After the
Church’s September Festival there were some books left over – and I was pleased
to see that there’s a program: Discover Books – which will collect, sort and
appropriately distribute the excess works …
![]() |
To Discover Books |
I had never
come across Discover Books – and here’s a captured image from their site …
A (miniscule) few of their books |
… and here’s
some thoughts on their approach:
Striving to divert books from landfills, help with the global problem of illiteracy …
Books are
here for discovery, imagination, achievement, to be read again, donated to
someone in need …
We all drool as we look at filled book shelves - with Discover Books others can join us |
environment is precious … so books are sent onwards not ‘dumped’ into landfill;
literacy improvement is essential; where books are in good condition – they can
go to libraries in need …
Have a look
at their website – I’m sure it will be a useful reference tool for many of us –
I had not heard of the organisation and often wondered what happened to the
many books that seem to be discarded …
As their
site says ‘Put your Books in Motion, not Storage or worse dumped' …
Resell Redistribute Recycle
Here’s to a
great organisation … we all love to read and know our books are going to a good
cause … this is it. Frankly I was so
pleased to know Discover Books would be collecting the balance of publications
the Church had left over …
We Are The
World – In Darkness Be Light
DiscoverBooks – let the stories LIVE ON …
Letters Inspirational Stories
There are still many second-hand booksellers in Cambridge. For many years I didn't read anything apart from recycled novels, many of which went back after I'd read them to be sold again. I'm always surprised when i go to other towns that there are so few bookshops.
I do love my books - and it worries me about the future - will they become a thing of the past? These books will become even more valuable. sandie
Brilliant idea.
A small community library has started in our street. We are invited to donate books, to take books, to recycle books. It is going well, and I hope it grows.
Books in landfill makes my heart and head hurt.
I can't imagine books in a landfill. I've got a friend who's kids go to a very unique school. This school accepts all kinds of books by donation since it's building its library. That's been worthwhile.
What a wonderful idea! There are still many many children who don't own a book. Adults, too, probably, but I'm more concerned with the little ones. We were kinda on the poor side when I was growing up, but our house was filled with a wealth of books.
Have a super weekend. Cheers!
@ John - I bet Cambridge has lots of interesting book-stores ... sadly mostly 2nd hand ones. I've for some reason never got in the habit of buying books that way - no idea why ... as now it makes total sense. I don't read a lot of novels though ... who knows our logic!
@ Sandie - I don't think books will go out in the next couple of generation's lifetimes ... after that who knows. But I love my books ... as you obviously do ...
@ EC - I was delighted to learn about Discover Books - such a good way to recycle any book. Those little libraries that are springing up in communities are such fun to see and to learn about ... I do agree and hope yours grows ... I'm sure it will as you'll be supporting it. The thought of books in landfill is too awful to contemplate.
@ Joanne - as I mentioned to EC ... books in landfill appal me. Your friend's kid's school sounds wonderful .. that they're eagerly searching for books for their new library - wonderful to know about. Very worthwile as you say ...
@ Susan - isn't it such a great idea. I know so sad that people aren't reading, can't read, or worse don't want to read. You were lucky that your parents saw their way to make sure their kids read ... and experienced that wealth of knowledge and life to be found in books. We were lucky too.
Thanks for visiting - so good to see you all ... # WATWB is such a great monthly blogfest ... cheers Hilary
Now that's what I call a fabulous cause Hilary. Great find to share! :) x
What a great idea. I donate to our thrift stores, library, or give books to friends. I plan to get rid of most of mine (we'll see how that goes) as part of my not wanting to leave much behind. It's very freeing.
Oh my.
I hadn't heard of them, either, but I'm spreading the word among my bookish circle!
What a wonderful organization.
I will be checking their website Hilary. I have a ton of books which I didn't want to just "dump" maybe they will be interested.
What a waste to dump books anyway! Good for them.
I found Discover Books on eBay and agree that books should never EVER be destroyed. But where do the profits go to?
Great initiative Hilary! Thank you -
I love knowing that books are getting redistributed. There are so many places that won't take books anymore, and it makes me so sad to think that perfectly good reading material might end up in a dump somewhere.
Do people really throw books out? I can't imagine that. I have collected hundreds (and hundreds) of books in the past, struggled with what to do with them. A huge pile, I donated to my daughter's ship, for their library. Another huge pile went to the library. Never would I throw them out. I'm kind of happy to have digital books now--no more worries about who to regift them to!
