Wednesday, 20 December 2017

Write - Edit - Publish Bloghop: the End is the Beginning ...

Life never stops - nature never stops - our emotions never stop ... the end never comes ... the cycle restarts ... until the end does come along in its own sweet time ...

When I look back ... ten years from babe to going off to school ...

... the next ten years big school and college ...

... the next ten years young adult life in London, leaving home and then South Africa ...

... then a changing cycle - fourteen years living in Africa ... fun times, forgetting some heartache ...

... but isn't life just that: an emotional rollercoaster ...?

... back home - seeing my mother and my uncle through to their ends ... the end does come ... now 25 years on ... 

We all will get to see the light
at the end of the tunnel sometime -
interestingly the author is Canadian
(Paul Hellyer)
... another beginning of a short sojourn across the pond in Canada - something I never saw coming ... 

... during these years of the so-called 3rd age I've been blogging for ten years: when education started again ...

We never will know when the beginning is coming until we find an end ... 

Portmeirion tea set

... then we leave others to unravel our Memoir of life ... our end in this world.

Now enjoy the love that will abound during this Christmas time, over the New Year and onwards into 2018 ...

Very happy times to you all -----

To participate or to read other entries please go here:
Write - Edit - Publish Monthly Bloghop

To cap it all off ... we've just had 9 inches of snow, one big tree down over one route in, no electricity for 12 hours - thankfully some heat available ... but no preparations - such is life here ... not quite sure what tomorrow will bring - but I'll catch up ... cheers to one and all ... we may well have a white Christmas ... ?!

Hilary Melton-Butcher
Positive Letters Inspirational Stories


Elephant's Child said...

Stay safe, stay warm and enjoy your probably white Christmas. To the max.
Each ending is indeed a new beginning isn't it? And some are so smooth we don't recognise them. Love your take on the prompt.

DMS said...

I love the quote- "We never will know when the beginning is coming until we find an end ..." There really are beginnings happening everywhere. :)

Wow- sounds like a big snowstorm. Luckily when they hit here I always realize I live in a house and have lots of things available to me, so I will be okay for a day or two. Hope you are staying warm!! That can be tough!

Wishing you a Merry Christmas!

Starting Over, Accepting Changes - Maybe said...

You have had an adventurous life on three continents. I hope this new one will be a positive one for you. Canada is a beautiful country with much to offer. Hillary, I hope the holidays will bring you joy. Merry Christmas.

Ingrid said...

Rather deep thoughts through your life ! Unfortunately Christmas time is not always a happy time for everybody !

A Heron's View said...

A wise friend of mine told me to : ENJOY ALL ! and that's what I am telling you.

Kay G. said...

Nine inches of snow? Oh my, that is a lot! Take care and as the gentleman told you above, enjoy it all! :-)

P.S. Look at my header photo just now, Richard took a photo of something that you will recognize!

Unknown said...

Hello Hilary. Wishing you and yours a festive, Happy Christmas and a healthy happy 2018. Thank you for all of your wonderfully interesting posts and positive commments on mine. Kim xxx

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

You've been on quite a journey and it's not over yet.
Have a blessed Christmas!

Out on the prairie said...

Quite a journey to travel.I would never go back in time, but enjoy having seen it develop even better

Jacqui said...

Having the electricity off is disconcerting. Ours was off for about ten hours, mostly while I slept, and I still felt out of sorts all day.

Happiest of holidays, dear efriend. I think of you across the planet.

Deborah Barker said...

Wise words indeed Hilary. We never know what is round the corner, something always turns up to surprise us, I always drill into my adult children when they feel down. I hope you manage to keep warm and enjoy that white Christmas if it is to be. Here, we are due mild and damp weather I believe. Earlier this week, the frost was wonderful but temperatures are rising. Happy Christmas friend from 'up the road' (My father's favourite phrase preceded by, "It's only..." when we were on a long and tedious and journey)XX

bazza said...

Very philosophical today Hilary, but you speak wise words. You seem to face adversity with admirable equanimity! My cousin in Vancouver lost her husband last year and I've just heard that her daughter and husband have broken up and she herself has been diagnosed with Parkinson's. Like you, she has a positive attitude.
London today is unpleasantly mild and dampish and is forecast to be even warmer over Christmas. Not what we want!
Hope you enjoy the snow and Christmas too!
CLICK HERE for Bazza’s unbelievably felicitous Blog ‘To Discover Ice’

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

@ EC - I sure hope so: safe, warm and a crispy white Christmas - lovely ... each end is a beginning isn't it - and thankfully some are smooth ...

