Tregothnan, shown in the late 19th century, is now famous for its large private botanical garden and arboretum, tea estates, and kea plum orchards, offering private guided visits to the estate: this weekend however is its annual opening to the public for a charity garden weekend on behalf of the Children’s Hospice South West.

Perfect for a Spring tea - perhaps sitting in a sheltered sunny corner or indoors with the doors open enjoying the freshness of new growth, cup in hand.
The estate has been exporting English tea to China and Japan for some years now – surprisingly – and Churchill even considered planting government tea estates for the war effort, until he realised it took six years for the bushes to mature: that ruled that bright idea out!
Tregothnan on a recent promotional visit to Japan, with boxes of Cornish Cream Tea abounding, found the Japanese went ‘mad’ for it – and think it is the ‘ultimate tea ceremony from the UK’.
So the British Embassy in Tokyo has decided to celebrate the Queen’s actual birthday on 21st April with a quintessential Cornish Cream Tea garden party... thousands of cream teas will be sent over for this unusual event.

Did you know that the Phoenicians 2,500 years ago, on their forays to Cornwall for tin, also took back to the Lebanon, as it is today, the recipe for cream making? ...
... so Cornish cream can only be made in Cornwall, Devon and the Lebanon. Cornish clotted cream with its cool, silky texture, and unique unmistakeable thick crust, is perfect for complementing the scone with its jam or golden syrup topping.
This post gives more background and historical details on the Falmouths, their orchards with the Kea Plum trees, the Fal estuary (with its container ships floating out the economic recession) .. but the actual Tregothnan site has some wonderfully evocative Cornish and English photos .. well worth a visit – this site page has a montage.

I know little of Japan and its history or of tea ceremonies, bur reading the Wikipedia entry for The Book of Tea published in 1906, by Okakura Kakuzo, a Japanese scholar ...
... who contributed to the development of arts in Japan, provides some interesting insights leading me on to ideas that I know extremely little of. Surprisingly he wrote all of his main works in English, but it is The Book of Tea for which he is chiefly remembered in the West.

Zen Buddhism was a primary influence in the development of the tea ceremony. Okakura Kakuzo coined the term “Teaism” – a synthesis of Taoism, Zen and the Chinese use of tea – to remind us that we can have a sense of focus and concentration while under the influence of a great tasting tea.
So we can sit absolutely silently enjoying a special cup or glass of tea .. to be in mind and body united in one to enjoy the taste of the tea, smell the tea and the jam, taste the home-baked scone with its rich topping of cream and kea plums ...
... silently, reverently and slowly in a moment of peace in this frenzied world .. savouring every moment and every morsel of this Cornish Cream Tea which might have come out of a box, if you are far away from the Cornish peninsula – enjoy!
Dear Mr Postman .. yesterday my mother was quiet and peaceful, which is reassuring to see. Spring really does seem to have arrived .. cool air with lots of bright sunshine – so invigorating and uplifting.
Hilary Melton-Butcher
Positive Letters Inspirational Stories
Hilary, thank you for visiting and commenting on my blog. Your post is so interesting - I can understand the Japanese enthusiasm so well. I would take tea and home-baked scones over the Japanese tea ceremony any time. Oh-oh, what treason I utter ...
To change the topic, I have a gigantic, and I mean truly enormous, camellia bush on the upper slope of my mountain garden, and it is just opening into bloom - red blossoms with just one hint of white stripe. In full bloom it is stupendous.
I look forward to visiting again. Greetings to you from the mountains of Japan - I am just about to enjoy a cup of Famous Edinburgh black tea, no scones today, however - Catrien Ross.
What a delightful tea interlude you share here! Personally, I am fond of Japanese Green tea and Kyoto is one of the geographic places (and cultures) that resonates with my soul. It is so peaceful and idyllic there in springtime when one is surrounded by the cherry blossoms. I can imagine the locals savoring the Cornish cream tea. Some people evolve to drink decaf tea in part because they drink it on and on and on...
Hi Hilary - Yum. I have to admit, I wasn't at all excited to try something with "clot" in its name, so it took me until my 40's to understand just how delicious this combination must be. The rosy color of the tea is wonderful, too. What a lovely gift the box would be!
