Wednesday 5 January 2022

Life is to Treasure …


We are so lucky we live today and have lived as far as this period in history …

Treasure - of Villenna, Spain

Let's enjoy our world, regardless, we are living history … and here in the UK – we live in peace – which means we've had the opportunity to be sensible and realise how lucky we are …

Buses stuck in 1963

There have been a fair number of reflective programmes – reminding us of 'events' that have happened since WW2 – most of us were born since the war …

some have lived through the Great Depression, all of us (most) will have family memories of times since 1900 or perhaps a little earlier.

Stonehenge with blue skies, which 
have been in short supply recently
I realise my parents, born after WW1, survived the War and privations, which we 'inherited' as we grew up … Winter of 1962/1963 – that time is 'iced' into my memory bank …

That's enough for this first post of 2022 – I'm going to see if I can do something about the layout of my blog postings* …

Hazel Dormouse

Happy New Year – life is ahead of us .. let's go – we have the intellect and education to cope, adjust and help others …

* Well I tried - to start it was ok - then I did some editing ... and ah well it's slipped off track again .... ne'er mind ... cheers!

Hilary Melton-Butcher

Positive Letters Inspirational Stories


H. R. Sinclair said...

Beautiful sentiment to start the new year, Let's go! Happy New Year, Hilary!

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Thanks for sounding this positive note to start the new year, Hilary. We always need to be mindful of the benefits in our life, and living in a peaceful democracy, however flawed, is one of them. At the same time, let's redouble our efforts to make sure it stays that way, and most of all exhibit kindness and compassion to others. Nothing is more important to the glue that binds society than that. Thank you for always being such a fabulous stimulus to making us think, and yes, to becoming better people perhaps. The world needs more Hilarys. Hugs from a great admirer, David

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari Om
Here's to a good one, indeed, Hilary. Fret not about the formatting - your bloggy has found its own path and character, so let it be what it is! YAM xx

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

@ Holly - many thanks ... I loved your post ... and will be back to re-read and absorb ...

@ David - honestly you're so kind to me ... and you've endorsed my thoughts in the post to a better place - I was somewhat rushed to have something to put up ... which I needed help with.

I make myself think - and that's a plus in my life ... and more so if the stimulus gets out into the blogosphere. I particularly need to increase my knowledge of the world ... and this year will read more.

@ Yam - absolutely ... I sure hope the whole world has an easier time. I don't fret - not my scene ... thankfully - the blog and I just toddle on along some path! As long as I can post - I'm happy.

Thanks so much - great to see you all - cheers Hilary

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Happy New Year!
And we aren't too concerned about the layout.

Joanne said...

Indeed. As long as we remember history, we can keep looking forward. So much to always compare and contrast. Fortunately we have newer gadgets to "improve" our lives. And I think you should embrace your blog layout - always colorful and keeps ones eyes moving along. It's fun!

Chrys Fey said...

Happy New Year, Hilary!

I like your blog post layout. It's unique to you. :)

P.S. sorry it has taken me so long to return a visit.

Elizabeth Spann Craig said...

Happy New Year to you!

Nice reminder that we are living through history (and during quite a significant time!) Thinking of life now as history helps reduce the day to day stress of the pandemic and helps me look at it through more of a lens. :) Thanks for that reminder!

Sherry Ellis said...

I just visited the World War II museum in New Orleans. Saw a lot of footage about the destruction from the war. It's really good not to have that in our countries! I hope the peace we experience is not shattered by another war.

Wishing you a very happy, healthy 2022!

Debbie D. said...

Thanks for the positive New Year's missive. Let's go - yes! Life has been better but it definitely could be worse. Cheers!

cleemckenzie said...

Yes to all you've written today, Hilary! Great first post of 2022, and I look forward to manny more this year.

L. Diane Wolfe said...

We are living through history and through your blog, you are making sure we don't forget the past.

Anabel Marsh said...

Yes, let’s go! Here’s to a better 2022 for everyone.

Hels said...

My grandparents lived through the Russian Revolution (which they believed in) but life was dangerous. My father was a soldier during the last two years of WW2, and at the same time my mother worked in an explosives factory. I believe my generation, born between 1946-55, was and is totally blessed in comparison.

Botanist said...

The winter of '62 is probably one of my earliest memories as a child ... trudging through the snow to go tobogganing down a nearby hill. The snow seemed deep to me at the time, though it was probably only a few inches.

Michael Di Gesu said...

Happy New Year, Hilary!

A lovely tribute and sentiment of yours and Britain's past. May we all see a better world in 2022~

Liz A. said...

The layout looks fine to me. Blogger's done a number on us since the update. Happy New Year.

mail4rosey said...

Life is definitely something to be treasured. I am 51 and I have been touched by some of the earlier times via my grandparents. When I look back, I just cannot believe how instantly fast things so completely change. Good and bad things.

Wishing you a Happy New Year!

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

@ Alex – thanks so much … I don't particularly fuss, but I do prefer things to be the way I'd like them and put them in the first place!!

