Wednesday, 28 May 2014

Art, Economics, Bloomsbury Group, Degas, Newton ...

Funny how we learn things ... I heard a story about John Maynard Keynes (1883 - 1946), the economist ... because this is how I would describe him ... how would you categorise him?
Keynes (right) and the US representative
Harry Dexter White at the inaugural
meeting of the International Monetary
Fund 1946 ... Keynes died shortly after

... but this intellectual man, was also passionate about all the arts (theatre, opera, music, ballet, art, poetry and literature), but made his way in the world as a Cambridge academic and government economist, enabling him to support his real interests.

He lived in Cambridge or London and had a south Sussex base near his great friends, members of the Bloomsbury Set ...

... where he could immerse himself in appreciation of the arts ... and who, despite the fact they were conscientious objectors to the war, helped them in many ways.

Degas' painting (1871/2) of his father
listening to Lorenzo Pagans - the
Spanish tenor c/o

Two other links occurred ... an A-Z Challenge
link “Lover of Words” at “Of Ships, Shoes andSealing Wax and Cabbages and Kings”  - who had been writing about Degas and his paintings on each of the 26 days ...

... and then I picked up a article on Newton’s writing and how much of the multitude of his papers (estimated 10 million words) has survived to the modern day ... Sarah Dry has written a book about them ... and I leave you to check out the link if you’d like to ...

I’ve mentioned Newton a few times in the blog – particularly about his rivalry with Robert Hooke over optical discoveries – but what I now found was that in 1936 Maynard Keynes had bought many of Isaac Newton’s papers ... safeguarding them against dispersal ...

Roger Eliot Fry - self-portrait 1928

The reason for my ‘sudden’ interest was a BBC Radio 4 programme, whereby writer and broadcaster Nicholas Wapshott tells of the extraordinary and largely unknown story of how Keynes persuaded the British Government to take paintings in lieu of some of France’s World War One debt.

The ‘opportunity’ to acquire paintings from France came about when  Degas died in 1917 ... a catalogue of the collection to be auctioned was on hand at Roger Fry’s studio, from which Duncan Grant persuaded Keynes to try and get some money out of the Treasury to bid for a few of the French Impressionists and post-Impressionists works on sale.

Oedipus and the Sphinx by Ingres -
may well have been one of Degas'
paintings auctioned off .. which is now
in the Walters Art Museum

Fry was an artist and art critic, after establishing his reputation as a scholar of the Old Masters, he became an advocate of more recent developments in French painting, to which he gave the name Post-Impressionism ... he was the first figure to raise public awareness of modern art in Britain.

This part of the story goes across to “Lover of Words” blog post on the art works purchased by Keynes and where they subsequently ended up and why that small collection is so important to us in England today ...

... but this is how that Degas’ collection came to Britain:

Keynes persuaded the Chancellor of the Exchequer to grant them £20,000 to purchase some of the paintings at the forthcoming auction of Degas’ estate.

Trafalgar Square bounded on the north side
by The National Gallery
A few good paintings would be worth more than the paper IOUs, so Keynes and the Director of the National Gallery made plans to travel incognito to France ...

The French were horrified that ‘some people’ were bidding against the Louvre for various paintings ... this was against the backdrop of bombs falling ...

... Big Bertha, the super howitzer, was on the outskirts of Paris booming in the background --- crump ---  crump ---  crump --- horrific reverberating sounds of bombs landing ...

Charleston Farmhouse
On their return from France the government car dropped off Maynard Keynes at the bottom of the lane leading to Charleston Farmhouse, East Sussex ... it was too muddy to drive down.

Keynes couldn’t carry everything ... so he dropped his own roughly packed art works in a hedge and strode up the lane ... to be greeted with horror ...

... first because the Bloomsbury Group members present couldn’t understand why he had £5,000 unspent ... then realising incredible works of art were sitting amongst the twigs and wildlife at the bottom of the drive!

... Duncan Grant tore down the lane to rescue the package ...

Three members of the group on the
right: Lytton Strachey, Duncan Grant
and Vanessa Bell

The friends were much happier once they heard about the other 27 paintings and the range of artists whose art had been bought for Britain.

Lydia Lopokova
- the ballerina, whom
Keynes married, an early

So what an incredible story ... for the love of art Keynes travelled to Paris at the time when howitzers were howling, the auction of Degas’ estate was taking place and within this juxtaposition of mayhem and normality the British acquired some extraordinary works of art.

