Tuesday, 1 October 2013

Amy’s Friends Support Group and Scarlett, Musings from Friko’s World and last but not least the thoughtful Lenny ... three bloggers ...

Following on my previous post ... after lunch at The Bateman Arms I set off across Mercia to cross briefly into Powys – Welsh Wales – and back again to the Shropshire Hills ... there’s so much to explore up there and the countryside is beautiful ... and definitely would be on a sunnier day.

To "Offa's Dyke" - still I got lost!

Offa’s Dyke loomed large ... to my surprise ... but I stopped to take a few photos before setting off intrepidly once again for my cup of tea ...

Offa's Dyke made in the year
757 AD - the Dyke not the stone,
erected at some later stage
... a sign appeared with the village destination marked (I was somewhat surprised – but nothing ventured, nothing gained ... or perhaps I was lost once again?!) – the lane was decorated with tufts of grass growing along its midriff ...

... a moment (or three) of anxiety – there was no turning space, no pulling off space – lots of mud and splodgy soggy verges ... let’s hope, I thought, I don’t meet anyone coming in the other direction ...
The village sign outside the Chapel

... so I avoid any encounters, reach the T junction – still in the middle of nowhere – with no sign to my destination ... I make a decision – and find a couple of interesting sites – but need to turn round and find a “mainer” road!

Eventually I arrive safely on time ... I’m in need of my cuppa ... I have arrived at Friko’s World ... the lady with: an erudite touch, husbandry skills many of us have lost or never known about, an unerring eye for detail about the countryside, a love of Millie style dogs ...

The driveway border, the castle
is in the dizzy distance!

The whole gang came to meet me – look at this wonderful driveway ... Friko, Beloved and Millie ... then we retired for a good old hobnobbing-blogging chat ...

Coffee Walnut cake - well
tucked into ... 

What a delightful afternoon – coffee cake with a 2nd helping wrapped for my journey as it happened to be enjoyed in Eastbourne two days later ... but all the better not being gobbled.

Millie slinking away hoping for
further treats - such a cheerful
Aga and kitchen ... I love it!
Millie seemed content and lay at my feet ... but she would not perform by the warmth of the red Aga (now you all know what an Aga looks like), so we have one wagging tail disappearing to the larder for more treats – perhaps: but no!

The other side of the driveway
Where Friko lives is a stunning part of the world, and one I don’t know very well – so I shall look forward to a return visit in due course – a mutually agreed decision ...

We had talked and talked ... as you might imagine!

Prezzies galore!
I had a marvellous totally unexpected surprise the other day – a parcel arrived from Lenny – I know ... I am a very lucky ‘little girl’ ... I took it up to Linda at the Nursing Centre ... as it was for her too ...

... Lenny is such an amazingly compassionate thoughtful lad – young man now – we had a whole load of goodies – useful for both of us ... a purple pencil tin – full of post-it pads, gel highlighters, glue sticks, animal stickers, notepads from St Jude’s Children’s Research Hospital – very dear to Lenny’s heart ...

... they had stickers with little sayings on ... I hope you can see the pink seahorse “Making a Splash”, the turtle “Riding the Waves”, I’m questioning the crabs! having “Fun in the Sun” ... while the starfish rests easy with “Life is Good at the Beach!” ....

Amusing to one and all ... while the two calendars “16 month Calendar 2014 World Wildlife Fund” – delights Linda, as she will be able to enjoy these large and colourful photos from her bed; while I shall thoroughly enjoy looking at the National Audubon Society “Protecting Birds in Nature” 2014 calendar ...
Pencil box, animal calendar
and more and more!

Great choices Lenny – many thanks ... we always need colour crayons, stickies, post-its, purple boxes to tidy our notes away ... and an appropriate card each:  Linda’s was a house card with windows looking out onto the world ...

... mine is a “Thinking of You” card with a bear hugging a heart ... inside the little greeting reads: 

 “Hope these thoughts 
Give your heart a tug
 And feel just like
 a warm little hug” 

– what more could I want ... hugs and love across waves of life.   We both had envelopes with a little heart on ...

Amy in the wheelchair with a fellow friend on
her lap, the Clay family with Knox and I behind

... and don’t tell anyone a packet of caramel chocolates ... we did share!

... now after returning to the Arms of Bateman, I set out the next morning for Flintshire, north Wales to meet another Blogger – Scarlett of the Blue Purple and Scarlett blog – love that name ... the music player comes up and I stay entranced awhile ...