DMS - we do never know what is coming or around the corner ... things need to end before we can begin. The snow storm was pretty ongoing - but only a day's worth thankfully! We'll be ok - the farmer seems to have things covered thankfully ... help is across the highway.

@ Arleen - it's been an interesting life ... and I've been lucky with experiences ... Canada will be a happy time too ...

@ Gattina - sadly difficult times happen for some during the festive season - enjoy yours.

@ Mel - you're right there ... enjoy and be happy one is alive and well ...

@ Kay - I'll be over to read shortly ... sometime! It's fine - we'll manage and it is beautiful to look at ... sunny today too ...

@ Kim - lovely to see you and I do love your South African posts - nostalgia for me ...

@ Alex - nope I don't think this journey is over yet ..

@ Steve - I agree I wouldn't go back in time ... one sees so much and equally we wouldn't be here ... so here's to 2018 ...

@ Jacqui - I remembered Kali = Jacqui! It was a relief it came back on - and let's hope it stays that way .. the snow is melting slowly ...

@ Deborah - we do never know ... I've learnt the harsh lessons of life in the last few years, when I thought things would settle down and ease up - but they will and we are alive and well - looks like your surgery went through happily ... oh those journeys of 'how much longer' - my goddaughter did that to me!

@ Bazza - oh dear did it come over as philosophical - and I'm glad my words come over as wise ... there is a lot more inside those sandwich of years ...

I feel for your cousin - it sounds very difficult for her - having a positive outlook certainly helps ...

Damp - here's it's crisp and even! and sunny - which is beautiful ..

Cheers to you all - thanks so much for visiting and wishing you all the best for the season ... I'll be over as soon as I can - now to catch up if we can get out ...

Happy Christmas and New Year - I'll be around ... and see you soon - Hilary

Joanne said...

very wistful and life affirming - the circle and stages.
Merry Christmas to you. Enjoy new traditions in Canada.
Ever onward!

Liz A. said...

There's a song lyric like this. A beginning is some other beginning's end.

Chatty Crone said...

Gosh I really do like that - the way your broke your life down - it does make one think about life doesn't it? It is in sections. I think you have had a wonderful life. Hey did you move recently? I am all off.

Liz Leighton said...

I like the way you described the different "cycles" in your life and how one leads to the beginning of another. Cycles permeate our lives.

Stay warm and safe in that snow storm and Happy Holidays

Tyrean Martinson said...

That's so true. We need to treasure the present because we don't know what comes next.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Adura Ojo said...

Hi Hilary!
Compliments of the season.
I enjoyed reading you as always, though it's been a while.
Hope you're good despite the snow.

I will hold on to this, thank you:

"We never will know when the beginning is coming until we find an end."

Wishing you a warm Christmas with light and fantastic trimmings!

Adura x

Janie Junebug said...

Be careful on those snowy roads, please. You already have the confusion of driving on the "wrong" side.


Andrea Ostapovitch said...

Wonderful words Hilary. I do hope you are finding some peace and comfort this holiday season in your new environment.
Have a very Merry Christmas,

Deborah Drucker said...

We really don't know where live will lead us. And there are many beginnings and endings. Happy Holidays!

Anabel Marsh said...

Have a wonderful, Canadian Christmas!

Keith's Ramblings said...

One door closes another one opens, in your case many miles away! Eastbourne's loss is Canada's gain this Christmas - enjoy!

Denise Covey said...

Hi Hilary my friend!

You can't say you're just taking it easy, can you? You're in the University of the Third Age for sure. Six inches of snow. Now that would be a sight I've never seen. I'm busy keeping cool in the pool, LOL!

Life has thrown you a curve ball for sure. I hope you are keeping those relatives in line. I'm rooting for you.

A white Christmas in Canada. What a beautiful idea! Except for trees down and no electricity!

Merry Christmas! Keep smiling! Lots of love coming your way!

Thanks for taking the time to post for WEP, lovely.

Denise :-)

troutbirder said...

Well said. And Merry Christmas to you and your in snowy BC.....

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

@ Joanne - it was the easiest way for me to post on this subject idea ... cycles of life ... and yes there will be new traditions ...

@ Liz - is there? I looked and came up with the Semisonic's .. " " so you're right!!

@ Sandie - it's the way life is ... so many new beginnings - for the moment I'm over here in Canada ...

@ Liz - we do cycle through life ... and I could probably have broken it down further ... but for this post: it works fine ... all well now the snow has stopped ... just very icy and cold ...

