Lots going on … just not much on the blog … so time for a
celebratory catch up and generally some news …
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I don't really need to caption this one ... I was 'freezing' - how Sharon stayed warm I've no idea!! |
Guess who came for a pub lunch … Sharon Mayhew, Blog Mom to my Grand Blog Mom for Lenny!! That was a surprise … and came out of the blue … she was over seeing her grandfather, who lives down the coast … and they wanted a day out and a pub lunch … well I’m always game! (Sharon Mayhew, Kit Lit Writer blog).
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Sharon's Ploughman's - good fresh crusty bread, pickle, salads and some excellent tasty Sussex Cheddar |
They came here … and George could not believe that we’d never met, couldn’t comprehend how we got on so well and had mutual friends around the world … it was wonderful. George was really interesting and we nattered about all subjects … as you might imagine!
It was a foul day … chilly, with a sky full of sea-fog … not conducive to sight-seeing … but a pub lunch yes! We went to the Tiger Inn at East Dean, about 4 miles from Eastbourne. George said he’d take Sharon back along the coast road …
Then we did venture to Beachy Head … could see very little, but we walked the short Peace Path round the new (2012) Bomber Command memorial that I hadn’t seen … well I can walk now with my new hip – it does make a difference!
We came back down to see the Crumbling Cliffs at Birling Gap … and then we sadly said farewell. But what a surprise … Memorial Day week turned up trumps.

Sharon had said ages ago that she thought her grandfather and I would get on … I do believe we were discussing the names of toilets in WW2 at the time … George and I have yet to broach that subject!?!
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The front of part of one of the windows before being cleaned ... |
I’ve been writing up some talks and articles … and I’ve been to Canterbury to see six of ‘The Ancestors of Christ Windows at Canterbury Cathedral’ … before they get reinstated into the Great South Window after conservation work has been carried out to preserve the stonework for another few centuries.
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George's baked camembert, toasty buttered breads and pickles |
I posted about the first part of the exhibition at the Getty Museum in Los Angeles, before they went to the Metropolitan Museum in New York – then the return to Canterbury where the British and European public to have a chance to view the ancient stained glass (12th and early 13th century) at ground level, rather than fifty feet up in the South Tower. Incredible opportunity – which I took.
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Exhibition which finishes today at the National Gallery |

... a visit to a refurbished Apsley House, the Duke of Wellington’s home until his death – in acknowledgement of the 200th anniversary of the Battle of Waterloo approaching on 18th June 2015.
Then I will take the summer off to get on with some other things that I need to address … to really clear the books and papers out, to read those books that are many and piled around … to learn some techie stuff and generally get my head clear for the future.
I’ve written 700 posts over the years and there are plenty more where those came from …
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This was on the edge of Hyde Park, near Buckingham Palace - and was the first Review of Trooping the Colour 2015, which takes place in front of the Queen on Saturday 13 June: here the Welsh Guard are returning to Barracks. There's a Triathlon event on today ... so lots of international athletes around too - hence the banners etc in the background. |
… I shall be lurking ... the feeder will fill and I will
glance across … but most importantly I want to thank everyone for your
wonderful comments during the A-Z this year and for all the previous
connections we have made … life is very different when we blog … we learn, we
connect, we appreciate as we linger long enough to understand and comprehend
each other … it’s an amazing way of life.
Busy yes, but so worthwhile …
I will return and I’m here … just giving myself a break from
the commitment of posting and returning comments …
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Tiger Inn facing the village green |
… and yes I do have lots of A-Z commenters to reply to and
bloggers to get over to see or meet and greet … another big project over the
A-Z is not a good idea, then to get the dreaded lurghi (bug) which hung around
for a month of so … but now I will finalise 2015’s A-Z …
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see note to left ... |
I know lots of bloggers have things going on … and I will try and keep up and in touch during the summer months … but I’m going to check in on my dusty brain, dust mites and those dusty books! So in the meantime … take care and enjoy life …
The "My Ideal Bookshelf" from the Literary Omnivores ... love the photo - but the website many of you may well enjoy - here's the link for the My Ideal Bookshelf post.
Hilary Melton-Butcher
Positive Letters Inspirational Stories
Sorry to hear you are fading away.
Hang in there, and best wishes!
How wonderful that you got to meet Sharon while she was there! What fun to finally meet someone in person that you've known only by correspondence (which is really what this blogging thing is) and get along great immediately!
Enjoy your summer break from blogging!
Well, you deserve a break, Hilary! Going through one's books is a pleasure but does soothe the soul as I've had to do that a few times now. Getting rid of some is like throwing out old friends, but we can recycle them, too. Taking the summer off is a good idea and I may have to slow blog too, even more as moving and packing, etc is on my horizon now.
Hope you do enjoy yourself and remember to take care with that hip, isn't mobility wonderful? Take lots of photos, you know we love to see them, and dream up new and interesting posts. It'll be like a sabbatical for you.
Lovely to see what you are up to, and it's always a treat for me to see photos of back home. Glad you were able to meet up with a fellow blogger, that is great. Have a wonderful summer, get yourself sorted, and I look forward to reading again when you are back! Hugs from cold and windy Rhineland, Valerie
That's cool you got to visit with Sharon!
WWII toilets haven't come up in conversation with George yet? Let us know if they do.
Enjoy your break. Summer is a good time to do it.
I hope you will have a brilliant summer.
We all need to sit back and catch up on other matters than blogging occasionally and shaking the dust of brain and other assorted furniture becomes ever more important.
frankly, Hilary, I can’t see you sitting back and doing nothing, or very little, in a million years.
Stay busy and happy. see you anon.
'we learn, we connect, we appreciate' We certainly do, Hilary. I have learned such a lot through blogging. Sue
The food on your travels looks wonderful! I hope you enjoy your time away from blogging and catch up on your reading. I'm sure you'll be back with lots more travels to share.
@ Steve - I'm around and not far away ... I'll check in - and see how your leg is doing ...
@ BLogoratti - yup - I certainly don't expect to go off the perch - thanks!
@ Dianne - I know it was such fun ... and so amazing ... and we did get on so well .. a bit like cousins, who hadn't seen each other for ages, picking up the pieces ... I shall enjoy life away from blogging for the three months .. if we ever get summer!
@ DG - thanks .. I feel I need it and can't get away if I don't break off. Good luck with your sorting ... as I hope things are easing into place for you - sounds like it.
My hip is wonderful .. wandered around London yesterday - easily .. makes such a difference .. no pain. Posts are dreamt up .. and yes I must sort my photos ... thanks for your support ...
@ Valerie - that's great .. thanks so much for being supportive ... and am delighted you enjoy the posts and photos of 'good old England'!! I know meeting Sharon was such fun ..
Yes it is cold here ... so can quite believe what Rhineland is like ..
@ Alex - I know .. isn't it wonderful she decided to come to visit .. - and George .. not yet we haven't been in touch again .. it's about an hour and a half a way .. not far - but not round the corner, especially here in the UK!