Scarlett and Knox looking across
the Mersey - copied from Scarlett's blog
Scarlett is incredibly talented as she stamps, crafts and creates ... mainly cards to raise funds to research and support Cockayne Syndrome families ... so this year I was determined to get up to see her: and made the decision to do so.

Such inspiration and heart-warming love emanated from all the wonderful families there ... Scarlett came over last year with Knox – but I wasn’t able to travel then ...

... this year she brought her two daughters to meet other families from around the world, who have all been touched with this particular diagnosis ...

Art is Medicine - Scarlett'sfundraising site
Her blog post on our meeting gives you an insight ... I came away filled with admiration, inspired by Amy’s friends, feeling honoured to have been there to share a tiny part of their lives ...

Scarlett asked me what I expected ... I said I didn’t know ... I thought more wrinkles, but Knox and Amy’s friends were relatively unlined and soft skinned ...

... and I was extremely impressed how happy everyone was – delighted to see each other once again ... discussing symptoms, those who had sadly passed away ...

Scarlett's butterflies - in the making
for cards in the CS shop
c/o Scarlett's blog post

The thing Scarlett commented on – was that the British didn’t stop and stare, or point, or grin in a supercilious way ... I was grateful to hear this – and sincerely hope that the British awareness towards disability is becoming much more tolerant ... 

... the ParaOlympics opened the nation’s eyes, but sadly the opportunity seemed to pass America by.  She had not had a happy time at Chicago airport – finding it quite distressing ...

Scarlett's finished cards
for the CS shop - c/o Scarlett

I seem to have talked my way through a blog post yet again ... but Lenny is always a delight to think about – a youngster with a generous heart – who now my mother has gone includes Linda when he communicates with me ...

... while it was a pleasure to be able to reach the nether regions of Shropshire to meet a lady, who has a wonderful way of describing life that at once amuses and educates as to the lore of the countryside ...

and sunshine to
bring smiles to
our minds
Then it was a real honour to be able to get to meet Scarlett and her family – and get to see Amy of “Amy’s Friends” ... the support group for all families who have family members with the Cockayne Syndrome disease.

Blogging certainly opens our eyes to so much ... we can learn, appreciate others, meet new friends from across the globe or Britain in this case ... share our experiences ...

Life throws difficulties at us ... then life will put things in perspective ... and we can appreciate what we have, in whichever way we have it ...  and give thanks and just give in all ways ...

Friko's World ... the Musings from Shropshire ... there's a post to follow .. 

Scarlett's post on her visit to the Cockayne Syndrome Retreat outside Chester, when we met up ..

Amy's Friends - Cockayne Syndrome fund raising site

Hilary Melton-Butcher
Positive Letters Inspirational Stories


Optimistic Existentialist said...

How wonderful is was that you were able to meet Scarlett and her family :)

Anonymous said...

Wonderful to read Hilary, lovely to be able to get out and about, something missing from me of late but by next week will be able to be let loose again. I went to Wales a few times as my daughter-in-law is Welsh although has lived in Spain since 8 yrs of eight, Wonderful country I thought.


Suzanne Furness said...

This was uplifting to read, it sounds like a lovely trip and some inspirational people to meet.

So glad you didn't get completly lost, I know a few Cornish lanes like that!

D.G. Hudson said...

You're inspiring, too, Hilary. You do so much, I wonder if you ever sit still?

Nick Wilford said...

Sounds like a lovely time was had by all!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Your photos of the place are wonderful!
That was really nice of Lenny to send you that stuff.

Julie Flanders said...

You always receive such fun packages from Lenny. And how great that you were able to meet these fellow bloggers. I've never heard of Cockayne Syndrome but I would be proud too to learn that the British people didn't stare, etc. I'm sorry the experience in America was not the same.

Wonderful post as always, Hilary. I just loved the photos.

Janie Junebug said...

What happened at the Chicago airport? It's very large and impersonal, but I hope people weren't rude and nasty. Oh, how upsetting.


Jo said...

I hadn't heard of this (Cockayne Syndrome) either, bit like a friend's son in NC who never developed very much has some dwarfism and several other problems. Has to have a breather the whole time.

You sure have been moving about lately, fun to do. Not been to Wales for a long, long time,but always loved it there. Nice meeting other bloggers too isn't it?

Patsy said...

Sounds like you've been having fun and meeting or otherwise communicating with some wonderful people.

klahanie said...

Hi Hilary,

Some time in the magical land of Fricko's World. Tis a wondrous location.

