Wednesday, 12 June 2013

Coronation – Aspects of the Coronation .... Part 4/5

I have done this posting using the alphabet ... when you have a ‘Z’ for Zadok the Priest, ‘Q’ for Queen, ‘J’ for Judge ... and somewhere there’s an X I’m sure of it! ... so it made sense to me to jot pertinent or interesting points down ...
BBC's Radio Times

Ampulla -  the gold, eagle-shaped bottle, which is part of the Coronation Regalia, held the sacred oil, from which the Queen was anointed.

The aromatic holy oil was made from the same base as that used at her father’s, George VI, Coronation.

BBC – the first time they had broadcast from the Abbey, or had broadcast such a momentous event to the nation, and to the world.

Buckingham Palace Summer Exhibition 2013 will highlight archival and present items from the collections of the Coronation and the 60th anniversary commemoration.

Coronation – almost every monarch in our history over the last 1,000 years has been crowned, and each time that history is reprised.

Crown – St Edward’s Crown is solid gold encrusted with jewels and weighs over 2kgs (5lbs).  Cromwell destroyed the original ... and this Crown was made in 1661 for the coronation of King Charles II.

Vital statistics of the solid gold crown is that it stands just over twelve inches high (31cm), while it is studded with 2,868 diamonds, 269 pearls, 17 sapphires, 11 emeralds and 5 rubies.

Queen Victoria and Edward VII did not use the St Edward’s Crown – they both preferred the Imperial State Crown as it is lighter.

Princess Anne's and Prince Charles's
Coronation outfits, which will be shown
at the Summer Exhibition
Diplomacy/Discretion – the exemplar of these ... Queen Elizabeth II  has given counsel to prime ministers and world leaders, who knew whatever they confided to her would never be divulged.  There is no man or woman who can match this diplomatic record.

Dressers’ Floor at Buckingham Palace – who knew?!

In 2013 the Queen’s oyster silk-satin brocade dress was made from material held in the Palace stock.

The James Bond Royal Olympic episode ... the dress makers were requested to make two dresses for THAT JUMP ... now they know why.

The white Coronation dress, designed by Norman Hartnell, was decorated with thousands of tiny seed pearls, and the floral emblems of all the countries encompassed in the oath.

(Book available: “Dressing the Queen: The Jubilee Wardrobe” allows readers unprecedented access to the Dressers’ Floor at Buckingham Palace.  By Angela Kelly, published by the Royal Collection Trust - available via Amazon.)

Escaping the Tower! The 350 year-old crown used for the Queen’s coronation left the Tower of London for the first time since 1953 to play its part in the Ceremony.

Faiths – the Coronation in 1953 was a strictly Anglican Christian event, but in 2013 Sikhism, Islam, Buddhism, Judaism and other faiths were represented ... reflecting our multi-cultural society

Gun Salute Members of the Honourable Artillery Company, the City of London’s Territorial Regiment, fired a 62 gun-salute at the Tower of London.

Prince Charles's Invitation, will
also be on show at the Summer
Herbert Howell’s motet “Behold Oh God our Defender” was sung by The Anointing Choir as the flask of oil was placed on the altar to represent the anointing of the Queen during her Coronation.

Invitation – Prince Charles, aged 5, was issued an invitation to attend the Coronation.  The special invitation featured the royal lion, the unicorn, the royal coat of arms, and soldiers ... exactly what a small boy would like to have.  The Queen commanded in her invitation Prince Charles to attend.

A Judge processed, with ten other generational representatives, the symbolic flask of oil to the altar.

King George VI had been a good king in hard times: courageous in the unknowable hazards of war and in the exhausted years of post-war austerity.

Little Book of Private Devotions – the Archbishop of Canterbury for the Coronation in 1953 gave the Queen this little book containing a daily prayer and meditations.
Westminster Abbey looking down the
nave and up at the roof

Long Live the Queen – loudly rings out when the Queen was crowned

Low key celebration: no pomp and circumstance – the royals arrived by car, the men were in lounge suits, no medals were displayed – the main celebrations were held last year for the Diamond Jubilee.