Whenever someone writes about Cornwall or things Cornish, I am reminded of one of our 9-11 heroes, Rick Rescorla - born Cyril Richard Rescorla in Hayle, who also was a hero in Vietnam. The story goes that he comforted his men in battle, and then 30-some years later those escaping down the interminable stairs in the damaged tower, with his booming voice singing "Men of Cornwall" and other ditties before he perished. RIP
Hi Catrien .. I sort of thought oh dear if you come over you’ll have specialist knowledge and perhaps my thoughts won’t sit happily with you – but thankfully they do! Me too .. I’m not good at kneeling or sitting cross legged .. so I don’t think I’d do too well!
Your camellia sounds glorious .. we’ve got them here on the South Coast and they are just coming out – but that picture was just fantastic .. I couldn’t resist it. The red blossoms with a hint of white .. sound glorious – it must be magnificent: and I can see it in full bloom.
Thanks for coming by – and thanks for your greetings from your mountains – sound lovely .. good old Famous Edinburgh Black tea – I hope you enjoyed it .. I’m sure you did! Scones another day perhaps .. enjoy the day - Hilary
Hi Liara – thank you! I regret I just drink tea .. not often as I’m a huge water fan during the waking hours .. one day I must try some green tea again. I’ve never been to Japan .. and would love to go sometime .. so you’ve whetted my appetite for a visit to Kyoto.
The cherry blossoms now must be amazing out there – they’ve just sprouted extremely fast here – great big fluffy blossoms. Cornish clotted cream teas bring back many happy memories of my youth .. – great to see you - Hilary
Hi Betsy .. thanks .. yes yum yum would be good now! Oh well you probably did your waistline good for those first 40 years!! The tea does look so clear and fresh .. and as you say – would make an excellent gift – I’m sure they must be available at the airports now.
Rescorla is a Cornish name – I thought I recognised it .. there’s a village outside St Austell, very near the Eden Project (that I’ve posted about previously) called Rescorla .. that has a festival (Cornish Clay) together with some typical local activities central to the area – it’s in Wikipedia. Your story of Rick Rescorla is very evocative .. he must have made an impact on those being rescued – and I’m so pleased some got out to record his deeds .. what an amazing person. As you say RIP to them all.
Thanks Betsy for bringing his story here for us all to read .. it teaches us something – that we need to care, to be compassionate, to think of others in their times of need .. and he did just that – wonderful – thanks for sharing .. have a great weekend - Hilary
Hi Hillary...This post makes me question our American coffee fetish. I do relish that first cup of java (and the second as well), but it certainly doesn't have the spiritual depth of a tea ceremony. And what a wonderful English pairing with scone and jam and cream! What a wonderful opportunity to stop and sit down and enjoy!
Hi Terro .. I've never got too hooked on coffee - after my Greek splurge in my early 20s .. now it's just a morning cuppa. But a really good spread of tea with scones and cream, as well as lovely home made cakes and biscuits - what could be better with a really good cup of tea - as you say. Thank you - yes peace and quiet while we sip quietly ..
Thank you - good to see you here .. lovely seeing you with your grandchildren! Enjoy them .. Hilary
Yum, yum, yum, yum, yum, yum!!! I just gained 2 lbs dreaming of that smooth delicious cream. (that's about .9 kg) :)
I love scones, fresh. Crispy on the outside. Soft inside. I love clotted cream! I love jam. I love tea from a pretty mug. Bone china please, no gilt edging needed.
I did not completely understand the freezing bit. You buy it, then freeze it? Then open it?
I bought two gardenia shrubs the other day!! Didn't see any camellias. Mabye they do not grow so well here, not sure. Waiting for the azealea shipment. have a big planter box to fill, as you will see pix of eventually. The front of our house is coming lovely, Hilary!! Slowly maybe, but progress -- yes. No more muddy areas now. Drains all in and stone over them! Will be posting pix when it gets a little further along!!
BB sends hugs too -- he's out to market getting veggies. And his favorite -- grape ice lollies!
That sounds really delicious (the Cornish Cream Tea), and since giving up coffee last year, I've been drinking tea each day instead.