Did we know Maynard Keynes’ interests were so broad ... foremost intellectual: one of the founders of the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund ...

... then his artistic knowledge and passion for all things cultural – he founded or supported the Cambridge Arts Theatre, the Royal Opera House, Sadlers’ Wells Ballet Company and after the 2nd World War, just before he died, he was instrumental in establishing the Arts Council of Great Britain.

Cezanne's: Still Life of Seven Apples

Keynes had made arrangements that his paintings and library should go to Kings College, Cambridge after his death ... while one of the paintings in the hedge: Cezanne’s ‘Still Life of Seven Apples’ is on loan to the Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge ...

Kings College, Cambridge

An observation was made at the end of the Radio 4 talk ... “this is culture, this is civilisation.  This is what economics is for ...”   

Somehow I feel we should spread those words ... provide opportunities for everyone to earn to pursue their dreams ... benefitting our locality, country and the world – improving everyone’s lot in life.

this is culture, this is civilisation.  This is what economics is for ...”   

Lover of Words post: How the National Gallery, London was influenced by the death of Edgar Degas 
(PS I'm very honoured that Natalie has titled this post this way ... very honoured - thanks Nat) Newton Papers: The Strange, Secret History of Isaac Newton's Papers 

The Art of Keynes ... BBC Radio 4 Programme

Hilary Melton-Butcher
Positive Letters Inspirational Stories


loverofwords said...

Let me be the first to congratulate us! We did it. Thank you for suggesting the post for my post. I learned so much, as always from you.

Rosaria Williams said...

Most interesting! It turns out that most intelligent, highly creative people seem to work/delve in many areas.

D.G. Hudson said...

A great combination and blogger interaction, Hilary. I've read both posts. Terribly interesting isn't it, how things work out? When art can be exchanged to cover debt - I love it(although I'd probably be like those French people worrying about the Louvre selling art....)
It's keeping that art available and sharing it that's important.
Great job, you two!

Optimistic Existentialist said...

Mr. Keynes and Mr. Fry seem like they were fascinating people. I always come away from reading your blog more informed than when I first clicked on it. Every time :)

mail4rosey said...

I love the collaboration. Very well done!

Anonymous said...

Hi, Hilary. Your blog really is amazing - and it's given me the answer to a crossword clue I've been struggling with! Sue

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

@ Nat - well it's been a pleasure collaborating across - I hope everyone will read your post too .. it forms an integral part of my post here ...

@ Rosaria - yes you're right there .. the busier you are the more you do .. the polymaths do achieve lots.

@ DG - so pleased you read both - I guessed you'd be interested as you love Paris and art so much.

It's a fascinating story .. and yes swapping great works of art for paper IOUs ... but who knows whose art works will be so highly valued later in life ..

Thanks - so pleased you enjoyed the posts and story line .. and yes keeping the art available to one and all is essential ...

@ Keith - the Bloomsbury group were amazing artists .. then with Keynes they had a philanthropist who could and did help ... and loved that side of life ..

Thanks so much re the blog comment - much appreciated ..

@ Rosey .. thank you I hope you enjoyed the post over at Nat's blog ..

@ Sue - well glad I satisfied your crossword .. I wonder what word it was ... how can you leave us without letting us know?!

Cheers to you all ... and I do hope everyone will be kind enough to read Nat's post - which is the 2nd part of this story ... and in some ways more interesting .. thanks!! Hilary

L. Diane Wolfe said...

He dumped them in a bush? Good thing they were saved from the rain.

cleemckenzie said...

And I'd only thought of Keynes as an economist. What a brilliant idea to save that art and what a courageous act to execute that idea.

Janie Junebug said...

Fascinating! I see Keynes and I think economics. I didn't know any of that other information about him. Thank you so much for this post, Hilary.

Janie, who goes a little bit (more) nuts when people mispronounce Keynes

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

@ Diane .. well he couldn't carry all his luggage etc .. and I expect they were relatively well wrapped .. they survived and it probably wasn't raining .. but yes ... it was 96 years ago ..

@ Lee - it's an amazing story I was really bemused when I heard it on the radio ...

@ Janie - well like me I had no idea of his passions .. or his involvement with the Bloomsbury Group - but I admit to being a heathen in many things ... and live and learn and offer posts up for others to read!

I pronounce him Keens ... that's the way it's pronounced here .. hope that's what you were expecting?!