WW2 toilets will I'm sure come to the fore sometime ... and yes I need the break ...
@ Friko - I can't see me being idle either .. and yes, I do look forward to a clear head this summer!! I certainly need to catch up .. thanks so much - I'm already busy .. and already doing lots .. just need to jump off and do what I need to do ..
@ Sue - I agree .. we do learn lots through blogging don't we ..
@ Jean - the food .. I wish I could do more of it .. and I certainly hope I'll catch up on good books and seeing a few friends and relatives over the summer ...
Thanks so much .. my quarterbattical starts tomorrow!! Cheers - and all the best to you all .. Hilary
We all have something to look forward to when you return. I often feel like I need a break but Nigel encourages me to go on. He is so good doing research for me and although my posts are much further apart then they used to be, they are still going. The daily dairy is more simple as there are few words.
Take care and enjoy the break Diane
The warmth and the wonder of the blogosphere blows me away on a daily basis. I learn so much. I laugh. I cry. And am grateful. So very grateful.
Have a wonderful, restorative, fun break.
Enjoy your time away. We need them from time to time, don't we? I need to clean away the clutter yet find it so easy to just sit at the computer. Getting to have a sandwich with a blogging friend sounds heavenly. She was a lucky lady!
I just hope you get a summer this year, very iffy in the UK. Enjoy your time away from the Blog World and come back with lots more interesting info.
I remember a pub at Beach Head where Matt and I had lunch many years ago, I don't remember the name nor whether it is still there. Good grub though.
Great meeting Sharon Mayhew. I have met two bloggers in person, Jeffrey Hargett and L. Diane Wolfe. Great to do so. Hope I will meet more in the future.
Saw another pic of Canterbury Cathedral showing the difference before and after the clean up (which isn't yet complete I understand) what a difference. Would have liked to have seen the stained glass though. I don't know how often I have been in Hyde Park and had no idea that's where Old Hookey's home was.
Have a relaxing time away. Lucking is fun too.
Though I admit I'm curious about the toilet and names conversation. ;)
Hi Hilary! I've been waiting for this post to see what you're up to and it sounds fabulous. Did I detect a little blogger guilt there? You don't have to worry about commenting. You just need to take this break and do what you have to do. You put so much into the A-Z you should get a medal! I still have some of those posts of yours to read through. You are a mine of information and you're always building your knowledge with trips and so forth.
I will love to welcome you back in September. Just wave a flag or send me an email when you're ready!! No pressure!
And what a gorgeous catching up you just had. The blogosphere leads us to such enriching experiences!
Your Down Under mate
Denise :-)
Wow, you have been busy; but seems like it was enjoyable. Nice to meet our blog friends. I hope you feel better soon, and hope you relax and enjoy your break.
Dear Hilary,
I'm delighted that you met up with our mutual friend, Sharon. You might know that, incredibly, Sharon spent part of a her childhood living in Leek. I forwarded a bunch of info and photos of Leek and surrounding areas to her.
You do have quite the adventures. Adventures reflected with every word and photo you share. Always informative. Always fascinating.
Rest, recuperate and look forward to seeing your blog around September. Just remember, you, dear friend, look after your good self.
Have a wonderful summer. I remember a song... See You in September.
I'm glad you are walking again, Ms. Hilary! Hip, hip hooray! Yes, it is wonderful to finally meet fellow bloggers in person. Sometimes they can surprise you, but it's interesting nonetheless. I hope you enjoy your summer break and see you again in September.
Crumbs Blogger irritates me!! I’ve just replied to the next commenters and what happens – it’s bombed me out … no idea why – I can’t believe it was too characterful! Yugh!! But I guess it was ….
@ Diane – you are so lucky with Nigel (your encouraging hubby) and can get some of your research done for you … your story-articles always tie in so well with your lovely photography and representations of things you’ve seen … would love to take some of those trips with you … I think one blog is enough for me!!
@ Elephant’s Child – the blogosphere does exude warmth and give us wonder … and yes I agree: I learn, laugh, cry and am very grateful for such great friends …
@ Paula – sitting down at the computer can almost be addictive … but I must do some other things. I’ll be back and meeting up with Sharon was great fun …
@ Jo – summer I gather starts on Wednesday when it will get hotter! Can’t wait for the sun … but got to freeze for 36 hours first! The pub at Beachy Head is still there – though it’s a chain type place now ... not so innovative – the Tiger is definitely a pub. I remember you meeting Diane .. and lucky you meeting Jeffrey too – it is fascinating meeting other bloggers.
Canterbury Cathedral I expect will have lots of exposure during this restoration work – they’ve had a few programmes on here about it … I’m glad I was able to get across to Canterbury.
Wellington’s home – he bought it after the campaigns from his elder brother – he needed a place to display, use and store all the presents he was sent from grateful rulers. I visit Wellington Arch quite often – it’s a delightful museum – small, but with excellent displays …
@ Holly – I shall enjoy being able to concentrate and not worry about the next blog post … but I’ll miss the camaraderie.
Toilets – yes something strange to have a discussion about across the blogosphere … Sharon has written a book on WW2 (I don’t think it was WW1 – but might have been too) and wanted to know what toilets were called back then … so we had this conversation going on!! Gary Klahanie joined in too – as he lives in Leek and that’s where Sharon lived for a while, so there’s a (Sharon) family connection with Leek …
Funny how bloggers seem to mix and match and enjoy their blogosphere lives …
@ Denise – sorry taken me ages to get this up … there’s lots of guilt – but I’ll get to answer the A-Z commenters and connect with them … many are new and I’m not one to leave new friends in the lurch.
Thanks re the posts – just delighted you enjoy them … and even want to read some you haven’t got to yet. I enjoy the learning … it fascinates me and there’s always something to learn as life progresses along …
I think I can’t wave a flag for you … it’d have to be upside down and I might fall off the planet! … so I’ll email you – I’ve been thinking about it …
It’s funny – you’ve had some amazing experiences with blogging friends too … I’d love to do more … one day! We do get hugely enriching experiences from blogging don’t we …
Lovely to hear from my Down Under Mate, from your Up Here Mate!!
@ Donna – it’s mostly been thinking things – not really doing … but when I do – I do … and meeting Sharon was special. I’m feeling better now – thank goodness!
@ Gary – how lovely to see you here … and meeting up with Sharon was special – we just never got to talk about everything we should have … eg Leek etc and that toilet conversation we had …
I know Sharon was so pleased with all the information you sent her re Leek – coincidence you were in the right place for her and that knowledge base she needed for her book.
Thank you so much for your thoughts … my posts wander along which ever path I’m on … just delighted people are happy to read. I shall rest and relax … and look after this good self!!