Mothballs – a gentle aroma of naphthalene from the gowns (peers and peeresses) which had been stored away ...

National Anthem ... and I couldn’t come up with an “N”!

The Oath – sixty years ago the Queen swore the oath “to govern the Peoples of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, the Union of South Africa, Pakistan and Ceylon”, and of her “Possessions and other Territories to any of them belonging or pertaining, according to their respective laws and customs” – these are somewhat fewer these days and Britain is a much-changed nation.

Peal of Bells –The Westminster Abbey Company of Ringers, will ring a Coronation Sixtieth Anniversary celebratory peal of London Surprise Royal comprising 5060 changes.

People invited in 2013 – anyone associated with the service in 1953, and then others chosen by the Lord Lieutenants, the Queen’s representatives in our counties, who are members of society from public service, the armed forces, and ‘worthies’ ...  

Poetry – the Poet Laureate, Carol Ann  Duffy, managed a dignified, touching meditation on “The Crown” – including the symbolism that is the Crown, and the humanity of the woman who has been our monarch for six decades ...

1953 the crowned Queen

Ready, Girls? At the point, just before the Queen began her procession to King Edward’s Chair, where she would take the Coronation Oath, Her Majesty paused ... turned to the ladies carrying her crimson velvet train ... and said “Ready, Girls?”

Regalia – the Ampulla and Crown are two of the Regalia used at the Coronation, which were brought to the Abbey to be placed on the high altar ...

·        The Ampulla represents the Queen’s commitment to God
·        The Crown her commitment to her people

Royal Baby – is apparently due in about a month ... the 3rd in line to the throne, after its grandfather and father.

Royal Peculiar – Westminster Abbey is a Royal Peculiar ... it is a place of worship that falls directly under the jurisdiction of the British monarch, rather than under a bishop.  The concept dates from Anglo-Saxon times.

Sermon – the address given by the Archbishop of Canterbury sounded like a rallying cry for the Established Church.

The Queen Opening Parliament - one
of her duties to the British people
Silence – once the Abbey doors opened the expectant silence of the young monarch arriving, after the noisy chatting of the waiting congregation.

Thirty Eighth sovereign to be crowned.

The Union of the Crowns (March 1603) was the accession of James VI, King of Scots, to the thrones of England and Ireland, and the consequential unification of Scotland with both realms under a single monarch. 

The Union of the Crowns followed the death of Queen Elizabeth I of England – the last monarch of the Tudor dynasty, who was James’ unmarried and childless first cousin twice removed.

The Vivats – were reprised for the 60th anniversary of the Coronation, and were slotted in to the anthem as the Queen and the Duke came down the aisle together for the Service. 

The rousing cries of Vivat Regina and the Coronation introit “I was Glad” by Hubert Parry resonated through the Abbey.

Westminster Abbey is where the Kings and Queens of England have been crowned since William the Conqueror on Christmas day in 1066.

Yellow, cream and white flowers decorating
Westminster Abbey
X         LX = Sixty in roman numerals – remember?

York Minster was the first Minster church built for the baptism of Edwin in 627AD.  King Edwin, as he became, converted to Christianity and established York as the centre for ecclesiastical and educational affairs.   

Alcuin of York, the great philosopher and theologian, as well as Charlemagne’s leading advisor, had a long career here in the 8th century: this has links to my mother’s interest in Alcuin from a prayer card, left by the Chaplin when she was in the Acute Brain Injury Unit.

St Bede the Venerable -
 c/o Diocese of Shrewsbury 
The Venerable Bede (672 – 735 AD) wrote his ‘An Ecclesiastical History of the English People’ – which recorded Edwin’s and Alcuin’s history and  the commencement of the country’s conversion to Christianity.

Zadok the Priest – reading by Prime Minister, David Cameron – who effortlessly cleared the tricky hurdle of the Clerethites and Pelethites in his reading from the book of Kings ...   (1 Kings 1:32-40)

The ritual of anointing, the most sacred part of the Coronation in which the Queen was consecrated as monarch, has its origins in the anointing of King Solomon by the priest Zadok in the 10th century BC.

