Saturday, 7 November 2015

Peace in the World --- Thankfulness --- Kindness …

We are coming up to Thanksgiving, followed by Christmas … it’s the time for giving, thinking and being kind … many bloggers have been in this mode recently …

Judy Croome wrote about Blog4Peace … she also wrote an amazing poem about future archaeologists and what they would find in our 21st century debris … I’m quite into ancient eras at the moment … so this resonated.

To us all – “Dona Nobis Pacem”  (Grant us Peace)

Paula asks questions

Paula too of Smidgens, Snippets and Bits blogged about Blog4Peace … she very sadly lost her husband last year;  they had an extended family and loved everyone dearly, doing as much as possible for them.

c/o Betsy and her Ohio autumn colours

Betsy of “My Five Men” wrote this post “Thirty Days ofThankfulness” … she is noting one thing each day that she’s thankful for – it’s on her sidebar.

She love cats ... and her five men - her autistic triplets, her hubby and her first born son.

Beate (from Germany) and Keith (from the good ol’USA) – bloggers, who met, married and let us know in blogland … they always bring much love to the blogosphere – Beate’s return to posting is entitled “Let’s Be Kind”.

Love Is ...!!

Thoughtfulness, Caring for others, Being interested and Listening … all essentials in this day and age …

I am so grateful for my new hip … which works wonders for me … and when I remember I smile, am not in a hurry if others need to push on, am grateful for my life and the opportunities afforded to us through blogging.

We are lucky souls … and I’m sure we’ll all remember others in these coming weeks – a kindness a day, a donation of food, or some change to a charity, a volunteering deed … we can all find a way to help others and bring a little light into some shaded lives.

The Cenotaph
Remember too … to keep some in reserve for perhaps the more difficult time of the year in the northern hemisphere … before the sun rises during 2016’s Spring.

My Remembrance Day post will occur on the 11th, albeit Remembrance Sunday is tomorrow here in the UK with the Cenotaph Service from Whitehall, which is our way of remembering those who died in the two World Wars.

PS to get rid of that grey bar … click the ‘Got It’  words and it will disappear … leaving the Search Bar free …

Spare some time for others ... the time will inspire you to help more ... 

Hilary Melton-Butcher

Positive Letters Inspirational Stories


Judy Croome | @judy_croome said...

Hilary, I've been quiet in blog land - so sorry didn't know of your hip op, but very gald to hear that all went well and you're smiling again! Thanks for linking to my peace blog - some very interesting peace bloggers you found!

Kind regards

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

It's a good time to think of peace and gratitude.
I saw Beate's post - it was really powerful.

D.G. Hudson said...

Kindness never goes out of style. A great reminder, Hilary. I try to practice that mantra, but I also appreciate it when others show that to me or my family. I usually expect little from others, being the independent sort, but am happily surprised when it occurs.

Remembrance Day is celebrated here in Canada on the 11th of November, next Wednesday. We still call it that, but I believe in the States it's now a celebration of all who have fought (Veterans Day) which I think brings more relevance for the generation of today, many who know little of the 'old wars' of the 20th century.

Paula said...

I feel so honored to be mentioned on your amazing blog. Thank you from the very bottom of my heart. It is a good think to try to think of others and pray for peace. Peace to you, Hilary!!

Rosaria Williams said...

Glad to hear you're up and about enjoying your new hip. Gratitude, it is said, makes us all happier.

Elephant's Child said...

Gratitude is a gift which keeps on giving doesn't it? And I love the snow-ball effect too. Notice one thing to be grateful about, and others clamour for attention.

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

@ Judy - I know you've had a lot going on with family and friends - the thing is we're always around when the time is right. The hip was January .. so I almost have forgotten about it. The peace blog linking ... I need to remember next year ... it's a great reminder to us all.

@ Alex - thanks ... it is good to think of peace and gratitude. Beate's post is amazing to read ... she exudes 'beauty' in some way ...

@ DG - thanks you are so right - kindness never goes out of style. I'm sure you do practise these things ... and are appreciative of others - like me: we are the independent sort.

We changed our Remembrance Day from the 11th to the nearest Sunday a few years ago ... I'd rather they'd kept it ... but perhaps you're right we need to bring the younger generations in ...

