Tuesday 2 July 2024

Blue Moon Rising ... or not ...


To look out of my third floor flat window and see a blue ball rearing its ugly or beautiful nose over the rooves … was a bit of a surprise.

Church Tower ahead, Town Hall clock
distantly on the left - but I can hear its chimes,
when the wind is in the right direction ... 

I know we're into yellow/green ball season – which I'm very happy has arrived … bringing back lovely memories of summer days playing tennis, Wimbledon, and now Eastbourne – while watching some (a lot!) on the tv … but only in the summertime and on the grass.

... and here behind the branches you can
just see the College's tower
So that blue ball … I thought might rise high into the air – but no … it floated around – hiding behind the church tower, before peeping out the other side … but obviously tethered to an unimportant part of the playing fields (cricket) in front of Eastbourne College.

It's a-rising ... two halves ... 
It blew itself up, backed down … as the day went on – but never rose into the sky to meet one of its yellow mates high, high above … and most definitely wasn't as interesting as the ones Elephant Child's finds for us.

As I walked down the road - up it bobbed
But it amused … the thought that sprang to mind for this very non-musical blogger … was as you might have guessed 'Bad Moon Rising' … by Creedence Clearwater Revival …

What interested me though … when I had a look at their Wiki page … was one of their early names … totally infra-dig now-a-days … was a character originally drawn by Florence Kate Upton that was around for nearly 70 years … but certainly came into my childhood memories …

Tethered to the main playing
field ... 
We're about to hit our election polls … and then what next – I really don't want to think – here, I guess, we'll get on with things … but I do 'worry' about what's happening elsewhere … so with apologies to Creedence Clearwater Revival …

I see the blue moon a-risin' …

I see trouble on the way

I see earthquakes and lightnin'

I see bad times today …

... probably tomorrow … or the days a-followin' …

what will be will be …

A slightly better view of the College's
buildings ... it's lovely to walk by on 
my way to town (behind the other church 
tower that rears up between the buildings)

Eastbourne tennis had three wonderful very sunny days, then the wind blew for 2 days, before easing up for finals … being by the seaside has its fun!

Happy summer days, or winter days as EC loves, to you all – I'll stick with my summer ones for now … yet true to form ... it's drizzling!

Elephant's Child - Balloon Spectacular 2020, Canberra, Australia 

Hilary Melton-Butcher

Positive Letters Inspirational Stories


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

That's a bummer it never got to take flight. What else do you do with a balloon?

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
...training session...??? And this is how you fill a balloon....... YAM xx

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

@ Alex - I'm afraid my curiosity failed ... and so I didn't find out what they were doing ... and it certainly wasn't obvious ...

@ Yam - who knows ... there were many people on the field ... I just decided I could carry on going to town!

If I find out - I'll let you know ... cheers Hilary

Anabel Marsh said...

I bought a balloon flight voucher for John’s birthday once. Every flight we booked got cancelled because the weather was unsuitable! We finally did it just before his birthday two years later. It was a good experience in the end.

DMS said...

I can see why CCR came to mind!

Nice you got to see the balloon- but too bad it didn't get to take flight. I am always amazed at the balloons Elephant's Child sees. There is a balloon festival near me this summer and I hope the weather will be nice enough to attend. :)

Have a lovely week!

Liz A. said...

I did hear a bit about your upcoming election. Good luck. That balloon is cool. Too bad it didn't take off. Perhaps there was a malfunction.

L. Diane Wolfe said...

I love balloons. Miss seeing the Mass Ascension of Albuquerque's Int'l Balloon Fiesta. 600+ balloons in the air at once is amazing.

hels said...

I see trouble on the way also.
But do you think your upcoming elections, as well as France's and the USA's, are part of the cause?

Katerinas Blog said...

Too bad it didn't fly!
I went to the elephant child's page and it had amazing pictures,
thanks for recommending it!

Pradeep Nair said...

That was a fascinating balloon! ... Yes, July 4 ... Looks like it will be a turning point with a forecast of a Labour landslide.

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

@ Anabel – I guess when I was out in Africa would have been the time to go – but it's never particularly enticed … I'm glad you and John had that good lift-off eventually …

@ Jess – thanks re CCR … unmusical but these things over the years obviously seep into the psyche …

Yes – EC's balloons are wonderful aren't they … and I'm sure ours are as good – but I don't get to them – wherever they launch from. Oh great I hope you get to attend yours … enjoy …

@ Liz – elections all around. I don't think it malfunctioned – probably the wrong place, other than an 'advert', as it's the middle of town and very near the sea.