This completes my A – Z ... and my next two posts will cover the music and the actual service from both the Coronation and the anniversary commemoration.  Then last but not least there will be a brief baby post tying the last few years of royalty together.

Hilary Melton-Butcher
Positive Letters Inspirational Stories


Tina said...

I'm first??? Wow. This was totally cool - what a great way to organize all the info and give us tidbits of this and that. Loved it!
Tina @ Life is Good

Inger said...

You never fail to amaze me with the research and detail that go into your posts. This was very interesting and I particularly loved the Invitation sent to Prince Charles. It was so appropriate for a small boy and sort of showed the humanity behind it all. As did the Queen's comments to the girls.

Julie Flanders said...

I've just caught up with your coronation posts and this is my favorite. How fun to do the A-Z! I loved it. Now looking forward to the next installments. :)

loverofwords said...

How do you do this Hilary? I know, you only need 4 hours of sleep. But I always learn something from the University of Hilary.

~Sia McKye~ said...

You're amazing Hilary. I enjoyed your post!

Jo said...

The results of your research are always fascinating Hilary, once again, thanks for all your information.

Wish I only needed 4 hours of sleep.

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

@ Tina - yup .. always me when I get somewhere first - good to see you ... I obviously learnt something from Arlee's A-Z idea. Glad you enjoyed the tidbits .. thanks.

@ Inger - many thanks .. just watching and reading and picking things up - which I then have to work the best way to produce the 'story' .. I enjoyed doing all these posts ...

Charles's invitation is great isn't it - so pleased they showed it to us .. and the Queen's comments before they set off into Westminster Abbey for the actual Coronation.

@ Julie - I know you've had a lovely holiday .. delighted to see you back ..

@ Tasha - I need masses of sleep .. masses .. but I enjoy blogging ... and just love receiving comments such as everyone's here ..

@ Sia - as per Tasha's reply above .. wish I did need that little sleep - I keep saying to myself I really should force myself up early .. but I stay very comfortably where I am ...

@ Jo - I need 7 or 8 hours sleep - but so pleased you enjoy the info I can put out onto the blog ..

Cheers to you all .. do need lots of sleep!! Still cold and wet here - where is our summer?! Hilary

Janie Junebug said...

This post is so interesting. I always love learning about England.


nutschell said...

Wow! So much awesome information and history tidbits. Loved reading this!

Patsy said...

Fascinating! I'd have been impressed even without the A to Z aspect.

Deniz Bevan said...

I've been thoroughly enjoying your series of posts this week, Hilary. I wish I was in the UK so could experience some of these celebrations closer at hand! We're not the most observant of Royal traditions in this part of Canada...
I didn't know Prince Philip could paint!
So wonderful to hear about all the street parties back in 1953.
Thanks for sharing these with us!

TALON said...

Was that as fun to write as it was to read, Hilary! Loved your alphabet!

dolorah said...

Intriguing recap :)


Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

@ Janie - thanks very much ..

@ Nutshell - delighted to read you found it so interesting ..

@ Patsy - thanks .. but I did need to put it into some sort of format .. but am glad I used the alphabet ..

@ Deniz - it's been interesting being able to 'capture' some of the history and solemnity making up these anniversary commemorations.

Then remembering Prince Philip painted .. and the back street parties when every knew everyone else .. I've enjoyed having the reason to write these up ..

@ Talon - there was so much .. where to start and where to stop before I bored everyone out of their mind! So am delighted you enjoyed it - and now looking through I'm chuffed at the result - not easy at the time but fun now!

@ Donna - it is recap, but reminded me of other aspects of our history .. and parts I knew nothing about ..

Thanks so much everyone - from a blustery cool England! Hilary

Rosalind Adam said...

Some fascinating information here, stuff I didn't know about. It would have made a good A to Z topic but glad you didn't wait because now is the right moment for it :-)

Denise Covey said...

What a colourful, informative, fascinating article Hilary. Love this royal history. All best wishes to Prince Phillip.

Ciara said...

I've always been fascinated with European royalty. It's like a fairy tale, but for real life. That is probably the most informative and interesting account I've ever seen posted. Excellent!

Optimistic Existentialist said...

