Saturday, 10 September 2016

Blog Sandwich Update 11: Airbourne, Fish and Chips followed by Hedgehog Icecream …

The madness of summer is almost behind us … we might get a few more hot dry days before the autumnal cool starts misting about us …

Summer in the Downland

Life in the Eastbourne skies was awash with noise from the Royal Air Force, international military air forces, non-military aircraft, helicopters, wing walkers putting on their displays in August for the annual Seafront Airbourne.

Red Arrows swooping in over Eastbourne

Now living on the seafront I expected to be drowned out with excessive noise, not the waves!, windows rattled, my heart rate frightened into overdrive … and yes a bit of that happened … but I was surprised how relatively quiet it was – bearing in mind it’s an airshow.  The noise seemed to be worse when I was living in town …

Eastbourne was hearted more than once ... 

The noise stopper was the Eurofighter Typhoon … that ‘sat’ outside my 6th floor window and then went up – the afterburners really ‘nobbled’ my ear-drums … but it was fine – it’s not all the time – and was extraordinary to watch.

Packed streets with mobile homes ... 

I had some good views … it was wonderful weather and brought the crowds in … they park at Beachy Head, all along the streets – moving in for the few days … engine head ‘aircraft - spotters’ … wonderful to see Eastbourne absolutely full.

I went to the other side of London to a friend’s birthday party – my goddaughter’s mother – and became part of their family for a few days.  

Patio Rose and display

I’m good at washing up glasses!  While there I also saw a cousin and caught up with them and their family … they were in SA during my time …

Fish and Chip pocket or cone

So very few shown here of the lots of photos of aircraft … fish and chips,

It looked and tasted delicious!

 ice-creams various … 

No 26 token here 
depending on your hedgeliehog token – 

we drank ........... 

some Porcupine … and Pimms, beer and champers … there were lots of soft drinks too …

We ate some Gardener's Cake - cooked by the Birthday Girl's Daughter - my clever goddaughter!

That’s that Blog Sandwich Update … more to follow …

Hilary Melton-Butcher
Positive Letters Inspirational Stories


Elephant's Child said...

What an absolutely delightful sandwhich - thank you.
Love that cake.

Empty Nest Insider said...

Hi Hilary, The fish 'n' chips and birthday cake look delicious! You're lucky to have a
goddaughter who bakes cakes that taste as good as they look! Glad you had such
an enjoyable visit. Julie

Diane said...

Lovely post and yes I can imagine the noise of planes rattling windows but as you say it is not all the time.
The birthday cake is fabulous well done to your goddaughter.
Re meeting up with friends from SA, I hope we will be visiting there next year so you may get some good memories on my blog :) Take care Diane

bazza said...

Hello Hilary. Sounds like a good time was had! Living high-up on the sea-front is great - I have a friend in Hove who does that. As a 12 year-old I went to a Junior Summer Holiday with my cousin at a private school at the foot of the Eastbourne side of Beachy Head. Lovely memories. I doubt if the building is still there!
Don't know if I've ever seen Gardener's Cake; I'm making a MacMillan Coffee morning in a few weeks; perhaps I'll ask Mrs Bazza if she knows how to make one..... CLICK HERE for Bazza’s fabulous Blog ‘To Discover Ice’....

jabblog said...

It sounds wonderful - all of it! We see plenty of aircraft flying to and from various shows - always interesting to see and hear. The Gardener's Cake looks delightful - what a clever girl.

Out on the prairie said...

Like the air heart and the drinks and eats all sound good. I ate ice cream for two meals the other day, it was so hot. Headed out to capture Monarchs today and tag them for a migration study. No, not the queen and family, buttterflies. LOL

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Air shows are loud but very cool. Being a military brat, I've seen dozens of them.
So, what does hedgehog ice cream taste like?

H. R. Sinclair said...

The party and time with family-friends sounds delightful. The air show sounds fun, but I'm not too sure about the noise. ;)

M. Reka said...

What an absolutely beautiful sandwhich :)

Anabel Marsh said...

Yum! Definitely would prefer the party to having my windows rattled by aircraft!

Unknown said...

I really, really, really want those fish and chips. I lived on the water for 7 years and the sound of the wind and the waves never bothered me, but the fishing boats going out at 4 a.m. were hard to get used to.

Botanist said...

That is one amazingly artistic cake! I'll have to show my daughter, she enjoys cake decorating.

I used to love air shows. The Red Arrows (and many other aircraft) always used to visit Guernsey during Battle of Britain week and we'd have time off school to watch them. I believe they were there last week, in fact.

