Friday, 21 March 2014

Aspects of British Coasts: 2014 A – Z ...

Aspects of British Coasts is my theme for this year.  The twenty-six posts will, no doubt, be as eclectic as usual ... but I will make an effort to be short ...

Cornish Coastal Path

... I suppose this allows me to elaborate on them at a later date ... when I can add more salt to the sea, send more sludge down the rivers to spruce up the land ... 

... watch more cliffs crash down, let the long-shore currents deposit their sediment forming a spit or sandspit ...

River Nith Estuary opening
into the Solway Firth
Q I have found, J I’ve got, X will be interesting and I might well be asleep for the usual Zzzzing, when I’ll probably summarise or ‘glossarise’ – who knows – and as I have yet to write ... we will all see.

Lands End

Where does the coast end and the sea begin?

The photos show a few of my early ideas ... 

Enjoy the A- Z everyone and I'll see you around ... how many bloggers are involved now - 1380+ and counting ... ?!

Satellite photo of Barra, Vatersay
and surrounding islands

Thanks to Lee for instigating the Challenge, and the main co-hosts Alex, Tina, Damyanti, MJ Joachim, Nicole of MadLab, AJs Hooligans, PammyPam, Stormy's SideKicks ... 

A-Z Co-hosts can be found here 

Hilary Melton-Butcher
Positive Letters Inspirational Stories


mail4rosey said...

It sounds challenging. It sounds fun too!

Ida Thought said...

I love this Hilary, especially the idea of 'adding more salt and sending more sludge' later on. Keeping it short is definitely a big challenge but a worthy one. I'm already looking forward to reading as many as I can :)
Reflex Reactions

Indywrites said...

Hilary Such a beautiful idea for posts. Short or long they will be very interesting. All spiced up! And I do love the coast, don't get to it that much but love it.

Elizabeth Spann Craig said...

I'll enjoy reading these, Hilary!

Tina said...

Oh this sounds really good! I'm very excited to learn more and see gorgeous photos. You do have a lot of coastline in the UK...
Tina @ Life is Good
A to Z Team @ Blogging From A to Z April Challenge 2014

Sue McPeak said...

Hi Hilary...I'm hooked on your theme already with your description and promises of 'spiced up' coastal posts. I can see how the salt might be a spice of focus, but the real draw will be the sludge. Looking forward to another AtoZ Challenge, and even though I'm not on Tina's this year, I hope you will stop by when you can.
Sue at CollectInTexas Gal

Rhonda Albom said...

Hi Hilary - You have picked a perfect theme for you. I look forward to it.

Mason Canyon said...

I like your theme, Hilary. I'm sure I'll learn much about British Coasts, as well as be entertained. Looking forward to your posts.

Robin said...

Great theme. You will get to use pretty pictures and share wonderful tidbits of information!

Betsy Brock said...

That should be a very interesting theme! The photos are gorgeous!

Guilie Castillo said...

Wonderful, Hilary! I'll be looking forward to these posts every day :) Thanks for stopping over at
Quiet Laughter: The Mighty Theme Reveal

Luanne G. Smith said...

Looking forward to it. :)

Jo said...

I do hope the Mudway sorry Medway will be included. Having lived on it for so many years I love to read more. Especially about the forts and the invasion of the Dutch.

T. Powell Coltrin said...

This sounds like a great theme, Hilary! Can't wait.

Mike Goad said...

Looks interesting. Looking forward to the info and the pictures.

Mike (Exit78)

Bob Scotney said...

Where does the coast end and the sea begin?
That's where you get your feet wet. I'll paddle with you.

River Fairchild said...

Awesome theme for A to Z! I will be here every day since I can't afford to go to England and roam for months. I love your country and the countryside. :)

Botanist said...

This sounds like a great theme! Looking forward to some interesting facts. At some point, are you going to delve into "How long is the coastline?" - and why that is such a difficult question to answer?

~Sia McKye~ said...

