Thursday 12 December 2019

Write … Edit … Publish … Bloghop/IWSG hop: Footprints …

She was dreaming of Tinkerbell … the little snowflake fairy who could mist magic over the land … bringing happiness and joy to everyone …

Tinkerbell in bronze (2005) by
Diarmuid Byron O'Connor -
commissioned by Great
Ormond Street Hospital

 … all life on the earth … she knew Santa Claus would not drive his sleigh of reindeer any more, but a train full of presents for the lucky ones would come down from the northern snowy lands …

… in her dream she just wanted the world to be full of love and understanding … 

Snow cyrstals
... she tossed and turned a little – but rested again … the morning would come and there would be fairy snow …

… a new day would dawn … but for now she snuggled amongst her warm bedding, hoping her dreams would come true … 

... then she could make footprints in the snow … her excitement grew … before she fell back to sleep …

Footprints in the snow …

Hilary Melton-Butcher
Positive Letters Inspirational Stories


Hels said...

"In her dream she just wanted the world to be full of love and understanding". Amen to that. I hope the dream comes true, one day. Not love for everyone else, perhaps, but certainly tolerance for everyone else.

John "By Stargoose And Hanglands" said...

No fairy snow here, just muddy footprints on my kitchen floor!

David M. Gascoigne, said...

My most recent footprints in the snow are not quite so picturesque, Hilary. They were created as I shovelled several centimetres of the white stuff from my driveway and sidewalk. Now even those footprints are gone, but my sidewalk and drive are as clean as a whistle, as good as any on the street! But I can see the marks left by a rabbit overnight as it bounded through the snow in the backyard and I will doubtless add my own footprints today as I go out to refill my bird feeders. Tinkerbell would approve, I am sure.

Joanne said...

very sweet footprints story. Quite magical for the season.

Jo said...

Funny, I try not to leave footprints in the snow or walk in it at all. Love and understanding would be a wonderful dream come true.

I was only thinking, the other day, I wondered if I had ever made snow angels, I really don't remember.

Chatty Crone said...

in her dream she just wanted the world to be full of love and understanding …
I hope so!!!!!!!!! Sandie

Roland D. Yeomans said...

I miss leaving footprints in the snow since I left Detroit, Michigan. May that girl's dream of a world brimming with love and understanding come true for all of us in 2020. Beautiful story, Hilary :-)

Lynda Dietz said...

This is sweet, Hilary! We got about six inches of snow yesterday, and it's cold enough that everything sparkles.

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

@ Hels - thank you ... a much better way of putting it: tolerance for everyone.

@ John - yes ... very muddy ones down here too ... distinctly gloomy today - not sure it's because of where we're at or it's just the weather!

@ David - gosh I'm glad I don't have to shovel snow, but good for you for getting your pavement and drive as clean as a whistle and matching the others in the street - or better. Oh yes wildlife leave their trails ... as too your feathered friends as they search for food - especially after you've filled the bird feeders. Tinkerbell, I'm sure would be very happy ...

@ Joanne - just a little snippet of Tinkerbell's snow time ...

@ Jo - sometimes one just needs to get out and about - not sure what I'll do should we get 'a dump of the white stuff' ... thankfully it tends not to last down here.

Gosh I'd forgotten about snow angels - I've only recently come across the term ... so am sure I never made snow-angels ... but they must be fun to do - especially on pristine snow ...

@ Sandie - yes don't we all, especially at this time of year - season of hope and joy - to dream of love and understanding all around our world.

@ Roland - yes I can believe leaving the seasonal Detroit, Michigan would take some used to adjustment to living in the deep south of Louisiana. Oh how I hope 2020 is just kind and lovely to us all - cheers Hilary

@ Lynda - many thanks 'sweet' it definitely is; gosh six inches of the white stuff ... so glad I'm not there! But it does look so beautiful ... I always love looking out over snow - just not dealing with it!

Thanks so much to you all ... I'll be around to read everybody's story soon - cheers Hilary

Rhodesia said...

I would prefer footprints in the snow I think to the heavy mud prints everywhere here at present. The weather is very depressing and I am sure Tinkerbell will not be happy visiting here for a while. Have a good day, Diane

cleemckenzie said...