@ Tyrean - you are so right ... we need to realise what we have and can achieve where we are in our own lives ... so glad things are improving your end ...

@ Adura - I'll be over ... so glad you came by ... and yes all good even with the snow! I'm glad my quote resonated with you ...

@ Janie - well we went out ... skated over the snow - any more and we wouldn't have got out ... I managed ok ... til I drove in front of someone - apparently it was their right of way ... well I'll learn!

@ Andrea - thank you ... life is full of changes ... my new life is beyond interesting ... but another day - there will be stories to tell ...

@ Deborah - no we certainly don't know where life will lead us ... so many beginnings and endings for those beginnings to start off ...

@ Anabel - I hope so ... it is white!

@ Keith - that's always the way isn't it ... I take leaps of faith ... thank you for 'Eastbourne's loss' - I know some are feeling my departure ... but I'll be back ...

@ Denise - no, way too much going on at this end of the world ... new beginnings that's for sure ... even 9" of snow - thankfully some melted off the top - but now clear and becoming very sharp quickly ... we did get out - tomorrow, probably unlikely ...

Just one relative - bless her cotton socks! Everyone else is on my side ... it looks like it might stay white til Christmas, we now have electricity thankfully - and the trees have started to be cleared ...

Thanks for your thoughts during this induction time into Canada ... pool time would be nice!!!

@ Troutbirder - many thanks ... and appreciate you coming over ...

Cheers, happy Christmas and New Years to you all ... enjoy this coming weekend - life is for living happily ... Hilary

D.G. Kaye said...

Wishing you a beautiful Christmas Hilary. :)

dolorah said...

Yes, every time one phase of our lives ends, a new one begins. Not always enjoyable, but that is the cycle of life. Lately I've been looking back on the cycles of my own life as I watch my daughter raising her family.

Have a great new year Hilary. And Merry Christmas.

Lenny Lee said...

hi my Grandblogmom!

what a cool post about your life and the endings and beginnings. for me i know where i've been but don't know where i'm going. just staying in the moment. but...i know one thing for sure...i'm happy for the day you came into my life. you're a good friend and a wonderful Grandblogmom.

wishing you happy holidays and an exciting 2018.

joyeux Noel et bonne année!

...lots of love and big hugs

Mike@Bit About Britain said...

Have a wonderful Christmas, Hilary, and an even better 2018. Thanks for all your fascinating, meticulously researched, articles - and your your lovely comments - this year.

Pat Garcia said...

So true. We will never know a new beginning until we find or know an end. I enjoyed reading how you deciphered the epochs of your life.
Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a successful crossover into 2018.

Shalom aleichem,
Pat Garcia

Sally said...

Great words, sometimes things present themselves that turn in to opportunities.

Rhodesia said...

We have had so many unexpected moves in our lives, I never expected to leave Africa!! Have a great Christmas and keep warm. Diane

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

@ Debby - thanks so much for your wishes ... you too!

@ Donna - now you can watch those cycles with your daughter raising her family ... that must be wonderful. All the best to you and yours ...

@ Lenny - thank you so much for that wonderful comment - especially the part where my Mama and I came into your life - I'm sure it was my Ma that brought us together ... it's been a happy time. Certainly I hope 2018 shows us both and others the joys of life in its full ... and I've been thinking about learning some French while I'm here ... so I'll copy yours and say 'joyeux Noel et bonne année' !!!

@ Mike - pleasure ... good to see you and I love coming by and seeing what you've written ... especially as I'm always enlightened by some aspect which then ties in to something that I can relate to ...

@ Pat - lots more in those epochs of life ... but it's the way we go as each decade and the ages pass ... love that phrase ... 'a successful crossover into 2018' ... thanks for your wishes ...

@ Sally - yes there's always something coming along - sometimes suddenly, other times in life's progression ...

@ Diane - I think if I'd been in Africa I'd have never thought I'd be leaving either ... in fact I never thought I'd get to Africa - to live ... let alone Canada ...

Thanks so much everyone - so lovely to see you ... enjoy yourselves at Christmas, being with your families, friends or peacefully at home ... take care - cheers for now! Hilary

Vallypee said...

What a roundup of your life, Hilary! A very neat summary. Nine inches of snow is a lot!! I thought the Canadians were always so well prepared too. Merry Christmas, Hilary!

Olga Godim said...

Yeah, life throws change at us all again and again. It's up to us to deal with those changes.
Happy holidays, Hilary.

C.D. Gallant-King said...