Great idea Hilary. Short is hard, lol! I won't be around much as I have surgery on March 27th and I suspect the first couple of weeks in April will be a blur. But I will make sure to go back and read them all. :-) Love stuff like this.

Sia McKye Over Coffee

Julie Flanders said...

Oh, I can't wait for this! Nothing I love more than reading about the ocean and the British coastline seems so beautiful. Looking forward to your posts, Hilary. :)

J.L. Campbell said...

I imagine you will have some interesting pictures of the sea/beach to go along with your posts.

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

To you all so far .. many thanks:
- Rosie challening yes; Ida short, but I can add more sugar later on; Inderpreet - good to meet you and thank you .. I'll try and spice the posts up a little; Elizabeth - thank you; Tina - we do have a lot of coastline; Sue - good to see you again and yes, I will be around as much as possible; Rhonda - thanks! Mason - short posts will make my extensive essays somewhat curtailed! Robin - I'll do my best; Betsy - thankfully I can find photos elsewhere, mine aren't like your wonders; Guilie - thanks so much - your will be a story telling adventure; Luanna - cheers; Jo - I'll do the mudway at Medway somehow! Teresa .. now I have to 'perform'! Mike - they'll be short and sweet and I hope good photos; Bob .. where does the coast begin and end .. and good to have you paddling along. River - I'll do my best to 'expose' to some of our delights; Ian - yes I'll be doing length of the coastline ... how to be short for that will be interesting! and why it is so difficult to answer .. you're the scientist .. so I hope you've got some additional points for me! Sia - it'll be lovely to see you when you get here ... more importantly I hope all goes well on the 27th and that you recover quickly and easily. Julie - the ocean waves and some gentle coasts ... Britain is abundant in all things coastal. JL - good to see you and I hope I will satisfy with photos of the seas, beach et al ..

Cheers to you all - now I'm off to visit you and others revealing their themes .. enjoy the A-Z: Hilary

Rosaria Williams said...

Looking forward!

Damaria Senne said...

I love your language use, especially the numbers of ways to say "elaborate." Looking forward to your posts.

Silvia Writes said...

You sure make it interesting, Hilary. Look at those beautiful pictures. I can't wait. And I'm sure you'll be fine for X when the time comes.
Silvia @

Joylene Nowell Butler said...

Your creativity doesn't surprise me in the least. I knew you'd do educational and fun posts. I can't wait.

Anonymous said...

You are one of a handful of dear friends that I'll be checking in on during the challenge. This theme, with accompanying photos to "promote" it, sounds absolutely fascinating. I expected nothing less from you. (As ever...many hugs from me and Jen.)

klahanie said...

Hi Hilary,

This is going to be one beach of an A to Z. This is going to be good series to surf. I must make sure the coast is clear, however. Great post! Thanks for sharing! That's for shore....

A pleasant weekend to you, my esteemed friend.


ViolaFury said...

Hello Hillary! I wanted to pop over from Tina's blog and say hello! I love your site and have played Thomas Tallis' music! It's been a pleasure having you in the #AZchat and I look forward to doing the challenge with you! Mary aka ViolaFury on Twitter @VoilaFury

Unknown said...

I'm looking forward to your posts...they are always great but your A to Z was great.:)

Frankie Miller said...

Hi Hilary,
I'm so looking forward to your British Coast A-Z. I used to love watching 'Coast' on TV. We have a wealth of interesting places and you have picked a winning theme. Z is a rotter, but I'm having problems with a few including U and X. These keep changing all the time!
Thanks for encouraging me to join the A-Z. It should be fun.

Optimistic Existentialist said...

Sounds fun! I can't wait to see them all. That picture of Land's End is amazing.

Ingrid said...

I love all coasts in the UK I have seen so far, they are so beautiful. In June I will see the Lands end too !

H. R. Sinclair said...

Great topic. I love the coast of almost anywhere! :)

Michelle Wallace said...