I have a friend in San Francisco, CA who studied the art of tea preparation, as part of his Buddhist studies. It's a very mindful, serene practice of which he taught me the basics when I visited. Who knew so much went into preparing tea? I didn't, but now that I do, I take time to honor each cup.
My favorite kind of tea right now is rooibos. It's delicate, yet aromatic, and very smooth.
Happy Weekend, Hilary!
Hi Jannie .. yum, yum I know – a little early here .. got some work to do before I settle to cream tea. We’re meant to be moving towards metric – I think the kids probably are .. I just rather like the different weights and measures .. may not be globally helpful – but certainly alerts us to times past and historical reasons.
You describe the Cornish cream tea so well .. delicious .. and the bone china .. fine bone china without the gilded edge .. tea tastes so much better from a china cup – you’re so right.
The little packs are frozen .. and then when put into the boxes for despatch they have a 3 day shelf life .. ie 24 hours to get there .. and then fine for 2 days ----- or perhaps they freeze the whole pack sufficiently for the cream to retain its freshness without hard freezing jam, scone etc .. not sure. We buy it off the shelf here in the supermarket .. I have a feeling it lasts longer as fresh on the shelf & it tastes fine .. anyway food producers are getting cleverer at retaining freshness in order to keep it on the shop shelf for longer. We also get it through the post and again I'm sure the shelf life is reasonably long ..ie Christmas time deliveries ...
Gardenias are lovely aren’t they? Different parts of the world have wonderful flowers .. have seen a few of the azaleas out at the Masters .. and the banks of rhododendrons will be out soon – not here though .. it is a wonderful time of year. I’m looking forward to seeing the front of your house in all its new glory – a successful blooming summer at the Funster house frontage .. lovely and welcoming.
Glad BB is out getting his fresh veg .. and grape ice lollies – lucky boy!!! Mum had a bunny for Easter – he’s been bungee jumping already .. amazing how Mum’s brain works still .. made me laugh!! Bye to all xxooxxoo
Hi Megan – it is delicious .. long drawn out cream tea in front of a roaring fire .. or for that matter sitting out on the lawn in the warming sun – just enjoying a real English tea.
The reverence of the tea ceremony is something we have definitely lost here – actually the mindfulness in our practices seems to have disappeared .. those quiet, serene times as you say. I look forward sometime to being able to experience a Ceremony – and learn a little more. Good for you in honouring each cup and that golden liquid ...
Rooibos is the South African red bush tea – did you know that? We used to have it quite a lot out in South Africa when I lived there ... it has a very distinctive flavour all of its own – and doesn’t need milk .. which can be an advantage! So glad to hear you’re enjoying it .. and as you say delicate and aromatic .. lots of phenols from the leaves being released ...
You too – have a fun Sunday ... thanks for being here .. Hilary
Very interesting, Hilary! I'd surely like to taste that tea this relaxing Sunday afternoon. ;-)
Hi Joyce .. thanks for coming by - it is delicious and I hope you get to try it one day - on a long Sunday afternoon .. just relaxing and being peaceful ..
Enjoy your Sunday and your cup of tea .. even without the scone! Have fun - Hilary
Gosh Hilary,
You made me suddenly miss Cornwall! And Cornish tea. And Cornish pasties...
Love reading your posts, as always, even if I don't always comment. Keep it going!
Hilary -- I love the idea of afternoon "tea." I remember my first taste of clotted cream. It sounded to my ears as something I would NOT enjoy, but it was heavenly and perfect with a good pot of tea.
I like both coffee and tea, but when I visit my daughter in London, I know to only drink tea. There's something marvelous about British tea:~)
Hi Daphne .. I wondered if it would stir your heart? Now you've got your own place you can make Cornish pasties??!! I did a recipe for Patricia's Wisdom cook book .. a while back - seems to work when I make them here?!
Thanks for that .. I love writing them - but actually the comments make them so worth while .. I know we don't all comment everywhere .. I'm keeping going ..
All the best with the new plans for this week -me time .. and have a great time now Spring is here .. thanks for the visit and comment .. Hilary
Hi Sara .. good to see you - afternoon tea .. isn't a good idea - just to relax and unwind .. before setting off on another chore or supper to prepare .. a good book and a decent cup of tea.