@ Debby - it was so good to know the extra books were going to various places where they would be valued.
@ Inger - yes I can see the reason for clearing most things and books are definitely items others may not want - I'm sure it's freeing. I kept rather too many when I left the UK awaiting my return.
@Jz - that's great ... I just enjoy knowing about these organisations to do exactly what you're doing ... spreading their name around ...
@ Liz - I was pleased to find out about them ...
@ Jo - that's good - and I'm sure they'll appreciate your donations ... hope they can help.
@ Alex - yes ... well sadly some people can't be bothered ... sad that responsibility in life is ignored ...
@ Hels - oh that's good ... I don't use eBay; though I'm sure most of us hate the thought of books being destroyed. I've no idea where the profits go - they are a charity though ...
@ Susan - thanks ... it's good to know they will take left over books ...
@ Lynda - yes it's good to pass books on isn't it: so this organisation seems to have its collection and distribution models well set up ...
@ Jacqui - some I'm quite sure throw books out ... sometime organisations like this one aren't known about. That's a great idea to donate to your daughter's ship ... and to the local library - makes sense.
I can't get used to reading on a digital device ... I seem to 'have to' have the real thing in my hand ...
Thanks for all your comments - we all love our books and are so grateful that we are able to read ... it's good to know spare ones are getting distributed locally, overseas etc ... cheers Hilary
Books are one of those things I can't bear to simply throw out. If I have no further need of a book, I always have to find a good home for it. Glad to hear about this worthy program!
Hard to let many go, but I share in mini libraries a friend has 12 of.At the library now, the librarian had to go get one of her boys from soccer. Life in a small town LOL
We used a similar company when I worked in a library. They took our discard and sold / sent to developing countries / pulped as they saw fit. There was a charge, but that was usually offset by the sales.
That's a wonderful idea!
The mere idea that someone would throw out a book that is still readable is just appalling to me. How is that not a crime? It should be. There are so many people in this world who could have better lives with access to literature.
Thanks for sharing this post. Society needs more ideas like this one!
There are so many libraries that could use those books, too.
The only way I will throw away a book is if it falling apart or has rodent chews in them from being in an attic or cellar. Especially children's books!
What?? There are actual people who throw books away???? Utterly gobsmacked at the idea!!! Can't imagine doing that...I'm hanging on to books from when I was all of 6 years old :) which incidentally is a long, long time off now...
I sure hate to see books thrown away. It is the hard work and passion of a writer.
@ Ian - I agree with you ... and like you I would like the book to go somewhere worthwhile - where it'll be valued.
@ Steve - it's so difficult letting books go; but it's excellent to read about your mini libraries ... I'm sure they're much valued in a small town with lots going on ...
@ Anabel - it makes sense the libraries would know about these organisations ... I just hadn't come across them before. Yes it does seem that the spare books also get sent off to developing countries or I expect hurricane ravaged ones; I can understand re the cost/charge element ...
@ Misha - I was delighted to know the left-over books were being taken to a good cause ...
@ J Lenni - yes it is sad isn't it ... and people sadly are selfish and don't think of others or giving them away to help others to get educated ...
@ Diane - the organisation seems well set up ... the network of distributors, receivers, overseas libraries in need ... appear to be there in their 'about us' pages ...
@ Denise - I know that's the way I feel ... particularly with classics, and good reference books ...
@ Nila - yes they do ... thankfully ours were kept and my brother has the collection now ... not having kids and moving around life changes somewhat. I have my particular books though ... they are now in store.
@ Teresa - yes you're right there ... it is the hardwork and passion of the author ... so sad to see them thrown out.
Thanks so much - I know we all love our books and books in general - take care and have a good first week of October - Hilary
Amen, keep those books revolving into the hands of eager readers:)
I'm about to have a big book turnout. I will be taking them to the local charity shop. I get a lot of books from there too, so I'm a great supporter of book recycling!
I can't even imagine books being dumped into the landfills. But I imagine they are!
How purr-fect! Kudos to Discover Books.
I love seeing organizations like this. Throwing out books has always felt wrong to me. Maybe I can send them my unwanted books...
Oh my gosh, Hilary! We as a people would be lost without books. Sharing books is the best thing to do, for books are nothing unless they are opened to be read. Thanks for another great post.
I can't imagine anyone throwing away books. Sacrilegious!
Love it that there's a place like Discover Books!
