Tuesday 27 August 2024

Procrastinate, Prevaricate … Pear-shaped brain …


Such is life – I'm getting off the bandwagon for a fortnight – for anyone who doesn't know that's two weeks + a bit!

Procrastinating, prevaricating doesn't do me any good ...and the pear-shaped brain is discovering more rabbit holes …

Who knew? - that The Rabbit Hole book will be published in October … I give up – it appeared on my radar today of all days … actually you'd think if I had radar I wouldn't be down so many rabbit holes … wouldn't you?

Far too many of these around ... 
books, articles etc
Lots going on and before the Autumn really comes along … I'm going to get a few things done and then I'll feel easier … and the brain won't be so pitted with half-explored books, sites of interest, articles to look into …

Hanging fruit waiting for me
to check out!

So I'm going to love you and leave you … we've a few sunny days left before Keats' season of mists and mellow fruitfulness sets in, followed by Blake's Winter of our discontent … then Rossetti's Spring will return … more rabbit holes!

Varieties of those low hanging fruits
I'm so grateful for our seasons … they provide interest sparking different thoughts appropriate to that time of year … from which we could learn so much …

Thankfully I haven't got as many as
shown here - but enough to keep me occupied
I'm eternally grateful to you all for following along … and yes I will set up a private group email to send out my posts to anyone who'd like to be on it … let me know – that'd be great: thank you … (reason being some of us lose our reasons for being sometimes with programmes cancelling our previously happy set up … )

I won't be far away … cheers for now …

Hilary Melton-Butcher

Positive Letters Inspirational Stories


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Enjoy your time away. I think that book was made for you.

jabblog said...

Enjoy your break and give your overtaxed brain a chance to relax.
Your group email idea sounds interesting. I'm sure I'd forget to update it ;-)
Have fun, Hilary.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Enjoy your time away, Hilary, and derive great benefit from this furlough. We all need a break from time to time. You have my email address if you need to contact me, or just feel like a chat. I'll be thinking of you. David xo

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Time to recharge and recoup... well done for noting the need and owning it! Hope it is as fruitful a period as pre-autumn deserves! Take care. YAM xx

Computer Tutor said...

I am jealous of all the fun you'll be having cerebrally exploring the world! See you on the other side.

Elephant's Child said...

Look after yourself. The Rabbit Hole Book would have me entranced for hours as I am sure it will you. Group email? Count me in.

Anabel Marsh said...

Have a good break and don’t get lost in too many rabbit holes!

Liz A. said...

Enjoy your break. When I was a teen, I read so many classics where they frequently referenced this fortnight, so I had to look it up. That's when I also learned of the term sennight...

Debbie D. said...

Enjoy your break, Hilary! Hope you still have some nice weather for it.

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

@ Alex - thanks ... I have a few of those type of books, but not thus named!

@ Janice - I'll add you in to the group email ... I don't think you would forget to update it - people ask for it - I just have never got round to setting one up ... I remember some commenters who have requested I add them in. I need to tick off a few things and then I hope feel easier ... thanks!

@ David - thanks I hope to clear the head and a few other things ... and come back refreshed. I'll be in touch ...

@ Yam - yes ... I must do it this time ... been threatening for ages - it has to be fruitful ... thanks for the thumbs up though ...

@ Jacqui - my poor cerebral pile behind my eyes does work hard - just not good at finishing things! More to explore definitely ...

@ EC - I'm fine ... just need to concentrate on a few things ... and yes books like the Rabbit Hole one will be full of snippets - and yes to the group email ... thank you.

@ Anabel - I won't ... I need to fill in a few rabbit holes and start again, or start with a smaller pile ...

@ Liz - I had to look up 'sennight' ... then went off to a few other rabbit holes, that are too difficult for me! But interesting how you found out ... about rabbit holes.

@ Debbie - thanks .. the weather looks reasonable for another week or so - but the nights are already closing in earlier ...

Thanks to you all - I'll be around and then be back ... cheers HIlary

Sandra Cox said...

We'll leave the light on for you. Hope you get caught up and relaxed.
If for any reason, you would want to contact me while you're away just drop a note on my contact form and I'll respond.

Joanne said...

Be an end of summer slug, sipping lemonade, swaying on a swing. Take a snooze, sit and muse, and we'll be delighted when you return. Sometimes you just have to step away. Enjoy your break!

Diane said...