@ Karen – yes my plate is usually full .. and I try and remain healthy …
@ Bish – I shall be working quite hard I think ... but on different things … and full plate is usually mine. “See you in September” is almost before my time … but not quite! I shall return at that stage this year …
@ W2W – good to see you here – and yes thank you .. the hip op was amazingly successful: I’ve been very lucky …
I’m sure many of us if we met would be surprised … but it’s certainly fun … and I will enjoy the time away from committed blogging …
Thanks everyone – lovely to have your comments and good wishes for the summer … I’ll be around on and off – cheers Hilary
How fun....love that sandwich! Yum! And the photo of you and Sharon is so good...very fun to see! Looks like you had a wonderful time!
You have such a gift for taking your audience along the paths you travel. I was chilly just reading about your weather; and hungry too. As Friko said, I'm sure you'll be quite busy on your "vacation" from blogging. Have fun.
Glad you came up to the surface to let us know your plans. Will look for you in a few months. Cool to meet a blogging friend.
how fun to meet a blogger friend! i've been able to meet two over time. :)
enjoy your summer free!
Hi, Hilary!
I'm so happy to have read your post today! I needed a pick-me-up.... What a lovely visit with such a special lady... Sharon and I have talked and texted many a time over the past few years. She is amazing. So glad you two had a special day together!
One day I hope to jet over to England and have a lovely lunch with you as well. You are so knowledgeable and passionate about you country and it exudes in every one of your posts!
Enjoy your few months off! I am crazy, too. My home fell through in Tampa, so now I am back to square one. Who knows where I'll end up. I still have time. But I so want away from the chill and grayness of Chicago. Summer seem to be hiding from us these days. Still way below in temperature for this time of year....
Take care, and we'll be seeing you again very soon!
Your day with Sharon sounded lovely. Thanks for sharing it with us.
700 posts? That says "BREAK TIME!" to me.
Enjoy your time off! You deserve it. :)
There's always so much to do isn't there? I guess I'll take my blogging break in December as usual, but summer is also a good time for a break with the weather so nice and wanting to be outdoors instead of in. How nice that you and Sharon got to meet!
You've had a busy time getting out and about, the stained glass windows sound fascinating. How nice to meet Sharon too and have a great day out. Hope you have a productive break and get your stuff in order, I'll look forward to seeing you back around.
Know you will be busy and having a great time with all your interests, Hilary. Thank you as ever for your kind encouragement.
Oh you got me hooked on your blog, and now you are taking a break. Well, good for you - sounds like a great summer ahead, so enjoy.
How great that you got to meet Sharon. The internet certainly opens up the whole world to us.
Enjoy your summer break, I'm sure you will be busy with many things. Look forward to hearing what you have been up to when you return. Best wishes.
Glad to hear the new hip is working so well for you. You will be missed till we see you again.
The names of toilets? I really must know.
It's a real treat meeting blogging friends.
Enjoy your summer!
I'm glad you had a nice visit with your friend, Sharon. Because you are such an extraordinary history teacher, you definitely deserve a summer break, Hilary. I will miss you, and look forward to hearing about all your adventures when you return. Have a wonderful summer, Hilary!
Enjoy your summer. I hope the weather cooperates for you. You'll be missed, but you have earned your break.
I understand the need for a break but I'm going to miss you Hilary. You are a true blog friend and I know how Sharon and you must have enjoyed each other's company. Have a great summer and tell us all about it when you return.
Salut! Beste
What a delightful catch-up post. Wishing you a fabulous summer filled with lots of wonderful things you can let us know about come September. Have fun!
Hilary, a new hip, over 700 posts, and A to Z. You deserve a break!
Will miss you. I feel as if I visit your part of the world when I stop in. That pub looks wonderful and I'm jealous of your museum visits. That's the one thing I really miss living in the wilderness... museums.
I'm so glad you got to meet up with Sharon. What a fun and amazing surprise that must have been.
Enjoy your break, Hilary. I'll miss your wonderful posts and will look forward to your return in the fall. Take care!
You and Sharon must have had a fantabulous time together. It's always so much fun to meet a blogging pal in person, and to discover we get along just as well face-to-face as we thought we would.
I'm glad to hear you're getting around well again. Now, there will be no holding you back! Enjoy your break. We'll miss you.
You'll be back in the fall, yes? I'll email next week and see if we can join up somewhere. Relying on my son to drive me around, so maybe we can sneak in a visit during my visit. Love your blog, Hilary. Look forward to having you back after summer.
I will miss you while you're 'away' but so understand and I hope you enjoy your summer, reading, and tidying up! See you in September. And a great thank you to Denise for hosting your coming back! Lisa @ http://www.lisabuiecollard.com
Have a GREAT break Hilary - don't know how I missed your post. I especially asked my son when he was visiting to ensure I was able to receive your posts and I thought it was sorted. Ah well -
The winter weather is here - biting us big time.
@ Betsy – we did have a fun time and a good lunch .. thanks.
@ Rosaria – many thanks: I’m honoured to read your thoughts … it has been chilly – perhaps today the wind will drop and the clouds will clear. I know – any food discussion makes me feel hungry … it’s before breakfast too. I will be busy – you’re so right …
@ Susan – I seemed to be sinking lower and lower … but needed to let you all know I was still swimming. I’ll be around … and yes lovely to meet up with Sharon.
@ Theresa – yes meeting a few fellow bloggers is a treat – especially when they fly in! I shall enjoy not needing to blog for a while …
@ Michael – how lovely you’ve had a chance to tie in with Sharon too – texting and talking … it’s been a pleasure to have a chance to meet up with her. Her grandfather is a delight and we did have a special day.
It would be amazing if you get over and we could have lunch together … I look forward to that … and I’m so chuffed you get taken along with my descriptions of good old “Blighty” … I do love being home.
I am so sorry about your Tampa home falling through – that’s awful to hear about. You aren’t having much luck in that direction, but luck does change – let’s hope yours will soon. Sounds like Chicago is worse than our grey here … if it’s cold and miserable it certainly doesn’t help our mindset does it. Good luck …
@ Chrys – it was lovely meeting Sharon and her grandfather ... I feel privileged and honoured to have had the chance to meet them both. I forgot I was passing the 700 mark … I shall attempt to knuckle under and achieve all I need to in the months ahead – thank you.
@ Karen – I don’t tend to take breaks when people with families might ... my life can trickle along and as I blog spasmodically I seem to be able to just keep going … not regularly, but that’s the way I am – there and around,
@ Nick – as you know we can get to London quite easily from here, as too along the coast to Canterbury, or Chichester – so when I pluck up courage and set out … I tend to do lots of things at once. Meeting Sharon and her grandfather was a treat …
@ Carole Anne – yes I’ll be busy and filling my days up … glad I’m encouraging and it inspires you to continue – good for you Carole Anne.
