Saturday 13 January 2024

16th year and counting …

This yearly count strikes me as extraordinary - not something I thought would last 15 full years and now about to go beyond …

Happy Birthday to me!
I was really lucky at Christmas a great friend, from South African days who now lives north of London, brought her daughter - my goddaughter - down for a couple of days ... which really enlivened my life, as I was nursing a cold, and things go quietish at that time of year.  

I'm afraid we had too much champagne with lots of chats - and picnicked here ... ie a real mix of sort of antipasto goodies - gave us a chance to be just us.  Nothing like a great friend to appear with a backpack full (perhaps not quite full!) of champers ...

1915 ad ... definitely
not me!!

I've had a funny year … and can't say I feel brilliant now – so hope to find out what's going on – I don't feel ill – just 'off' …

Not much change – still organising the European Movement dinners – just had one this past week … and another important one we're already planning for February ...

New play about the Blue
Stockings society 

and I've a history talk to give on the Blue Stockings Society (1750s – 1790s) … 

but my energy is sapped – and I'm just posting this to at least start blogging in 2024 – it/I might be slow for a few weeks yet …

Map of Rainforest at Victoria Falls -
'my Africa' ... 

Thank you for visiting and cheering me on … another year, another year … without much change – I'd love the world's life to be more positive … so here's to us all being kind to one another, and thoughtful about others …

Antipasto platter - we had lots
of goodies (various!)

PS - I will get around to your blogs soon as I can ... but ... 

Blogging friends I give up … lots going on!! Cheers …

Blue Stockings - play by Jessica Swale - details can be found here ... 

Hilary Melton-Butcher

Positive Letters Inspirational Stories


Elephant's Child said...

Happy Birthday (again). Your presence in the blogosphere is a bright spot for me and many others. Look after your important self please.
And yes, some world wide kindness would be more than welcome.

Elephant's Child said...

PS: The Blue Stockings Society is a new rabbit hole for me to explore - and I hope you will share your talk.

Terra said...

You have lived in some place I like and have visited or would like to visit. I had a nice visit with 4 friends from church this afternoon, I am organizing our get togethers for chats on our favorite patio at a coffee shop. I know my friends agree, there is never too much kindness in this world.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
You are not alone in feeling 'off'... I am reaching the conclusion, from being in a similar spot and knowing several others experiencing the same, that there is a general malaise, indefinable yet somehow debilitating. It's like living through treacle... Just deal with each day as it comes and enjoy it for what it holds. YAM xx

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

@ EC - thanks for your three (!!) messages ... two here and the email one - wonderful to have. I don't intend to stop blogging ... I so enjoy being in touch with others around the world in various places and learning from you all, and being curious as I look up things I don't understand ... thanks so much for your thoughts ...

Yes - info on blue stockings will get built into a schedule ... especially one lady ... lots of posts to let you know about ...

@ Terra - great to see you - thank you ... and yes ... I've been out and about meeting friends and family - I'm glad you're able to meet your friends on the patio, or in a coffee shop - we're much the same ... on the seafront, or a coffee shop - lots around here ...

@ Yam - oh good - I'm glad I"m not the only one feeling slightly off colour - I do hope you can ease up. Living through treacle is a good phrase - exactly!! Very gungy ... I do manage to do what's needed, but not much else ... dribbling along (not in the football sense!) ... you take care ...

Thanks so much so lovely to see your messages ... cheers Hilary

jabblog said...

General fogginess is not a nice condition to be in. I hope it clears soon for you. The state of the world is not conducive to merriment.

I look forward to reading about the Blue Stockings Society.

Take care, Hilary x

Hels said...

I am delighted you are giving a history talk on the Blue Stockings Society (1750s–90s). They attracted some very classy female brains (eg Fanny Burney, Hester Thrale) in those early gatherings, more than equal to male intelligence amongst their peers.

What truly surprised me was that the Society also invited men of culture: David Garrick, Horace Walpole, Sir Joshua Reynolds and Dr Samuel Johnson. I wish I was around then.

Debbie D. said...

Happy Birthday, dear Hilary! And congrats on 15+ years in the Blogosphere. I hope you will be feeling much better soon, with all the energy you may need. I find that lacking in the winter months, as well as a general lack of enthusiasm to do things. Looking forward to spring! ☺

David M. Gascoigne, said...