Stay safe, and enjoy your Christmas. It's been a heck of a ride. Best wishes to all!

Lynda Dietz said...

Sounds like your life has been quite the adventure so far, living all those different places.

I like the idea that each end is a beginning of something else. I'm looking forward to getting 2017 behind me and marching onward.

Enjoy your holidays!

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

@ Val - yes 9" ... thankfully it's 'melting' down somewhat - but frozen topping! Canadians are organised ... just not the lady I'm with - this person (me!) has been asking for ages what do we do when the snow comes down ...

@ Olga - yes life is full of changes as we move through our years ... some easier to deal with than others - some times takes us onward ...

@ CD - yes I'll do my best to stay safe and will enjoy Christmas and all it holds ... I suppose I've been fortunate to do things many others haven't ... and now new things again - another chapter ...

@ Lynda - there's a few other things in there too .. but those are the fillings. Each end is a beginning ... this beginning I didn't see coming though ...

Thanks everyone - enjoy some time off ... relax, laugh and live lots - cheers Hilary

klahanie said...

Hi Hilary,

Poignant and reflective, my thoughtful friend. The cycle within the cycle.

Let it snow on magical Vancouver Island.

Wishing you a wonderful Canadian Christmas and an inspiring, contented 2018, Hilary.


M. Denise C. said...

Have a Merry Christmas, Hilary! Stay safe on your journey. Love reading your reflections. Happy 2018! And so it goes ...

D.G. Hudson said...

What a neat timeline, which made me recall my own experiences by decade. You've had a full life, Hilary, and will likely have more to come. I'm glad you're getting to see a bit of Canadian life and I hope at some point we can meet before you head back to the UK. Hope your Christmas is merry and not too different from what you're used to. We have a little snow on the Lower Mainland, but not enough to cause problems.

RO said...

What an adventurous life Hillary, and I wish you many more as we approach 2018! Merry, Merry Christmas! Hugs...RO

Patsy said...

You're right, Hilary - life is a cycle and what we think of as endings are nearly also the beginnings of something else.

I hope the snow doesn't cause you too many problems.

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

@ Gary - it was the easiest way to say there's always another beginning ahead, unless our time is up ...

It was snowing, we had a bit yesterday ... and yes let 2018 be inspiring, contented and easier to live with ...

@ Denise - thanks so much ... and we are constantly beginning again, then again ... then 2018 comes along!

@ DG - it was the easy way to do it ... and I guess it is full ... and I sincerely hope lots more to come as the years catch up towards the real end. I hope I can get over to Vancouver to meet up - that would be lovely ... I think Christmas will be somewhat different - farm life, and young children around for a few day: but a change for sure. We certainly had a cloudful or two of the white stuff ... still around.

@ RO - thank you ... I guess no children means one can do other things!

@ Patsy - there's always a cycle going on in our lives, or with our near and dear ones - then we can begin again or start over ... the snow is fine and beautiful ...

Cheers to you all - Happy festive season and family togetherness ... enjoy life with lots of laughter ... take care - Hilary

Suzanne Furness said...

I hope you are enjoying your Canadian adventures, Hilary. Wishing you a very merry Christmas and a happy new year.

Jo said...

We finally had a reasonable snow fall but still not 9 inches Hilary. Looks like we might get out for Christmas Dinner after all. Enjoy yours.

bookworm said...

So, you are already busy having adventures (and less snow than we've had so far, in a snowy part of upstate New York.) I haven't had the experience of living on different continents - only in several states of the United States - I look forward to your further adventures. The Unknown Journey Ahead

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

@ Suzanne - thanks so much ... snowy, crisp, deep and uneven (after some melt!) - today clear and sunny ...

@ Jo - glad all ok ...

@ Bookworm - yes it's 'fairly fun here' - winter isn't really meant to come in just yet here - but I got an early dose! Living on different continents has been a fascinating experience ...

Thanks so much for all of you who come by and read ... I wish you all well for the festive period and the coming New Year - cheers Hilary

mail4rosey said...

It's like we live completely different little lives with the same home base, isn't it? I'm here to wish you a very Merry Christmas!

Yolanda Renée said...

Life's journey is such an adventure! With new adventures in each decade.

Wishing you the Happiest of New Year's!

Natalie Aguirre said...

I really enjoyed your post and how you have looked at all the changes in life. They come whether they like them or not. And you aren't kidding about not knowing where life will take you. I could never imagine how much my own life would change after the sudden death of my husband four years ago. Here's hoping for a Happy New Year for all of us.