Dianne K. Salerni said...

Looks like a lot of fun! I'm happy that summer is dying off for you and that you can enjoy some awesome outdoor events like air shows.

We are suffering under the most horrible, humid weather I have seen in a long time. The only thing dying off here is our beautiful pond fish. We're not absolutely positive the heat is killing off our koi, but since the biggest fish are dying first, it seems like it might be an oxygenation problem. :(

Looks like you had an awesome view for the show!

Liz A. said...

Looks like it was a great show.

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

@ EC – thanks … the birthday was a lovely event, while the noisome planes were interesting to watch at such close quarters.

@ Julie – it was all fun … while the cake was a fruit cake … even better! I am lucky to have such a talented goddaughter.

@ Diane – thankfully it’s not all the time … but there are formations that ply their trade up and down – why?! I’ve no idea – going to some air show I guess.

Excellent to hear you’ll be going down south next year … and to see some wonderful shots – will be a real treat.

@ Bazza – yes it was a lovely fortnight … while being above the sea-shore makes for some magnificent views …

I expect the school you went to – is Bede’s … it is still there and thriving. Or could be St Andrew’s – which is just inland from Bede’s …

Gardener’s Cake was delicious … oh dear – I hope I haven’t stretched Mrs Bazza’s hand?! MacMillan are such a worthy cause – I support our local hospice: St Wilfrid’s …

@ Janice – thanks … the skies tend to be full of ‘show aircraft’ at this time of year. Yes – clever girl with her cake skills.

@ Steve – the Airshow is always fun for families to attend … while the party was lovely. I’m sure many an Englishman or woman has been eating lots of ice-cream … it’s been warm.

Brilliant that you’re able to capture Monarchs and tag them ... for the migration watch. I’m glad it’s not our Queen!

@ Alex – ok … I get you – re the behind the scenes advantages of being in the military. Hedgehog ice-cream … what we had was exceedingly delicious and creamy – with a choice of toppings … I had a tub piled high, then covered with 100s, and 1000s = cake decorations!

@ Holly – the parties and social times were wonderful … while the air show noise wasn’t too awful – to my surprise!

@ Mariella – it’s a sandwich of whatever’s been happening in life! Good to see you again …

@ Anabel – me too … party anytime; but it was fun seeing the aircraft manoeuvring outside my window!

@ Kathleen – the fish and chips were very good indeed. I guess the diesel engines of the fishing boats going out would be an unwelcome noise … I can’t hear those … just the ebb and flow of the tide …

@ Ian – yes – the cake was a really good end to the party evening … candles and a garden slice! That’s great … remember the baked bean cake …

@ Dianne – it’s been warm to put it mildly: for us in the south east. Sorry to read about your Koi … struggling with the heat – looks like some adjustment needed re oxygenation: but I can’t help!

The view of the English Channel from here is extraordinary.

@ Liz – thanks … Airbourne always does well …

Cheers and thanks for your visits … August seems a long time ago! - Hilary

DMS said...

Sounds like fun! Love seeing the food pictures. :) I love fish and chips. Yum!

Susan Scott said...

Lovely post Hilary thank you! I would also have felt my eardrums wobbling/nobbling at the noise but as you say thankfully not so bad after all - and that hearted-vapour trail is just so beautiful!
Porcupine Ridge, a very nice wine - I like their merlot. That cake looks delicious and lovely. Happy Birthday to her and congratulations to your goddaughter for her creation!

dolorah said...

Well, I'm hungry now :) I love the air shows. Not at 5am though, which was when the last maneuvers above Las Vegas happened. What makes pilots get up so early?

Ellie Garratt said...

Wow. The airshow must have been spectacular. I'm relieved your eardrums are still in place. Hedgehog ice cream. That made me chuckle.

Janie Junebug said...

That cake is adorable. Sounds as if you've had lots of good times.


Jo said...

Fish and chips should be in newspaper. I know the law changed, but it's just not the same. Sounds like you had a good time at the birthday party. We used to watch the airshow in North Carolina, from our boat off the end of the runway. It was fun.

Paula said...

What an awesome picture of the Red-arrows swooping!! The Gardner's cake was wonderful and looked delicious!!

Nas said...

Oh, my. Now I'm craving fries!

Vallypee said...

I love air shows. The Red Arrows are just amazing, aren't they? I'd love to see a good air display again!

Sara C. Snider said...