It is hard to keep up with blogging when there is a lot going on as well I know. This year has been our busiest for ages and I am sooooo far behind. Enjoy the break but don't over do it. Keep well, cheers Diane

Keith's Ramblings said...

Have a happy hiatus Hilary! I'll be having some time away in November and I can hardly wait!

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

@ Sandra - thanks ... as winter is coming ... I'll be happy to have the lights on! I'll bear the contact aspect in mind ... I'm just quietly getting on with things ... so all well, thank you ...

@ Joanne - yes I think that's probably right ... being an end of summer slug ... and I am definitely musing ... while find new things to perhaps blog about ... such is my life.

@ Diane - you have so much going - I think if I had your garden and projects (re the new acquisition) ... I'd be off blogging! You take care ... your life has been full (full) on ... take care and if you can get a small break yourself take it!

@ Keith - I know you're off to Scandinavia in November ... which enjoy - it'll be really interesting ...

Thanks to you all - life is improving ... and will be easier in 2 weeks ... cheers HIlary

hels said...

I am not a hoarder and will happily clear out old stuff. Except for books and photos... they stay! So your photo of the library is a heartbreaker that I can identify with.
Be strong

T. Powell Coltrin said...

I am not a hoarder, in fact the opposite. Sometimes I toss things (donate) when I should have kept the "thing".

That book looks so interesting!

Sherry Ellis said...

Pears are so delicious in the fall and winter months!

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

I hope you enjoy your break. There are so many things to explore, books to read, friends to connect with, and so on. Enjoy every minute.

Deniz Bevan said...

I hear you! There always seem to be "half-explored books, sites of interest, articles to look into…" which is wonderful and fascinating, but sometimes I wish I could feel all caught up!

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

@ Hels - we keep what we need don't we ... I don't hoard either, but things gather around ...

@ Teresa - yes I've done that ... and get upset about it for years afterwards! I've a number of books that encompass 'rabbit holes' of a number of genres, including general ones ... they're fun to have around for dipping into …

@ Sherry – pears are, as you say, delicious … I must get some soon

@ Susan - thanks - I'm feeling free-er ... I'm being rather lazy though ... but that's fine - I need the time off ... and I'm relaxing ...

@ Deniz - yes - I don't know how you cope with everything ... my admiration to you for all you get done ... kids and family, and blog and writing and then of course work!!

Cheers to you all - thanks so much for visiting ... Hilary

Pradeep Nair said...

Enjoy your time away, Hilary. It’s necessary to step back, take a break and clear out the mental clutter before diving back into those rabbit holes! The idea of an email group is nice, and surely you can include me in it. Looking forward to your return and whatever insights you’ll have to share.

Denise Covey said...

Enjoy your hiatus Hilary! Looks right up your alley, that book! Hopefully see you at WEP in October!

Vallypee said...

Oh goodness, I've just had one of those Hilary, but it was because we were away on the boat and I didn't catch up with anything at all. Enjoy your time filling in the rabbit holes, and yes, please put me on your email list!

Sandra Cox said...

Hope you're whittling down your to-do list. Cheers,

Marja said...

Beautiful poetic expressions : Keats' season of mists and mellow fruitfulness sets in, followed by Blake's Winter of our discontent … then Rossetti's Spring will return. I hope you have a fruitful time Hilary and enjoy your time. There are indeed so many things to discover and it is sometimes hard to juggle it all. So good on you See you when you're back

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

@ Pradeep ... I'm being very lazy - the decluttering still has to happen! I'll add you in to the email group ... I have lots of insights and interesting thoughts to share - so no worries there ... they'll appear!

@ Denise - thanks so much ... all the best to you as things progress for you and family down under ... and yes I'll be at WEP

@ Val - I'm hopeless at the moment ... just managing what I need to do and that's it ... I have to knuckle under soon (very soon). You started the email group thing ...thank you I'll be following on - and yes you'll be on my list ...

@ Sandra - I'm being hopeless and now our academic year has started ... but I'll get there - as one does! Good to see you ... and I like the word 'whittling' ... though my list is the opposite - getting longer!

@ Marja - thanks ... I was pleased to add in Keats', Blake's and Rossetti's poems ... they seasonally resonate so appropriately. I'm relaxing and being very lazy ...but must get on with things - lots happening ... but that's all good.

Thanks for being here - great to see you all ... I'll be back soon - I suspect more likely October, though I'll post soon ... cheers and keep well - Hilary