Nilanjana Bose said...

An ending and a new beginning on three different continents! Life is all about changes, and each change is a beginning of a new adventure. Just back from one of your continents and reading again, sorry it's taken me so long to come back here.

Wish you the very best for your new beginning and for 2018, Hilary.


Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

@ Rosey - thanks so much for your wishes ... it sounds like your time will be fun with the family ...

@ Renee - life's journey is an adventure - we just need to get over the challenges and then move on ... I'm about to start a new decade ... so we'll see where I go from Canada!

@ Natalie - so lovely to see you and yes challenges (some relatively easy to get over, some awful) ... and you've had a terrible shock of one - I think I probably met you round about that time ... and thought of you coping through your husband's sad and sudden loss to you and the family ...

@ Nila - thanks so much for coming by and commenting ... Africa is a wonderful continent - as too India ... and we all have changes - they come and go ... some major ups and downs - but our lives go on ...

Thanks so much to you all ... and to everyone I can only wish us the best that life can offer us, while we give back the most we can too ... take care and here's to a smooth move into 2018 ... cheers Hilary

Mark said...

Happy times to you too and a life well spent! :)

Sherry Ellis said...

It's interesting to see where life takes us. There are lots of twists and turns!

Enjoy your trip to Canada!

Happy New Year!

Pat Hatt said...

Life's journey can sure take us many places that we never thought we'd go. Can always keep learning until the end comes. Funny how you guys got the snow out there that we usually get, I'm fine with the switch haha

desk49 said...

A bit of a pickle
you put me in
From this story
which you send

Life that won’t stop
till the end
You’ve broken it
into years of ten

Once we know
the beginning
We’ll have to
face the end

Thank for the read.

Sandra Cox said...

Nine inches of snow! What a welcome to Canada, hey?
Hope your holidays were wondrous.
You have lived such an interesting life, so many fascinating stories to tell.
Hope 2018 brings you all things wonderful, Hilary.

A Cuban In London said...

What a beautiful post. Happy New Year! :-)

Greetings from London.

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

@ Mark - thanks .. and all the best with your new book ...

@ Sherry - it is interesting to see where life takes us - you, I expect, have had lots of interesting stories to tell with your various activities ... music, books, teaching, gardening etc ...

@ Pat - we can always learn and laugh (thankfully) as the episodes and chapters come along. I know we had some hefty snow here - but I'm just glad we didn't have the dumps some of you have had, nor that level of cold!

@ Desk49 - well done on your poem ... you're so clever with them - and so relevant to each and every topic ... I enjoy seeing them around the blogosphere ...

@ Sandra - yes ... the snow, lack of electricity and thus other things has been interesting ... now I have even more stories to tell ... and I look forward to life in Canada for a short while ...

@ ACIL - thanks for the visit - good to see you ...

Happy New Year to you all ... all the very best - cheers Hilary

cleemckenzie said...

Lovely. Life is all about beginning and ending, and trying to enjoy the middle as much as possible. May you have many more adventures in 2018, Hilary. I hope to share some of them with you via your blog.

sage said...

For many of us, life moves us around. Have a wonderful 2018 (and I hope you had a white and beautiful Christmas).

Vanessa Morgan said...

Happy New Year!

jennyfreckles said...

Happy New Year. Yes, this time of year makes me reflect too. Hope 2018 is full of good things for you.

Sandra Cox said...

Happy First Day of the New Year, Hilary:)

Lynn said...

I didn't realize you had lived in South Africa. You really have seen the world.

Emily in Ecuador said...

Beautiful. My favorite - life is an emotional rollercoaster. We never know when it is going to drop down and take us for a ride.

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

@ Lee - I'll be here ... and that middle is still unfolding, which I hope I will enjoy ... at the moment life is hassly ... but I'll be here one way or the other ...

@ Sage - yes we had a white Christmas - lovely part of the world to be in for a white one.

@ Vanessa - thanks for coming by ... and all the best for 2018 to you too ...

@ Jenny - this prompt came from the WEP blogfest ... I couldn't think of a story to write - this popped up ... and yes reflect ... I too hope 2018 holds good for us all ...

@ Sandra - thank you ... long time off now as we're nearly at the end of the month ..

@ Lynn - yes I spent those years there ... so far not Australia - but Africa is an extraordinary continent ...

@ Emily - good to see you ... and life is an emotional rollercoaster - we never quite know what's going to happen next ...

Cheers and happy new years to you all - sorry this reply comment is so late - Hilary