Cornish cream tea .. is too wonderful and glad that you changed your mind!
We do seem to do 'afternoon tea' properly .. and a home tea with home-made cake etc .. is wonderful - sometimes I just want it to go on and on .. good for you to only drink tea here on your visits .. Going to have a cup or mug myself in half an hour or so .. first things first though: a chore!
All the best and have a good week - Hilary
Hi Hilary! So glad you popped over to my blog! Thanks so much! Hope to see you there again.
I must say you have my appetite absolutely roaring right now for scones and jam! Admittedly I am a morning coffeeholic but I do love a cup of tea in the afternoon. My favorite is Earl Grey. My tea-time is rather like having Zen time with my only companion the sounds of nature outside the window.
I'd LOVE a tour of that estate! Wow! Are there many like that in your area? Totally amazing! Have a great week!
Hi SuZen .. thanks - good to see you here too and I'll be back.
Yes - a good cream tea is just wonderful as a treat .. definitely not every day! Earl Grey is a much softer tea than our stronger breakfast tea that most of us drink. I love your idea of being with Zen .. being at peace with the world, just listening to the natural sounds.
Me too - a tour would be just wonderful. That estate is in the far west of Cornwall - but all our counties have fantastic estates to visit - our gardens at different times of year are superb - we have Spring ones and Autumn ones, as well as obviously different gardens within gardens featuring each of the seasons. They've started on winter gardens now too .. Britain has some wonderful areas to visit .. see you here sometime?
Thanks and hugs back - Hilary
Savoring the moment ... I really like your distillation of the Japanese tea ceremony.
I love how it's a moment that can taste, smell, and feel so good.
Mmmm, Cornish cream. Is that similar to Devonshire cream? I buy that when I make blueberry pancakes and it doesn't last in my place for very long. I used to drink what's called Genmaicha tea; a form of green tea. It has a soft, subtle but rich flavour. Have you tried that one?
Hi JD .. thank you! We need to take more time out and savour the moments .. being at one with what we're doing. Life is like this .. let's enjoy it and every tiny thing.
Just delighted that you can sense my meaning - thank you - have a great week .. Hilary
Hi Davina .. wrong time of day for you I think! But cream tea. Devonshire cream doesn't have the "crust" on the top - I tried to find a picture with a crust .. but they weren't big enough to reproduce, or reproduceable .. So it's similar, but not the same - just glad you're enjoying Devonshire cream with blueberry pancakes .. sounds good & wouldn't last long here either!
I see Genmaicha .. is green tea mixed with brown rice .. Wikepedia never ceases to amaze me! No Ihaven't tried it ..now I know about it .. I'll give it a go sometime. Thanks for that tip ..
Have a good week - Hilary
Oh wow, I need to go get something to eat right now! What a yummy post Hilary. And JD said it perfectly, savoring the moment, that's what we need to do more of.
Hi Lana .. I'm obviously doing something right .. everyone's off to get something to eat and have a cup of tea! Delighted that you enjoy the story .. and yes JD - does have a way of succinctly putting things - having a peaceful moment .. and absolutely we should do more.
Great to see you - have a lovely week - Hilary
Oh Hilary - Love the photos and history of the tea. Traditions and ceremony can add richness to a culture. Perhaps someday Americans will catch onto the time set aside for tea. It is a frenzied world, and bad decisions are made without a moment to stop and reflect. Time for tea does that. Tradition and ceremony does connect us all. Fantastic topic. Blessings!
Hi Erin .. thank you - re the photos .. they seem to always add something to the post. Absolutely .. I hope we don't all lose our history and traditions .. in all this homogenisation.
It's taking that time out - and being able to relax .. particularly at a weekend - with a good cup of tea .. and just sitting peacefully with nature .. as you say a moment to stop and reflect.
Thank you - so pleased you enjoyed the post - really good to see you .. all the best for the week - Hilary
Cornish cream tea sounds ever more decadent than green tea. My wife and I enjoy a mid afternoon green variety most days. An interesting history how a Cornish tradition spread to other lands.
