Monday, 9 February 2015

Lenny and update ...

Connections ... support, thoughtfulness, care and compassion ... 
Roses and Fynbos (South African
endemic vegetation) 

This is the email I got from Lenny as soon I emailed saying I was home safely from my hip op ... 

*~^o^~ cheerhip hip hooray!!!!

my grandblogmom is home!!! *=D> applause

*:D big grin im soooooo happy!!!

now all you need to do is just take it easy and.........  

eat yummy good food (wear expando pants). *^O^||3 eat

*:(tv) tv watch something fun on the telly.

listen to some cool music. *o|^_^|o music

*I-) sleepy take lots of loooong naps.

get a little exercise. *[]==[] exercise ack!

*?@_@? studying study for you next blog post or golden age university talk.

play an exciting computer game *:(game) play game "i won! i won!"

*o|\~ sing sing a happy song ("mud mud glorious mud! nothing quite like it for soothing the blood!")

have a welcome home party *&lt:-P party "yippee! I'm home!!" *&[] giftgifts would be cool! :)

*B-) cool stay the cool grandblogmom that you are.

it wont be long til youre skipping happily down the road!!

i love you bunches!

...lots of soft and gentle hugs from lenny

Lenny's African critters ... 

I have no idea if the emoticons will come out - if not ... then the squiggles are emoticons - think laterally!!

Bull Finch
Now Lenny needs lots of support from all of us bloggers ... if you know his email please send a get well and good luck message ... poor lad has also had a hospital trip and needs our cuddles and love ... 

I won't give his email out ... because he may be overwhelmed by his inbox ... but I'd love it if you could leave a thoughtful message here for him ... 

Honestly - life can be tough, most of us are oh so lucky and fortunate ... also my experience with my mother and uncle taught me so much ... but again I was lucky - they were both cognisant til the end ...

... however reading other bloggers' stories really has opened my eyes to positive experiences we gain should life lead us down these tricky paths ...

Blue Tit
... then we meet the little wonders of this world - the carers, the friends, the family, the ones who realise what it is that is required to offer pro-active support and care - having been in hospital myself for elected surgery ... I've been struck by peoples' meaning towards care ... interesting and honestly not particularly brilliant from many who should know better ... such is life ...

Gold Finch

... but I know you all - the bloggers who read, who care and who are thoughtful ... 

So a quick update from this end of the world ... all is progressing nicely - I'm nearly off my sticks in the flat ... and am walking round the Close twice a  day now - to stretch out ... I'll increase the walking out slowly ... slightly pulled muscles by doing too much over the weekend ... 

Lenny is priority - but you'll have gathered that ... but isn't his email to me just brilliant ... and he emailed again last Monday just before he went off to hospital - though didn't tell me - perhaps he didn't know ... 

Hardwick cares
and sends his love
to Lenny

He was full of the Baseball Game - Seattle Sea Hawks v New England Patriots ... which he'd obviously enjoyed ... and had also watched the Australian tennis ... and asked how I'd enjoyed it as he knows I love my tennis ... 

Thanks all ... and looking forward to reading your comments for Lenny ... 

Hilary Melton-Butcher
Positive Letters Inspirational Stories


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Lenny, just hang in there!

cleemckenzie said...

Surgery of any kind is not fun, but it sounds like you're doing what's perfect for healing fast--you're having a blogging extravaganza. Those birds. That beautiful note from Lenny and, of course, Hardwick.

Bish Denham said...

Sweet Lenny! what a wonderful email. I'll send him a get well card directly. Thanks for letting me/us know.

Rosaria Williams said...

Fabulous! Anyone who's so thoughtful deserves the best. Let him know he's appreciated even by those who don't know him at all.

Get well_both of you. Do whatever needs done to get your health back

Stephen Tremp said...

Hilary, glad to hear you're feeling much chipper these days! Welcome back. And I don;t have Lenny's email, but I'm sending out thoughts of healing his way now.

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

My well wishes for Lenny. He really send a very cute and clever message to you. LOL, Football Game between the Seahawks and Patriots.
Glad to hear you're running around already. I'm not surprised that you pushed too far too soon.

Ingrid said...

I didn't know that you had a hip operation and had to scroll through your previous posts to understand this one ! I am happy for you that all went well, that you are well taken care off and next time we see each other we can hopping around together !

Al Diaz said...

Hi Hilary, I didn't you you had health problems. I send you lots of positive and healing thoughts your way and also to Lenny (although I don't know him.) Lots of Dragon Hugs for you both!

H. R. Sinclair said...

I'm glad to hear you are doing okay. Sorry to hear about Lenny and my best wish for good health go to him.

Chrys Fey said...

What a lovely email. I bet that put you into good spirits. "Grandblogmom" I love that!