You should be a professor. Wait...are you??

Unknown said...

Hilary, I have reblogged this amazing post, I hope you don't mind but it's just too good. Thanks so much, great info. :)

Suzanne Furness said...

Wow Hilary, loads of information here. It must have taken you ages to put together, thank you. I would love to visit the staterooms. I am going to London at the end of July I will have to see if I could arrange a visit whilst there.

JJ said...

One of my favorite posts! I love tradition. Long live the Queen.

klahanie said...

Greetings human,Hilary,

It's a good thing my human, Gary, wasn't reading this. He's still having nightmares about that alphabet awareness thing that took over a huge amount of the blogging world in April.

So, no worries, I pawsonally, sorry, personally, think it's very clever how you utilised a right royal alphabet. Cool how you used mothballs instead of monarchy for the letter "M".

The letter "X". Oh okay :)

My human's have been to York Minster and Tristan has a plaque from there notifying his donation to the upkeep of York Minster.

Thank you, human Hilary.

Pawsitive wishes,

Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar!

Christine Rains said...

Absolutely fascinating A to Z!

Vallypee said...

What a wealth of information. Really fascinating, Hilary. How do you find all these interesting bits and pieces to collate them all into a post?

Romance Reader said...

I loved reading your post today as we are royal fanatics! Love reading everything about them.


Ingrid said...

Last year I went to the Crown Jewel exhibition in London Tower. It was so beautiful ! Unbelievable to wear such a heavy crown ! It's well known that the Queen has a lot of humor and when she "jumped" as James Bond girl out of the helicopter I found that the best introduction ever for Olympic games ! That beat it all ! I just arrived in London the day before and in my Eurostar where lots of athletes which I didn't know so I was surprised that I was greeted with flags and music when I arrived in St. Pancras, lol !

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

@ Ros - these were the snippets I wanted to bring out and using Lee's A-Z idea seemed the best one - but as you say in one post and now.

@ Denise - so pleased you enjoyed it .. I'm glad I'm 'writing it' up ..

@ Ciara - thank you so much Mrs Senior Editor - it does look like they live in a fairy tale existence with some hard work thrown in! Delighted you enjoyed the posting so much ..

@ Keith - uh uh .. no ... just a nearly failed schoolgirl who rather late in life appreciates her learning!

@ Maggie - how fantastic .. thank you .. no idea where - but I'm sure the Universe is flagging it somewhere .. just a pleasure you enjoyed it ..

@ Suzanne - it took a while as I had to find different bits - still missed some out!

If you can get to the State rooms - do .. they're well worth seeing .. I'm going to try and go again in September ..

@ JJ - appreciate that ..

@ Gary - and Penny the typesetter! I was worried about Gary reading this .. but thought you'd spot the post first and cover his eyes up while you dealt with the matter.

It was fun .. especially realising I could squeeze mothballs in ..

I failed with the X .. I know - nothing came up!

I haven't been to York Minster .. one day I shall travel that far north again .. and they're in dire need of donations for the upkeep - so well done to Tristan for contributing. Good to see you Penny - I know Gary has a posting and I'll be over!

@ Christine .. thanks so much ..

@ Val - from bits I remember, read, hear or see on the tv ... then it all needs to get sewn together into something presentable to the blogging fraternity!

@ Nas - so pleased you had a happy time browsing through ..

@ Gattina - your trip over when the Olympic Games was on .. must have been fabulous - lucky you ... being able to be a part of it, without necessarily visiting ..

The Crown Jewel exhibition is incredible isn't it .. those vaults too ..

Yes her entrance to the Olympic Games won't be beaten, I don't think .. it was a piece of inspirational creative theatre ...

So pleased you all enjoyed this A-Z posting - cheers Hilary

Marja said...

Very clever and very interesting to learn about. We just had a coronation of the King of Holland King Willem Alexander. I also move in royal circles as a week ago I was sitting nearly next to the queen of Tonga.

Nas said...

Hi Hilary,

Facts about royalty are fascinating as royalty becomes rarer and rarer.

Al Diaz said...

