Who can resist knowing more about something called
Raspberry Pi … one of my favourite summer fruits is the raspberry – fresh from
the canes, and reminding me of those early cookery years, when I used to make raspberry
parfait as my ‘go to dessert’ …
Raspberry Parfait |
… sorry – deviated away from this ‘little’ computer with
a huge heart (actually a processor I gather – as I was informed yesterday
by a girlfriend!) - that’s become one of the entrepreneurial
essentials during the Covid 19 crisis.
The name, Raspberry Pi, always fascinated me when it
first hit my little grey cells about 10 years ago … the media explaining it was
such a simple ‘processor’ for all of $35 or £20 (entry level cost), but which
can easily be enhanced to increase its processing abilities …
Raspberry Pi 2 Bare BR |
Its history started at Cambridge University where it
was noted, at the start of this century, that there was a decline in numbers
and skills of students applying for Computer Science, which needed to be
addressed …
… the Raspberry Pi Foundation was born and as you can
gather has taken the world by storm … the name derives from a homage to early
computer companies being named after fruit, e.g. Apple, Tangerine Computer
Systems, Apricot Computers, and Acorn (promoted by the BBC)
which then inspired this microcomputer’s design.
Raspberry Pi
Logo |
The “Pi” derives from the original idea to make a
small computer to run using Python, one of the first popular general-purpose programming
languages … now easily, and cheaply available for anyone wanting to start their
programming journey.
NASA Open Source
Rover |
When the 2012 Raspberry Pi upgrade (basic) was first
launched … their aim was to sell 1,000 … but as the BBC highlighted it … a hundred
thousand units were sold the first day!
So recently when I saw Marco Mascarro, a robotics
engineer in California, had posted details of his ventilator developed using a
Raspberry Pi – I was really interested, and wanted to write about it ...
Bogota - the capital of Colombia |
… he made the code open source … available to anyone
to use or modify, without charge – sharing information … to help others.
The University hospital and institutes in Bogota,
Colombia latched on to it, as their need for easily accessible and cheap (or
recyclable) components was essential for their Covid patients … they are now
adapting Mascarro’s ventilator for their needs in South America.
Raspberry canes with fruits |
I had noticed as we became more aware of how appalling
this disease is – that entrepreneurs, small manufacturing businesses, one
wo/man workers … are being creative and turning their hands to immediate needs (be
it ventilators, PPE, gowns, masks,) with incredible speed of achievement.
The Raspberry Pi a small low-cost computer board,
originally created to help teach computer coding … but which over the past
eight years has been embraced by enthusiasts to form the brains of a wide range
of electronics projects, including NASA ...
The logo for how the Raspberry Pi
and its Foundation, established
near Cambridge came about |
Incredibly over 30 million of them have been
manufactured since their launch … and Raspberry Pi is now the 3rd
best-selling general purpose computer platform following the MAC and the PC …
The badge ... for when we post articles
about the good things in life - that others
do and that we see ... it's a monthly hop |
As you know I love different stories and I’d wanted to
use this for a #WATWB post … but decided it needed to be a little longer … and
there’s another aspect – but that will appear when I update about our seafront,
the fires at the hotel and bookshop …
Fresh, fresh berries ... |
‘Tis the season of raspberries … moving on from
asparagus: another love, rhubarb and the early seasonal vegetables, for example
broad beans … all needed for those little grey cells to take on board the uses
for Raspberry Pi …
Hilary Melton-Butcher
Positive Letters Inspirational Stories