@ Diane – I know I love them too … while I'm sure yours in the land of lots of space must be amazing to get to spend time amongst …

@ Hels – personally I don't think we know exactly what's going on, or the unintended consequences that will inevitably occur …

@ Katarina – oh great to see you … and so glad you went over to EC's blogspace – her Words for Wednesday are well worth joining in with … but I'll be over to yours shortly. I suspect the balloon was just 'for show' … but fun to see …

@ Pradeep - I'll find out what that balloon decided to do on the cricket or rugby field of the College! Tomorrow is voting day ... we shall see ...

Thanks everyone for being here … I'll have to find out what it was doing, or intended to do … cheers Hilary

David M. Gascoigne, said...

There is political turmoil on the horizon everywhere, it seems, Hilary, and one can’t imagine that it is going to get any better. From what I read over here the Tories are set to be thoroughly defeated in Britain - at least that bucks the trend of right-wing authoritarianism. These are troubling times indeed. Hugs - David

jabblog said...

Nothing much will change immediately - or even long term. To misquote, 'though the mills of Parliament grind slowly, they grind exceedingly small'.

Annalisa Crawford said...

I love that song, and now it's in my head, I'm going to have to seek it out for a listen. Hmm, the election will certainly be an interesting one. Deep breaths and dive in, I guess.

A shame the balloon didn't fly, I love seeing them in the air, although I don't think I'd be brave enough to travel in one.

Diane said...

Ha ha, love the song but I wonder why it never went up. Hope all is well very busy over here with much to do. Cheers Diane

H. R. Sinclair said...

So sad it didn't fly.

cleemckenzie said...

It seems that Creedence is quite relevant in this decade. As for that balloon...I kept thinking of that story about Little That Could. Maybe if it just keeps trying, it will make into the sky.


Karen Jones Gowen said...

What a whimsical event to take your mind off election woes. Like you, I'd much rather see and think about a blue balloon than election news.

Keith's Ramblings said...

I wonder what they were playing at! I was due a balloon ride over The Valley of the Kings in Egypt, but was cancelled due to an accident the previous day - what a close call!

Jacqui Murray--Writer-Teacher said...

How very nice, and metaphorical for those who wish it to be.

retirementreflections said...

I now have a defiinte earworm running through my head! If you find out more about that balloon, please let us know!

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

@ Janice – you're right there … everyone will be opinionated – ghastly thought. Someone said they'd vote for whoever could fix the litter … I'd suggest they talk to the citizens of their towns?! Thanks – I love the quote you've mentioned … they do grind along very very small!!

@ Annalisa – I too love the song and many of theirs; deep breaths and we await for the result on Friday. I'll find out about the balloon and post an update … I've half found out – but not fully …

@ Diane – thanks … it's one of those earworms. I'm going to check on the balloon – and no I'm fairly certain there was no lift off.

I can imagine you're busy with the garden and lands around … lots and lots you both do. All well here – being lazy and watching tennis!

@ Lee – those words are just foretelling aren't they – I do hope the world can calm down and look after its people, rather than go at each other be it with speech, guns, or bombs … too much.

Interesting if you'd ask me … I'd have said that story about the Little Engine That Could was one of Thomas the Tank Engine's tales... but no – I see it's American. I'll remember … 'that could' … always can over time …

@ Karen – thankfully down here – our election choices for years have been relatively simple … after this one it could become more complicated – we shall see! The blue balloon certainly gave me a different look on life!

@ Keith – I think it was something to do with the College – as I heard something else too – but I'll see in the next few days and will update …

Oh your cancelled trip – was a close call the day before, wasn't it … thank goodness for that …

@ Jacqui – whatever was going on bemused me enough to write up a simple 'balloon' post …

@ Donna – sorry about that … earworms come and go … and I will find out more about the balloon – I've half found out … but need to do more digging …

Cheers to one and all – tomorrow is vote day! Take care - Hilary

Elizabeth Spann Craig said...

CCR came to mind as soon as I saw the title of your post!

I agree with you that it looks like there may be "trouble on the way." Let's hope not, though!