I'm sorry Lenny isn't well. I don't know him, but I'll say a prayer for him.

Out on the prairie said...

Hopefully it won't be long.

Suzanne Furness said...

Hi Hilary, thanks for the update, I was wondering how you were getting on. Good to know you are improving, I hope you are off the sticks soon but take it steady. That is a lovely email, it must have cheered you no end. Sometimes a thoughtful word or message is all we need to keep us going on a bad day.

Lenny, although I do not know you, I have read about you on Hilary's blog and those of others. You sound like a wonderful and caring young man. I am sending you positive and healing thoughts too.

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi all 12 so far!!! ... thanks so much - I sure hope Lenny gets better soon and feels more like his old self ... I'm getting back to my old self ...

and yes his email did put me in huge 'great spirits' ... so uplifting ... and GrandBlogMom ... yes it is me!!

Cheers to you all ... Hilary

Betsy Brock said...

Lenny! Sorry you had to be in the hospital but I hope you're feeling much better now!

Hilary, glad to hear from you and hope you're taking all of Lenny's fun advise in that fun email!

Optimistic Existentialist said...

Lenny you are awesome!!!! We're here for you!

Fil said...

That was a great message from Lenny - I hope he is back feeling better soon ... don't know him at all, but anyone who can send something like that is deserving of lots of good and fun in his life ... so get better soon Lenny ....
And HIlary, it's great to have you back and brilliant to hear you're on the mend too. Take care and do as he says!
Best wishes

Patsy said...

Glad you're doing so well, Hilary. Hope your recovery continues at a good rate.

Best wishes to Lenny - and anyone else whose health isn't good.

Unknown said...

Lenny, feels better soon! Please don't let your illness get you down. I'm glad you're doing well too, Hilary.

Jo said...

All my very best wishes to Lenny and I do so hope he too is home soon.

Glad you are doing OK Hilary. I may have to go in for another before I am too much older. Loved Lenny's email.

Paula said...

Best wishes to Lenny! Hope he is on the mend. I am so happy to have an update on you HIlary!

Linda said...

Look at all the pretty birds! The only I've seen is the Gold Finch, but yours doesn't look like the ones we have here.

Janie Junebug said...

Lenny, I love, love, love the email you sent to your grandblogmom. I have read on numerous occasions that you are kind and thoughtful. I hope you are okay.


MunirGhiasuddin said...

Such a sweet kid. You do deserve that email Hilary, Lenny is smart enough to come up with one.
I shall go visit him soon at his site. He always does very sweet gestures.
Hope that you are better. Please take care of yourself. Hugs.

Robyn Campbell said...

I LOVE Lenny! I emailed him and he told me about being so sick. :( Praying for him and for you, Hil. So glad you are progressing nicely. xoxoxoxo

Mike Goad said...

I'm glad that you are recovering well, as it seems from you post. Exercise is important for recovery, I thinks, so long as you don't overdo it it too much and too often. Best wishes for continued recovery.

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Thanks to you all ... Lenny will be thrilled to read all your wonderful messages when he returns and when he feels like popping over here ...

Actually I am feeling much more like my old self ... not quite so spaced out by the op experience (ie anaesthetic) ...

Take care and all the very best to you all ... cheers Hilary

Lynn said...

That's such a sweet message Lenny sent to you. I'm so glad you are recovering so nicely, Hilary.

And please get well soon, Lenny!!!

Linda said...

I am glad you are feeling better and that getting around is easier now. I don't know Lenny, but he seems like a sweet kid and I wish him a speedy recovery.

dolorah said...

That was sweet of Lenny. It made me smile so I'm sure it made your homecoming special. Glad to see you made it through your ordeal. I shall keep happy thoughts for Lenny's speedy recovery.

mail4rosey said...

I love his message to you! And now I'm wishing him well wishes too!!

Susan Scott said...

Well wishes to you Lenny! What sport will you be watching now that baseball BIG game is over and how was the Aus Open? THRILLING! May you be up on your pins pretty soon. We're rooting for your full recovery!

I loved Lenny's message to you Hilary! And glad to hear your recovery is coming along as it should. Just don't overdo it even if you're itching to stride about here there and everywhere..

JJ said...

I send positive vibes to Lenny, and to you as well. Glad you are feeling better.

Sara said...

I am so glad to hear you are up and about, but it doesn't surprise me. Nor does it surprise me to find this heart-felt post up about Lenny. His email was wonderful and I hope everything will be fine for him. I will think positive thoughts, but the best thing for Lenny is you. You've given him a voice and introduced him to all of us. That means for everyone who reads this post can send positive energy in his direction.

BE WELL SOON, Lenny!!!!!