@ Joanne – oh gosh –I’m honoured: thank you. I shall be back and there’s plenty of subjects in my old posts for you to take a look at – should you feel that desperately withdrawn?!?! I’ve enjoyed meeting up with you too – and will be back …
@ Suzanne – yes it was a delight meeting Sharon and her grandfather … very special. As you say the internet certainly opens up so many things for us … especially those connections. Lots going on already … and plans ahead … but I need to just tidy things up here a bit more first …
Cheers to you all – and thanks so much for all your comments … I’ll be around – take care … and all the best to everyone – let’s hope things come right for many of us over the next three months or so … Hilary
@ Jeffrey – the hip is amazing and makes such a difference to being happy to get up and go. I’m not far away and will be back, like the old penny!
@ Janie – I might have guessed you’d have picked up the toilet bit … see my post: http://positiveletters.blogspot.co.uk/2011/10/random-thoughts-sharon-mayhew-and-our.html I’ll be over to email you the info – in case you don’t get back here ..
@ Lynda – it is as you say a real treat meeting up with bloggers … it’s that extra dimension … and thank you I’m looking forward to getting stuck in.
@ Julie – me a teacher … my school days didn’t acknowledge that in any way!!?? … I shall enjoy the break away, but will be busy and very occupied … and I’m looking forward to settling to my tasks …
@ Rhonda – thanks so much … I certainly hope the weather co-operates … it looks like we might be improving, then heavy thunderstorms tomorrow – who knows!! The weather is something we have no control over … other than to live our day through it!!
@ Beste – thanks so much … it’s been fun tying in with you – just so sorry about your loss of your mother … and I look forward to telling a few of those stories to be on my return …
@ Deborah – many thanks … my blog sandwich updates do it for me – so delighted you enjoyed this one too. A lot of work is going to happen in the next few months too .. but I shall enjoy the freedom of getting on with things.
@ Stephen – the years have whistled by and to my surprise I’ve written those 700 posts, and blogged for over 7 years now … thanks I shall I enjoy a few months getting on with other things.
@ Mary – thanks so much … I’m delighted you feel you’re here in little old England. The pub was great – I haven’t been to that one for a while … so it made a chance. I know the museum visits have been a special addition to my life … and I’m so enjoying those – they’re always on my card to do. I missed England and its history when I lived in South Africa .. so understand your hankerings for the advantages of urban life at times.
@ Julie – it was a fabulous opportunity to meet up with Sharon and her grandfather … and was a surprise – we’d tried 3 and a half years ago … but her grandparents weren’t well, so we had to cancel our thoughts.
Thanks so much for your thoughtful comment about my posts … I enjoy writing them and am sure they won’t change their spots much – I can’t seem to easily now alter my writing style.
@ Susan – I know it’s extraordinary that when we meet blogging friends there’s already that friendship in tact – which makes getting together so much easier. Love the word ‘fantabulous’ … it was. The hip has been a great success and now it’s time to rock and roll …
@ Joylene – yes I’m not going anywhere and the blog will be around come the Autumn. It will be lovely to meet up and I’m happy to try and fit in with your son and your arrangements … and for us to meet up …
@ Lisa – thanks so much … I won’t be far … and will be back: but I have lots to do first … Denise is hosting lots of friends and I’m sure she’d be happy to have you rest on her couch for a visit … give her a ‘buzz’ …
@ Susan – I shall be pleased not to have to commit to blogging for a while, but I’ve lots to do. I only posted at the weekend – so your son may well have fixed things …
I’m in touch with friends in SA who aren’t that well – so I know the weather is awful … and having lived in Johannesburg, know that the houses aren’t geared up for the biting winds … English cold isn’t great, but I’m glad my flat can withstand the weather better than my SA house!
Cheers to you all – and thanks so much for all your comments … I’ll be around – take care … and all the best to everyone – let’s hope things come right for many of us over the next three months or so … Hilary
You sound busy and happy and that is certainly a winning combination. Enjoy the summer.
It's such fun meeting blog friends, and falling into easy conversation because you know each other so well, even though you've never met.
Have a wonderful blog-free summer :-)
700+ posts? Amazing!
I love you well-traveled you are.
So cool that you got to meet Sharon. I live closer to her, and I haven't met her in person yet! Like you, I'd be cold as well.
I would like to visit those Crumbling Cliffs! Awesome sight. I would like to see all the places you show here but that would mean that I have to spend a lot of time traveling. I don't think the dwarves would like that. :) Dragon Hugs, Hilary!
So many lovely pictures--the windows and white cliffs are especially stunning. And the ploughman's looks yummy!
Enjoy your summer! Relaxing, dusting the brain, it all sounds like a marvelous idea, really. Take care, and we'll see you in September!
Well I've been busy too & neglecting the blog, so I don't feel so bad after reading your post. Wow! 700 posts is a lot. You definitely deserve a break. I love the glimpse into Canterbury cathedral. Have a nice blog rest Hilary.
700+ posts? You are a blogging star!
Those Crumbling Cliffs and the stained glass windows are beautiful!
Everybody needs a break now and again. It sounds like a great idea... to dust off the brain... catch up with some reading...
Enjoy your time away, Hilary. I know you're the kind of person who will stay busy, even when you're on a break...
See you in September.
EEK!!! You met Sharon. Like live and in person??? Sweet! She's one of my critique besties. She's the sweetest person. I love that you were able to get together.
Thanks for all the info, and have a wonderful break! I'll be on and off again for the summer months, too. I do need to check out My Ideal Bookshelf post, though...
@ Ros - yes busy and happy it is a good combination .. and will be even better once I'm on top of things here ... I shall enjoy the break and summer: we've had one or two days so far ... ?!
@ Annalisa - it is I agree much fun meeting blog friends and falling into that comfortable conversation mode .. one day we shall meet and the same will occur with us. Thanks for the blog free summer - I will ..
@ Theresa - thanks so much - 700 of my length posts is I feel quite an achievement. I'd love to do more travelling ... but I can do short trips here and spread my wings somewhat amongst the historical reins of life ...
Meeting Sharon was just the best - such fun ... and I was honoured they came along the coast to visit ... and it was cold!
@ Father Dragon - the dwarves would miss you ... but it'd be wonderful to see you over here and show you those crumbles ... if there's some left - we've still got rough seas! Perhaps the dragon could hold the cliffs up?!
@ Sara - it was all good ... stormy seas and crumbling cliffs always amaze me. The repairs to the Cathedral windows were extraordinary and so interesting to learn about and see at ground level, where we could get up close. The food was pretty good! Thanks re the thoughts re dusting my brain!
@ Juliet - I'm sure you've been busy ... and I'll be over to see any post you've put up ... and thanks re the 700 posts ... yes I'm pleased I went over to Canterbury ... I now need to go again and have a good look around ...
@ Michelle - I feel I've achieved a lot with 700 posts of my sort of post ... but they're my asset base. Our crumbling cliffs make a picture stand out don't they - they welcome so many people to our shores. Stained glass is an incredible skill ... and I will love learning more about the Ancestors Windows in the Cathedral ... and yes I have lots and lots to do - which seems to get added to all the time!