@ Paula - it's a pleasure ... you are doing so much for others around your family and you remember others ... and posted about Peace Day ...

@ Rosaria - good to see you - yes it's been 10 months so far since I had my hip done. Gratitude does make us happier doesn't it ..

@ EC - exactly gratitude does keep on giving ... the snow-ball effect ... love that thought ... and if we let others know .. it helps all the more.

Cheers to you all - may peace and kindness stay with you - Hilary

Beate said...

Hilary, I feel so honored that you mentioned me in your post today. Thank you SO much! I appreciate your wonderful and kind words. Reading your post, everything about it, just made my day. Yes, let's be grateful and let's be kind and share with others around us. Let's make November a month of awareness that we're all together in this thing called life.

Also: Thank you to you and Alex for your wonderful comment about my post. I'm really speechless in the most positive way, all this love that you're giving, that we're all willing to give in the blogging world is truly blowing me away. I am so grateful to be a part of it.

Have an amazing weekend! Lots of hugs to you,

Guilie Castillo said...

I love this time of year, precisely for the reasons and the focus you've mentioned, Hilary. Gratitude and mindfulness is the key, I believe, not just to personal happiness and fulfillment, but to actually and for real making the world a better place. I do wish we stuck with the end-of-year attitude (the Christmas "goodwill to all men," the Thanksgiving appreciativeness) throughout the other 10 months, but—hey, two is better than none, right?
Guilie @ Quiet Laughter

Betsy Brock said...

We are lucky souls! So many things to be grateful for...and when you're feeling down, you can always find so many more worse off than yourself.
Thanks for including me....great thoughts and bloggers here....I love how these things spread around the world!

Rhodesia said...

We have a lot to be thankful for, good health, a lovely home and wonderful friends.
The 11th is a big day here. We start with a church service then a meeting at the memorial where every name concerned is read out. We then have a show of a collection of WW1 items of every description. An amazing collection by one of the guys who lives in our hamlet. This is then all followed by a luncheon. In other words the whole day is taken up lest we should forget.
Glad to hear that the hip is doing well. Have a good Sunday,Diane

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

@ Beate - it's a pleasure to see you back blogging. I'm delighted I helped make your weekend ... and I endorse your words "let's make November a month of awareness that we're all together in this thing called life" .... so so true.

Alex always has the right words ... and I'm happy you're happy ... you too enjoy that cheese with a healthy bowl of soup and some breads, then the movie ...

@ Guilie - thanks for coming by .. I was going to add other things in - but I'll hold them til later in the year: Mindfulness for one. We need to set examples that make others sit up and think ... oh yes, I could do that too.

We do forget too easily don't we ... so it'd be good to stretch the Christmas and Thanksgiving months out for another few ... we can help make life better for others.

@ Betsy - we are lucky souls. Exactly when one is not so good ... there are masses of others in dire straits. It's good to have you here and to be able to feature your blog ... and yes we do spread the word don't we ...

@ Diane - there are lots of things to be thankful for as you so rightly say ... sadly - we've lost the 11th day aspect here. There will be some villages where the day will be remembered, as too Services at World War Memorials ... but most is moving to tomorrow - the nearest Sunday.

Your village remembrance sounds wonderful as you can immerse yourself in the day and understand all the items on show ... a personal introduction and remembrance. Wednesday will be a big day for you ...

Thank you so much for your comments and for being here ... this time of year is a precious time to remember many ... with thoughts - Hilary

TexWisGirl said...

i love beate and keith's love story. :)

Jo said...

Lovely post Hilary. However, I just saw a post on Facebook depicting the Tomb of the Unknown Warrior being covered in flowers and a second picture depicting "The Known Warrior" (i.e. a veteran soldier) begging on the streets. This is so very true and something we need to think about whilst giving Thanksgiving for our own lives.

Of course Thanksgiving in Canada was last month.

Connie Arnold said...

Thank you for your lovely post, Hilary, for sharing about the blogs and for the inspiration and encouragement. Hope your hip continues to improve and do well. All the best to you.

Theresa Milstein said...

I had no idea you had hip surgery. I thought you were just taking a nice break. So sorry to hear it! Take care of yourself.

Thank you for such an uplifting post.