However, I've saved a little bit extra to send to you, as well. May you keep recovering as quickly as you are:`)

Empty Nest Insider said...

Lenny's letter was so sweet and thoughtful! He's certainly wise beyond his years! Glad you're off the sticks, and getting stronger every day, Hilary! Keep up the good work, and I hope your pain has subsided. Sending lots of good thoughts on to Lenny as well. I'll head over to his blog right now. Take care, Hilary!


LD Masterson said...

This comment is for Lenny.

Lenny, that is the coolest 'get well' e-mail I've ever seen. I wish I could sent one even half that great to you. Feel better, buddy.

And you, too, Hilary.

A Cuban In London said...

Get well, Lenny. Get well soon, mate. Thanks for such a beautiful and uplifting post. It gives me strength once again to believe in humankind.

Greetings from London.

Elizabeth Spann Craig said...

Hilary, I just found out about your surgery! I'm so sorry. Hope you're getting stronger every day.

And Lenny, hope you're well soon!

These birds are gorgeous, Hilary. Our goldfinch looks different here (males nearly completely gold). Love seeing the variations.

Julie Flanders said...

Glad you are recovering and on the mend, Hilary! And Lenny's email may be the sweetest thing ever.

Lenny, take care and get well soon!!

Arlee Bird said...

Wishing both you and Lenny well.

Lenny sure does have spunk and a bright spirit which is something the world always can use more of. Keep on moving forward my young friend!

Nice to see all of the lovely birds in this post as well. Love to see the birds!

Arlee Bird
A to Z Challenge Co-host
Tossing It Out

Jannie Funster said...

Yay, Hilary is on the mend. And Lenny gets some hugs from Texas today.

You BOTH are two of the most shining, upbeat, loving, cheering, appreciated creatures on the planet.


Beate said...

I'm so happy to hear you're home safe and sound from your hip OP!
And that mail from Lenny is simply awesome. What a wonderful email to get :) Love the way he wrote it all! And I'm wishing him all the best and a speedy recovery!
Have a wonderful Sunday, Hilary! Hugs to you both!

Suzanne said...

Hi Hilary, not blogging regularly atm, so missed your op - glad you're out and on the mend :) xx

Lenny - that is one awesome email you sent Hilary. I'm not clever enough to do anything so interesting, but sending you love and best wishes for a smooth recovery xx

DMS said...

I love Lenny's email to you! He gave you such great advice. I am happy you are home safely and working on recovering. Take the time to relax! Don't try to do too much. Sending you hugs and sunshine. :)

DMS said...

Lenny- Your email is so encouraging. I hope you are doing well and that your spirits are up! May you feel the love of all the hugs and positive wishes coming your way. Rest! Smile! Take it easy and get well. :)

janice h said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
janice h said...

Hi Hilary,
Hope the love you're receiving from all over the world is speeding up your recovery! Please send big McHugs to Lenny from Scotland; anyone who loves, supports and appreciates you as much as he does is a wee star who deserves all our prayers and best wishes. What a glorious email he sent you! The internet, at its best, is a place where our real selves, our best selves, can meet and make friends, regardless of geography, gender or age. You've got to love it! Love and best wishes ~ janice
PS I finally worked out how to change my old user name - yay!

Connie Arnold said...

Anything Lenny writes is filled with sunshine and enthusiasm. You have to love that and him! Big hugs always, Lenny, you are much loved and wished well!

loverofwords said...

Please tell Lenny to bottle his positive attitude and cheery words and allow me to have a sniff! Lenny you are a wonderful example for all of us and I know what you wrote to your Blogmom, helped her get better.

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Thanks so much everyone ... Lenny has been positively thrilled with all your comments, thoughts and blogging hugs in his direction ... he definitely deserves all your accolades ...

Apologies I've been procrastinating a little (a lot!) ... reading, relaxing, and walking a great deal and then the exercises ...

I need to catch up - better do that in the next few days ... wonderful to read all your thoughts ... cheers Hilary

Michelle Wallace said...

Lenny sounds like such a sweetheart!
I LOVE those emoticons!
...and his little African critters are so cute!!
I'll pop over and visit his blog.

I'm so glad you're on the mend, Hilary.
Take care of yourself!

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Michelle - Lenny's always cheered many of us up ... he has a wonderful way of putting things - and honestly his warmth and love from over the pond really encouraged me recover - I'm so lucky he's befriended me like this ...

Thanks for checking in on him - he does love connectivity ... and yes I'm well and recovering rapidly ... cheers Hilary

Karen Lange said...

Thinking of and praying for you, Lenny! Hang in there! :)

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Karen - I sure hope Lenny is back to his old self fairly soon .. thanks for the comment ... cheers Hilary