Sunday 12 November 2023

Remembrance … Nothing Changes …


We need Peace for all humans who live on this earth, and then hope that all those humans respect each other … while considering, appreciating and giving due regard to our world as our lives unfold …

The Peace Poppy

The 'Tower Hill Madonna' sculpture by Jacquie Binns – artist, embroiderer and sculptor - expresses opposites, inspiring the themes of peace and pain.

The Tower Hill Madonna

Jacquie used these for her reflective sculpture which the commemorative plaque at All Hallows-by-the-Tower, London explains.

Photo credit: Anabel of
The Glasgow Gallivanter

c/o Jacquie Binns' Church Textiles site … 'The Tower Hill Madonna' …

c/o Anabel as the Glasgow Gallivanter blogger – posted about the church on the Footsteps of Pepys …

With thoughts on this Remembrance Sunday

Peace Lily

Hilary Melton-Butcher

Positive Letters Inspirational Stories


jabblog said...

That is an extraordinarily complex sculpture, not something to be glanced at and passed by.

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Janice - yes ... I couldn't really comprehend it - but felt it was relevant for this weekend - and to visit when I get back up to London ... also to contemplate all its parts - as you say not to be glanced at ... thanks for noting your thoughts ... cheers Hilary

Birgit said...

This is wonderful and a good way to show this special day

Inger said...

The sculpture is magnificent, how I wish I could go up to London to see it with you. My take on hope is that we can all hope away and it won't change a thing. As long as people are not equal, as long as people are taught to hate, and so on, there will be wars. And then there are men like Putin and all the rest of that kind throughout history...

cleemckenzie said...

There is such beauty in the concept of peace whether it's created by man or nature. Thank you for this, Hilary.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
that's a stunning piece of work; thank you for bringing to attention. YAM xx

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

A lot of meaning in on sculpture.

Anabel Marsh said...

I thought that sculpture looked familiar!

Peace - if only. I despair of the worl at the moment.

Elephant's Child said...

That sculptor is amazing. I was intrigued to note that the artist works in several genres.
Peace? I wish. How I wish.

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

@ Birgit – I like to post a different take on something that is similar each year … so appreciate your comment …

@ Inger – yes … I'd love to have you over here and we could go and visit the sculpture together – it'd be wonderful. It's the hate element particularly isn't it … there will be wars … as has happened throughout history... I would love to meet up with you …

@ Yam – great – I'm happy to know you appreciate finding out about the sculpture – only found via Anabel …

@ Alex – yes … I'd love to know more about the sculpture from the artist …

@ Anabel – it'd be great if Inger and I could meet up with you in London at All Hallows church … and you're right – the artist and her sculpture I found on your site … seemed so relevant to this time of year …
Peace – yes, if only … I too despair at the moment …

@ EC – Jacquie Binns is obviously extremely talented - her website is worth visiting. Yes – Peace, oh how I wish …

Thanks and all the best to you all - Hilary

Vallypee said...

My goodness, Hilary, that sculpture is really something. I see a flower in its shape, perhaps the peace element, but the chaos seems stronger to me. Whatever it reveals, it is very powerful. We need peace and I wish that artists like Jacquie Binns really had mire influence.

retirementreflections said...

Hi, Hilary - I remember seeing a picture of The Tower Hill Madona on Anabel's blog. It is a fascinating sculpture that demands are complete attention. Thank you for sharing the plaque that goes with it. That helped give me much further insight!

mail4rosey said...

Yes, if everyone could respect each other, despite differences, life would be so different (in all of the best ways). Love the Peace Lily.

Liz A. said...

Interesting sculpture.

Janie Junebug said...

I wish I could see that magnificent sculpture in person. I will always long for peace.


Nilanjana Bose said...

Peace is elusive. Can't bear to read the news. The peace poppy is beautiful and hopeful, somehow. Thought provoking post Hilary, thank you.

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

@ Val – I'd love to see the sculpture in real life – to be able to visualise it a bit more … I was pleased to see Anabel's image about the plaque. Gosh, don't we need peace … and I'm pleased Anabel sent us off to Jacquie Binns' creative site …

@ Donna – yes I borrowed from Anabel's blog- it just seemed a worthwhile sculpture for our Remembrance Day - I'd love to see it. Yes – the plaque certainly gives us an idea into her thought process.

@ Rosey – thank you … it'd be so helpful if those with controversial words could temper their proclamations …

@ Liz – fascinating sculpture … so true …

@ Janie – we desperately need peace … while I agree I'd love to visit the sculpture …

@ Nila – Peace has always been so elusive … the news is desperate in parts of the world. Peace would be wonderful … I appreciate your comment.