Cheers and hope you can get over to Nat's blog to read the other bit .. Hilary

Annalisa Crawford said...

It's a good job the paintings survived, after spending all that money on them!

Patsy said...

Works of art sound a better bet than paper IOUs I agree! I can understand France not wanting to lose them, but at least they were kept safe.

Sara said...

I love how you get so much interesting information on a person or a subject into your posts. This was fascinating. It made me think of movie I just watched called "Monuments Men." It was really good and something I had no knowledge of. This is one reason I love your posts so much. I always learn something new:~)

p.s. I apologize for not being around as much. I'm not sure why I missed so many posts, but i will catch up.

bazza said...

A lovely story. The Cezanne alone would have been worth the £20K!
CLICK HERE for Bazza’s fabulous Blog ‘To Discover Ice’

M Pax said...

Art / museums is the only thing I miss since moving to the wilderness. I'm jealous of those of you who get to visit them regularly.

Sharon K. Mayhew said...

Wonderful post, Hilary. You are so good at researching non-fiction.

Have you read Monuments Men? I just started it. After reading this post, I have to recommend it to you.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Those paintings went on quite the journey!

J E Oneil said...

I didn't know all that about Keynes. I remember reading about Keynesian economics in school, but I never heard all he did for art. It would have been interesting to learn about that part of his life, too.

MunirGhiasuddin said...

I vaguely remember reading about "Keynes". We, the post independent students were encouraged to read as many theories as we can and come up with a combination of our own to best suit India's struggling economy. Thanks for the reminder.

River Fairchild said...

Dropping them in the hedge...priceless! Thanks for bringing a bit of history alive. :)

Christine Rains said...

Fascinating! I loved that he dropped them in the hedge. What a wonderful story.

Stephanie Faris said...

This just illustrates how diverse many people are, despite being pigeonholed into one category, like "economist!"

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

@ Annalisa .. yes they're hanging in pride of place - the National Gallery is the right place for them.

@ Patsy - I know paper IOUs v a work of art .. I'd go for the latter and they're safe as you say...

@ Sara - many thanks .. something will crop up that will make a post and then usually something else appears too ..

The film Monuments Men I watched - I liked the story, though haven't read the book, but didn't think much of the film itself ..still it portrayed works of art being stolen, and at least some being rescued and found ... it's another sad aspect of the War with some happy endings too ..

@ Bazza - thanks - the art called you across! Good to see you .. and yes Cezanne would have been worth £20k .. I wonder how many paintings would have been bought if the bombs weren't falling and many of the bidders disappearing into air-raid shelters ..

@ Mary - the natural world is full of art .. and we can see much via the internet now - not the same .. but at least we can see it. I know when I go to London I get a kick out of seeing the real thing - but I can't get to see everything and I'm grateful for input from other directions ...

@ Sharon - I can't credit me .. I just rewrite it for the blog and usually add snippets in ...

I haven't read Monuments Men - but saw the film, that wasn't brilliant, but took the story line on .. I expect the book is better - in fact I'm sure it will be.

However the story of the stolen paintings by the Nazis .. is another aspect of War we often don't think about ..

@ Alex - yes .. it's an interesting and unexpected journey .. the 27 paintings I assume went on to London, or were in London already ...

@ Jeanne - I expect the other side of Keynes life was there .. but his economics was so important at the time ... that would have overshadowed all else ... unless you were in his social arena in London, Cambridge or here in Sussex ...

@ Munir - I have to admit Keynes' theories would have stumped me and still would do! So I admire you for studying them ... but can see the necessity for India.

The Wikipedia entry refers to Economist and ex-prime Minister of India Manmohan Singh speaking in favour of Keynesian fiscal stimuli at the 2008 G-20 Washington Summit ..

@ River - yes and I can envisage the hedge and the mud .. glad you enjoyed the snippet ...

@ Christine - that's what I thought .. so pleased everyone's enjoying it ..

@ Stephanie - exactly .. don't pigeonhole anyone - we don't necessarily know their interests .. it's a fascinating story ..

Thanks so much .. so glad you enjoyed the story .. cheers Hilary

Lynn said...

What an AMAZING story! And I love that self-portrait.

I spotted the National Gallery, London, when I was visiting with my sister and my teen nieces. I loved getting my sister excited about viewing works of art. (The girls - not so much. They were bored - too bad, because it was wonderful.)

Shelley Sly said...