If anybody can pull this one off, it's gotta be you!
You'll write amazing and educational posts... that's for sure!
See you around on the A to Z circuit Hilary!
Writer In Transit

Julia Hones said...

I love your poetical introduction, Hilary...
I look forward to your posts.

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

@ Rosaria - thank you; @ Damaria - our language is very full of life and does mean so many different things; @ Silvia - appreciate this and I'm looking out for pictures .. as you say something will come up for X - well it has to! @ Joylene - these are going to be somewhat different I think ... @ Ann - so good to see you and I hope you'll enjoy the views and few words! @ Gary - love your take on my theme .. @ Mary - so pleased to meet you and for your hello .. and obviously for looking back to Thomas Tallis' mention in my previous post .. it wasn't me in the ~A-Z chat .. must be the other blogger Hilary - one day I'll branch out into FB and Twitter @ Maggie - many thanks .. something to live up to - I hope your posts will be about Brazil?! @ Fanny - so pleased you're joining us in the A-Z ... it'll be good to see you. It's fun selecting our subjects for the letters ... see you there and good luck with those challenging X,Z,Js,Qs et al! @ Keith - Land's End really is land's end .. very craggy - usually grey granite ... @ Gattina - our country is pretty most of the time. Yeah - you're going to Cornwall in June - oh how lovely! @ Holly - thank you. @ Michelle - there may be a drop in education for these and a rise in surfing snippets ... appreciate your comment though ... @ Julia - I tried - not too brilliantly - but glad you appreciated it ..

Thanks everyone - I'll be around to see you all .. cheers Hilary

Patsy said...

I'm not doing the A-Z myself, but will be looking in on other people's posts, especially yours as I love the British Coast (you already knew that, didn't you?)

TALON said...

You always handle it brilliantly, Hilary and I always enjoy your posts so much. Just looking at these gorgeous photos makes me long to see some color in our area again. The cold and snow persists. Hope the winds have changed for you and you're back to the milder, gentler weather now.

Annalisa Crawford said...

I love the sound of this, and I've got my fingers crossed for lots of photos. Zennor starts with Z, by the way :-)

Diane said...

This sounds more challenging than most!! I will be interested to see how you get on. Good luck Diane

loverofwords said...

Such a great theme--Makes me think of Ephesus and how inland it is now when once it was a coastal city. Looking forward to learning and reading about coastlines.

Manzanita said...

I like the way your mind works. After about the 4the year of A-z'ing it takes a bit of creative thinking to come up with a theme. It sounds as if you nailed a good one. That was some good thinking, Hilary. Looking forward to another year of the challenge. This is the only one I do all year and I too have been busy writing my posts and gathering pictures.
See ya on the challenge rounds.

Empty Nest Insider said...

Hilary, Your A to Z posts will be as entertaining as ever, and I love your creative theme! You deserve a special loyalty badge for being a 4th year participant.


cleemckenzie said...

Oh, this sounds like a wonderful theme to me. I can learn more about England and enjoy some armchair travel.

Nas said...

Sounds great fun! Themes great, too!

Susan J. Reinhardt said...

Hi Hilary -

Even your introductions are entertaining. :)

I noticed the picture labeled, "Lands End." We have a clothing company here in the States by that name. It makes me wonder if they took the name from this geographical location.

Susan :)

Denise Covey said...

I love watching the program. 'Coasts' on tv. Your theme will be great. I'm not in the challenge, but will be blogging as usual once a week. I'll come by to read yours, probably in bulk. Yes, they'd better be shorter than usual or you'll be in hot water!


Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

@ Patsy - it'll be good to have you come by .. and yes, I do know you love our coasts - we're British girls! @ Talon - many thanks .. I hope I match up this year. We're in for a cold week, but at least the days are lighter and longer .. we all need Spring to really come around .. @ Andrew - thanks @ Annalisa - there'll be some photos along the way. I'm doing things associated with the coast - but Zennor is an excellent village to remind me of - thanks .. @ Diane - it will be interesting and that's the main thing I hope @ Tasha the 'land' changes so much .. increases and decreases in sea levels ... Ephesus is a case in point and I've never been to that part of Greece @ Manzanita - many thanks about my mind .. a few of the challengers think forward ... that's good that you're once again joining us ... @ Julie - there are many who repeat the Challenge I think .. it seems that way. I hope I pass muster ... I so nearly did it the first year - when I thought 100 was difficult enough, but I had other things to attend to ... @ Lee - certainly there'll be visits to the seaside! @ Nas - many thanks @ Susan - many thanks - interestingly Lands' End is an American company started in Chicago .. and the apostrophe is wrong as far as English teachers are concerned! So in fact it only came into Britain in 1993. @ Denise - I know reprimanded for long posts .. these will be shorter! I promise! Sorry you're not doing the challenge, but I'll see you around ..

Cheers to you all - thanks .. Hilary

Unknown said...

I'm belatedly catching up on blogs, Hilary, and am so thrilled to see you've chosen coasts for your A-Z. Can't wait to read them, and can't wait to see what I know will be wonderful pictures. I still miss living by the sea.

I'm really looking forward to reading your entry for Q too. :)

Diana Wilder said...

Oh, my! I think I am definitely in for a treat this year. I so enjoyed your theme last year, and I foresee that I will be putting my head in, exclaiming over the facts and the photos and enjoying the smile that lies behind the posts. Avanti!

Tasha Duncan-Drake said...

What a lovely idea for a theme. We have such variety in out coastline in Britain I am sure your posts are going to be wonderful. Good luck during April.
Tasha's Thinkings

Trisha said...

Your theme will be a great one - I hope to see some beautiful photos. :)

Anonymous said...

What a lovely, original challenge theme. Hubby & I watched the series Coast when they've been on and enjoyed it immensely.

Lynn said...

I'll look forward to reading your A to Z posts - I did it just that one year and it was fun, but I haven't been inspired to do it again.

Unknown said...

Looking forward to reading! The UK is on my bucket list so I look forward to learning a thing or two about the coasts too :) all the best

Lena from

Friko said...

This promises to be interesting. There is so much coastline in Britain and such a varied one.

JJ said...

Hilary: Don't make an effort to shorten your posts. I love them! Cheers.

Susan Flett Swiderski said...

It sounds like you're going to have another set of fascinating posts for this year's challenge. Good luck to you! I'll be taking the month off from the blogosphere to concentrate on writing the rough draft of my next book.

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

@ Shirley - no worries and I just hope my posts live up to expectations! Living by the sea is just amazing I must say ... I can't see it .. but whenever I go out I get glimpses ... @ Diana - my cookery theme last year was fun .. this year is back to a little more serious style .. but with some interesting facts ... @ Natasha - we do have a wonderful coastline don't we and I hope I do it justice .. @ Trisha - I'll do my best for the photos ... @ Madeleine - so good to see you , and many of us watch Coast don't we ... they were very good programmes .. @ Lynn - I can understand you doing one year and then relaxing! I still enjoy it .. so am determined to write my posts this year ..... @ Lena - well that's great to know you're wanting to visit us .. there's lots to see - I hope you enjoy my take on English coasts ... @ Friko - I hope it will satisfy everyone. There is a lot of coastline as you say and so much variety ... @ JJ - you'll still get some long ones, but the A-Z are meant to be short! Thanks for your support though ... @ Susan - I hope everyone will enjoy the posts .. and good luck with your writing - it makes sense to take the month off ...

Cheers everyone and thanks so much for your support .. Hilary

SpacerGuy said...

The countdown has begun, count me in!

Juliet said...

Anything about the sea always gets my attention. I'm looking forward to this series Hilary.

MunirGhiasuddin said...

It will be a beautiful theme. With your detail work and research it will very educational for a lot of us. Thanks.

MorningAJ said...

I'm looking forward to this because - as you know - I'm mad for anything that has to do with the sea.