I have missed your charm and wit, Hilary, and I am very sorry that you are feeling “off.” In many ways, that’s much worse than being sick. If you have the flu it’s dreadful, but you know it will end. Being in a funk is a different thing altogether. Perhaps delivering your talk on the Blue Stockings Society will pick you up. I hope so. Many hugs - David

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

@ Janice - no ... it's been a nuisance - a year of it ... life is interesting : it's the way I look at it ...?! I agree the state of the world is not conducive to merriment - worrying ... except I try and not worry too much. Thanks re the Blue Stockings talk - it's a while yet.

@ Hels - yes so much about the Society - that's interesting ... I'm surprised it only lasted 50 years or so ... but I'll learn a lot working up my talk. I see you wrote about them ...

@ Debbie - thanks for the thoughts ... yes - more energy would help ... I need to discipline myself a bit more and push on. Still we're here now - that's one move forward ... now into February - which will be bigger than I thought - more of that anon.

@ David - thanks David - those qualities are being enjoyed by friends here - especially my goddaughter and her mother who were down just after Christmas!! It's been a year ... and I really could do without the funk - I must just get my act into gear. It's not serious I think ... just a nuisance. Having the cold over Christmas didn't help either - still that's gone now ... and Spring is on its way.

The Blue Stocking talk is in April - so I've a while to prepare for that - February comes first ... which will be interesting .. more anon. All well otherwise ...

Thanks to you all for your thoughts and care ... all well - at least it's dry and not too cold! Cheers and here's to a good year ahead. Hilary

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Sorry you're feeling sluggish. You need something new to reinvigorate your life. I'm feeling a bit sluggish when it comes to online stuff.

Anabel Marsh said...

Hope you feel better soon, and happy birthday to you and your blog.

Nilanjana Bose said...

Happy birthday Hilary, and a very happy New Year 2024! Feel better soon. Love visiting your blog - always positive, entertaining and informative. Thank you.

Annalisa Crawford said...

The Blue Stocking Society sounds intriguing, and when I have time I'll need to look it up. Hope you had a lovely birthday, and you're definitely allowed to take it easy when you need to - you know we'll all be here to read your posts whenever they appear. Take care x

Joanne said...

Happy Blog birthday and I do hope you get rest, heal, and keep up your positive spirit. This time of year with gray days and bitter cold can sap the soul. News doesn't help. But I trust your energy and activities will brighten your days and you'll be yourself again. Take good care!

bazza said...

Congratulations for still producing one of the most enjoyable Blogs!

Liz A. said...

It is that time of year when you're just not motivated to do anything. I know the feeling. It's okay to go quiet, rest, and take a step back for a while. As things begin to warm up, we get our energy back. Take care.

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

@ Alex - thanks ... I hope this year I'll feel better and as you say I guess it's this time of year too ...

@ Anabel - thanks ... birthday wishes always gratefully received - both for me and the blog!

@ Nila - thanks so much ... and I sincerely hope a successful 2024 for us all. I enjoy my blogging life - and will keep that aspect going ... I hope!!

@ Annalisa - the Blue Stocking Society I'd heard of - but giving a talk will definitely enlighten me. Thanks for always being here for me and the blog ...

@ Joanne - life goes on doesn't it - the flu-cold floored me over the Christmas festive season ... but that's eased ... and it's bright today! I do agree - some warmth and sunshine and better news would help us all. Things will turn around - I'm sure.

@ Bazza - that's an amazingly kind comment ... thank you ...

@ Liz - it is exactly that - a big fire, lots of tea and cake would suit me down to the ground - with a pile of books around! But Spring is a-coming ...

Thanks so much for being here for me and the blog - cheers to you and once again let's hope the world can see some sense too and we get some peace - take care ... Hilary

Elizabeth Spann Craig said...

Hope you feel better soon, Hilary! Glad you got to catch up with your friend...that sounds like fun. Congratulations on 16 years!

L. Diane Wolfe said...

Congrats on 16 years of blogging. I'm coming up on 19 and still can't believe I'm still going.

Jacqui Murray--Writer-Teacher said...

As happens too often anymore, WP didn't tell me about your latest post. I'm sorry you don't feel 100% but happy you had lovely visitors for the holidays. What fun times, Hilary. A lot of people don't feel as good as we used to, not sure what's up with that. Hugs to you.

Sandra Cox said...

Oh what fun! And that antipasto platter looks yummy.
Hope your energy is back soon.

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

@ Elizabeth - yes I hope I can get the 'ill' blues to disappear this year - and get back to full energy. We had lots of fun ... makes life happy!

