Thursday, 31 March 2016

A - Z Withdrawal ... Number 27 on the sign up list ..

Not something I thought I'd be writing ... but unfortunately I need to opt out of the 2016 Challenge ... I was looking forward to meeting new friends, finding old ones ... and just enjoying the fun of the fair!
The A - Z budding Magnolias

Nothing serious and I'm healthy ... I just need to do something else that can't be put off ... so take care - enjoy yourselves ... and I'll see you in May once frenetic April is over ... 

mid A - Z ... Magnolias in full flow

One advantage - I'm ready for 2017 - anyone else ready?!

Magnolias leafing ... ready for the full greening
of Spring and then Summertime ... 
No need to comment ... I'm around ... and I'll be back early May and post a post A-Z post ... if you get my meaning ... 

Take care, have fun ... and congratulations to all taking part ... 

Hilary Melton-Butcher
Positive Letters Inspirational Stories


Jemima Pett said...

Sorry to hear this - hope all gets sorted out without too much stress. Sending hugs.

Ingrid said...

I don't have the courage to participate in this theme !

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear this - I hope that April goes well for you nevertheless! Have fun.

Mason Canyon said...

So sorry to hear you won't be participating. I always enjoy your A to Z posts (as well as your others) so much. Hope what you need to do goes smoothly. Take care.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Sorry you have to drop out! We'll miss you next month.

H. R. Sinclair said...

I love how you look on the bright side--ready for 2017. Take care.

Rhodesia said...

Glad to hear you are healthy. Take care Diane

Nilanjana Bose said...

Sorry to hear that you won't be taking part. But glad to know you are okay. Take care.

Karen Jones Gowen said...

And you are a year ahead of the game! See you in May, Hillary.

Joanne said...

You shall be sorely missed. But good luck in your April tasks, enjoy spring, and we'll see you in May. Take care

Terra said...

You are ready for 2017. See you here in May.

Murees Dupè said...

Life comes up. I'm not taking part in A-Z anymore, either. Enjoy your April. Wishing you well.

Paula said...

I understand!! I will miss your A to Z! You are always so educational! Loved these photos

Marie Smith said...

Best wishes for the coming month!

Misha Gerrick said...

Sorry to hear you've had to withdraw. All the best for April!

A Heron's View said...

You have fun too okay :)

Out on the prairie said...

It will offer a variety of other ideas perhaps

Anabel Marsh said...

Sorry to hear that. If there's a prize for being ready in advance, you should win it!
The Glasgow Gallivanter

Sharon Himsl said...

Understand! I almost dropped out myself. Enjoy the break and hope to see you again :)

Elephant's Child said...

I am so sorry. I hope your break is productive, and look forward to seeing your return.
Big smiles about being ready for 2017. Definitely ahead of the pack.

Suzanne said...

That's a shame, hope it goes well x

betty said...

That's being prepared for 2017 :) Can totally understand though! Enjoy April!


T. Powell Coltrin said...

Awww! Okay I guess you better do what you got a do. Have fun, I hope.


Jean Davis said...

Auww. We'll miss you!

Truedessa said...

Take care and do what you need to do! Wishing you the best!

Melissa Sugar said...

I hate to hear that, you were the first new friend I made last year and I was looking forward to reading your posts. I hope everything is okay. I'm glad to know you are healthy. I certainty know that life gets in the way and when it does we have to get our priorities in order. I hope that whatever has come up is a good thing. I love your positive attitude. It is what drew me to you and I'm sure it's what has drawn so many others to you you as well. You're already speaking of next year. I look forward to reconnecting in May. Take care, Hilary.

Nicola said...

Sad to hear that but wishing you a great April, whatever you are up to. Glad you are healthy and seemingly enjoying life at the moment. Look forward to hearing from you in May.

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi everyone .. thanks so much for dropping in and saying you'll miss me - I'd love to be sharing the A-Z with you once again .. but needs must ..

I shall miss you all - but I'll be glancing through the fun of the fair during April .. and comment here and there ...

Enjoy the A-Z and all the very best ... cheers Hilary

Tasha Duncan-Drake said...

Sorry to hear we will be without your wonderful posts. Hope your April goes well.

Michelle Wallace said...

We'll miss your eclectic and fabulous posts, Hilary!
Take care!
Writer In Transit

Sue McPeak said...

Will miss you! Take care! And, yes, you are ready for 2017.
Sue at CollectInTexas Gal

beste barki said...

You take care too, Hilary. Nooo, I'm not ready for 2017 at all!

J Lenni Dorner said...

Sorry that you won't be here this month. Miss you!

Christine Rains said...

Sorry to hear that you aren't participating, but I'm glad you're okay. I had to opt out this month too. Maybe next year! :) Have a lovely weekend.

Notes Along the Way with Mary Montague Sikes said...

Hilary, I am so disappointed. Your posts are so very special!!! Take care!

Stephanie Bird said...

Good luck to you and have the wind always at your back. I'm wavering but hope I can stay in. You'll be sadly missed. Your posts are wonderful!

Sophie Duncan said...

Sorry to hear you had to drop out. Take care of yourself!

Sophie's Thoughts & Fumbles | Wittegen Press | FB3X

cleemckenzie said...

You will be sorely missed. But you must do what's best for you. See you in May and I hope all is well.

Joylene Nowell Butler said...

I agree with the others, you'll be missed, Hilary. 2017! Good for you!

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hiya - I feel as though I'm missing out ... I've just finished off my last A-Z for next year!! And it was eclectic and fun ...

Many many thanks for coming by and commenting ... I really appreciate all your thoughts ...