How wonderful! I love that the books are not thrown away and are instead placed where they can be read/used. Yay for Discover Books!
@ Mark - yes the organisation keeps the books moving around the world ...
@ Val - I do that too ... but don't read many that I want to return - which makes life challenging bookwise. Good for you though ... I do that as well - or give them out locally ...
@ Paula - I suspect books are at times just dumped ... however it's often encouraged to pulp them ...
@ Sandra - I agree 'kudos' to Discover Books ...
@ Sara - I was delighted to know there was such an organisation - especially where there will be lots of 'left-over' books after a big sales such as this one. Good luck with interacting with them to find out about your books ... if you're in Sweden - the libraries may be pleased to have them as I suspect they'll be in English? - and useful for the refugees etc ...
@ Victoria Marie - we would be completely lost without books. Sharing our books is the best possible - and need to be read ... mine can linger - I am doing something about it ...
@ Renee - completely sacrilegious to throw away any books ... I so agree. I too am pleased to know about this organisation ...
Thanks so much - all of us love books so much we dread the thought of any book hitting the mud never to be looked at again ... now at least we know where we can recycle books and they help others ... Cheers Hilary
Hi Jess - you snuck in ... and I know you and Stephanie are book-aholics ... so as you say it's good to know they will get to someone to be read ... and not be wasted ...
Cheers Hilary
Hi Hilary, I love the idea of the Discover Books site. As it happens, my daughter's mother-in-law manages a number of AgeUK shops and will be collecting our latest pile of 'sad-to-see-go' treasures to sell in one of them. I simply have no more room for books here other than those I buy/add to my collection. I just did a rough count and I seem to have 1100 books on my shelves and that's just downstairs - doesn't include the loft, the barn or bedrooms. I confess that I did keep a few books of my sister's. well, I couldn't possibly send them all away! I also have quite a few titles on my Kindle but nothing replaces the feel and smell of a real book eh? ;-)
This has me thinking what will happen to my collection of books when I'm no longer around. There's a lot of them! :)
What a fantastic program! Books put to use, not dumped into landfill.
How awesome! It horrifies me to think any books would go to a landfill. There's always somewhere and someone out there who will take them in. Have a lovely week, Hilary. :)
I love it! Admittedly, I have donated a couple books to places like this, but I feel like books are love. =)
This is good to know. I'm glad that this service is available. I've always thought it such a waste to see books just disposed of when someone might use them. Appreciate the info, Hilary. Hope you are doing well. Have a lovely rest of the week! :)
Gah! It pains my heart to think that books are being dumped in a landfill. I'm so grateful you found this organization and for all that, they are doing for our written word.
Just wanted to let you know. The "fix" you told me about to get comments coming to me via email again worked! Thank you so much. Cheers!
I'm always snagging books for my library. Never want to see them thrown away!
That's wonderful! I love that the local library will resell books they can't use themselves and that money goes to help fund library services.
What a great program. I love that there are so many folks out there who still read and consider books a valuable source of information, and dreams...
@ Deborah - I was so pleased to find this organisation ... and that they took the extra books to distribute where needed. I've been cutting back for the last few years ... still I managed to store in the UK rather more than I should have done I guess ... still old faithfuls - much needed memories ... they'll be waiting for me on my return.
As you say nothing replaces a real book - the e-readers do nothing for me ...
@ David - I'm afraid I don't know ... but hopefully whoever clears up will find good homes for them ... perhaps you'll have resolved that issue by the time the later years come along ...
@ Lee - I just liked the idea ... that they always would seem to have a place for any book ...
@ Christine - I know ... but books do get chucked out. Sadly a lot more so now - but I was interested to read that they will distribute to natural disaster areas too ...
@ Crystal - I give mine to the local hospice ... and now here ... back possibly to the Church - then next year they can sell on ...
@ Karen - I hadn't realised there was such a service - that dispersed books around the globe to needy areas. As you say it's good to know ...
@ Elsie - they seem to be doing a good job - though I'd never heard of them ... I thought anyone reading would appreciate knowing ...
@ Susan - oh that's great ... a couple of people told me - but I sort of pass it on if I see 'a damsel in distress'!!! Good fix ...
@ Jennifer - now you've started as a librarian - you'll be out there all the time ... it's fun isn't it - knowing books will always be there ... well at least for the next few decades ...
@ Holly - when I get back to England ... I'll check what the local library and hospice do with their extra books - they must use this sort of organisation: that then helps others ...