Wow, very enlightening. I still remember God Save the Queen. I learned it many years ago but I've never forgotten it. :)

Friko said...

Golly, you do your research well. This must be of great interest to all non-Britishers who know so little of what goes on here. Downton Abbey it ain’t.

Anonymous said...

So clever and entertaining. I learned quite a bit.

Chatty Crone said...

How in the world did you find all that information - do you have an in with her? sandie

Patricia Stoltey said...

Hi Hilary -- Just got caught up on this wonderful series of posts. Like a lot of folks, I'm looking forward to this new baby. It's lovely to have something happy in the world news for a change.

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

@ Marja - yes we saw some of your recent abdication and coronation .. and I'm sure there were various documentaries and talks about it ..

You were sitting next to the Queen of Tonga - I only remember and will always do so the one from 1953 - she was a larger than life figure going down the Mall in one of the State coaches .. with the biggest smile ever!

@ Nas - our history is just so tied up with royalty .. glad you enjoy it though ..

@ Al - so pleased you enjoyed your read .. and you know God Save the Queen - one of few!

@ Friko - I just noted so many bits and pieces and this was the easiest way to present it .. delighted everyone is enjoying it.

@ Kelly - good to see you - thankyou ..

@ Sandie - just by hearing, watching, seeing, reading and then deciding how to write a post ... I don't think my lifestyle and the Queen's would match!

@ Patricia - thanks for taking the time to come over, I know you've been busy and helping your mother .. the new baby and its effect on the Brits and those interested in the rest of the world will be fascinating to read ..

Cheers to you all .. Happy Father's Day weekend .. Hilary

Glynis Peters said...

Another delightful post, Hilary. HRH is so elegant, and I admire her stamina. I know she is pampered but she is still an elderly lady whose body is retiring.

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Glynis - I'm not sure she's pampered as such, rather lots is done for her - yet she has to 'work' .. meetings, fittings for her clothes, decisions, affairs of State .. a great deal going on. Then of course she must be feeling tired at times .. she has enormous stamina - thankfully ..

Cheers Hilary

Talli Roland said...

I love coming over here because I always learn so much! Thanks, Hilary! Did you watch the Trooping of the Colour yesterday?

jabblog said...

A fine A-Z - well done:-)

Anonymous said...

A to Z -- in one post! Nicely done. It really is amazing to think of all the history involved.

Julia Hones said...

Wow, Hilary! I wonder how you managed to put all this together. Amazing and fascinating. Great selection of pictures.

Arlee Bird said...

That is quite a comprehensive coverage of this event. We have nothing to compare with this in the U.S. It's kind of old school in a way I guess, but a ritual that brings the nation together and draws focus from the world.

Wrote By Rote

Stephen Tremp said...

Amazing post! I went through it twice. Westminster Abbey has such an amazing history. I sure would like to visit there some day. And the Tower of London too.

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

@ Talli - good to see you .. and no I didn't watch the Trooping of the Colour this year .. I was up in London at an illuminated manuscripts exhbition ..

@ Janice - many thanks ..

@ Milo - yes it ties the Brits together .. and there is so much history ..

@ Julia - glad you enjoyed the information and the pictures .. it was hard work, but I'm glad I've done it!

@ Lee - good to see you .. there's a binding of our history and those links in to our shores and out again to the new worlds, while keeping in touch with the old worlds ..

@ Stephen - delighted you enjoyed it .. and both places have so much history .. very good places to visit ..

Cheers to you all and thanks so much -enjoy your week ahead .. Hilary

Linens and Royals said...

Your Royal knowledge puts me to shame. While I am busy collecting the souvenirs and stitching the samplers you have all the Royal facts at your fingertips. Thank you for such an informative post.

Juliet said...

Hurray! You got through the whole alphabet. I'm intrigued by the anointing oil, which you mention several times, and wonder what kind of oil they used. My favourite bit in this post is 'Ready, girls?' Thank you Hilary, this is so packed with interesting details.

Theresa Milstein said...

Wow, an April A to Z wrapped into 1 post! You could definitely expand on this for next year! I'd love to see those jewels in person.

It's going to be huge when the baby is born.

Susan Flett Swiderski said...