Ah and bless young Lenny for his thoughtful act. And a young man who shall soon be having his birthday.

I'm delighted you met Scarlett and encouraged by the attitude of the British. Stigma and assumptions, in all its ugly forms, needs to be eradicated.

Thank you, Hilary.

Be well,


Manzanita said...

How social to finally meet up with fellow blogers. Must be exciting to finally meet someone you've only known in writing.
Your dear Lenny is always so thoughtful and supplying you with Meaningful surprises. What a fun post

Juliet said...

What a heart-warming blog, Hilary. It sounds so special to have met up with your blogging friends. I met a couple in my first year of blogging, and they were just lovely. So much love and caring in this post.

Empty Nest Insider said...

It was so nice of Lenny to send such a special gift. I've also never heard of Cockayne Syndrome before. My heart goes out to the children and their families. I'm sure that your visit lifted everyone's spirits Hilary. You are a wonderful person who spreads good cheer wherever you go.


Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

@ Keith - meeting both Friko and Scarlett were all good, thanks.

@ Yvonne - good to see you and I'm pleased you're going to be able to get out and about soon.

@ Suzanne - it was a fun time, even though rushed .. and being able to meet Friko and see 'her world', as too Scarlett and family at their Retreat .. was very special.

@ DG - many thanks .. I do sit still, probably too much - the computer constantly calling!

@ Nick - it was uplifting meeting the new bloggers and receiving Lenny's present always inspires me.

@ Alex - thanks .. the photos tell their own story ... and I was so lucky with Lenny's wonderful gift ..

@ Julie - Lenny is one wonderful chooser of goodies to put in a box and send overseas .. I've always loved seeing what's going to appear next!

CS is such an unfortunate syndrome .. but these friends were amazing .. and yes it was nice to hear Scarlett's note about British people not staring ... and I was aware of that at the hotel.

So pleased the photos brought the post to life .. thanks Julie.

@ Janie - I'm not sure exactly .. but certainly Scarlett wasn't very happy being there - as Gary says below ... people with their stigmas and assumptions; unfortunately some people can't seem to understand -

@ Patsy - yes both Patsy .. just being in touch with Lenny is inspiring, while being able to meet Friko and Scarlett just endorses the fact their blogs are just like them! As you and I found out recently ...

@ Gary - you are so right - Shropshire is lovely, but you're not far away .. and I guess occasionally escape out there, or into your Wales.

Isn't Lenny wonderful .. just so lucky and yes his birthday is coming up soon ..

I was so pleased I could travel up to meet Scarlett and her family and other CS families, even though I had a short visit ... it showed me a side of life I'd rarely encounter elsewhere. The CS group just got on with their lives .. with new members joining us as they flew in from around the world ..

Thanks so much for your salient comment ..

@ Manzanita - finally I seem to be able to get out and about and it's a pleasure meeting like-minded bloggers. You're right about 'my dear Lenny' - always surprising me - this was a surprise ..

@ Juliet - it does make a difference actually meeting fellow bloggers ... I haven't met many - but am sure I'll add a few more in the coming year. So pleased you were able to meet a few in NZ

@ Julie - Lenny's box came out of the blue too! Wonderful. The CS group didn't need me - they were so excited to be together again and to meet Scarlett's daughters .. it was just animated and so happy ... I just watched quietly and was honoured to be there ...

Lots learnt in those few days away - and humbling to be amongst Amy's Friends and the support group her family set up for other families. Thanks everyone ... so pleased you visited and left a comment - thank you .. Hilary

Elizabeth Spann Craig said...

Hilary, your post made me smile. Lovely people. So glad you got to meet Scarlett's family and that Lenny sent such a nice gift.

And the coffee walnut cake looks very tasty!

Julia Hones said...

What a delightful, heartwarming post. I'm in awe, Hilary.
Thank you for sharing so much love and inspiration.
Those butterflies are beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Surprise packages are always fun to receive. Lenny is such a thoughtful young man. Enjoy your goodies and have a wonderful day!

Michael Di Gesu said...

HI, Hilary.

Your post was so inspiring and warm. I feel so honored to have experienced this truly remarkable people through your eyes.

I'm sorry to hear of Scarlett's distress in the Chicago airport. The people here can be as cold as the winter temps.... Once of the reasons why I wish to leave this city.

But the sun is glorious today, and your post warmed my heart....

Karen Lange said...

What a blessing that you were able to meet. Thank you for sharing the journey and surprises. Lenny is indeed a thoughtful one (as are you!). Your blog really does live up to its name! :)

Have a wonderful week!