That cake is absolutely lovely! Hopefully it tasted just as good. And I love the hedgehog ice cream. So cute!

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

@ Jess – the food was tasty … and all good, with lots of fun to be had …

@ Susan – actually in some ways it’s easier knowing Airbourne is on … when a plane or helicopter flies over now: it’s a bit of a surprise … I jump!!
Interesting about Porcupine Ridge wine … I’ll have to look. The cake was really good and so much fun to look at … goddaughter is one clever lady.

@ Donna – sorry – seeing food always does that. Oh dear – I can see 5.00 am is a bit much … I expect the skies are clearer then … less cloud … they are here …

@ Ellie – yes I can still hear thankfully … and with the brilliant weather we had this year it was great to be able to walk down the front and back up to the flat to see more of the planes go by. Hedgehog icecream was a creative thought …

@ Janie – lots has been going on … while the cake was an added bonus at the end of the party …

@ Jo – newspaper is not allowed now … so compromises are made – cones, or special paper. The fish and chips delivered fresh was really good – piping hot and so delicious. That North Carolina airshow must have been fun …

@ Paula – thanks – one year I saw it coming straight towards me as I drove down the main road back into town … it’s called a ‘burst’. Goddaughter’s cake was well received …

@ Nas – I see fish and chips and think yes please – like you! They were good …

@ Val – I’ve seen the air shows here but know those who are knowledgeable love them – we get lots of plane spotters!

@ Sara – yes the cake was a show stopper at the end of the evening. It definitely did taste as good as it looked, probably better than. Great idea naming the ice-cream …

Thanks so much everyone – good to see … the party was fun … nothing much beats fish and chips and hedgehog ice-cream! Cheers - Hilary

ana said...

Hi Hilary love reading your posts the cake looked amazing! take care Ana....

Elizabeth Spann Craig said...

What a lovely cake! And now I'm suddenly very hungry. :)

I think I'd have to have earplugs at an airshow! But they're a lot of fun. Beautiful weather, too!

Mason Canyon said...

The cake was beautiful. I like that it had a garden theme. An air show would be so much fun to watch. Enjoyed the update very much, Hilary. Take care.

Thoughts in Progress
and MC Book Tours

Bish Denham said...

How exciting to see the fighter jets do their tricks! The picture of Downland is lovely. And all that wonderful food, particularly the Gardener's Cake. You goddaughter is quite talented.

Ingrid said...

I was watching the air show too on the Saturday, there were less people then last year. I had a wonderful ice cream !

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

I love airshows and fish and chips. I'm not an ice cream fan but that cake looks pretty good. Those pilots are amazing and fearless. The noise is also incredible. Hope the cold and damp hold off for you for a little while yet.

Christine Rains said...

All those cute and lovely desserts! Yum. Sounds like a lovely time.

Chrys Fey said...

Look at that ice cream.Yum. I want it. ;)

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

@ Ana - that's good ... thanks and the cake was good!

@ Elizabeth - I know just sometimes food at any time of the day ... and we wilt: thinking about it a piece of cake now would be good! Actually it's not so bad ... and doesn't last long - it's worse in a nightclub: I don't do those very often either!

@ Mason - thanks .. and the Garden Theme was a great idea for her mother. Could do an airshow theme I suppose ... no I suspect it'd be a landrover theme for her father!

@ Bish - it is a treat to see them up close and nearly personal ... one gets a good view of what they can achieve ...

Thanks the Downs are beautiful ... lovely driving around at this time of year. It was a good party ... with fun food!

@ Gattina - yes I remember you said you'd be down to see the Show. Glad you had a good icecream ...

@ Susan - there were fish and chip places down on the pier ... so plenty of food available for hungry spectators. I do enjoy an ice-cream ... and also fruit cake!

The pilots are fearless ... quite extraordinary speeds they achieve, G-forces and so close to each other ... it is awe inspiring ...

We had a brief cooling off at the weekend - but now we're back to hot weather again - unusual for this time of year here in the UK ...

@ Christine - ah yes: desserts!! It was great fun ...

@ Chrys - another ice-cream fan ... I'm sure you've had a few this summer?

Cheers to you all - thanks for the visit ... Hilary

cleemckenzie said...

How wonderful to look up into the sky and see a heart! You have to feel loved, don't you? Even if that heart was meant for a specific person, putting it into the sky gives everyone ownership!

Loved reading about your granddaughter's cake for her mom. What a beautiful cake that is, too.

Nilanjana Bose said...

I love fish n chips, and that cake looks superb. You have a talented goddaughter!