Wow, that is really fascinating! Interesting idea about paintings being worth more, so purchasing them was a better idea. I like that I learned a lot in this post.

Jo said...

Amazing stories. I enjoyed the Degas posts and you produce some fascinating information. I vaguely remember Keynes, but had no idea what an influence he had on British art collections. He was very lucky he wasn't caught and imprisoned as a spy on this trip to Paris during the war. Glad the paintings in the hedge were OK though.

Nick Wilford said...

My hall of residence tower in uni was named after Keynes, but I didn't learn much about him until later. I only knew him as an economist though, didn't know he was so influential for the arts. It's clear that he acted as a force for good (unlike most economists today) and had no qualms about striding into danger to do what was right. The driver could have helped him carry the packages, though!

Cherie Reich said...

Wow! What great information! I can't remember if I've ever heard of Keynes before.

Deniz Bevan said...

It's so exciting to see these connections through history. Scary to imagine that sometimes, if it wasn't for a few dedicated people, so many works of science and art might be lost.

I never realised there were *that* many Newton papers! One of the historians I follow tweeted a photo of one of them the other day, on which some later critic had scribbled something about how it was a waste of time. Ha!

Julia Hones said...

Excellent perspective.
Unfortunately, many people out there are obsessed about money and production... but not culture and art.
I love Degas's art and I think you put together many interesting stories and personalities...
Thank you, Hilary.

Suzanne Furness said...

As ever when I visit Hilary I learn something new. I walked past the National Gallery recently but sadly didn't have chance to go in as was surrounded by children! Maybe next time, it's been a while since I visited.

Gail M Baugniet - Author said...

Your comment about Keynes's diverse passions highlights the parallel of his interests to those of the celebrated Maya Angelou. Both were amazingly talented people.

Thank you for sharing your thoughts and ideas, Hilary.

Susan Flett Swiderski said...

As always, you're a wellspring of knowledge. Like many others have already said, I thought of Keynes purely as an economist, but he was so much more than that. It's a good thing Britain got those paintings, because a paper IOU probably wouldn't have meant spit after the war.

Silvia Writes said...

Wonderful, what he accomplished for the arts, this man of numbers and economics, who was as much an artist at heart as anything else. I love that the arts helped inspired him in so many ways. Also, so wonderful how you got inspired by another blog and blogger. I absolutely love the idea of learning so much from one another, and your blog is a constant source of everything beautiful and educational.

Linda King said...

Interesting blog post - thank you for visiting mine!

Linda King said...

Interesting blog post - thank you for visiting mine!

Janie Junebug said...

We say kaynes. Keens is considered quite a no-no. Now I would if those of us who say kaynes have been idiots all along.


Ingrid said...

Excellent idea to take paintings instead of money ! That's an increasing worth investment ! Just looked up Maynard Keynes in Wikipedia, always love to learn new things !

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

@ Lynn - I'm sorry your nieces weren't enamoured at going into the National Gallery - I suspect I might have fallen into that category when I was their age! But overseas I'd have been dragged in by my parents .. sounds like you had a little while inside though.

@ Shelley - it seems to be a story that hadn't come out .. but I enjoyed the listen and then being able to re-tell it in the two parts ... glad you learnt something ..

@ Jo - I was totally bemused when I heard the story and had to post about it .. so am glad you enjoyed it - thanks.

I don't know how far the Germans got westwards or northwards in WW1 .. so I suppose the British were relatively safe to travel to Paris - not recommended I'm sure .. but life went on apparently ...

@ Nick - he certainly seemed very courageous and it is wonderful for us that he had these passions.

I don't know the circumstances of the drop off ... but I've pondered - did they come down from London having got the 27 works of art back to town first, or did they drive from Dover, Newhaven to Charleston ... the Sussex coast is not the easiest to get along, even now ... and then go on to London: which route across the Channel did they use ... we may never know ..

@ Cherie - Maynard Keynes is hugely influential, even to this day in economics circles ... but delighted you enjoyed the read ..

@ Deniz - I love the way the pinball effect comes into play throughout history .. and I enjoy drawing the threads together .. but you've made a good point about dedicated people ensuring we keep and understand works of science and art ..

I was amazed at the Newton papers too .. so that was an interesting snippet.

Crumbs people are opinionated aren't they .. there's always another side of the learning .. pity people can't put a healthy spin on their criticism .. that would help much of the world ..