I'm with this dreamer. May her dreams come true. Thank you, Hilary, for the sweet thoughts. They're perfect for this time of year, but we need them all year around.

Elephant's Child said...

This is truly lovely.
Many thanks for a gentle, hope-filled story.

Susan B.Rouchard said...

Beautiful seasonal piece. Very moving and snug. Thank you Hilary for sharing. May the fairy bring you inspirational writing and sweet dreams for Christmas. Have a happy holiday. Looking forward to reading you in 2020.

Jemi Fraser said...

Soft, sweet, and beautiful - love it!

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

@ Diane - thanks ... I think I might agree with you - yet snow can build up around one's boots ... then that falls off - a boot area is needed ... most of us don't have that space. The weather is very grotty ... and here we've had snow, hail and rain ... down here (South Coast) it's just grotty ... I'd love Tinkerbell to up her game at the moment!

@ Lee - this dreamer's story could have been better ... but I'd love all things to come right ... and we do need everyone to think of the best of things at this time of year ...

@ EC - thanks ... just a gentle little story ... but glad you feel, like I did, full of hope ...

@ Susan - great to see you ... and thank you for the positive endorsement ... dreams for us all - let's hope 2020 is honest for us all ...

@ Jemi - lovely to see you .. thanks for the support of the little story ...

Cheers to everyone - Hilary

Pat Garcia said...


I have to admit that I love stories about fairies. Even now. Walt Disney's film about Tinker Bell l is still one of my favorites. There is something within me that changes when I think of spreading hope and love, not only during the Christmas season but spreading it throughout the year.

I enjoyed reading this.

Have a Merry Christmas and a great crossover into 2020.

Shalom aleichem,
Pat G.

L.G. Keltner said...

This was so sweet and an absolute pleasure to read! The pictures you chose were lovely and added so much to my reading experience. Nicely done!

Yolanda Renée said...

It is the hope of the season, and yet disappointment is the truth. Still, the hope is alive and as long as it is, we will all dream.
Excellently done. All children deserve such happiness. If only those with the ability to make it so, would!
Sorry, guess I'm feeling a little blue today because for too many years I bought into the promise.
Okay, I'll shut up. I'm just making it worse. :)

See what your few sweet words can do...

Rebecca M. Douglass said...

Nice! I love the photo of the inverted foot print. I can enjoy the snow photos, since I live where I don't have to deal with the stuff :)

Denise Covey said...

I'm with Tinkerbell - '...she just wanted the world to be full of love and understanding'. Amen. As the song says, 'what the world needs now is love sweet love...' It might be a faint hope, but it is hope.

Hilary, thanks for your contributions to WEP over time. You are valued. You always inspire us with your research and words. I hope to see you continue in 2020.

Merry Christmas! Happy New Year!


Olga Godim said...

Charming, utterly charming.
Happy holidays, Hilary.

bookworm said...

Fairy snow - yes, where I live fairy snow is a term for a small dusting of snow, just enough to cover the ground. I see, in your dreams, a little girl, and she has such a lovely dream. Alana

Nas said...

Beautiful dreams. We also don't have snow.

Liz A. said...

A nice dream. I hope she gets her snow.

mail4rosey said...

Walking in the snow is magical, especially the first snow. I think our world is full of love and understanding, we just forget because there's a lot of other things going on too. Have a wonderful day!

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

@ Pat – oh little fairies can bring so much joy – Tinkerbell was my favourite growing up and now as I grow older (ancient!) Spreading joy and hope just so important in today’s age … especially at Christmas time in these gloomy short days … thank you.

@ Laura – thank you … I enjoy adding the photos – they bring that little extra to the posts or stories …

@ Yolanda – at least when we’re little we believe what we believe – just sadly we grow up and become a little jaundiced. As you say we, as adults, just need to move along and encourage others to be cheerful, as well as hopeful.

@ Rebecca – thank you … with luck down on the south coast we won’t have snow either.

@ Denise – oh to be Tinkerbell would help so many. Yes we do all need love … that song will remain with me now for the day.

It’s a pleasure being around WEP and offering a story of sorts … I just enjoy being around and having the opportunity to write something up for each challenge.