MorningAJ said...

I'm looking forward to this because - as you know - I'm mad for anything that has to do with the sea.

Theresa Milstein said...

Love the ocean. Love the coasts. Never been to one in England, so I'm looking forward to April here on your blog!

Deborah Barker said...

I would love to join you for the A to Z but I know my limits. Good luck and great theme. Maybe I will give it a go next year. Meanwhile, I will check your posts as often as I can. Go Hilary! :-)

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

@ SpacerGuy - that's great you're joining us. @ Juliet - yes you and your sea and bach - I love your photos. @ Munir - delighted you're looking forward to it especially as you have some knowledge of the coast, having lived here. @ Anne - I think many of us do love the sea and all things associated with it ... @ Theresa - welcome to our coastline in April .. lovely to see you @ Debbie - it's a fun blogging challenge, but by May very tiringly satisfying! That's great to know you'll be checking in ...

Cheers everyone - so lovely to see you all ... cool, sunny and the gulls are screeching overhead ready for their say in the challenge! Hilary

Brian Miller said...

nice....your A-Z is going to be fun....i love exploring...and def love the salt in the sea air...maybe you can make the posts scratch n sniff so i can enjoy it...ha...i need to get to the coast...1380 do you ever keep up with that....

Philip Verghese 'Ariel' said...

Hi Hilary,
I am a bit late here, nice to meet you here again, glad to note that the things are taking shape in a good way.
Wish you a happy blogging time ahead.
Keep going
PS: Now I am @ a new place:

Suze said...

Hil, I think aspects of British coasts is a fantastic topic. And I just read for the first time, this:

'Curiosity didn’t kill this cat – interaction is the key!'

on your profile and I just love it.

Paula said...

I am looking forward to your A To Z. I can't get away now so I'll travel through your posts!

Sara said...

And so you're off the races again:~) I anticipate this blitz of posts very much. I think the challenge makes you even more creative in your posts (and you're already the best at making history FUN).

Personally, I shudder at this challenge. Daily challenges freak me out,but not YOU. Good luck with one, but most of all...Have a good time. I know your readers will:~)

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

@ Brian - well I hope the British coast matches up .. sea air is very refreshing isn't it .. I'd like to try scratch'n'sniff via the tangled web .... but I suspect the delicious tangy aroma would get lost on the way! 1400 is less than last year - there were 2,000 or so - I just get out and meet who I can .. and enjoy it.

@ Phil - I've seen you around and must get across to your blog - I'll be catching up ..

@ Suze - well it's great you're joining us and I hope British coasts will amuse and interest everyone.

I'm not sure if that's my strap line - but I was pleased with it - thanks for noticing it!

@ Paula - you're welcome to join me as I travel around our coasts .. there's lots to see

@ Sara - thanks it's finding a theme that fits the bill .. and I think this one will too. Really appreciate the thumbs up!!

I'm taking this opportunity to get my blogging life organised and these postings certainly help that - though I enjoy learning my history as I go along.

Thanks I've always enjoyed the Challenge as I take is as it comes .. and is an opportunity to do something different ..

Thanks to you all - we'll have fun running around meeting old and new friends .. cheers Hilary

Naina Madan said...

Hi Hilary,

Thanks for dropping by my blog. :)
Yes, I haven't blogged in last 2 months and I haven't yet put up the badge. This is because of hectic work schedule. I am still trying to work on my theme and giving myself a day or more to come up with some content. Shall let you know if I don't! Bu hoping I do. :)
All the very best to you.

Robyn Campbell said...

What a great idea, Hil! I ALWAYS learn from you. I'm very excited to read your posts about the British coasts. I'm from Key Largo Florida. So the ocean is my MOST favorite place. xoxo

Christine Rains said...

A great theme! Can't wait to read them. :)

Liz Blocker said...