@ Lisa - oh yes ... books don't seem to be dying out ... I still prefer to read a book, not e-read one ...
Cheers to you all - so pleased this post is resonating ... Hilary
That is a great organization. I hate to see books go to waste.
Oh wow, Discover Books sounds like such a great organization. When I was moving, I had to part with many books but I found it difficult to give them away. It's a tragedy for books to end up in landfill.
Wow, what an amazing scheme. I hate to see books being discarded to landfill. Thanks for high lighting. Best wishes, Hilary.
A wonderful thing is happening where I live. People are creating libraries in the street, beautifully made timber cupboards, with books for all to take. Recycled books. A wonderful idea.
I love books. I write books. But even I admit that we produce too many books.
At any pharmacy, grocery store or Wal-Mart there's always a wall of hundreds of paperbacks (best-sellers and romance novels). A few will be sold, but most of those will go straight into the garbage (literally - it costs more to ship them back than it costs to make them so the deal with distributors is that they have to be destroyed). Most libraries don't even want these books because they just have so many of them already. Every library I've ever been to always has a box of these books in their front porch that they give away for free because no one can be bothered to borrow them/pay $0.25 donation for them.
They're not going to last. They're printed cheaply on newspaper print so they're going to yellow and fade and deteriorate. Much like newspapers, they're made to be disposable, so you don't need to feel bad about throwing them out.
If you have a charity that will take the books WONDERFUL, please donate them, but even most charities won't take cheap romance paperbacks. The whole point of this rant is to say that it's OKAY to dispose of books sometimes. In fact, the nice thing about digital books is these are the exact books we should be buying digitally, so we don't have to produce wasteful paperbacks in the first place.
Sorry, that really did turn into a big rant. I'm not arguing to do away with all books. If you do have nice books, hardcover books, books that you love, then by all means keep them, share them, trade them, sell them, donate them, treasure them. But we can't do that with every book, nor should we.
Hi Hilary!
I would never think of throwing a book away! I get upset if they're mistreated (though I shamefully admit to using one as weapon against a snake, once). I appreciate any effort to preserve and share, rather than destroy books. Thanks for sharing such good news :-)
@ Susan - oh I know ... but after CD's comment below - I think I'll try and find out more about excess printing ... but this seems like a great organisation ...
@ Lynda - as you say 'wow' - and we do need to clear books out - I strategically give mine away ... but definitely not to landfill ...
@ Suzanne - well I was really pleased to find out about them ... I now probably need to find out more ... after Thanksgiving!
@ Denise - these little libraries are popping up in various neighbourhoods ... which I think is great news. Little cupboards for books, or book shelves, or little bird houses ... they look so delightful ... as you say a wonderful idea in local communities ...
@ CD - thanks for this 'rant' - I'm glad you've posted it ... for us all to ponder. I'm now going to try and find out about what happens to the Walmart/superstore excess books ...
It's a difficult time ... one wonders who pays for the book runs ... cheap paper, yes I've noticed that recently ...
I think we all are good recyclers ... it's those huge emporiums that probably aren't quite so scrupulous ... yet I wonder who/where the cost of printing the runs falls to ...
Personally I don't like reading digitally - usually because I'm reading something relatively serious, or serious ... and I really don't have time for novels - much as I'd like to ... I'm in learning mode: which means I make notes ...
I think we're all with you on this ... so great comment - thank you ...
@ Diedre - I'm sure we're all like that (well us blogging lot!) ... as for whopping a snake with a book ... I'm not sure who to feel sorry for - the book or the snake ... I suspect the snake - though you obviously didn't feel that way!
Thanks everyone - so good to read your support for Discover Books and for CD's comment - now I wonder about those huge pile of books to be found in supermarkets and what happens afterwards ... I have a feeling some go to pulp - which means more books ...
Here's to reading though and passing on our books - cheers Hilary
I am so happy to know that books are not being dumped! In India, they do recycle books but all libraries and orphanages accept books. This redistribution of books is an excellent process. Thanks for sharing this, I am following them now to see if it works here as well.
Thank you so much! In Darkness, Be Light. Team #WATWB
Hi Inderpreet - good to see you ... and that you are happy about this organisation ... I too was so pleased to read up about them. It's excellent to think that 'our unwanted' books can go out to a good cause - wherever that might be around the world. I'm glad you enjoyed the post and are now following their site ... cheers Hilary
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