@ Olga – many thanks …

@ Alana – a dusting of snow is fine … but little ones need a bit more to make snowmen, and slide down hills … however for now we can dream …

@ Nas – many thanks … great seeing you here …

@ Liz – I expect Tinkerbell will get her snow … just how much is always a future worry … makes life difficult for so many, yet gives wonders for children …

@ Rosey – oh I agree: walking on pristine snow is just so much fun … but can always be a bit much after time.

You’re right there are many people who are kind and thoughtful … and will do so much to help others …

Thanks so much for visiting and commenting – lovely to see you … and to everyone a very happy run up to Christmas as we approach 2020 – cheers Hilary

R's Rue said...

So in awe.

Keith's Ramblings said...

What a sweet story. I wonder if we'll get snow this year? it's been a while. I hope so because my family are over from Dubai for Christmas and my 15-year-old granddaughter has never seen snow!

Dan said...

I wish her dream could come true.

Jacqui Murray--Writer-Teacher said...

What a lovely dream. Footprints in the snow could be frightening. I love how you turned that around.

bazza said...

A little love and understanding:
CLICK HERE for Bazza’s meaningfully minatory Blog ‘To Discover Ice’

Jemima Pett said...

I enjoyed that :)

Lenny Lee said...

Very sweet story. She must have been dreaming about the "Polar Express." I hope her dream of a world full of love and understanding comes true.

Eleanor Roosevelt said, "Some friends leave footprints in your heart." For me, that's you my friend. :)

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

@ R' Rue - many thanks ...

@ Keith - thank you ... but I do hope not: to the snow! Just enjoy them being around ... how lovely to know they'll be down the coast with you ... it'll be easier without that white stuff - but you could take them north. Amazing she's never seen snow ... I remember when snow came to Johannesburg September 1981 ... most people had never seen it, nor had to deal with it ... just so much fun watching everyone react.

@ Dan - oh how lovely having that dream come true would be ...

@ Jacqui - many thanks ... a gentle 'write' - and yes hearing footprints can be frightening ... I've never seen them to wonder about!

@ Bazza - we all need lots of understanding: don't we ...

@ Jemima - thank you ...

@ Lenny - how lovely to see you ... and I agree I'd forgotten about the Polar Express (as the name of the train) - comes of not too many kids around encouraging me to watch films!! It'd be great if we could have a world full of understanding and appreciation of others ...

Re Eleanor Roosevelt ... and her quote about leaving footprints in someone's heart: ... which you've given me ... just so lovely to read ... you are a wonder - always uplifting everyone ... me too ...

Thanks to one and all for commenting - I'll be over to read your WEP stories ... cheers Hilary

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Bazza - just listened to Gilbert Becaud's ' A Little Love and Understanding' ... delightful to hear - wonderful ... thanks for directing us to this link. Cheers Hilary

Nilanjana Bose said...

Love the worth fighting for, even dying for. Always lift my spirits with your positivity and optimism, Hilary! And given the situation in my home state, they are in dire need of lifting. Thank you for sharing this flash and the photos at WEP.

Wish you a merry Christmas and a wonderful New Year 2020!

Ornery Owl of Naughty Netherworld Press and Readers Roost said...

Brief and beautiful. It brought a tear to my eye.
The story reminded me of the child I was who just wanted the best for everyone and didn't have an angry thought in her soul. That she ended up being an angry old woman who would happily kick the plethora of horrid old men in power square in the ass if given half the chance tells me not that she went wrong but that there are too many horrid old men (and some horrid old women) in power.
The angry old woman still wants the best for everyone.

Susan Flett Swiderski said...

It's been a long time since I've made any footprints in the snow, but I don't particularly miss the experience. It might be fun to see those big fat flakes coming down... and it might be fun to crunch through the snow while making those footprints... and it might be fun to build a snowman or two. But, and here's the big but... that stuff is COLD!

You did a fine job with the challenge, Hilary. May that sweet little girl's dreams come true.


D.G. Kaye said...

Beautiful story of footprints left in our hearts Hilary. <3 Holiday hugs xx

Susan Kane said...

I remember seeing footsteps in fresh fallen snow, and it was magic. I was child then, and wanted to race out and jump around. My father's footprints were always the ones that left his footsteps.

This was beautiful.

