How on earth did we get from a language of 1,000+ years ago to the English we speak today – or do we speak English … is a tweet, or text message, or morse code a completely different language … who knows – come back in a thousand years and someone will be able to tell you!
Showing how explorers exploited our lands - as they expanded their settlements in 400 - 500 CE (AD) |
All I can say is – I am so grateful I'm an English speaker in this day of the internet and books … I have no idea how I learnt to write in English or adapt my own style for my blog – life takes us on odd paths …
I spoke English – no choice there … parents did the same! At school we were taught grammar – I still don't understand it … but seem to have an intrinsic ability to cope …
… then throw in Latin – again I'm grateful I had that learning period … it helps with plant identification, some legal words – before French got added to the mix … then for some reason I decided to try Italian, after school came German – before Afrikaans – once I went off to South Africa …The Tower of Babel by Pieter Brueghel the
elder (1563) - Humans have speculated about
the origin of language throughout history:
this is one such account
Before the journey down to South Africa – I'd worked with East European countries … so those names had to be absorbed …
Globe showing the African
continent and the area of
India and Asia
I've never learnt any of these languages, other than that Brit one, nor did I ever go across to the Indian and Asian continents to 'glance at' their languages.
You'll have realised I'm not a linguist … but I do love learning … however I won't go into things I have no idea about … so cannot easily expand on the above ideas, or the next paragraphs for that matter …
Old English epic poem - Beowulf - in the tradition of German heroic legend |
Old English came about before William conquered back in 1066 AD … we might have been conquered over the centuries, but language adjusted … absorbed by our oral and rural life …
… it might be that the conquerors quite liked the English roses they met and stayed on … ???!!!
English is named after the Angles, one of the ancient Germanic peoples that migrated to our islands post the Roman era.Wild rambling roses
The second part of this will follow (if I remember!) ...
Hilary Melton-Butcher
Positive Letters Inspirational Stories