for you.
We all have similar tales to tell. I had the machine eat my card several times - if you don't take it back fast enough it pulls it back in and won't let it go. I'm not sure if the machines still do this; I made this mistake enough times back years ago that I haven't made it again since.
Hi Hilary - I had to go back to reread the cash story as I was so captivated by the views from your flat! I'm so happy you've got this little bit of heaven to enjoy every day of your life - you deserve it for all the support and joy you've given so many of us over the years. Talking of senior moments... I tried to log back on after this year's cyberhibernation, but I'd forgotten my blog log in details, my server password, one of my email passwords and the fact that I'd had to suspend another of my email addresses because of spam! By the time I'd sorted all that out, I'd completely forgotten what I'd logged on to blog about in the first place! Now I just need to remember the password for the address I have to use to comment here. Keys...keys are good. I wish I could have a cyberkeyring instead of a gazillion passwords.
Glad you got your cash back! (I have senior moments, too, and I'm not a senior!)
Oh dear, Hilary! I am so glad this tale had a happy ending and you got your cash back. I think the strangest thing I did was at work. In the morning I go in and put my lunch in the communal fridge for later and switch my phone to silent and tuck it in my bag under the chair in the staff room. This particularly day I hurried in at 12.30 for my lunch break and went straight to my bag for my phone (I was expecting a message). Confusion . . . my phone was not there . . . but my lunch was! The little grey cells starting whirring and I quietly sidled up to the fridge and peered in. You guessed it, there was my phone, on the shelf where normally my lunch sits! The staff room was full so of course all had a good chuckle at my 'senior moment' in fact they haven't let me forget it really!
The view from your flat looks lovely, a good spot for Red Arrows watching.
I so understand those moments...looks like you took it all in stride, that's about all the choice we have. LOL!
Fun post, Hilary! I can relate but can't think of a story on the spot!! LOL. Anyhow, I was thinking at least you get your exercise going back and forth to the bank! Cheers, Denise
@ CD – well I had thought about doing a history of the town at some stage … perhaps I will.
Well it was all my fault – and as I was inside the bank – I assumed I’d get my money back at some stage … I also rather dragged it out – but that was wanting to see my cousin at the tennis.
I’ve never tried to take my card out of the machine once it’s started swallowing it – and then having it eaten – that’s just terrible … and another warning to me – to take my card as soon as I can, as too the stash of cash … I’d never really thought about the machine taking things back!
@ Janice – lovely to have your comment … and yes the views from here are wonderful. Log in numbers, pins, passwords etc are all a nightmare – I’m fairly vague with mine – but can usually find them if I haven’t used one in a while – like yesterday. It’s finding an ‘easy’ way to remember passwords isn’t it – and jotting them down as you change them …
But so good to hear from you after all this time … I did email a note back – let me know if you got it …
@ Sherry – actually I think this sort of thing occurs all the time probably to most of us – it was just I can walk up and down to sort the thing out – which is very fortunate – and then make this ‘story’ out of it …
@ Suzanne – yes I was glad my cash came back to me! I can believe your story about the lunch being in your bag, while the phone was in the fridge … and that you’ll never be allowed to forget it by your colleagues, or by your family I guess too. Chuckles are good for all of us. I’m lucky with the views from the flat …
@ Donna – sometimes we just need to adapt and realise these moments happen and there’s no point in panicking … as you say both the bank and I sorted things out …
@ Denise – I know sometimes we’re asked about something and nothing comes to mind, then hours or days later the most appropriate story pops up – too late for telling. The exercise walking into town and back is good, while the walk up to the ‘village’ nestling under the Downs isn’t bad either – good views … pleasant greenery as well …
Cheers to you all – glad you appreciated my senior moment … Hilary
I'm getting to have those moments myself as I inch towards fifty. I reported my debit card lost only to find about ten minutes later in the back pocket of my jeans. I shoved it in there after I pumped my gas. Too late. The card had already been canceled. haha
Enjoy the rest of your week!
The view from your flat is amazing. What a way to start a day.
And I had to chuckle over the I'm Thinking. Please Stand:)
I don't have any comments on the eclipse – I promise. But I did enjoy your senior moments story. Very entertaining, and yet very scary. I have a lot of little senior moments, like now when I'm asking myself, what was that I was going to say?
Have a good day.
@ Elsie - I think these sorts of moments happen at all ages ... and I've certainly panicked when I've lost a card and then thought 'relax' and it will come to light - it does. But once cancelled then that's it - and we need to wait for a replacement.
@ Sandra - yes the view of the sea and edge of Beachy Head is pretty special. The 'I'm thinking ... ' image I slightly altered - but it amused me ... so I'm glad you had a chuckle ...
@ Debi - that's good - it was all the posts I was worried about - but they haven't really materialised ... unless today's intake in Feedly leads me to lots more! Oh yes I often forget what I was going to comment about - but as I say 'such is life'!!