Thanks to you all for being here and joining me in the hope for peace. Hilary

David M. Gascoigne, said...

It is a sobering thought, Hilary, that we are no closer to peace in the world than we have ever been, and the weapons at the disposal of tyrants, dictators and madmen become ever more lethal. One cannot but worry about the future of humankind. Stay safe - David

Elizabeth Spann Craig said...

What a beautiful and evocative sculpture! I'm hoping 2024 will be a better year for peace to move forward. Trying to be optimistic about that.

L. Diane Wolfe said...

Fascinating sculpture.

Dan said...

The sculpture is amazing. The title of your post says so much. It's sad but true.

Rhodesia said...

We had a good service at the memorial in our local town on Saturday. This was followed by drinks and snacks at the Mairie, Then on to a luncheon organised by the commune. The French will never forget!! Cheers Diane

Debbie D. said...

A wonderful post for a solemn occasion! 🌸 Sadly, I doubt that world peace will ever be achieved, but we MUST keep trying. Thank you, HIlary! 🌹

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

@ David – it is very sobering to think about – I don't like doing it much … but we at least must remember those that have given us a life and hope so far … the future – who knows … thank you – I'm, I hope, safe here …

@ Elizabeth – yes the sculpture is quite extraordinary … and thought provoking per Anabel's plaque description … we do need optimism …

@ Diane – thank you … it's lovely isn't it …

@ Dan – thank you … thinking up titles of post is not always easy … this just seemed to come to the fore …

@ Diane - I remember your village remembers the War, the victims, the injured and the people who survived. It sounds like a very moving day … and must be lovely to be a part of …

@ Debbie – thank you … solemn and sad – you're right. As you mention we have to try to find peace …

Thanks so much to you all for commenting and remembering – with thoughts - Hilary

Sandra Cox said...

We do need peace, desperately.

Joanne said...

Thanks for including the notes on this powerful sculpture. Peace and pain, opposite emotions- all embody life. So many poppies required for now and forever. Oh- humanity. Sigh.

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

@ Sandra - oh gosh we need peace ... as you say desperately ...

@ Joanne - I thought the plaque really expressed so much ... giving us all reason to think. And yes - now so many, many poppies ... just 'awful'...

Good to see you both - cheers Hilary

Jacqui Murray--Writer-Teacher said...

Honoring all on Remembrance Day.

Karen Lange said...

The poppy is lovely, and so appropriately colored for its name. As for the sculpture, it seems one of a kind, doesn't it? Reflective is a good description for it, I'm thinking. It's one I could stand and view for a while, looking at it from various angles to absorb it all.

Thanks so much, Hilary, for stopping by my blog today and commenting. You are a gem, and I always appreciate your support! Have thought of you off and on since stopping regular blogging. I need to stop by and say hello here once in a while as I miss "seeing" you.

Take care, and keep up the informative and engaging posts! :D

Sandra Cox said...

A peace lily expresses it all, doesn't it?

Deniz Bevan said...

Sending you peaceful thoughts <3 Really wish we could all remember as a species to be kind to one another <3

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

@ Jacqui of Computer Tutor - yes, honouring Remembrance Day ... thanks ...

@ Karen - great to catch up with you again ... I remember friends occasionally and then forget - so was glad for the prompt from Jacqui ... the posts keep on coming somehow!

Isn't the white poppy special and as you say 'for Peace'. That sculpture looks completely amazing ... I'd love to visit and spend time reflecting on it ... exactly as you mention.

@ Sandra - thanks ... a change from the red poppy - but over the years there've been some extraordinarily stunning poignant displays ...

@ Deniz - thank you ... we all need those peaceful thoughts don't we - life is really sad for so many at the moment. Yes - as a species if only we could remember to be kind to each other ...

Cheers and thank you all for commenting and your thoughts - Hilary

Sandra Cox said...

Jacquie Binns is quite talented, isn't she? Cheers

mail4rosey said...

Peace is such a coveted thing, yet so many ignore the very concepts that would bring it. I'll never understand how humans can be so bad to each other. Thankful there are so many who seek peace and being good to one another as well. The sculpture is thought-provoking.

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

@ Sandra - I'd love to see more of Jacquie Binns' work you say a very talented lady ...

@ Rosey - good to see you ... and I so agree with you re your thoughts on peace - all humans need to feel safe and cared for. The sculpture is quite extraordinary and thought provoking ... I'd love to see it.

Cheers to the two of you - thanks for visiting - Hilary