Grrrrreat post, Hilary. I thoroughly enjoyed reading all your historical tidbits. I vaguely remember watching the coronation on television with my grandmother, (It was a tiny B&W round screen.) and never imagined I'd ever be hearing about a 60th anniversary celebration of that event. It just doesn't seem possible so many years have gone by so quickly.

Thanks so much for sharing this info with us. I'll be looking forward to your next installment.

Mark Koopmans said...

Though originally from the Republic of Ireland (where some are not so keen on the Queen) I always say never judge a book by its cover - or a person by his birth nation:)

The Queen rocks and I believe she has been a rock for England and her subjects over these last six decades.

Long may she live!

PS... If you want to hear the words of the Resolution... the people in the video clip (above the picture) recite the full pledge :)

cleemckenzie said...

Good gravy, Hilary! You've out done yourself with this one. I loved, "Ready girls?" I think Queen Elizabeth has been one of the most interesting rulers in my lifetime. So young to the throne and able to stay the course during some very stressful times for the world and the royal family.

Karen Lange said...

Such a rich and wonderful history! Love that you chose the A to Z format to highlight it. Who knew indeed? Not me! Thanks so much for sharing all of this.

MunirGhiasuddin said...

Thank you for such a detail and educational post. Sometimes we get to hear a few little details about the mother to be here on the television.

Bossy Betty said...

So interesting! I have such a larger appreciation of the royal family after visiting London last summer.

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

@ L&R - I just put out things that interest me and I think will give you a little extra insight into aspects of life .. your collections are superb though ..

@ Juliet - yes I just about managed - failed the X I think, but can concoct something! I'm not sure exactly how or where the oil comes from ... but it must be some special reserves held by the Church over time immemorial or - in fact re-created (re-formulated from records .. as it was lost in the War) for the Queen's Coronation. If I spot more information elsewhere I'll try and let you know ..

So glad you enjoyed it ..

@ Theresa - thanks I could do another couldn't .. but I think I've shot my bolt here as far as Royals are concerned .. we'll have more coronation and royal information to come in the next few years ... enough is enough!

As you say - the royal baby is going to make some history and some splashes across the news .. again with lots of history ..

@ Susan - it was the easiest way to put the info out there, without completely scuppering myself with a story line! Just delighted everyone's enjoyed it ..

I'm not sure how much I remember, or how often I've seen it since .. but the thought of sitting enraptured looking at a tiny black and white tv - strikes me as so funny today ... so much change, and as you say --- time has passed rapidly. We're lucky we're still around too ...

@ Mark - yes I know the RoI is not that enthusiastic about the royals, and as many here in the UK are not that enthusiastic ...

Your word 'rock' is a good one .. she really has stood the test of time for the country, her subjects and her family .. and Long May She Live - I endorse that ..

Thanks re your note - I popped back to listen thanks .. it was very interesting ..

@ Karen - it's fun now it's done! Also just allowed me to post lots of bits and pieces ...

@ Munir - glad you enjoyed these snippets - I expect you'll hear and see a bit more in the next few weeks!

@ Betty - I'd forgotten about your trip over here .. so delighted you enjoyed your trip - that was some surprise for you .. but wonderful to read that it opened your eyes a little more to things British.

Wonderful to see you all .. cheers for now - Hilary

A Lady's Life said...

I love the coronation outfits Princess Ann and Prince Charles wore
They can look at it thinking gosh look how little we were.
You put in so much work into this blog.
Well done.

Jannie Funster said...

Holy cow, I think I'd have to train for weeks to wear a 5 lb crown! Not so easy being a monarch, eh? All the things to suffer through. :)

so great to be back to your colorful blog.


Patricia said...

This is wonderful Hilary - I just was in awe of your A-Z...coronation.

I have just started a new mystery novel in the tower of London 1500s and Henry the VIII attempting to find the crown with Cromwell's assistance and the others working against that acquisition Kind of Phillipa Gregory meets Brown of the Da Vinci Code...
Will try to come back and read some of the last 5 posts I have missed - computer woes!