Especially as the papers were bought nearly 80 years ago, and no doubt less than 65 years ago, as Keynes died in 1946, were available for research ... which 65 years later is still being done .. : waste of time - I don't think so!

@ Julia - it was fun to hear about and then write up .. it opened my eyes .. so I'm glad you enjoyed it ..

@ Suzanne - I hope you can get into the National Gallery again on your next trip up .. a class visit to London doesn't really give you the opportunity does it .. still they saw Trafalgar Square.

@ Gail - I noted Maya Angelou's death this week .. and she was an amazing woman ... and they were very intelligent, passionate people - so yes a good parallel ...

@ Susan - I suspect you're right there about the spit paper ... so the paintings were definitely worth travelling into Paris for when the bombs were falling ..

@ Silvia - the links are all there aren't they - the Degas posts in the A-Z and then hearing about Keynes and his incredible scheme of bringing art works in exchange for IOUs ..

Thanks .. just so appreciate you and everyone who visits and comments ..

@ Linda - good to see you .. and glad you enjoyed the post ..

@ Janie - to be perfectly honest I'm not sure ... I still think it's Keens ... but we always say things differently depending which country we're from .. so no idiots - just the way the sound of words has evolved ..

@ Gattina - it was a good ruse .. lovely modern works of art in exchange for those French paper IOUs ...

Cheers to you all - thanks so much ... Hilary

Empty Nest Insider said...

This is such a compelling art caper story, Hilary! I headed right over to Natalie's to read part II, and now the adventure is complete! It is hard to believe that an economist would go on an undercover assignment in the name of art. A fascinating read!


Michael Di Gesu said...

HI, Hilary,

This was an AMAZING story! I love Keynes' passion and the lengths he went to acquire such incredible art!

It' so intriguing to understand what the world was like at that time. The world's greatest art pieces were up for grabs by anyone. Masterpieces squirreled away by Hitler and the nazis. Americans/Europeans obsession for art treasures to obtain them and keep them safe.

I just recently watched Tea with Mussolini and there was a very strong art obsession by an eccentric wealthy Jewish woman. She collated major pieces and housed them in her stunning Villa. Then the war hit and she had to escape with nothing to save her life. Her Italian love absconded the whole collection an villa for himself. I never realized it was a true story. So cool.

You should see it Hilary if you get the chance.

Joylene Nowell Butler said...

From the side view he looks a bit like Joseph Kennedy. Fascinating story, Hilary. You add such flare to these stories. BBC really needs to hire you as one of their researchers. Though I doubt you're looking for a job. Thanks, this was very interesting.

Patricia said...

I do remember Keynes from my first art appreciation class, but he is mentioned often more recently because of his economics background, which I have reading about these days of high politics and economic woes here State side.
This is a marvelous post Hilary and I learned so much more. I am glad the radio program tickled your inquiry.

I am thinking if I can slow my relentless pace of reading I would like to read more about the Bloomsbury Set and Group...I don't really understand the expected assumptions by hearing this name, though it is often used in British novels.

I am reviewing a British Author today - THE QUICK good writer and the book I am suggesting Jane Austin meets the Macabre - think vampire love story!!

scarlett clay said...

What a story, this is amazing. And Degas is one of my very favorite artists! I enjoyed this so much, your posts are always beyond informative and worth a second read, happy weekend Hilary!

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

@ Julie - its fun isn't it. Glad you read the 2nd part .. it takes some understanding to comprehend the story doesn't it .. glad you enjoyed it though.

@ Michael - when I heard the story I knew I had to write a post about it .. and Keynes wielded great influence for our benefit ..

Yes - the world was much the same, yet very very different ... in the late 1800s and early 1900s the allegiances were different too ..

Then Hitler and WW2 upped the ante - detaining Jews and worse, pillaging cultural treasures of which art was grabbed and taken away ...

But the Tea with Mussolini sounds an interesting film and I'd appreciate it now .. I see it is based on Zeffirelli's autobiography .. and so that must make it interesting ..

I will make a plan to see it at some stage ..

@ Joylene - does he .. he's got a very distinct profile, I agree.

Thank you but I can't take credit for any of this .. other than re-writing stories out and adding other snippets or thoughts if they're appropriate .. wish I could take the credit though!

@ Patricia - it was a story waiting to be posted here .. I'm glad I caught it, as I learnt much writing it up ..