@ Diane - thank you ... I actually can't count - could be 17 ... but if you're a teenager - you're not really worried too much are you?! Congratulations on your 19 years ... you can count!

@ Jacqui - I know - I still have to set up the email notification - I couldn't get it to work first time ... I'll do it before January ends! Thanks - I'll be fine ... as you say many are much worse off ...

@ Sandra - we did have lots of fun and enjoyed ourselves ... I was very lucky they visited ...

Cheers to you all - and Happy New Years - Hilary

Sandra Cox said...

Hope you're feeling better today, Hils.

Sandra Cox said...

Here's to positivity and kindness. Hope your day is filled with sunshine and energy.

Diane said...

Glad you got to enjoy Christmas despite having a cold. We had a quiet Xmas just the two of us. We had great plans though for New Year with friends coming to stay overnight. A five-course meal and lots of champagne. They phoned the night before to say they were positive for COVID!!!! I had even laid the table by then!! We have been eating all the food ever since.
Happy and healthy 2024, Diane

Botanist said...

That antipasto platter looks a lot like how we celebrated New Year's day with friends. Great way to cater informally, and I don't believe there's such a thing as too much champagne. Hope you get your energy back soon.

Deniz Bevan said...

Best wishes on your birthday! Hope you feel better soon <3
Ooh, the Blue Stockings talk sounds very interesting, can't wait to hear more!

Keith's Ramblings said...

Hilary, you posted this two days before 'Blue Monday', hopefully, things are on the up now! I bought a bunch of daffodils the other day, just looking at them cheers me up and reminds me that Spring is just around the corner! I'm in my seventeenth year of blogging and can't imagine life without it, you'll soon be up to speed again I'm sure!

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

@ Sandra - thanks for both your comments ... now the day is filled with sunshine and a little more energy - must get to it!

@ Diane - thankfully I ploughed through and everyone thought it was worse than it was - it hadn't gone to my chest, I was very glad to say.

Oh no - re your Covid catchers ... poor both of you. I know about eating up food and needing more champagne - thankfully the birthday aided that!

I so agree ... a happy and healthy 2024 to us all ...

@ Ian - yes antipasto is an easy to satisfy everyone's palates ... especially as there's so much on offer ready made now-a-days ... which is really useful - though I prefer to cook fresh when I'm eating at home normally ...

After my birthday - I'm not sure there's too much champagne?! all good things must come to a slow down ... I've a few bottles left -lucky me! I too hope my energy returns - I suspect it's mind over matter ... brain matter that is!

@ Deniz - I do feel easier ... but so be it - age creepeth up. The Blue Stockings talk is going to be interesting ... I'll get to it in March ... and things keep popping up that I might use ...

@ Keith - Blue Monday - I note theoretically the saddest day of they year - well it is a Monday and probably foul weather ... however as an equation is used to calculate which day - that's made it worse! I again note 5 months before the happiest day occurs - nearest to Midsummer's day.

I've been given some hyacinths for my birthday - so those are doing me well at the moment ... the daffs will follow in due course.

Also - interesting how many of us have been blogging for a while now - it's a great pastime I must say - and yes I'll be up to speed soon, I'm sure.

Thanks for visiting everyone ... always great to read all your comments and to know there's a contented audience engaging - thank you ... cheers and a Happy New Year to one and all - Hilary

Vallypee said...

Oh Hilary, I do hope you feel better and more yourself soon. It sounds as if your SA friend did much to cheer you up, but yes, the off feeling can be disconcerting and I really hope you find out what's wrong. Take your time, just blog what you want. You're amazing at following so many people and I love to see your comments, but your blog is great and 16 years is something to celebrate!

Sandra Cox said...

Organizing the European Movement dinners sounds like a huge undertaking. Hope your day is filled with energy and good health.

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

@ Val - thanks so much ... just feeling grotty - but it is improving. I'm just being lazy: I think, apart from the two layers of head colds I seem to have acquired! Being free ... they come along when they feel like - more settled quieter weather will help!

Thanks re the comments - I enjoy going across and interacting ... so appreciate you enjoy seeing my 'entries'!! I also enjoy the blogging friends I've met - they stimulate me ... I don't have a barge moored up and needing attention ... though I must say sometimes I'd enjoy it.

@ Sandra - yes the European Movement dinners are interesting - I've been involved for about 11 years now ...

Cheers to you both and here's to Spring = I say! Hilary