@ Sheri - yes I know I did meet her and we had a few happy hours together ... that's wonderful she's critiqueing your books - bet she's good: I can't wait to read her book ...
Glad you'll check out the "My Ideal Bookshelf" it looked interesting to me ..
Cheers everyone and thanks so much ... I'm still trying to catch my tail ... but keep adding things to do over the summer ... I'll be by soon - have a wonderful summer - Hilary
Enjoy your break from blogging Hilary and have fun with all your other "catch ups".
I've done some of those recently and they are very satisfying :)
Looking forward to popping in randomly to read your blog later this year..!
First of all, have a great blog-break. We all need one every now and then. Secondly, I really want to see the impressionism exhibition at the National. That's one of my favourite places in London. Thirdly, a pub lunch is a pub lunch, regardless of the weather. I would have joined you all, but... :-)
Greetings from London.
How super awesome to meet up with a blogger friend to start off your break. Like the sound of the pub-lunch and the exhibitions too, wonderful week. Seven hundred is humongous and super awesome too.
Have a great summer Hilary!
That sandwich looks good -- probably because I'm hungry. Enjoy your summer!
Meeting Sharon - what great fun! So glad you enjoyed a good time together. Glad too, that you shared it with us.
Enjoy your time off. May it be productive and refreshing. Looking forward to when you return. :)
Have a good summer,
After 700 posts I quite understand your wish to rest for a while. What an achievement! Like you I have many books to read but then I always find more that look interesting – or depending where I go or what I study for my posts I start reading on that. Summer is a good time to catch up, on reading, but also on relaxing. Enjoy your summer.
Enjoy the summer break Hilary!A good thing to unwound and come back fresh in September!
How odd that you have mutual worldwide friends with someone who lives not far away but hadn't met him before and then did meet him via that international network.
Have a great summer. There's nothing for it - if I can't catch up with you via the blog, we'll have to come and see you in person! I'll be in touch (I was going to say when we're organised and know what we're doing, but I'll make it before that or you might never here from me again!)
I'm sad to see you take a blogging vacation ( you are coming back, right) just when we've had the opportunity to get to know one another. I hope you have a great summer, full of many adventures. I hope your Amazon gift cards will come in handy for pleasure reading. I will miss you.
It's great that you've been able to meet many of your blogging/writing friends, face to face. My husband always questions my so called friendships I've made on the internet . They don't seem real to him. They are indeed very real. The cliffs look beautiful. Hope you are back soon and you will be missed. Take care and have a fantastic time. Keep us updated from time to time.
Enjoy your break. You've done a lot of posting. They've always been very interesting. See you when you get back.
How fun to see Sharon! She's such a great lady.
Having just taken a huge break, I'm guess I can't condemn anyone for disappearing--especially to enjoy books. Here's to an epic summer!
Enjoy the break Hilary -and hopefully some nice sunny weather to go with it - sitting outside with a book and a glass of something is something I've been dreaming of!!!! Fil x
@ Sue (Coral) Thanks … I’m still not off the mark – getting there! Yes, I saw you were travelling … so pleased you’ve had a happy time … and it’ll be good to see you later in the year.
@ ACIL – thanks very much … sadly I think the Impressionists exhibition had finished – but the book looks amazing … about Paul Durand-Ruel’s life and approach to that early collection of art.
Yes – a pub lunch is fun isn’t it .. and it’d have been a pleasure if you’d joined us.
@ Nila – it was lovely of Sharon to get in touch and make a plan with her grandfather. Thanks so much … the pub and the exhibitions are always fun … the 700 posts can stress me out sometimes … but I do enjoy the blog …
@ Milo – I need to get over to see you … I’m slowly working my way along my to do list … and any good pub food is always an attraction!
@ Karen – thanks .. it was a lovely surprise and wonderful to meet up. Yes – I need to get to the productive and refreshing bit … but I’m enjoying life and moving forward.
@ Vagabonde – thanks … I’m fairly erratic in my posting – but I’ve enjoyed all I’ve done. Reading books – I haven’t even started yet … but I constantly refer to things … as I draft my talks or write my posts … thanks I’ll enjoy the summer …
@ Kaykuala – yup just not blogging helps … but lots to get my teeth into and get on with things and reading … and then be refreshed and rarin’ to go!
@ Patsy – he’s in his 90s … and was looking after his wife til relatively recently – so his granddaughter being over enabled this meeting. It was fun …
Well if I said don’t come til I’m organised … we’d never get in touch from my side … so I’m here – when you and your new van get along in this direction … looking forward to it.
@ Melissa – yes I’ll be back – just needed time to get my life straight. It’ll be so good to keep in touch – and I shall enjoy the Amazon gift cards – always useful for books! So lucky I managed to guess the murderer in your brilliant A-Z murder story …
I’m not far away – just across the pond – but as you say many of my blogging friends feel so real, and are very real and delightful when we get to meet up. People don’t understand until they start blogging … Alex Cavanagh found that out …
Sussex is a very pretty county … and has lovely countryside – as too lots of England … as you saw in my Cornish posts ..
Perhaps I should do an update … I’ll debate it … I could easily rattle and roll!
@ Sherry – thanks – just so happy to read you enjoy my posts … that makes it all so worth while.
@ Crystal – Sharon is amazing isn’t she … You had a very good reason to take a break … and your hubby looks delightfully happy with your newbie on Father’s Day as they snuggle up: loved that photo …
@ Fil – thanks so much … the weather’s not too bad – but the wind is still cold … still not boiling I guess makes life easier. Sitting and reading in the dappled shade, with an occasional burst of sun – is such good news …
Cheers to you all – and thanks so much for coming by and checking in … have lovely summers, enjoy a few books, good luck with getting life organised and generally having fun … see you soon - Hilary
Hope you are having a great break!
I too am on a blogging break till Sept.
It's always a joy to visit you!
Cheers and happy summer days to you!
You don't have to reply to my comment Hillary, just know we'll be looking forward to your return :) Enjoy the summer!
Farewell for now. See you in September. I dig where you're coming from. I've been on hiatus too. I loved the image you shared of the crumbling cliffs. I'd never heard of them. Enjoy. You seem to live life to the fullest extent so I'm sure there'll be no trouble with that.
Seven hundred posts are quite a few. I hope you have a wonderful summer.
Have a delightful summer, Hilary! I'm going to copy your post into a document and send it to Grandad. He will love it. We both had a lovely time getting to know you in person. Life got a bit hectic as I returned to the states. A dear friend passed, so we traveled for a few days for her funeral, then to our cabin, then back up to Iowa to take Katherine for her summer job. I'm glad to be home for a bit, so I can sort myself out.