Very cool blog. I researched the tea ceremony and incorporated it into my book. Very interesting and fun to learn. Some cultures sure take their tea seriously.
Stephne Tremp
Ahhh, so I could for sure get wonderful cream within 24 hours if ordered straight from your land!! :)
I used to have such lovely china ta cups, but hubby broke them all, cback when he was a tea drinking man.
In Canada I always get back into tea drinking, it' so tasty there. King Cole tea is my favorite brand, orange pekoe.
Hi Paul .. it is – but it is a special tea time! Not every day. More and more people are drinking so many different teas – your green tea, light earl grey, or fruit and spicy teas.
Thanks for noting the history of spreading cream making to the Lebanon – the Phoenicians were regular traders here with the west country.
Good to see you – have a good week – Hilary
Hi Stephen – THANK YOU .. just glad you enjoy the input. One day I’ll get to buy your book and read your description of the tea ceremony .. which will be very interesting woven into a story. The book “Breakthrough” is a suspense tale .. congratulations on writing it and having it out there in the market place.
The tea ceremony .. has definitely influenced Japanese culture – and continues to do so ..
Good to see you - Hilary
Hi Jannie .. yes you could .. I believe!! One day I’ll send you some .. or you can send me an air ticket and I’ll bring a box with me?? I’ll bring the china cup too. Oh dear .. poor hubby – never mind a good present to give you .. some replacements!
I can imagine being back home where it’s cooler you’d be drinking tea .. the water’s different too – probably less polluted. King Cole – good brand name .. orange pekoe – yes that’s tasty.
Thanks for coming back .. have a good week – hugs from us - xxoo
Glad to hear that this Cornish Cream Tea is doing so well in Japan. Looking at the packaging, I feel like having a cup of it.
Hi BK .. it is interesting and it'll be fun to see what reaction the celebratory Garden Tea Party has in Tokyo .. I must remember to check next week. Yes - I was pleased that their picture came out so well .. and does seem to say 'it's time for a Cornish tea' ..
Thanks for the visit, have a good week - Hilary
The scones looks so yummmmy! As for the Japanese Tea Ceremony, it is truly an art which requires something i am lacking.. PATIENCE!
Tea does have an amazing and rich history. I dare say that I am sure that many great decisions were made over a cup of tea.
Hi Silver .. thanks for coming over .. it's good to see you and I hope these posts can transport you to another spot for a while. Delighted that you think they look yummy .. they are - you are absolutely so right .. melt in mouth with love Kea Plum jam on top!!
I think we can all learn some patience, caring thought of others at their difficult times .. just being is such an art. I have yet to experience a Japanese tea Ceremony .. I shall definitely need my patience when that happens.
Look after yourself .. all the best Hilary
Hi Mark - I think I baulked at giving a brief history of tea .. as I certainly didn't elaborate in my previous post back last August (search for Tea Containers) - as I realised it was way too complicated .. however the previous post noted that the Brits apparently exported the idea of drinking it to Sri Lanka and India .. where wonderful tea bushes grow. They'd used tea for medicinal purposes up until then ...
As you so rightly say - I'm sure a great many decisions were taken ... or problems resolved over a good old fashioned cuppa.
Thanks for the visit - have a good week - Hilary
Hi Hilary,
I kept looking at the photo of the castle. I love castles although I've never been in one.
Tea and scones. Oh how yummy that sounds. I'm more of a coffee drinker than I am tea, but do remember when a friend and I went to Victoria Island in Canada and got to their Grand Hotel just in time for high tea. Good memories.
(((hugs))) to you and your mother. Glad to hear she's resting peacefully.
Happy Spring, too. Ours looks like it's just around the corner. *fingers crossed*
Hi Barbara .. thanks for coming by. I must do a post on castles - it's on the list and has been for a while - where to start??!! We have 1066 country here .. Pevensey Castle and Battle Abbey - whereas in Cornwall St Michael's Mount, and Tintagel Castle .. to name a mere 4 ..
I bet that tea in the Grand Hotel was delicious .. lots of goodies, small cakes, scones, different jams etc .. and good tea. We didn't get to the Grand, but we went to their local botanical park and had a picnic instead!