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

@ Theresa - their love story is a delightful one isn't it. I'm so happy for them.

@ Jo - thanks for your comment on this Peace in the World, Thankfulness and Kindness post ... sadly there are all sorts of people who are in dire need.

@ Connie - good to see you. I'm not very good at sharing blogs or joining in blog hops - but get my head into gear occasionally! Thanks my hip is now 10 months old - and is good to get on with things.

@ Theresa - I was taking a break in the summer ... the hip was done in January - so loooong time ago - well it feels like it!

I'm so glad you felt the post was uplifting ...

Cheers and thanks for visiting - we need lots of Peace and we can all help ... Hilary

Patsy said...

I certainly have plenty to be thankful for - including lovely peaceful trips in our van.

Sherry Ellis said...

What a beautiful post! It's so important to be grateful and kind to one another.

Out on the prairie said...

i like to make up meals for 6 in a box for those who don't have a meal to be thankful for. Passed out four last year.

L. Diane Wolfe said...

Our church spoke about taking care of the orphans and widows today. It's National Orphans Day here and they outlined things we could do to make a difference.

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

@ Patsy - yes a lovely hubby and fun life, as well as the peaceful trips in your van.

@ Sherry - many thanks ... it's good to remind ourselves at a time out of the 'norm' ...

@ Steve - that's brilliant ... and I'm sure much appreciated. People do do similar in their local communities ... but health and safety here can be a nuisance - I understand we don't want a health problem - but sometimes the burden is onerous and stops this sort of thing.

@ Diane - the churches here do wonders ... and being National Orphans Day I can see the value in noting what will help etc ... what a wonderful way of giving us directions to help the orphans.

Thanks everyone ... it's good to have such caring blogging friends in the online community - cheers Hilary

Rosalind Adam said...

I always find this to be a very sad day, memories of my Dad who marched past the Cenotaph every year until the November when he became too ill to go and died the following week. Wouldn't peace be amazing.

Joylene Nowell Butler said...

We have our Thanksgiving in Oct, as you know, but any excuse for giving thanks is a good thing. Plus there's dessert to consider!

Karen Jones Gowen said...

I'm so glad to hear you and your hip are doing well. My husband gives thanks constantly for his two new knees.

Nick Wilford said...

Great stories you've highlighted here. We can always find things to be thankful for, and being kind is something we could do with more of. After all it doesn't cost anything.

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

@ Ros - it is a very sad time isn't it ... there's always something to remind us of loss, troubles ... peace would be just wonderful. Losing your father at this time of year can't be easy, as you remember - my thoughts.

@ Joylene - yes Thanksgiving comes early for Canadians .. probably better than the end of the month, when it's really almost Christmas.

@ Karen - I'm glad your husband's new knees are being so successful - they're not the easiest to fix up, I gather.

@ Nick - thank you ... and as you say we all have much to be thankful for, as well as being kind to others more often, and it doesn't cost a thing.

Cheers to you all - and thanks for coming by - Hilary

Susan Scott said...

Loved your post Hilary thank you. We watched on BBC News the gathering at the Cenotaph to remember those in WW1 & 2. Interestingly other UK men who have died recently were also remembered. Ut was very moving. My younger son was here overnight, and was engrossed in it too ...
Thank you also for your reminder to be kind to others and be grateful for what we have -
I'll check out the other links you've made - thank you. Blog for Peace - so needed. Every grain of this is like a candle in the darkness.
And good news re your hip!!!

H. R. Sinclair said...

I'm thankful for the big things and the small things, something the small things are what keep us going too.

Joanne said...

perfect post as we enter the pre-Christmas countdown. I am grateful that my Dad is on the mend. Grateful for my siblings and how we can work together. Grateful for my husband who's eager for me to help my Dad. all in all - if we ignore the media and just deal person to person, there can be peace in this world. all the best to you

~Sia McKye~ said...

Hilary--great post. Yes, we do need to be kind and there are always things to be grateful for. Living and breathing each day is good. :-) Remembering to be grateful for the blessings we have makes life rich. It's all too easy to focus on only the negatives which take away the joy of our life and really, it's the little things that make us happy.