Fun! It'll be lovely to see some pictures of gorgeous weather and landscapes - like these - especially as we wait for spring :)

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

@ Naina - many thanks for letting us know that you're probably going to be doing the A-Z .. see around then .. @ Robyn - there's a lot that goes at the coast isn't there! Good to see you around the A-Z .. I've never been to Florida .. one day perhaps! @ Christine - it's being fun putting them together .. @ Liz - good to meet you - and I hope I can find some great pictures .. our Spring arrives at the weekend I think.

Thanks to you all .. see you in full A-Z swing next week .. Hilary

Anonymous said...

I love the idea of having a theme for the year. As always I love enjoying reading your blogs. Now I've finished some of my writing competitions deadline, I'm hoping to have some free time to read other people's blog. The hardest thing I find with writing is not staying focused. I'm now working on my novel. Have a great day.

Margie said...

I was born in Nova Scotia so I love anything to do with coasts.
Look forward to this,
You always have such interesting posts, Hilary.

Cheers and happy weekend.

Madhu said...

Hilary, a lovely theme! I am looking forward to reading them.

Karen Lange said...

This is a wonderful theme idea! Looking forward to checking out your posts. The photos here are lovely. I am so in the mood for a vacation - perhaps someday we will get to come your way. What fun that would be!

Have a wonderful weekend! :)

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

@ Paula - I'm glad I decided on a theme - makes it easier and easier to follow too. Hope you enjoy your look around the A-Z blogs .. and I can see and also agree it is easier to get on with one major thing at a time .. @ Margie - I imagine Nova Scotia is beautiful, similar to 'my Cornwall!' .. so pleased you enjoy them .. @ Madhu -thanks for visiting and see you on the A-Z ... @ Karen - that would be such fun if we could meet over here .. and so pleased you'll enjoy the look around our coasts ..

Cheers to one and all - looks like the south of England is in for a warm patch .. the sun is up! Happy days ... Hilary

Notes Along the Way with Mary Montague Sikes said...

Hilary, I love your theme. Always enjoy seeing your photos so much!

Mary Montague Sikes

Inger said...

Hilary, I am looking forward to your A to Z as usual. Interesting subject -- will there be some Viking landings for the letter V? I chose Good Things for mine and it has proven to be much more of a challenge than the three previous ones where I just told stories of my life.

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

@ Monti - many thanks .. there are lots of photos ..

@ Inger - actually I feel the same and I'd better get on today .. what I thought might be 'easy' has given me a great deal of input - and now I need to get the letters out there.

V for Vikings - no they'll have a separate post once I've been up to the British Museum to see the new exhibition .. other visitors, but not human ones ..

Thanks to the two of you for visiting .. see you tomorrow .. cheers Hilary

L. Diane Wolfe said...

Your theme is wonderful. I'm going to enjoy the photos and history. (Because I'm sure you'll include a lot of history.)

Naina Madan said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Naina Madan said...

Hi Hilary! Sorry. Finally decided to withdraw. Wishing you good luck for the challenge. And will see you next year! :)

loverofwords said...

Water is magical but can be dangerous too. There is something about standing at the edge of the shore and looking out. Your mind just travels as far as it can see. Sadly, no shoreline here in Colorado.

Romance Book Haven said...

Looking forward to reading these, sounds fun!

M Pax said...

I would love a visit to the English seaside. Sounds heavenly.

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

@ Diane - I'm doing a bit of history - but not a lot of words to play with! I can always elaborate later on ..

@ Naina - that's fine .. thanks for letting me know ..

@ Tasha - living on an island certainly has its advantages - sorry about your lack of coastline .. but I bet you have some wonderful lakes ..

@ Nas - that's great good to see you ..

@ Mary - I hope you can get over one day ..

Cheers everyone - so lovely to see you - Hilary

Patricia said...

I love reading your A-Z challenge and the coast - that sounds like great fun and informative.

I just finished reviewing my first 40 books for 2014 - My challenge is 200 books reviewed in 2014.

I actually read the title wrong - I thought it said British COATS..That would have been amazing!