Thank you for the hugs for Ma .. in fact Jenny, Mum's cousin from Vancouver Island, who we were visiting when we had that picnic, is here tomorrow for a brief visit. I just hope Mum can be awake - it's very much hit and miss now and not for long before she drifts off ..
Spring eventually coming for you .. mind you it's still cold here - the sun warms it up ... I'll be holding fingers for you that your land blossoms soon under the warming sun - have a good week .. Hilary
Oh I do hope you are right that spring is just around the corner and what a fabulously coloured camellia.
My mother and her sister's always celebrated the Queen's birthday in April with their own tea ceremony - she was so young and they were just a bit ahead of her in age -
Glad you mother is peaceful...this is good.
Sorry I was so late to the tea party, but went to encourage bike riders this weekend and missed many good pieces of writing
Hi Patricia .. is it still cold with you - we're going backwards here too! Yes that colour is superb .. I just had to feature it!
Interesting that your mother and her sister celebrated the Queen's birthday next week with their own little ceremony. Bet they enjoyed themselves - replicating the real English tea.
Thanks - re Mum .. yesterday was a really good day with her .. no worries re being late - just always good to see you .. lovely seeing anyone!!
I hope your bike tour goes off successfully this weekend - sounds fun .. all the best - Hilary
Hi Hillary,
I'm back home visiting my mom and grandkids. I'm going to my favorite place for tea and scones...the place in my old neighborhood! In the moment yumminess!
Japan is on my list of places to visit before I die. :)
Hi Theresa .. have fun .. sounds lovely - all four generations together .. I bet the area has changed a little .. but it's still rural.
I'm sure everyone will thoroughly enjoy their tea .. the kids with the scones and jam, the adults with their tea .. savouring the whole situation .. just being able to sit in a wonderful neighbourhood with old friends.
Enjoy your visit and your time at home - and various moments of yumminess .. a relaxing peaceful time .. well perhaps with the grandchildren a bit of exercise and mental stretch too?? Have lots of fun - see you back soon .... Hilary
Hi Vered .. I can imagine you'd love to visit Japan - with your minimalist thoughts .. and the quietness of Japanese society. I too would love to visit sometime. Lovely dreams for the future .. good to see you - have a good weekend .. Hilary
HI Hilary, as always I love the visuals your posts bring up for me.
I will never forget Obelix's reaction to English tea, a cup of water with a drip of milk and then the expression on his face. Priceless.
I trust all is well, lots of love to you both, xox Wilma
Hi Wilma .. good to see you and just glad you relate to the pictures and the images behind them.
Obelix has such wonderful expressions as do the whole Asterix series .. poor Obelix he'd have wanted something more sustaining I suspect!
Thanks - we're as well as can be expected .. and thank you Mum is always pleased to hear from everyone! - have a good rest of the weekend .. Hilary
Hi, Hilary. You've succeeded in getting me to pause long enough to relax...just when I needed it! Ah, tea... When I vacationed as a child in the San Francisco area, my mother returned from the Japanese Tea Garden with a complete tea set. Throughout the following winter, my father kept us children enthralled with his own version of a tea ceremony: the preparation, telling stories about the various kinds, all the while silently instructing on patience, attention... (I need another lesson!) Your wonderful post has given me the slow-down I was craving, and I thank you. And I'm with Barbara... Oh, the castle! Wishing you and your mother a blessedly beautiful weekend :) ~Julie
Hi Hilary
Cornish Cream tea has to be in Cornwall.
Same applies to pasties.
I've had some great holidays down in the West Country and if the weather could be guaranteed... I would never go abroad.
I sometimes treat myself to a scone with jam and cream at home, close my eyes and pretend that I'm sitting on the beach at Kynance Cove watching the sunset and listening to the waves.
Summer will soon be here and with the Euro exchange rate so poor, I may be heading down the M5 very soon.
Hi Julie .. Thank you! It sounds as though you needed it .. and I hope that relaxation has helped?
Ah tea! So interesting that your father entered into the spirit of the Tea Ceremony with you as children – it must have been wonderful to share those stories later on with your parents .. all those lessons you learnt .. me too: I could do with some more patience – I’ll pop over and have some tea?!