Glad your hip surgery went well! It has to be great to be able to move about with confidence and with little or no pain or fear of falling. :-)

Peace is a worthy goal to fight for whether it is in our daily life, for our family, community, or in the world and every little piece we do towards that peace is like a ripple that spreads outward. :-)

Sia McKye Over Coffee

Anonymous said...

Keith and Beate's love story is one of my favorites here on Blogger. Such beautiful people with such an awesome tale to share. This week is Veteran's Day here in the States. Always important for our family. We have lots of Vets including my hubby, brother, brother-in-law, father-in-law and now my son…just to name a few :)

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

@ Susan - thank you so much. Yes I watched the Remembrance Service from the Cenotaph yesterday and remember the days I used to watch with my mother and hold her hand while it went on. I'm so glad your son was there too and appreciated the Service.

We do seem to be bringing in the younger serving members, or relatives of those who have died on active service recently ... as very sadly wars go on ... as it's good and necessary and right to include them too.

Judy's blogpost reminded me to write something now .. and not later ... another reminder post about remembering others can come nearer Christmas.

Thanks so much for the phrase 'every grain of this is like a candle in the darkness' ... yay for my hip - too true!.

@ Holly - you're right it is the small things that tide us through ...

@ Joanne - thank you .. it's good to remember and be reminded now before the rush. I'm so pleased your Dad is on the mend and that the family is working together .. that's great to read. Also your husband is helping ... so often sadly the men don't seem to know what to do, so this is good news.

You're right here ... if we deal person to person ... we can bring peace to those around us and ultimately beyond our own locality - let it be so.

@ Sia - thanks for coming over: you are going through a rough patch right now and I'm sure you'll come through ... and being of a positive attitude, and of a kind thoughtful person you will make everyone's lives so much easier. As you also say - it's the little things that make us happy.

Thankfully I was very lucky with my hip - never had a problem with the new one and I don't worry: not to say I ever did really with the old one ... just a kind of get on with it 'girl'!

Peace is definitely a worthy goal ... and as you say letting it ripple out, and ripple out again ... will touch lives as the ripple flows around.

@ Elsie - yes, I agree re Beate and Keith's blogging love story - almost unbelievable! But it's not it's for real.

Yes Veterans, serving officers, remembering those who have gone before - each country has their day and time pertinent to their country. I don't think ours would be the same if it was any other time of the year ... but I rather wish it was on the 11th ... at the 11th hour, of the 11th day of the 11th month - in 1919 - that War was over - sadly not quite in some theatres of the war.

Lovely comment from you all .. thanks so much ... cheers Hilary

Christine Rains said...

Wonderful! Ah, if only people thought to be gracious and kind all year round. I have my poppy on my jacket already for Remembrance Day. :)

Chrys Fey said...

I love what Betsy is doing on her blog. I posted about a Gratitude Challenge last week on my blog and I'm sharing 3 things I'm grateful for every day on Twitter. :)

Hart Johnson said...

I think it's great to focus on gratitude. There is a lot of evidence that it is one key to happiness

Ingrid said...

We didn't celebrate any remembrance day, I saw a bit on TV in London. Yes your new hip was a blessing for you ! Now you walk like a young girl again !

Roland D. Yeomans said...

May Kindness and Peace be your constant companions this holiday season.

If we would but walk down the halls of our local hospital, we would realize how blessed we truly are.

I remind myself that on my worst day, every person in the Third World would give their right arm to change places with me. :-)

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

I end each day thanking God for my blessings of family, comfortable and peaceful living circumstances and my friends. There is so much to be grateful for in my life.

Maria said...

What a fabulous uplifting blog post Hilary.
Thank you

Inger said...

What a lovely post. Gratitude, kindness, tolerance, spirituality are the really important things in life and they will lead you to love. Peace......

Denise Covey said...

Hi Hilary! This is a positive letter...inspirational story. Thank you for sharing so much love. It's sometimes difficult to remember with all the hate getting front page! Our Remembrance Day is tomorrow too. We remember all the war dead at 11am on the 11th month.

PS...glad your hip is keeping you hip. <3

Denise :-)

DMS said...

What an inspirational post! So nice to stop and think about all the things we have to be thankful for. I am so happy that your hip is doing great and that you feel much better with the new one. :) Yeah!