@ Joanne – thanks … and yes - that's why I put the pictures to the right, left, right and down etc … glad it works. I'm just keeping going … and always happy to see visitors. Thank you …

@ Chrys – thanks for coming by – lovely to see you. Unique – I'm happy with that adjective …

@ Elizabeth – yes, there's a lot of history going on at the moment – I certainly wonder what people will say of us at the end of this century. I'm glad my ideas have helped you look through the lens of life slightly differently …

@ Debbie – you know me – Ms Positivity … there's always some thing we can grab and move forward with … and as you say – it could be so much worse …

@ Lee – thank you – there'll be more following along as each month leads ever forward …

@ Diane – thank you – I'm not sure why I added in snippets of history … probably letting any reader have something interesting to think about … also I enjoy!

@ Anabel – I do hope you can move forward slowly once again as you adjust …

@ Hels – We of this generation, I so agree, are totally blessed in comparison than earlier generations. Your parents and grandparents experienced many travails …

@ Ian – I imagine in Jersey you also had snow – but boy was it a lot in that winter … we built an igloo just after Christmas … it stayed around for weeks …

@ Michael – thank you … there's so much history here, but you're right I am sentimental for my life and times. But I hope the world can come together with kindness in 2022 …

@ Liz – I just like things to be the way I put them – not for something to mess around with the layout … but I don't worry too much …

@ Rosey – you're halfway through your life … lots to achieve in the years ahead. It's great you're looking at your parents' and grandparents' lives to comprehend about how they lived …

And you're right about change – so much has happened in the last 150 years … so so much development and scientific work has made our lives easier, I just hope our children and grandchildren have a comfortable time too …

Thanks so much to you all – great to see so many … and all the best for 2022 – here's to a happy year. Cheers Hilary

Keith's Ramblings said...

I think my birth was perfectly timed! What other generations went through makes our current predicament seem trivial. The highlight of my life? Living in Camden Town London in the 60s!

Lynda Dietz said...

Hi there, Hilary! Life really is to treasure. I hope I never forget that. Here's to another year on this big ball of fun and more wonderful blog posts from your ever-adventurous self.

Jacqui Murray--Writer-Teacher said...

I've been playing with my layout, too--enlarged font size, changed the header, stuff like that. Happy New Year, Hilary!

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

@ Keith - I so agree, we've been so lucky with our lives - and yes earlier living was so difficult, compared to ours. Sounds like you had a huge amount of fun in Camden Town ... I was in the Notting Hill area.

@ Lynda - you're so right ... we really mustn't forget life is to treasure. Thank you re the compliment re my postings - appreciate your thought ...

@ Jacqui - you're more professional than I am - I just do what I can ... no point in worrying too much!

Cheers Hilary

Dan said...

Good luck with the formatting. It's a task I never enjoy.

Jean Davis said...

Happy New Year, Hillary! Blogger always seems to mess with the layouts. Ah well. I enjoy your photos. :)

Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

We need to remember the past in order to move forward

Sean Jeating said...

We are privileged, eh?!
With six days delay: May you enjoy the next sun-orbit.

Rhodesia said...

A very positive post well done Hilary. I was born during the war but I was too young to remember much of it or remember that my father was away most of the time in the Merchant Navy.

I hope that 2022 is an improvement on the last two years, but looking at positive numbers here in France it is not a very cheerful start.

I wish you all the very best, keep safe, Diane

Rebecca M. Douglass said...

Nice New Year's post. And Hazel Dormouse! How adorable!

Sandra Cox said...

That picture of the stuck buses looked like 1-95 in Virginia a few nights back. Thousands were stuck for over 15 hours. Yikes.
Happy New Year, Hils.

Sue Bursztynski said...

My 93 year old mother said recently that it was amazing to be still around in this era, after being born in the 1920s.

D.G. Kaye said...

Happy New Year to you Hilary. Yes, sometimes we get caught up in our own tangles we forget to be grateful for the bigger picture. Hugs <3

retirementreflections said...

'Peace' is my focus word. I have just copied your wise sentence and added it to my Peace Journal.

We live in peace – which means we've had the opportunity to be sensible and realise how lucky we are.

So true!

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

@ Dan – fortunately I don't do 'technical formatting' – just the basic stuff … I just don't like doing things twice! Thanks for the thought …

@ Jean – Blogger and life goes on doesn't it – so pleased you enjoy my photos …

@ Jo-Anne – thank you …

@ Sean – good to see you; we are priveleged, arent' we – I think so, compared to many … You have me floored with the next sun-orbit … to be investigated by me!

@ Diane – it's good to remember isn't it … there's so much history – and we can see how we came to be where we're at now. I never discussed the War with my parents – but certainly saw some of the after effects …

I'm hoping 2022 will be easier for many and 'this thing' will become less relevant. It is interesting to see how each country is coping …

@ Rebecca – the Hazel Dormouse is enjoying its sleep now – well perhaps, as it's relatively warm; So glad you enjoyed seeing it …

@ Sandra – yes I saw the snow in Virginia recently … so much change in the last 60 years … technically we are better able to cope … we should be, let me rephrase! Ghastly to be stuck in snow …

@ Sue – how wonderful to hear your mother's comment – I know my mother wanted to live to 100, she was badly stroked which curtailed that. Your mother sounds quite lively and with it …

@ Debby – thank you … we need to adjust as we age … but of course life happens and needs to be dealt with … and as you mention we are part of the world as a whole.