Cheers and happy times ... Hilary

Lynn said...

I hope all is well, Hilary! Hugs.

Anonymous said...

You have to do what you have to do. Stay safe and well with whatever you'll be doing instead!

Silvia Writes said...

Take care, Hilary, and see you when you're ready. Glad to hear you're all right, and it's just life, getting in the way, as it always does.

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

I'm sure you have dozens of comments like mine. I'll miss you for the challenge. m Magnolia tree is blooming this week too.

Julie Flanders said...

Sorry you had to drop out, Hilary. I hope all is well. Take care!

Anonymous said...

Hope all is well. Will miss seeing your "regular" posts during the month. Be well and take care. See you in May.

Jo said...

So sorry to hear this Hilary. Hope nothing too serious to make you back out. I love those magnolias, I used to have magnolias in our garden/yard in North Carolina, they were always beautiful.

All the best.

Rhonda Albom said...

You will be missed. I hope you are telling the truth and everything is okay.

DMS said...

Amazing that you will be ready for 2017- but sorry to hear you can't take part this year. I am glad your health is okay and hope everything else it too! You will be missed while you are away. :)

Deborah Weber said...

Looking forward to when you do post Hilary, and wishing you a good month.

Hart Johnson said...

Totally understandable. it is a marathon and some years just not possible. Hopefully your other obligations get tackled smoothly!

helen tilston said...

Hello Hilary,
Sending fond wishes and success.


TexWisGirl said...

i do hope all is well and you can enjoy your springtime!

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hallooo everyone ... life will grab us occasionally - I just need to get to the other side - all well otherwise .. and see you soon - I'll keep in touch ...

Cheers to you all .. Hilary

Jeffrey Scott said...

I know you said no need to comment, but I'm going to anyway. You will be missed. Take care in whatever you need to do. Hope all is well. :)

Sherry Ellis said...

I couldn't do the challenge this year, either - way too busy. I hope April is good for you. See you when you get back.

Stephen Tremp said...

Hilary, you have to do what you have to do. See you around and take care of that business.

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Thanks so much for all your support .. enjoy April - if you're doing the A-Z challenge or no ..

See you soon - cheers Hilary

Michele at Angels Bark said...

oh Hilary, I'm sorry to hear that you won't be taking part! I just came over to see what you were doing for this year's A-Z. We'll miss you! Hope all is well.

Michele at Angels Bark

Karen Lange said...

Hope things go well for you this month. Will miss seeing your posts but I can certainly understand. A to Z is not for the fainthearted, and if you have a lot of stuff going on, well, I don't imagine it's very doable. Take care and see you soon!

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Thanks so much Michele - sorry, but needs must ... and Karen - life just got in the way ... and I need the time ... thus the withdrawal ...

See everyone soon - cheers and enjoy the Challenge - Hilary

MunirGhiasuddin said...

I hope that all is well with you. I am not really surprised from your backing off from A to Z. I backed off couple of years ago. Blogging to me should not be a routine nor an obligation. To me blogging has a purpose, ie creating an awareness of an issue at hand. I do write when I see something that needs attention. Take care of yourself. Cheers !

MckTchr said...

Completely understand. Just barely in and I'm struggling to find time. April is growing increasingly difficult to manage.

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Thanks Munir and Mck ... all well - just something needs to be dealt with and I know the A-Z is full on for me ... still I've done next year's!! Cheers Hilary

Crystal Collier said...

I'm not participating either, or at least, not really. (I've got 3 posts going up on a collaborative blog, but that's it.) Here's to taking some time off and getting ahead, eh?

Crystal Collier

Lisa said...

Good luck in your endeavor! I'm not doing it either this year, but want to do it next year when I might be in France! Wouldn't that give me lots to write about!!!

Michael Di Gesu said...

Hi, Hilary,

Hope all goes well for you this month. I know how LIFE can get in the way of our plans.... I'll miss you wonderful traveling around posts, but I know you have some wonderful ones this summer.

Take care, and I hope all works out well.

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Crystal, Lisa and Michael - thanks so much for your thoughts ... life is embroiled at the moment - but we clamber up and out ... and yes Michael - I'll have to gear myself up for summer!

Wish I was taking time off and getting ahead - but perhaps April will become that time ...

Have fun all A-Zers ... Hilary

Victoria Marie Lees said...

As long as you're healthy, life is good, Hilary. The photos you've included in your blog post are lovely. I love spring's rebirth and nature's beauty. All the best, my dear! ~Victoria Marie Lees

Empty Nest Insider said...

Hilary, I hope all is wel, and you accomplish everything you need to this month.
You are always an inspiration! See you in May!


Sunday Visitor said...

I will definitely miss you and your posts. Looking forward to seeing you in the 2017 Challenge.

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Thanks so much for more visits ... really encouraging to see .. yes the Magnolias seemed to fit the bill for this post - thank you. I'm fine and now need to get myself sorted out ... cheers to one and all - Hilary

Keith's Ramblings said...

Hilary, thank you so much for dropping by my A-Z tale. It will be great to have a near neighbour back with us next year!

Visit Keith's Ramblings and his obsolete words!

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Keith - I know we must tie in sometime ... and I'll be back .. but will continue to look in at your A-Z ... cheers Hilary

Romance Reader said...

Have fun and enjoy time off!

Denise Covey said...

Well done you! Getting this far is quite a feat. Take care of yourself!

Linda said...

Sorry to hear this Hilary. I know how much you enjoy your A-Z challenges. I hope everything works out okay.

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Thanks so much Nas, Denise and Linda ... I'll be back - as you all say ... just got to get this done .. cheers Hilary