Karen Lange said...

We are blessed indeed. Thanks so much for this timely reminder. Have been thinking lately about the things I am thankful for, big and small. My blogging friends are on the list - this includes you! :)

Sara C. Snider said...

Lovely post, Hilary. I always like the thankfulness that floats around this time of year. Even all year--being thankful for what one has can help the hard times seem a little easier.

I didn't know you had hip surgery, but I'm glad it's working out! :)

Mike@Bit About Britain said...

Hi Hilary - thanks for popping by my blog! You have some wonderful links on this post. Peace would be good. Mrs B and I went to the Remembrance Sunday service at Whitehall last year - I've been twice now and think everyone should go at least once in their lives. Alongside visiting battlefield cemeteries, it is one of the most humbling and moving experiences for anyone who values life.

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

@ Christine - I had my poppy .. but it broke and I need to get out to get another. My positioning of it on my coat didn't help.

@ Chrys - I knew there were other bloggers who were doing a Gratitude Challenge ... it's wonderful so many of us think about these things - reminding us all about Gratitude ... and I need to get on Twitter.

@ Hart - thank you .. gratitude and positiveness helps us all. We need the keys to happiness we can so easily get pulled down - upliftment heals.

@ Gattina - perhaps your main Service will occur tomorrow - as your part of Europe was in the thick of the theatre of war.

Thank you .. and you've seen I do walk around without any worries - too true!!

@ Roland - thank you so much. Yes I've spent some time in hospital this year and am always grateful for my own health, attitude and non-serious complaints ... I feel for many when I visit the Nursing Centre.

When I'm having a bad day, like you I remember others ... people who are on the streets, or in a third world - I am very lucky. Your job keeps you very grounded about the difficulties of life ...

@ Susan - I should make a specific point of remembering my fortune, but tend to remember in spits and spurts during each day - but always put myself in someone else's shoes (or barefeet) and that brings things home to me.

@ Maria - pleasure to see you ... and thank you for appreciating and coming by to comment.

@ Inger - all those things you mention are essentials for us all ... and it would be wonderful if everyone would think this way ... and we could lead ourselves to love and peace in this world.

@ Denise - I guess this post does appropriately fit the blog's name. I know the amount of negative press around is quite appalling ... we need to know some, but then get reminded again and again.

Thankfully people Remember to Remember ... and tomorrow I'm sure there will be many, many services around the country. The 11th hour, of the 11th day of the 11th month each year is the time ...

@ Jess - thanks and it is good to remember those who are less fortunate, or who lost their lives giving us our freedom, and then remembering their families.

@ Karen - we are blessed indeed. Yes, my blogging friends are on my list .. the support I get here is so uplifting.

@ Sara - thank you. Many of us remember these days .. but doing it not quite on the actual day gives us all time to reflect and remember others around us.

@ Mike - that must have been a wonderful experience and one I should do one year. I do enjoy watching and listening .. perhaps the most memorable times were when I sat with my mother holding her hand - very nostalgic for me. I've never visited a battlefield ... another journey I need to make. When I write about some of these things ... and I don't do a lot of War material ... as I know so little - but I have done a few posts.

Thank you for the thoughtful comment - you have wonderful posts up - and your link is on tomorrow's post.

I appreciate your thoughts re my hip - now 10 months old! and ...

Thanks everyone - this post seems to have resonated .. and to use Mike's (from A Bit About Britain) words ... it is a humbling and moving time of year for so many, who were/are out there protecting or dying for our freedom.

Tomorrow - we need to remember - Hilary

T. Powell Coltrin said...

Thankfulness can only exist in our hearts, if we put it there and allow it to stay. I think peace comes from feeling thankful.

Great post, Hilary.

Jeffrey Scott said...

As always, it's so refreshing to have some positivity and well wishing from time to time. This world can bring us down at times, it's good to have reminders of kindness and thankfulness.

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

@ Teresa - you've said it so well ... we need to hold thankfulness in us all the time .. and then we can feel at ease and at peace ...

@ Jeffrey - thanks ... I prefer to be positive and we're in a time frame that is so difficult for many: it's good for us all to remember - and be reminded as I've done here, which you've all taken up.

Thanks to the both of you - Hilary