T. Powell Coltrin said...

What fun bit of travel.

Lenny's gifts were wonderful, weren't they.

I hear that Chicago airports are a madhouse.

Lynn said...

How wonderful that you got to visit with blog friends. And I love that red stove!

Wonderful gifts from Lenny, as well. Stickers are so fun - my three-year-old great niece gave me one that says Soar! on it and stuck it on my chest in a rather funny place (you can imagine) - I moved it up a bit. :)

Christine Rains said...

That was fantastic you got to meet. Your pictures are gorgeous, especially of Scarlett and Knox.

Crystal Collier said...

I kept scrolling through, dazzled by all the pretty, pretty pictures. I think I read a few words along the way too, but I enjoyed your journey. ;)

Amanda said...

Another wonderful post, Hilary!

cleemckenzie said...

The driveway was lovely, but the cake scrumptious. How great to was to meet and share such a good time together.

I'm officially back from break. It vanished in a blink, but I did miss my visits across the pond.

H. R. Sinclair said...

Your posts are always so charming, but I really love the photo today! They are sweet.

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

@ Elizabeth .. it was a good few days and I did enjoy everyone I met .. coffee walnut cakes was (sadly was!) good ..

@ Julia - thanks so much, meeting with Friko was as I imagined it, while I was lucky to be able to get up to tie in with Scarlett - who is just magical ... Lenny always inspirational .. I am lucky and Scarlett's cards for Cockayne Syndrome always look so amazing - she's so clever ..

@ Susanne - we had a few wonderful surprises and it's so much nicer opening presents with others ..

@ Michael - love the comment .. and I was sorry to hear about Scarlett's distress - but your thoughts perhaps the seal on it .. I now understand your reasoning for moving away ...

It's just so unfair ... I can't understand why people can be cruel, even inadvertently that way ... especially to those who cannot fend for themselves ...

However I'm glad the post warmed your heart .. while the sun was warming those nether regions ...

@ Karen - we were lucky to be able to meet up and to get to know each personally a little - it's great you think I live up to my blog's name - thank you .. appreciate that.

@ Teresa - it's been lovely being able to get away and have a change - then meeting friends is the icing on the top. Lenny knows how to please ...

People sadly just stand and stare and talk - and yet I was so pleased that they didn't seem to do that in the hotel ... it was interesting to hear Scarlett's commenting on it though ...

@ Lynn - isn't the red Aga and tiling just so lovely .. loved that colour.

How lovely that your great niece gave you a sticker with "Soar" on it .. bet that stick-on hurt just a little??!! Moving it a little seems a wise move!

@ Christine - I was so pleased Friko and I, then Scarlett and her daughters and Knox got to meet ..

I forgot to acknowledge Scarlett's daughter (one of!) for that photo - I nabbed it from Scarlett's blog .. I must apologise for that!

@ Crystal - how lovely to see you here .. and I'm delighted you enjoyed your scroll through .. my posts I'm afraid tend to be a little informative ... still the photos add to mix thankfully!

@ Amanda - many thanks ..

@ Lee - good to see you back from your break - I hope you achieved all you wanted to ..

Friko's garden is lush .. I just never saw the front or had time to stop and stare .. would love to one day: and will do so!

Well the pond hasn't disappeared, nor has the blog ... so I'll be seeing you ...

@ Southpaw - many thanks, I try to be different and the photos definitely give a visual effect ..

Cheers to you all - thanks so much for your visits - Hilary

Friko said...

Thank you for your lovely visit and the kind words you have to describe it.

I must say, you seem to touch a lot of people’s heart and, now that I’ve met you, I can see why.

Lenny seems to be a delightful young man.

I am glad society is trying to be kind about disabled people. Too often that is still not the case, here and elsewhere. I have so much admiration for those who have to cope with insurmountable obstacles and do so with a cheerful attitude.

Murees Dupè said...

You are such a kind and wonderful person. I think it is just amazing how exciting your daily life is. Oh, that cake does look delicious.

Susan Flett Swiderski said...

Blogging, and more specifically, the wonderful people we come to know through blogging add so much to our lives. How wonderful that you had the opportunity to meet some of those people face-to-face. It sounds like they're all rays of sunshine.

Unknown said...

So pleased you met up with fellow bloggers, Hilary.
Afraid that when I read my work aloud with a tape running, I just can't do it. Feel very self conscious, strange isn't it, when I'm on the stage no such thing as stage-fright! Very odd... :0)

Susan Scheid said...