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

@ A Lady's Life .. aren't the little outfits lovely - and I'm looking forward to seeing them at the Exhibition later on .. It's funny to think we're all that small at some stage in our lives isn't it. So happy you enjoyed the posts ..

@ Jannie - so good to see you again .. well I think the Queen was very sensible and realised she needed to train .. and 5lb is a lot .. There is so much going on behind the scenes to enable the Queen to do her duty .. I expect much is not easy .. suffering for it I don't think so ..

Wonderful to see you back here ..

@ Patricia - I enjoyed doing it once I got going .. am totally struggling with the music and Service ..

Your book sounds like a very muddled history - but I expect very interesting if it mixes Philippa Gregory and Dan Brown ...

Sorry about your computer woes ..

Thanks so much lovely to see you .. cheers Hilary

mail4rosey said...

We saw the chair on our visit to London where the coronation of the queen took place. It was beautiful and a little surreal.

Westminster is easily the most beautiful place we've ever seen on the inside.

This was a fun post!

Lynn said...

I loved seeing the Crown Jewels in the Tower of London. There were so many people in line, that I didn't get to study them as long as I wanted though.

Those outfits the little prince and princess wore to the Coronation are so dear!

Sherry Ellis said...

Well done! I enjoyed reading your Coronation A-Z facts! Can't wait to see the new royal baby in about a month!

Silvia Writes said...

Hilary, this was like a history lesson. I absolutely loved reading it. And the photos ... she was so young and pretty. She's come such a long way ... 60 years as queen.
Thank you for this most enjoyable post.

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

@ Rosy - I must definitely go back, now the Chair has been made safe for the foreseeable future .. and see the Abbey itself with new eyes ... so glad you enjoyed the post ..

@ Lynn - I saw them last year too - and that conveyor belt is unfortunately something we live with .. as more and more people are able to do things.

Lovely expression you've used 'so dear' .. as all little people and their things are ..

@ Sherry - thanks so much .. that royal baby is awaited by so many ..

@ Silvia - delighted you enjoyed it .. and as you say so much has happened, and she has seen so much life as Queen ..

Cheers to you all .. Hilary

Empty Nest Insider said...

You've really outdone yourself with this post in true A to Z form! Many interesting facts, and the Royal Peculiar was especially entertaining!


Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Julie .. so glad you've enjoyed the info and that you picked up on the Royal Peculiar ...

You obviously had a great trip with the family - sounds lovely and then meeting with your husband's family in Israel .. so pleased for you ..

Cheers Hilary

Notes Along the Way with Mary Montague Sikes said...

Hilary, you are amazing with all your research and wonderful posts. Thanks for sharing this along with the great photos!!!

Mary Montague Sikes

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Monty .. many thanks .. I enjoyed doing this post .. so am glad you enjoyed the photos .. and snippets .. your turtle is amazing - cheers Hilary

Denise Covey said...

Hello Hilary. All this is fascinating. No one does pomp and ceremony like the Brits. Interesting the inclusion of other faiths these days considering the big deal the Catholic/Church of England dichotomy used to be - off with his/her head! I love progress.


Joylene Nowell Butler said...

I'm terribly late. Sorry, Hilary. Thanks for another awesome post! I love learning about all this stuff.

Bossy Betty said...

Always so interesting! Thank you!!!

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

@ Denise - we've had years of practise .. but also we have the wherewithal to do it .. history combined with pomp and ceremony - it's all there written down and recorded .. I love it I must say, tells us where we've come from.

Great word 'progress' rather than change ... certainly our history is doing that - as is the world's ...

We seem to embrace many faiths now-a-days, which as far as I'm concerned is fine ...

@ Joylene - you've had much going on .. and just glad I posted

@ Betty - great to see you .. love your flowers

Many thanks .. cheers Hilary

Anonymous said...

Love the way you've presented this post with the headings
That little dress with legs is something! LOL!
Such a wealth of information - pun intended ;O)

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Madeleine - many thanks .. couldn't work it another way, but it obviously works as an ABC ... the display of the children's robes is great isn't it .. little legs ..

And appreciate the pun .. I hope you feel better soon and can sort out what's going on ..

Cheers Hilary