Ah yes – castles .. I must do some posts on those .. so many, such wonderful areas, different eras .. but they appear to be so English ..
We’ve had ‘tea week’ at the Nursing Centres this week – and a friend, whose father died ‘with us’ .. so I’ve known her for a few years now .. she puts on Cornish Cream teas, with a talk on the various possible teas – so the elderly have had a Victorian Tea Party: she brings china cups and all the works – proper knapkins and table cloth, silver spoons, wears a linen apron etc etc .. so she makes it very special for them.
Thank you re the thoughts for my mother .. – you too have a wonderful weekend .. with some relaxing – I hope! .. Hilary
Hi Keith .. yes how right you are .. but I actually had a Cornish cream tea today – as I mentioned to Julie above. Ah – pasties .. now I left a recipe for those over on Patricia’s blog .. and I make them for Linda (the "tea lady"!) .. before we go to the film society cinema. I used to make them a lot for friends in South Africa.
Cornwall is wonderful isn’t it .. Kynance Cove on the Lizard is beautiful .. we tend to be further west – St Ives, Lands End and Penzance. A real Cornish Cream scone with a lingering cup of tea sounds wonderful – just listening to the waves and the screech of the birds wheeling above.
Sounds a good idea .. have a wonderful holiday or break – let me know if you go and where to etc.
All the best and have a great Sunday .. Hilary
Sounds way better than Postum in a jar. I can't imagine the stuff has ever been exported outside the US.
Hi Paul .. gosh yes - looking up Postum .. it sounds revolting! Yugh .. so absolutely and definitely Cornish Cream Tea in a box = deliciousness itself!
It is surprising what they can ship around the world now .. well - I don't think it'll be going somehow .. as the Icelandic volcanic ash seems to be threatening everything .. unless it really is in a frozen store somewhere. The celebration at the Embassy on Wednesday, 21 st for the Queen's birthday .. may be something different ..
We'll see - thanks for dropping by .. have a good Sunday - Hilary
Haha, I knew you would like Asterix and Obelix too. xox Wilma
Hi Wilma .. they're great learning tools - French and Latin, let alone the geography .. we just don't realise when we read the tales of Asterix and Obelix hobnobbing around Gaul! Fun!
Hi Hilary,
I love cream teas - they have never tasted quite the same anywhere else though...
Enjoy the journey.
Hi Mandy ..thanks .. we need that ambience of the harsh, but outstandingly beautiful landscape of Cornwall .. to savour our scones, cream, jam and cup of tea ..
Good to see you .. and the journey across England .. all the best - Hilary
Hi Patricia .. I think your comment ‘got lost’ somewhere .. so sorry my reply is late. I’m sure I’d seen your comment before .. as I remember the part about your mother and sister always celebrating the Queen’s birthday .. but it’s only just popped up.
I thought it was a lovely idea that your mother and aunt had their own little tea ceremony in celebration for the Queen’s birthday .. as she certainly was young when she inherited the throne. How many years were they able to do it for? Did you ever go and share the day?
I hope your biking weekend was successful – you do so much for others .. and I’m sure your encouragement and support would have brought many riders out.
The reading can wait .. and catch up time .. thanks for coming over & I’m sorry the comment disappeared for a while! Good to see you .. all the best for this week - Hilary
I knew I'd end up having to put the oven on and go and make some scones if I read this! I don't actually like clotted cream, but I'm a peasant so any old whipped double cream does me! I'm more of a coffee drinker than a tea drinker, but when I do drink tea, I prefer it to be in a teacup with a saucer and to have biscuits, scones or cakes with it. Old habits die hard. I hope you're hale and hearty, and that your mum continues to be peaceful. Big hugs.
Hi Janice .. sounds like you deserve it .. after your trip back avoiding the mighty ash heap .. where is it now - haven't heard about it for a few days!!
I hope you enjoyed your tea .. yes a good spread of tea is delicious .. as the camaraderie of friends and family is there. I too like a decent cup to drink out of .. much nicer than a thick mug!
We're ok .. Mum is I think getting better or the cold is easing .. thanks for the thoughts & hugs from the north .. enjoy your week - Hilary
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