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

@ Nila – one definitely worth fighting for … though I’d prefer no-one needed to die. So pleased the blog remains true to its name. Yes – India too is struggling with religious factions … I heard something this morning and might write post on it … pressing for hope and love by all of us regardless of religion.

You too: may peace be with us all in 2020 and over the season …

@ Cyndi – thank you so much … I think we all did … want people to remember others, especially when we’re children … we can’t see beyond those we love or meet on a day to day basis.

The angry old woman still wants the best, this one too … if only the power leaders would set examples …

@ Susan – I was in Canada when we had the Beast from the East here (mega freeze and east winds) – so gratefully missed it … and having lived through 62/63 I too don’t appreciate heavy snowfall too much … fun for a while – after that the cold and wet falls into focus! It is COLD – you’re right there.

I would hope all little girl’s dreams come true and 2020 is kinder …

@ Debby – thanks so much … life is full of happy dreams – let’s hope they come true for many …

@ Susan – it’s always wonderful looking out over snow – and I love it now, even though it doesn’t (usually) last long down here … and yes poor Dad’s had to go out and clear the snow or bring fire wood in … thanks for enjoying this snippet of life …

Thanks so much to you all – have just had a mini hailstorm here – the cold weather is around … but very damp right now!

Have happy and peaceful Christmases and then a very successful 2020 – cheers Hilary

Elizabeth Spann Craig said...

Lovely imagery!

Wondering if we'll even get snow in my town this year...we didn't last year, sigh.

Patsy said...

I really hope her dreams do come true.

Tanya Miranda said...

That was very sweet. Almost like a bedtime story for a young child. Definitely when the snow falls at night.

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

@ Elizabeth - yes a sprinkling of snow is just lovely, but lots of it - I'd rather not. Thanks ... the imagery brings posts to life ...

@ Patsy - Don't we all wish her dreams would come true ...

@ Tanya - lovely to see you here ... and I should have turned it into a bedtime story: great idea. The snow falls and blankets us in quiet whiteness ...

Thanks for coming over - cheers for now ... just cool and damp here! - Hilary

Christopher Scott Author said...

A dream where the spirit of the holidays extends past year and defies any boundary to bring peace to humanity. Well done, Hilary.

Roland Clarke said...

Magical words creating images and past memories of seasonal dreams. Short, sweet and...snowy. And well-chosen photos. Thanks for this piece, Hilary.

Tyrean Martinson said...

I like how you captured so much imagination and thought in just a handful of phrases. Excellent work!

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

@ Christopher - thanks so much ... our knowledge as kids is beyond boundaries - isn't it ...

@ Roland - if only our happy imaginations could come true ... so glad you enjoyed the piece ... and the photos ...

@ Tyrean - many thanks ... I'm not good at 'short' - but glad the concept came over ...

Thanks so much to the three of you ... I'll be over soon as I'm looking forward to reading other entries ... cheers Hilary

Sandra Cox said...

I loved this. What a lovely way to start the day.

DMS said...

I hope her dreams come true! Kindness all around! Lovely story. Have a wonderful day.

A Hundred Quills said...

How lovely! The world really needs a lot of love.

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

@ Sandra - thanks so much ... so glad it eased your way into the rush of festiveness at this time ...

@ Jess - oh I hope so too ... just a very short tale to remember joy and happiness at this time of year ...

@ Sonia - your story was quite delightful ... and great to see you here and joining WEP ...

Lovely to see you three - Cheers Hilary

dolorah said...

That was adorable Hilary.

Sally said...

Aah, that is lovely.

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Thanks Donna and Sally ... a simple tale - and I've still to get round to other entrants ... I'll be there - thanks for your visits - cheers Hilary

Kalpana said...

What a sweet story. May Tinkerbell's dream come true since it's the dream of so many of us. Happy Holidays to you and a wonderful New Year.

Toi Thomas said...

Short and sweet, and lovely. Nice entry.

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

@ Kalpana - many thanks ... yes I'm sure as tiny tots we dream of so many positive things ... I hope you've had a happy end of the year ...

@ Toi - many thanks ...

Apologies to you all - I've yet to get round, but will do in the early part of 2020!! Take care and Happy New Year - cheers Hilary