Again, it was wonderful meeting you in person. :)
Thanks for stopping by and checking on me. So much going on here, visiting, London, and the crumbling cliffs. I hope you are having a wonderful summer and that the sun will shine on good olde England so you and your hip may have an easy time of it. Much love from the canyon. ~ Inger
Sometimes a person just needs to take a bloggy break to rest and recharge . Thanks for this wonderful, newsy update, for making my eyes happy with all those lovely images, and for making my tummy happy at the thought of that ploughman's lunch--vicarious enjoyment and none of the calories!
I'll look forward to reading your posts when you return from your hiatus. :)
@ Margie ... I am switched off that's for sure! You too - enjoy Scotland and seeing the family ... and thanks for your kindness ..
@ Stephanie - appreciate your thoughts and you too enjoy the summer
@ Stephanie - life can get a bit much sometimes and I overstretched myself - teach me to be more prepared for the A-Z! Crumbling Cliffs - they really are disappearing at a rate ... we've had a lot of wind and thus heavy seas this year. Yes - I'll be fully occupied ... but it's the best way ... lots of interest going on ...
@ Cherie - with 700 of my sort of posts I do feel the need to 'get away' for a while and recalibrate ... so thank you
@ Sharon - I wondered where you'd gone .. though knew about the loss of a dear friend and your need to travel immediately on your return from here to be with her family.
Lucky you to then be able to take time out with a visit to your cabin .. sounds just wonderful! Good luck to Katherine for her summer job ... I'm sure she'll have a lovely time and learning as she works.
Yes - getting home is always good ... I don't much like routine, but we all seem to need it! It was lovely meeting up with you and George ... and I'm so pleased you enjoyed the post - which I hope George enjoys. I know - do come over again very soon ... and we can meet up and continue on!?!?!
@ Inger - how lovely to see you here ... I'm glad you're feeling easier and will continue to heal - I often think of you and your canyon. Britain is always full of life in these summer months ... with interesting events happening ... you know us well. The hip is working wonders and will now get more exercise ...
@ Kern - thanks and yes I think we all need time off ... but it's nice to know people are looking forward to one's return - and the newsy bits and bobs of life ... I appreciate everyone so much.
It's way too early now for lunch and I'm really hungry - one of those days .. I shall resist .. but the thought of a ploughman's in the sun brings happy thoughts with a bit of longing in there too!
Thanks so much to you all - and it's such a delight to be blogging with such great friends ... cheers for now - Hilary
Oh wow, you had a visit from Sharon Mahew. How wonderful!
I have been reading posts but not have been commenting. Work has been crazy. I still have to catch up on writing. The good thing is that I do not see too many issues to write on. I write when something bothers me. I should learn from your posts how you write about things that are truly positive.
Take care of yourself.
Enjoy your blogging break Hilary after 700 informative and in depth posts I think you deserve that break!! :) Relax and enjoy your summer - see you in September!
Hi Hilary,
I'm happy to hear your new hip is allowing you to do all the things you love.
We miss you but understand the need for R&R. Life's been busy here as well - writing, writing, writing!
Enjoy your sabbatical.
Would have loved to see the "Inventing Impressionism" exhibition!
Enjoy your summer!!!
@ Munir - it was lovely having Sharon and her grandfather turn up on the doorstep - well not literally ... we'd arranged things! Thanks re the thought you could learn from my postings .. I try and keep a light tone: you're so right ...
@ Judy - thanks so much ... I'm enjoying life so far - not getting far enough down the line ... but it makes life easier not worrying about commenting or writing another post .. though the thoughts don't disappear! The brain continues to work ...
@ Susan - the new hip is amazing .. I must get exercising more and walking much further .. but I just don't think about getting out and about thankfully ... Good luck with your writing ...
@ Mary - it was a fascinating exhibition .. and I'm so looking forward to getting the book about the entrepreneurial art dealer: Paul Durand-Ruel .. his story is so interesting.
Cheers to you - thanks for coming by .. Hilary
The A to Z challenge is always interesting and fun way to escape. Take care of yourself and enjoy the Summer break.
I love it when people who meet online actually get to see each other in person. How wonderful! Here's to many pub lunches and I look forward to your "couch visit."
Dropped by to read some more of your fascinating posts, Hilary! Cornwall is on my bucket list. How lovely you met up with a blogging friend.
Ah, Hilary, I too have been largely out of blogging action since the beginning of the year. I've only done a few posts because of everything that's been going on. Enjoy clearing out the bugs - whether they be dust bugs or other. And look after yourself! I for one am very glad to have 'met' you here so I'll look forward to your return! Take lots of care! xx
Oh, Hillary, I would love to see the Magna Carta! You've been so busy in spite of hip troubles and now adjusting to a new hip, you deserve the summer off. Hope it's a relaxing time for you! See you in September!
Take care of yourself.
Hey, Hil. I agree that time away is well spent. I am just now able to reply to your last comment on my blog. Christopher has had the health challenges. That is a lot of posts. You deserve the break. I loved the pics you sent to me of you with Sharon and her grandad. They were so lovely. I will keep them forever. xoxo
@ SpacerGuy - thanks so much for coming by re the A-Z challenge and my break etc ... I am enjoying myself!
The next few comments went AWOL into moderation .. rescued today - apologies! Why does blogger do its own thing - I'd probably checked at the end of June too re the moderation file to find nothing there, but Ros of 'Rosalind Adam is Writing in the Rain' reminded me to take a look ... lo and behold suddenly six comments 'lost' in the ether - but now transferred!
@ Lee - thanks so much ... it was such fun seeing Sharon and George and being able to meet them - pub lunches are always good! Also September is rocking around quite quickly. I've enjoyed your Irish posts ... ghosts et al and wonderful castles ...
@ Glynis - lovely to see you .. and so pleased Cornwall is on your bucket list. Yes meeting Sharon was great ... especially as they drove over and I didn't have to leave the comfort of the Eastbourne hinterland.
@ Val - good to see you and yes, I'm sorry about your friends in SA .. I've been reading your posts .. but am trying to be good and keep clear as such! So I don't get drawn back too near to the blogging fire!! You've got lots going on. It was lovely seeing Sharon and came out of the blue ...
@ Kittie - I've spotted you in Amsterdam and in Venice now ... the Magna Carta exhibition was very good ... but way too many people. Still I took a look and bought a couple of books to learn some more ...
The hip has worked so easily for me - it seems I'm very lucky ... no adjustment needed at all ... just more balanced after 67 years of imbalance and no pain! I'm not sure the break is relaxing ... but I'm getting on with what I need to do .. and that's great - learning and being able to get out and see people, as and when - stressless.
@ Romance Reader ... thanks so much Nas - if that was you?!
@ Robyn - I noted there'd been health challenges for you and Christopher ... and so have been thinking about you. It was good to have your replies and to catch some brief news ...
I was so lucky George was happy to drive Sharon over ... I thought she'd be driving .. but she said 'no way' not on your little roads!! We had a fun few hours ... and the pics just bring back memories of the day together: so am happy you enjoyed seeing the ones I sent you.
Thanks everyone who visits ...