Ah, wonderful! And such wonderful memories of our own visit with Friko you evoke here (though we didn't meet Milly or see that incredibly handsome Aga). But I do remember so well not only Friko's magnificent garden, but also the sign you show of Castle Lawn! We took a walk to Caer Caradoc, but lost our way home, and seeing that sign was a welcome reminder we were not terribly far from our home away from home!

Nas said...

Such a wonderful post Hilary! How great that you met Scarlet and her family!


Arlee Bird said...

What a lovely excursion that sounds to have been. Nothing like I would find driving around Los Angeles.

Wrote By Rote

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

@ Friko - it was so lovely being able to get up to Shropshire and have the pleasure of meeting you. Your comment is lovely .. thank you.

I do hope the world can get to be kinder .. as you say if only people could understand the challenges families, such as Scarlett's, overcome with a smile on their face and in their heart .. amazing.

@ Murees - thanks so much .. my daily life is pretty dull - I just get up and go occasionally and do some of the things that I now can do ... and try not to eat too much cake!!

@ Susan - they both were as you describe .. rays of sunshine: and our eyes do get opened to new worlds - it was a great treat to meet Friko and Scarlett. Lenny's light always shines ..

@ Carole - it was lovely seeing Shropshire and being able to combine some meetings and see my mother's cousin at the same time. Sorry about the idea re the tape .. still it serves a means to an end if you can see your way to do it ..

@ Susan - so great that I brought back some of those memories for you .. oh is the Aga that new - it is mighty handsome though!

Did you see Castle Lawn - perhaps I was nearer than I thought .. but the lanes for driving along when you're your own sat nav .. I decided I'd better get back to the main road! I gather you stayed locally and enjoyed your walks - lovely country ...

Gorgeous garden and obviously this year very prolific ..

@ Nas - thanks so much .. just a delight being able to meet up with Friko and then with Scarlett and her family, and the Support Group ..

@ Lee - nope you're right there .. the lanes of the Welsh border country are very very different to the LA area .. but I'd like to see LA sometime.

Cheers to you all - happy Thursday ... we're due for lots of rain today - as I set of for London to do a few things ... so I expect I'll get very wet! Hilary

Annalisa Crawford said...

Sounds like a busy and fun time! That gift parcel looks like a lot of fun - so thoughtful!

Rhonda Albom said...

Sounds like a wonderful time that kept you busy!

Ingrid said...

How nice that you could meet Friko's world ! She is a compatriote of mine, if you may know. I know Shropshire from "Escape to the country" and indeed it looks as very beautiful county. It seems you were quiet a lot underway !

Morgan said...

Did someone say caramel chocolates????


Loved this post, Hilary. Looks like such a happy/fun time.

Sara said...

What a great closing to very interesting post. I loved these words:

"Life throws difficulties at us ... then life will put things in perspective ... and we can appreciate what we have, in whichever way we have it ... and give thanks and just give in all ways ..."

It's nice you're getting to meet your fellow bloggers and sharing them with us, as well. I didn't know about Cockayne Syndrome.

I am very apologetic about Scarlett's experience in the Chicago airport. Needless to say, we didn't really get to see the ParaOlympics here. I guess it wasn't considered good TV, which is sad.

On a happier note, it's nice you're still in touch with Lenny and now he's sharing his wonderful gifts with Linda.

Enjoy your travels, Hilary:~)

Diana Wilder said...

From Offa's Dyke to the Aga (I had wondered what one looked like...) to the wonderful bloggers and Cockayne's Syndrome, which I had not heard of... I've bookmarked a few sites including the Etsy site. Another uplifting visit with you, Hilary.

Diana at About Myself By Myself

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

@ Annalisa - it was most enjoyable travelling and meeting Friko and Scarlett, while Lenny's parcel was a lot of fun ..

@ Rhonda - I was certainly busy and had a lovely time ..

@ Morgan - there's one or two caramel chocolates left - coming over??!! Thanks it was happy ..

@ Sara - thanks very much .. it's easy to forget others have things so much worse than us.

It's good to know about Cockayne Syndrome isn't it. I think Scarlett must get quite a lot of unnecessary hassle with people's lack of understanding in the States.

It was such a huge pity that the ParaOlympics wasn't broadcast - it was totally uplifting ... and opened many eyes here ...

Yes - it's always lovely to hear from Lenny ... I'm doing much now - well that I'm thinking about - but it's nice to be free to go if I want to ...