Loved the pic of the sky-heart too, so cool!

Joylene Nowell Butler said...

I love Fish and Chips, and I miss the British version very much. Lovely photos. Love the heart in the sky.

Karen Lange said...

A good view, indeed! Looks like it was quite a show. Lovely photos. I always enjoy the ones you share. Sounds like you had a good time, airshow and party wise. And for some reason now I am hungry. :) Have a great week!

TexWisGirl said...

oh, the fish and chips looks SO good! the skywriting was neat. i'll pass on hedgehog ice cream. :)

Sharon K. Mayhew said...

That is one amazing cake! I can't think of anything that tastes better than fish and chips wrapped in paper. Remember when it was in real newspaper? I do.

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

@ Lee – it was an unexpected ‘sky drawing’ … and yes a warm glow came upon Eastbourne … I think the heart was meant for all of us …

My goddaughter is one clever girl with her cakes …

@ Nila – me too .. fish ‘n chips and yes one talented goddaughter … while I have sky-heart memories …

@ Joylene – it’s funny how things change from country to country … slightly different ingredients, different fish, different potatoes … I had that experience being in South Africa – I guess nothing like home for me!

@ Karen – Eastbourne Airbourne is always a good show – and thanks re the photos/pictures … I hope you were able to satisfy your hunger …

@ Theresa – they were very good fish and chips … but the ice-cream was better than I expected – not sure what I had exactly, but it wasn’t the hedgehog variety! Sky-writing is clever … and amuses …

@ Sharon – my goddaughter does great cakes. Fish and Chips was delicious … and I used to stop on visits down to Cornwall to see my mother and buy us all fish and chips in newspaper for supper on my way through … couldn’t resist – so I remember it well.

Cheers to you all – we are still having quite extraordinary weather for September … really hot on the south coast … have good weeks - Hilary

Rhonda Albom said...

What a cool air show. Glad it wasn't as loud as you thought it might have been. Cool photos, especially the heart. What is the sauce on the chips.

mail4rosey said...

That cake is awesome! We like an air show here and again too. :)

LD Masterson said...

Oh, the fish and chips. Real English fish and chips. *drools slightly on keyboard* We have an large airshow nearby every year but since we live in the flight path for Wright Patterson AFB, I pretty much have one every day.

Crystal Collier said...

Wow. All those motorhomes... How in the world is a body supposed to get by?

I grew up near an air force base, and we listened to the jets all day long. Not sure how I'd feel about it now, having been away from the area for over 10 years.

Nick Wilford said...

Sounds like a fun few days. I remember seeing airshows at Shoreham Airport - exciting stuff. Like all your posts I learnt something - never heard of hedgehog ice cream and porcupine wine! They do go together though.

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

@ Rhonda - we have the Airshow every year and it certainly attracts visitors. It definitely could have been worse ... perhaps my flat is just off centre ... so some of the noise is dissipated away. I think the sauce is probably either Marie Rose sauce (tomato and mayonnaise ... like prawn cocktail sauce) or mayonnaise ... or Tartar sauce ... can't remember I'm afraid!

@ Rosey - my goddaughter did her mother proud with the cake. It's interesting to see the planes that are on show ...

@ LD - yes, I'm sorry: oh fish and chips! Why it tastes so good here I've no idea .. but you're right it does. I can imagine the AirForce Base provides rather a lot of air traffic movement and can see why you don't need more!

@ Crystal - I know ... the streets get 'littered' with cars/motor homes for the duration of the Show ... usually there's hardly any parking up there: There's a fairly wide pavement on each side ...

I'm glad we don't have that noise each and every day ... we used to live near Heathrow - but I'm glad I don't now - like you .. enough is enough.

@ Nick - yes, they've got an AirShow down there too ... as with many seaside towns. Hedgehog Ice-Cream ... was good naming .. and I'm not sure where the Porcupine wine came from - but it certainly matched up - and via Susan's comments above apparently is another of those lovely early South African wine estates ...

Cheers everyone .. it really is incredibly hot here ... I've just read that after the last hot September (in living memory -mine!) October was frightful ... I hope not! Hilary

Rosalind Adam said...

Another fascinating, packed blog post. I have to mention that you got the weather prediction wrong. What a scorcher it is again! Sounds as if you had an amazing 'front row seat' for the airshow. I love meeting up with friends and family. Precious memories.

Ann Carbine Best said...