I'm enjoying the break ... doing quite a lot, quite slowly! .. but once I'm organised and 'on the road' so to speak things will speed up ...
I've garnered some brain space and that helps .. cheers to you all - happy summers/autumns and holidays to one and all - Hilary
Love all the visiting you're doing, Hilary! I'm glad you share your museum trips with us :-)
Love the idea of a summer of reading and organizing... And especially when blogger buddies meet up. Wish we could do that more often!
I get back and you're off, but I hope you have a great time and have lots of adventures to tell us about.
I want you to know our visit to Cornwall (based on your A-Z) was fantastic. We all loved it. We stayed near Whitsand Bay in the northern part. We liked where we were so much, we hardly left to visit the many places we intended to go, but did get to a few. Driving was quite the challenge -- tiny little roads that in the States we'd call single lane roads, were dual carriageways with BIG buses, no less. But it was fun. The cliffs were unbelievable and the rocks so many colors. OMG...thank you Hilary for all your recommendations:~) Have a good time on your break!
It's wonderful you and Sharon were able to get together! It's hard for those who don't experience to understand how you can connect online without meeting in person and feel like you really know someone, but even better when you can meet. Thanks for sharing about all the lovely things you have seen. Always enjoy your posts!
It's been a while since I visited, and I so enjoy being here. I hope you return well and with renewed energy and creativity. Hugs, Silvia.
It's been a while since I visited, and I so enjoy being here. I hope you return well and with renewed energy and creativity. Best,
Everyone needs a break lest they have a break-down! Computer woes have kept me from visiting and commenting as I would like. Have a great summer!
Dearest Hilary, Thanks for stopping by, thanks for keeping me in your thoughts. I have enjoyed blogging a little and have by now read all the blogs of those who left a comment on my last post. I don't like the blogging experience unless I do the entire thing. Hope you are enjoying your summer and your time off from blogging. Can't wait to hear more come fall. Or autumn, I guess it is over there.
It sounds like you have a lot of fun things going on :) That makes me happy for you. What a wonderful time you had with Sharon.
That picture of the cliffs is amazing.
Wow, 700 posts? That is awesome. I think I only have 200 or so ;)
Blogging truly is a wonderful thing. I'm happy I got to meet you here.
Enjoy your time off and have a wonderful weekend.
Lots of hugs to you,
@ Deniz - thanks and I'm glad people enjoy the report back on my museum visits etc and mentions of bloggers et al. I'd love to meet up with many more ... I hope one day! Geneva sounds enticing!?
@ Sara - yup - made the decision ... just to be away and visit bloggers occasionally and keep in touch.
I'm so pleased you got to Cornwall (just!!) - having looked up where Whitsand Bay is ... you hardly got into Cornwall. Still it's lovely .. and our lanes - they are just amazing - not so good for the big cars people seem to drive now. There's no comparison between American roads and our millennia of trackways now lanes and roads ... our charm?!
Delighted you enjoyed yourself and the rocks are amazing aren't they ... you had good beach walks, cliff walks and by the sound of it a lovely relaxing time without too much stressing to see places - but just enjoyed the scenery and wonderful fresh surroundings. So pleased and thanks for the update: wonderful names in that area ... Portwrinkle, Freathy and others ...
@ Connie - yes it was lovely meeting Sharon .. it is extraordinary how we do connect so easily and then find wonderful people who are real! It's a great blogging group we belong to - we teach each other so much, and see parts of the world we'd never see ... if we weren't blog hopping.
@ Silvia - thanks and yes I am getting myself 'freer' ... and more organised I do hate messes and don't thrive in them! So good to see you.
@ Roland - I know you've been struggling with machines and hassles .. so it's always good to see you ... I'm sure I'll be back with renewed energy and lots of creativity, as Silvia suggests. You too - I hope you can get some breaks ...
@ Inger - it's been excellent seeing you and Samson back blogging and keeping us up to date with your thoughts, as you move on from your loss - so desperately challenging ... my thoughts often travel across to your Canyon.
I agree ... blogging isn't a one way process - except sometimes when bloggers fully understand what's going on behind the scenes .. and we have that empathy for others.
I'll be back and I'm loitering around now ...
@ Beate - thanks so much for the visit - it's so lovely to see you and Keith together ... they've been special posts about your times and marriage. Wonderful your new! hubby is now with you in his new country ... many happy times ahead - exploring and settling in together - wonderful!!
Thanks re the posting .. we just do what we do ... and as you so rightly say blogging is a wonderful thing - where would you and Keith be without blogging?! Amazing and wonderful story ... and I'm so happy to have met you both.
Thanks everyone so much .. as Beate says .. blogging is extraordinary .. marriages, great friendships, empathetic friends and wonderful people in real life ...
Take care one and all - these went off to comment moderation ... sometimes blogger really does defy normality! All the best - enjoy August ... and see you all soon - Hilary
Hilary, enjoy your break. 700 posts is a lot and looking forward to many more. And I really like the new look of your blog. Change is good.
It must have been wonderful meeting up with Sharon.
I hope that your summer is going nice and cool.
Have been crazy busy at work. I get to read posts but hardly get to write comments.
Take care of yourself.
Cheers !
I quite understand your wish to rest for a while. What an achievement! Like you I have many books to read but then I always find more that look interesting – or depending where I go or what I study for my posts I start reading on that. Summer is a good time to catch up, on reading, but also on relaxing.It's great that you've been able to meet many of your blogging/writing friends, face to face. My husband always questions my so called friendships I've made on the internet . They don't seem real to him. They are indeed very real. The cliffs look beautiful. Hope you are back soon and you will be missed. Take care and have a fantastic time. Keep us updated from time to time.
Regards, Sneha
@ Stephen - thanks ... I'm relaxing - probably too much. I'm not sure about the blog look - once it had happened - I couldn't revert ... so for now - it sticks!
@ Munir - thanks for coming by and yes meeting Sharon was special. We've had hot weather - into the late 30s ... that is warm for this country! So pleased that work keeps you occupied - sometimes we need other things to involve us - though we could all do with being switched off too .. and that's what I'm doing.
@ Sneha - thanks so much for your comment. I haven't really started reading yet - must settle down and get on with things. I love the friendships that have come my way via blogging ... some are amazing and some I'm sure will be - and if I get the chance to catch up with people (bloggers) then I'll grab the opportunity ... it's all good or should be.
Thanks to you three .. lovely seeing you here - cheers Hilary
You have been a busy gal! Love the pictures!
(A 'pub lunch' sounds like my kind of meal.)
Thanks for visiting my blog.
Enjoy your break. :)
I'm so sorry we weren't able to connect during my trip to England, Hilary. Two weeks simply wasn't long enough. And with two small children, we stuck very close to home (Wiltshire). Guess I better make another back. Wouldn't that be great. Have a wonderful summer, Hilary.