@ Donna – Peace is an essential word to remember each and everyday – so pleased it jogged you to note a phrase here …

Yes – I so agree we're in a position to think clearly and be sensible … which more of us need to appreciate …

Thanks so much to you all for coming over and commenting – always good to read your comments … all the best and cheers Hilary

Lisa said...

Your comments, and insights, are always a pleasure to read, no matter the format! I hope the new year has started off well for you Hilary!

Deniz Bevan said...

Speaking of the 60s, I just read The Art of Exile by John Freely which described, among other things, travelling in the Greek islands... I wish I could go back in time and see a little of some of those places before there were so many of us and so many cars crowded around!
Wishing you a happy new year! It's snowing here and very pretty :-)

Pam Lazos said...

Yes, Hilary, tough as it can seem at times, much to be thankful for! Happy New Year!! xox

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

Cheers to you, Hilary. I hope 2022 is full of hope and peace.

diedre Knight said...

Happy 2022, Hilary!

It truly is amazing to look back at how far we (the world, I guess) have come. Transistor radios were still around when I was young. Now your television can hear your conversations, Yet, we can't seem to confirm the existence of Loch Ness monster or Bigfoot ;-) Our greatest blessing, I think, is the ability to come together in tough times. This will be a good year for healing.
Have a wonderful beginning!

Vallypee said...

Happy New Year, Hilary! Yes, I often count my blessings. i think the last two years are the most restrictive we’ve ever had in our lives, so when I compare that with what our parents endured, it’s pretty minor, isn’t it? I too remember the winter of 62/63 vividly. It was when I decided I didn’t like being cold that warmth was very high on my list of priorities.

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

@ Lisa – thank you … the messy format irritates me! Just delighted everyone doesn't seem to mind. Thankfully I'm always positive and happy to move along …

@ Deniz – oh thank you re the introduction to John Freely … my go to for the Greek Islands is Patrick Leigh Fermor – but Freely's book sounds fascinating … it might be read soon! You have family ties to that part of the world … I'm just grateful I've been to Greece … now sadly everywhere is so full of traffic …

Thanks re your thoughts for the New Year – we have rain, but there's snow 'up north' …

@ Pam – lovely to see you … yes it is tough, but not if one thinks back in time. I'm just happy to be alive and living …

@ Susan – thank you – the same to you, all the best …

@ Diedre – lovely to see you. It is quite extraodinary how much change has happened in the last century – but today we are lucky there's so much knowledge available to us … as you mention it certainly could be a good year for healing – here's to us all.

@ Val – I definitely count my blessings … I've been fortunate these last two years – I'm resilient, and outward looking … but our parents certainly lived in much more difficult times than we did. I didn't like the cold, yet so appreciate central heating today, but enjoyed my time in South Africa.

Thanks so much to you all – this year I hope let's us have a far happier year … take care and all the best - Hilary

Friko said...

Hi Hilary
(I hope I can finally get through to you)

I fervently hope and pray (!) that 2022 will bring all of us peace and a more sensible way of arranging matters.
Enjoy your life on the coast as I try to enjoy life in the hills. It's been so dire, I really need some joy.

Victoria Marie Lees said...

I always enjoy your posts, Hilary! Love the photos, the positive thoughts. You are so right. We are living through history right now. Positive thinking is always better than negativity. All best to you in 2022!

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

@ Friko - so good to hear from you ... I hope to be in touch soon. I too hope that we can all come through this desperate time ... we all need joy in our lives - Spring will help ... the sun, the snowdrops ... and our particular places of living - your hills are just wonderful.

@ Victoria - thank you ... good to see you - I'm very fortunate to have a positive outlook on life, despite having had troubling times myself.

Lovely to have you both here - all the best for the coming year - cheers Hilary

Pradeep Nair said...

True, Hilary. I agree with you. Today might have its own share of difficulties. But we are far better placed in most aspects of life than our parents.

Damyanti Biswas said...

Trust you to say the most positive things, Hilary--cynical old me loved this sentiment.

Happy New Year to you and your family! I'm still on hiatus but slowly returning to online life. Look forward to talking to you in the comments again soon.

John "By Stargoose And Hanglands" said...

Yes, we have the intellect and ability to fix most of our problems - though not Blogger perhaps!

Sandra Cox said...

Love the doormouse:)
Happy New Year.

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

@ Pradeep ... I so agree we are individually better placed to cope today - as long as one of those leaders doesn't go bananas ...
We are lucky to be alive and enjoy our world ...

@ Damyanti - thanks so much .. cynical older me today is very happy to note you enjoyed my positive take on life ...

It'll be good to see you round and about again ... we just need space sometime ... so looking forward to more interaction anon ...

@ John - oh I know re Blogger and this person who owns this blog seems to have challenges putting up posts on the Mac ... but I'm a day older now - so should bring my intellect to the fore to cope with things!!

@ Sandra - sweet little things aren't they - they're asleep now ... something I'd be happy doing!!

Cheers to you all - take care ... Hilary