You live on the seafront. How wonderful. What views you have to give us a visual feast. And how wonderful that you had time in London with friends for a birthday celebration. I'm now back permanently on Blogger ... will do shorter posts than on WP ... to keep better in touch with old friends. I feel good about this ... it's manageable. ((( )) from the Bests

Lynn said...

What a nice time that sounds like. Yum on the fish and chips and ice cream, of course.

And lovely that you could stand at your windows and watch that air show.

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

@ Ros - I think you misread it ... if you're reading the comment above - what I was saying that whenever the last very hot September was in recent years ... then the October was foul - that I hope not!!

The front row seat was leaning over the balcony for some of it - or just quietly hiding inside! But it was fun ... and seeing family and friends during the summer is good news ...

@ Ann - I do live on the sea-front ... and it's lovely seeing the sea ebb and flo ... yes I enjoy going up to see my goddaughter's family -Africa time too - remembrances.

That's good you'll be on blogger - I expect the posts will drop in to Feedly for me ...

Cheers to you both ... Hilary

beste barki said...

I enjoyed reading about the great time you had Hilary.
For a few days this summer I was at a beach right beside an airfield. We were like children seeing planes for the first time. We got the take off times from the internet and took pictures like crazy.
We'd love to see more photos of your views of the sea in your future posts. Salut, Beste

Denise Covey said... that cake! It all sounds delightful. Pimms. Champagne. What's no to like. Oh, washing glasses? That's not too bad. What a great view of proceedings from your 6th floor apartment, Hilary!

Denise :-)

klahanie said...

Hi Hilary,

Almost about to depart these shores for shores afar. Thus, before I go, my kind friend, thought it only right, that I delight, with your latest post.

To top it off, your goddaughter is indeed clever. And so are you as you continue to think outside of the blog, a chip off the old blog, perhaps.

Oh yes, it seems that we are getting some scorching heat and some thunderstorms. The dog is not amused.

Thank you for your usual informative, somewhat quirky post, Hilary.



H.R. Bennett said...

Gotta love it. I've lived near air bases before and I've found one of two things happens: you either become numb to the roar of jet engines or you lose it and have to move because it drives you crazy.

Personally, I'm indifferent at this point. With the single exception of when my house gets buzzed by a JSAF. That shit will wake you up faster than a pot of espresso.

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

@ Beste - thanks ... but your beach forays sounds like so much fun ... being kids again. Gosh that's dedication - getting the take off times from the internet and taking photos like crazy ... yes I had lots of photos - but enough is enough for here.

I'll do a post on Eastbourne views at some stage ... the views from here don't change much - lots of English Channel sea ...

@ Denise - the cake was good and the whole was fun. Washing glasses wasn't too bad - I could just get on with it ... The flat has its constant views of the chalk cliffs with the changing colours of the sea ...

@ Gary - happy trip ... yes clever young lady is my goddaughter - I suspect her creativity comes from her parents ... they are a creative family.

We're about to get the thunderstorms ... but the weather has been fantastic down here: the animals and birds don't enjoy the noise at all ... poor Penny.

@ Robert - thankfully I don't live near an air base ... I guess you do become numb to the roars ... much like living next to a train line. I do wake up to aircraft going over the town in the middle of the night - as this is meant to be a no-fly zone over night ... I expect they are high - but sometimes the noise is there. Interesting how noise travels ...

Thanks so much everyone - glad you vicariously enjoyed Goddaughter's Gardener's Cake ... cheers from Eastbourne on our last hot day ... Hilary

Mike@Bit About Britain said...

It all sounds (and looks) great. Impressive cake! We get the occasional free show as the RAF seems to use the otherwise relatively quiet skies in our part of the NW to train. There's one aircraft that looks and sounds much like a P51, curiously, that banks and wheeels over the hills. But the jets certainly make you jump - often there's just a sudden roar - and they're gone.

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Mike - the RAF do train around the country ... sometimes they whizz in at tremendous speed up the valleys ... while the noise follows them! Jets do make me jump too ... we get helicopters going up and down the coast - perhaps on surveillance, or even rescuing someone ...

The party and cake were all great fun ... cheers Hilary

diedre Knight said...

Looks like a fabulous day for an airshow! Time with friends and family is such a treat in itself and here you also had some delicious-looking treats for the tastebuds :-) I'll have to look up 'champers', and the Gardener's cake was no doubt as delightful as it looks!

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Thanks Diedre - the weather was brilliant this year for the Eastbourne AirShow. champers - is champagne or Prosecco, or fizzy wine! All good! My goddaughter's cake was very special ... cheers Hilary