700 posts and still plenty more! Amazing. Enjoy your well-deserved break.
nice to meet a blog friend in person! :)
Good for you for taking a break, Hilary... Well deserved, and I hope you're enjoying your summer. Thanks for popping over to Quiet Laughter anyway -- doubly appreciated :) Will be looking forward to having you back in September!
I am doubly appreciative of your comment on my blog the other day then Andrea! Enjoy your break and how wonderful that you are walking again. I am meeting up with a friend I haven't seen for about thirty years later this month - she never realised I lived near to someone she sees a couple of times a year until recently. Blogging is similar in that it creates friendships that defy the miles. Maybe one day, you and I will meet eh? That'd be fun I am sure! (I see you running for the hills...) :-)
Your blog always makes me want to travel and discover more. And now I'm hungry too :-)
Thank you so much for your lovely answer to my comment here, Hilary <3
That is so true - without the amazing world of blogging, Keith wouldn't be living in Germany now :) We love all of our adventures together and we can't wait to share them all.
I hope you are doing well. Sending lots of hugs and good wishes to you. We miss you here.
It sounds like you got to see some really interesting places.
I hope you've had a wonderful summer so far!
Thank you for stopping by my blog--it was great to read your comment on my recent post.
Hi Hilary. Hope your vacation is going well. I just noticed you haven't picked up any of your Amazon gift cards.
Wow, it has been a while since your last blog update! I hope things are going well for you :)
That looks like it was a really fun meet up with Sharon. And now I want a pub lunch, even though it's nearly bed time over here :P
Gosh! You truly are taking a blog break. It's been far too long since I've stopped by and didn't realize what a hiatus that you've been on or even that your blog appearance had changed. I'll try to be better once you've started back to regular blogging. I'm sure it's been good for you to catch up.
Arlee Bird
A to Z Challenge Co-host
Tossing It Out
That sounds awesome. I really love meeting people in person who I've developed a friendship with online. It feels like you are old friends. I've been fortunate to meet several when I travel for work and I really love it.
look at you two!! how wonderful! pleasant visits and stories =)
so glad you stopped by my blog - nice to hear from you!
Hope you have been having a lovely break! Hopefully you are getting to relax and rejuvenate. :)
Thank you for always being so kind and encouraging me, Hilary.
Hi Hilary, thanks for stopping by my blog today and for your words of encouragement. I hope you are enjoying your rest from posting, but I look forward to catching up with your news when you return. Best wishes to you.
I keep coming back for updates. Nothing yet, eh? That's okay.
Well I've been missing in action as well this summer. Only got about a little, but had "good" excuses, most of the time! Now is a good time to get back into the groove and visit my blogging pals... So glad you had such a good time, and took a break over the summer. I would love to meet in person some of those I've met online... you being one of those!
Dearest Hilary, Hoping you will be back to blogging soon. Although I did enjoy rereading the post about our visit. :)
You sure do get around, Hilary! And for some reason, your posts always make me hungry...
Thank you for stopping by. I hope that all is well with you.
Oh, Hilary, I've looked at the post about My Ideal Bookshelf and I've started a list of 'indispensables'. What fun! Thank you for popping by, I hope the summer is going beautifully, and I'll be looking for your re-emergence, relaxed, refreshed and delightful as always.
Hi everyone ... 24 comments in Comment Moderation - why does Blogger do that ... ????
I did check at the beginning of August ... and then you all rocked in - gosh talk about making my life happy today! can't quite believe it ...
@ Melissa – well I’ve sort of done somethings … but it’s been fun and so pleased to see you here.
@ Joylene – 2 weeks is definitely not long enough for family and friends. Yes – please come back and make Eastbourne a place to visit!
@ Jenn – thanks so much for being here .. yes lots of posts will happen.
@ Theresa – it was lovely meeting Sharon and her grandfather – a special day.
@ Guilie – I needed the break .. though wish I’d done more writing and blogging preparedness!!
@ Deborah – I’m walking without pain and can get around so easily: I had a good surgeon. Nope – I’d be delighted to meet up … and I haven’t actually tried running … clambering scaffolding – but not running … so I won’t run for the hills! Enjoy seeing your friend after all this time – it’s amazing how we so easily relate once again.
@ Vanessa – thanks so much .. you do so much travelling – that I always get enticed by your ideas and thoughts … and we can share a lunch sometime.
@ Beate and Keith – pleasure to tie in with you both … it’s such an amazing life you’ve both got now … definitely a story to write up sometime. You’ll have so much to show Keith … I’d love to see more of Germany – one day!
@ GE – so lovely to see you .. and to see you’re back blogging, as well as studying – that’s essential and something you’re apparently so diligent at. I’d love to read more of those sorts of postings …
@ Melissa – I hope you’ve got my emails by now … not sure how I pick them up when they don’t show – but I need to work it out.
@ Trisha – yes I’ve been very remiss apparently in not posting – still I’m back now. The pub lunch was fun … and meeting Sharon was just brilliant …
@ Lee – good to see you – you’ve been away on a long trip too – yet you managed to blog as you went. I don’t think anyone thought I was serious when I said September … still I’m back now! It’s a ‘quiet’ change to the blog face … I have sorted a few things out by being away.
@ Hart – yes meeting Sharon was great fun … her grandfather just couldn’t believe our natter! I’d love to meet more bloggers and will do I’m sure in due course.
@ Tara – yup the two bloggers – BlogMom and GrandBlogMom for Lenny … so we had emailed and commented quite often. The friendships are wonderful.
Cheers ...
Hi everyone ... 24 comments in Comment Moderation - why does Blogger do that ... ????
I did check at the beginning of August ... and then you all rocked in - gosh talk about making my life happy today! can't quite believe it ...
@ Jess – well somewhat … I still feel I should have done lots more – but it was nice to have that break, thank you.
@ Murees – that’s a pleasure … we all need support and encouragement – this is an amazing group of bloggers we are lucky to be involved with.
@ Suzanne – good to see you – and good luck with your writing and projects. I’m now back – and seriously recovering from shock at these posts during August!
@ Crystal – sorry .. and I didn’t even pick up August’s blog comments that went into moderation: I’d fixed up to July … but 24 now! I’m here .. finally.
@ Lisa – I know many people take time off during the Summer – it’s just I’m usually around blogging. It’d be such fun to visit you and to hear more about France and your life down in Florida … I’d like to meet many others too …
@ Sharon – I’m back … but I too enjoy reading about your visit up here to Eastbourne … all the way from sunny USA. It was great.
@ Milo – I just make sure I do a few things – keeps me occupied and stimulated. Sorry about the food scenario – lunchtime here now too …
@ Munir – all well here, thank you and good to see you …
@ Diana – you only just missed my starting up again … I’m glad the Ideal Bookshelf seems a good idea to you … I must relook at it. I’m back now … it was good to have a break.
Thanks everyone … so good to see you – can’t believe Blogger sent you all off to Comment Moderation! Cheers Hilary
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