The Bloomsbury Group has an interesting story line too - but is convoluted - Wikipedia gives an overview ... the set includes associated English writers, intellectuals, philosophers and artists .. and much of the ambience settles around our Sussex countryside ..

@ Scarlett - I'd forgotten your connection and love for Degas .. so I'm so pleased you came over to read these posts about him ..

So good to see you ...

Cheers to you all - have a happy weekend .. Hilary

JJ said...

I dropped by to say hello! I have been absent from blogging for a while, and I did miss your posts. It’s good to be back.

Manzanita said...

Your stories are always fascinating and I agree that the Keynes mind seemed to grasp many subjects but I have never been able to cozy up to any of his ideas. He was a very controversial man and thank you for pointing this out.
I hope you are having a fantastic weeked.

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

@ JJ - I'd seen you were travelling .. so welcome back to blogland ..

@ Manzanita - he had strong ideas on economics ... but there's always different ways of looking at things ... But obviously his passions were also deep - I just loved the storyline ..

Cheers to you both - Hilary

Brian Miller said...

its very cool...def i would agree creatives tend to delve into other areas beyond the one they are known for but it does not always get the same attention...

Anonymous said...

Proof that even dry historical figures can be as multi-faceted as we are. Great post.

Chatty Crone said...

Very interesting men - gosh I didn't know all that by any means - I am much smarter now! Thanks.

Lisa said...

I always learn so much on your blog. I appreciate the time you take to make it so informative and interesting. I didn't know that about any of these men... Will now have to go visit the other links... Hope this finds you well Hilary!

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

@ Brian - the very intelligent people seem to always have lots going on in their lives .. and I'm sure the same is for the creatives ... and perhaps you're right their talents aren't yet realised ...

@ Milo - yes .. it seems likly that's probably the last thing Maynard Keynes was .. full of the joys of Spring! and very multi-faceted ..

@ Sandy - glad you enjoyed the post and learnt something ..

@ Lisa - hope you enjoy the other links across - it's good to see you - we all seem to need a break after the A-Z ...

Cheers to you all .. have a good first week of summer ... Hilary

Rhonda Albom said...

Really interesting. I did giggle a bit at the image of Duncan running down the drive to save the artwork.

Margie said...

Your posts always fascinate me and I learn so much.
Great post, thank you.

Marja said...

I did learn economy and remember the name Keynes. Nice to learn about his interest in art as well and how these treasures came to England. Nice to red your posts again

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

@ Rhonda - it does seem so 'odd' and funny to have a Cezanne shoved in a hedge for a few minutes -

@ Margie - glad you enjoyed it ..

@ Marja - I think many of us remember Keynes .. but I certainly hadn't realised he was a member of the Bloomsbury Group ..

Thanks to you for visiting and commenting .. cheers Hilary

Trisha said...

Great old photos - and paintings, of course.

Great newer photos as well. :)

It's amazing to me to think about what some paintings have endured in their lives. If only they could talk!

Tara Tyler said...

the elaborate tale in this post reminded me of the movie i want to see "Monuments Men" - about saving the art the nazis stole in WW2, i believe.

and i love the closing quote - that's what economics are for

happy tuesday =)

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

@ Trisha - ok great photos - thankyou!! If only things could talk .. how right you are ... fancy a Cezanne being shoved in a hedge .. and being worth so much today ..

@ Tara - the film Monuments Men and the Rape of Europa is a documentary highlight the pillaging of national art from around Europe ..

Thanks .. such an interesting quote I thought - I so wanted to include it .. as it gave a different perspective on economics and cultural ..

Cheers to you both .. thanks - Hilary

Juliet said...

What a dramatic story Hilary, about the retrieval of the paintings, and the packages in the hedge! I enjoyed this, thank you. The Cezanne is full of presence.

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Juliet - I couldn't resist this story .. so am glad you enjoyed it .. cheers Hilary

Tina said...

Oh what delicious tidbits of absolutely fascinating history! I caught just a couple of her A-Z posts, but was fascinated. How wonderful that you could team up on this! I'm so glad that these paintings are preserved - a treasure to be sure that should always be safeguarded.
Well done, both of you.
Tina @ Life is Good
On the Open Road! @ Join us for the 4th Annual Post-Challenge Road Trip!

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Tina .. thanks - the Degas posts were a great theme for the A-Z ... and just being able to write this story across the two posts came along at the right time ..

Art works are treasures ... and thankfully now seem to be looked after ..

Cheers and so pleased you enjoyed the post .. Hilary