Thanks so much - have good weekends ...cheers Hilary
Ha ha! Thanks for a funny story, Hilary. (It would have been much less humorous had it turned out differently.) I have the standard forgot why I walked into a room type stories but your story reminds me of a recent ATM experience. I was using a machine attached to the outside of my bank. You know the moment after you have requested money and you hear the machine counting the bills before it spits them out the little slot? My bank's machine was stuck at that point for a LONG time. It was like I had won the mega jackpot and it was going to spit out thousands of bills, it was counting for so long. After a few minutes (I kid you not), my husband went into the bank and came out with a security guard. We all watched the machine and listened while it continued the counting sound. The guard was not sure what to do, either. Then, like magic, the machine stopped and said "ERROR." End of transaction. I went inside to withdraw money manually from a teller. The next day, I checked my balance and they had subtracted the amount from the machine as well as from the teller. Thankfully, it was returned the next day. Anyway, thanks for a fun story and for reminding me of my own.
Hi Emily - well all I can say is thank goodness you had your husband with you and there was a security guard in the bank, who could stand with you ... while the machine turned its notes over. Extraordinary.
I'm just glad it all sorted itself out ... having money subtracted in error is always a bit of a surprise ... just so glad that was sorted out too.
I've heard of machines going wrong .. and sometimes when I've been withdrawing money it chunters away ... and only sends me some of it - obviously it's run out of cash ...
It's always a little daunting when they don't work ... glad yours was sorted ... cheers Hilary
Hi Hilary,
Delighted that all worked out well and you can bank on that. You managed to have a laugh about it all.
I think I might have had a senior eyesight moment. Thought I read, "off to town I 'piddle".." Then again....
Yep, I've backtracked to this post. Been so busy with our government that I can hardly think straight. Or maybe I'm just having a super senior fun type time.
Yes, I heard about that Eastbourne gas cloud and I wont make a joke about gas clouds.
Cheers, my kind friend.
Hi Gary - yes I can bank on that bank ... and getting my cash back: thankfully and laugh at the same time. Nope 'twas poddle ... but could equally have been the other ...
Re the other ... I hope things with the government can be sorted ... however our gas cloud has been interesting and rather unpleasant for some people. No doubt we'll find out what it was or probably was at some stage ... others around here smelt it - but I have to say I didn't notice ... it's been very hazy, though there could have been an extra 'yellowy' colour to some of the haze. It is hazy again today - though this is the last ... the weather turns for tomorrow ...
Thanks for commenting - cheers Hilary
I have had senior moments like that all my life. Most annoying is when I run up the stairs to get something and on top of the stairs completely forgetting what it was I wanted to get.
I think the diagnosis is scatterbrainedism, incurable :D
Hi Sylvia - I think you've hit the nail on the head or brain in this case 'scatterbrain' is an excellent word and probably incurable - except to move over to the slower lane and be slightly more organised! - that I need to do.
Cheers Hilary
It's quite a long time that I haven't heard from you or you from me ! I don't know how it happened, time flies by so quickly. This year sadly I won't come to Eastbourne I have an eye surgery cataract and then I had my holidays around Ireland too. Your pictures make me homesick. Yes, sometimes you don't have the choice.
So glad your story has a happy ending!
Love that photo of the Red Arrows.
I end up writing notes on my hand if I suddenly have too many things cluttering my mind and they all have to be done right now -- or wait till I can get my notebook, if it's a story idea :-)
@ Gattina - well you went to Ireland and said you weren't blogging any more and had mentioned you wouldn't be in Eastbourne ... and I've had lots of other things going on that don't get on the blog. Good luck with your eyes - the operations seem to work really well.
@ Deniz - oh yes, I know - I was glad ... but thought it'd turn out ok. I get frustrated with notes on my hand ... as I battle to wash them off - but know that people do take notes there instead - a notebook would be better - or even note taking on the phone!
Good to see you both ... cheers Hilary
This may be my favorite post from you because I can now "see" you ... where you live though not the individual "flat" but close enough. Love your sharing those "senior moments" struggling to get your money back (so relatable!) I read this a few days ago before I published my latest post that you commented on ... cut and pasted this into a Word document so I "walk through Word's door" as if I'm stopping by for a visit to a dear friend in Eastbourne. Thank you!
Hi Ann - it was a tale I felt I could easily tell as so many would relate ... and thankfully you've all done that. Just glad you've had a chance to read this twice ... I still laugh at myself as I read it through ... but delighted to have your comment and to think you can 'see'me here - cheers Hilary
Oh yes! Been there too, Hilary. You did make me chuckle!
I recently couldn't think how to use a piece of equipment I've been using for two decades. I just had a blank moment - or as we like to say, a senior moment.
@ Val - I'm delighted I made you chuckle ... these things are so easy to do - more and more ...
@ Lynn - yup I've pulled out things and thought now what ... really surely our brains don't mangle up this easily?!
Thanks you two ... glad we're all going in the same direction!! Cheers Hilary
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