@ Diana - it's a good mix post isn't it! I mentioned the Aga as my A in our A-Z Challenge in April .. but it's good to put a brilliantly coloured one out there.

I'm glad you're going to have a look around at the other sites .. especially the Etsy site .. Scarlett is a great fundraiser ..

Thanks everyone and I'm glad Cockayne Syndrome is another challenge that others face, and that we now know about .. cheers Hilary

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Gattina - you slipped through my reply commenting net - sorry! I know you and Friko are compatriots of sorts living in other countries ..

Gosh - a programme I don't watch ..

Yes - I travelled a lot on that trip - but all worth it .. cheers to you -Hilary

Joylene Nowell Butler said...

I'm living the life vicariously through you, Hilary. Love the photos. Mmm, the coffee cakes looks scrumptious. Glad you were able to meet up with friends. Isn't that Lenny wonderful!

Ella said...

What a beautiful heart filled post~
How wonderful to meet Scarlett and her precious family! Lenny is amazing, too!

I love this post :D

Patricia said...

Your whole post is a surprise package of a lovely journey and connections made - beautiful flowers too...

Thank you for the journey which touched my heart.

The USA is terrible about visible disabilities, I know it first hand - they are worse when they find out you have a hidden problem - like you lied to them. They feel free to offer advise I never got those comments assisting my Aunt or Grandmother in Canada....but even at Parent/teacher meetings I got so many comments about my youngest especially after each of her 12 surgeries. Even when she won the state tennis finals and a full college scholarship, they implied she was shown favoritism or given special treatment. My Autistic neighbor was such a great support for us -
I take it Lenny is in the USA? I could send him one of my giveaway books...does he like to read?

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

@ Joylene - good to see you and that you're enjoying life around the English countryside. Lenny is just lovely ..

@ Ella - thanks so much .. it was such a pleasure being able to meet Friko and Scarlett with her girls and Knox .. while Lenny always makes me smile ...

@ Patricia - those few days were such a mix - the way life should be some times.

Dealing with challenges can be so difficult, but understanding people's reactions even more so .. I hear what you're saying - and so pleased to read your autistic neighbour helped so much ...

Thanks for the generous thought re Lenny .. I've emailed you ..

Thanks so much - have happy weekends .. Hilary

Tina said...

What a delightful trip this must have been! I'd love an Aga...being the cook I am I am jealous...
Life is indeed good on the beach...
Lenny is a delight. I've enjoyed the sweet emails he sends with each comment left.
Scarlett sounds like an amazing woman and I thank for educating me on something I knew nothing about. Though I'm a bit embarrassed that the Americans were rude...
Great post as always, Hils.
Tina @ Life is Good

scarlett clay said...

Hilary, I miss you! It's so wonderful meeting a blogging friend in person, but not so wonderful to have to wait a whole year to see them again. I do hope we can see you again, I'm already saving up! I enjoyed reading about all of your recent adventures, and so happy visiting us way up in N. Wales was part of your journey! Hugs from Knox and all of us here in Texas! (PS. Have to say that the folks in Chicago were just as bad last year, don't know why the staring is so bad in that airport!? )So refreshing to have all the smiles and kindness to Knox in England. :)

Mark Koopmans said...

another great travel post, Hilary!

I don't know if " wish you were here" is still on ITV (or BBC?) but you could definitely get a job as one of their writers :-)

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

@ Tina - oh I quite agree an Aga would be bliss! Lenny has always delighted ..

It was so lovely meeting Scarlett and with luck I'll have that chance again .. It's difficult breaking the human mould - and get all beings to treat each other as they themselves would want to be treated ... let's hope one day it will happen.

Wonderful that Knox and his family had such happy times here .. so pleased to read your comment ...

@ Mark - many thanks .. I think the programme is on - but almost certainly the repeats will be!!

Appreciate your thoughts .. life is good!

Cheers to the three of you - lovely day here .. even the sun is shining! Hilary

Coral Wild said...

another wonderful read Hilary.

Your "lost" rambles around Shropshire appear to have been well worth the possible stress they caused. Sounds like stunning scenery - right up my alley - I might not have arrived at all!

How great for you to meet up with fellow bloggers and put real faces and places to the words and pictures....

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Sue .. I forgot to come over and thank you for your entry. It was a lovely time .. just being out on tiny lanes .. with fantastic scenery all around ...

Meeting Friko and Scarlett were extra special times ... thanks - one day us perhaps?!

Cheers Hilary