Sandra Cox said...

I love those first two pics where you can just see the top of the balloon over the roof tops.

Joanne said...

This post made me laugh. I can just picture you at first glimpse of blue and a "What?", then as it keeps peering out and yet not rising....the anticipation of something cool. It truly is the little things in life. Alas, these big political messes all over are ruining summer mindset.
Bad Moon Rising...indeed.

Kay G. said...

You get the best views in Eastbourne!! I looked at a site recently about Eastbourne and I loved the little free magazine that you can get, "Bournefree". I love that!!!

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

@ David - sorry you were banned to spam! Duly rescued. Today's the day ... bright and cheerful round here - the sun has reappeared ... no more bad moons for now! We shall see ... 24 hours and some things will have occurred. Interesting times ...

@ Holly - there's a reason for its tethering ... I shall reveal shortly ... and you too had gone to spam - don't ask my why!

@ Elizabeth - I'm glad we're on the same wave length ... loved their music. I hope there won't be trouble here ... not sure about other places - but, like you, I sincerely hope not.

@ Sandra - thanks - those were my first sightings ... not something I expected to see! - fun though ...

@ Joanne - thanks ... I was bemused - though knew where it was ... on the College cricket pitch/rugby field. It's too much in the centre of the town, and too near the sea another reason for it not to rise - but it was 'cool'. I hope summer isn't going to be ruined - we've had one week of hot summer - now back to tennis weather! Just had the post has resonated as it should do here ... light heartedly cheering ...

@ Kay - I know your love of Eastbourne ... and yes that magazine "BourneFree" is actually very good - it has a lot of arts information in it ...

Take care one and all - tomorrow will be different here ... no doubt the sun will rise, after the moon has set - but life will mostly carry on - cheers for now - Hilary

Dan said...

I don't imagine balloons enjoy being tethered. Nicely done, I don't thins CCR would mind the parody.

Our trip to the polls is four months away, but I worry about the outcome.

Victoria Marie Lees said...

You have such interesting travels, Hilary. Wish I would travel far and wide like you. My mother went in a hot air ballon once out in New Mexico in the U.S. She said it was exhilarating. All best to you, my dear. Stay strong!

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

@ Dan - I'm sure the balloons don't - there was only one - I wonder if it was talking to itself?! Thanks re the CCR note ...

Ours has happened ... mostly expected - but a few interesting changes ... we shall see. Yes - I don't envy you yours ... I'm just glad ours has happened ...

@ Victoria Marie - I have travelled 'a bit' - but definitely could have done more ... though I'm quite a scaredy cat of being too brave. However I love travelling vicariously ... and through work or travel have enough experience to relate to different areas of life ... I've never been to the Far East or Australia. I could also do with seeing more of the USA and South America ... wishes, not likely, sadly ... still vicarious 'can be good' ...

Cheers to you both - thanks for being here - Hilary

Sandra Cox said...

Enjoy your weekend. Cheers,

Debbie D. said...

Hot air balloons are so festive! Too bad this one didn't get off the ground. Believe it or not, I've never seen one up close, but would love to hitch a ride one day.

Troubles are brewing everywhere, it seems. One day at time!

Jean Davis said...

Odd that they'd spend so much time filling the balloon but never launch it.

I'll gladly stick with summer days for now too. :)

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

@ Sandra - thank you ... I did have a happy time ...

@ Debbie - there's a good reason for this one - which I've found out and will let you know shortly! This one was over the 'garden' (sports field) wall so to speak ... but I've been around in the country when they've inadvertently come to land in a nearby field ...

Our potential troubles seems to have settled thankfully ... though lots to sort out ...

@ Jean - yes ... it was promotional 'stunt' - more very shortly ...

If our summer would return I'd be grateful! Still we at least have long days ... it does make a difference doesn't it ...

Cheers to the three of you .. a post will go up tomorrow, and then the 'Blue Moon Rising - or not' reason for being tethered will be revealed ... Hilary

mail4rosey said...

One of my mom's favorite bands. :) We have an election coming up... and since it's one of the scariest elections to ever take place, I will move on without saying anything else. Here to wish you a wonderful day.

Sandra Cox said...

Have a grand weekend.
Cheers, Sandra

Sandra Cox said...

How's your weather? Got drizzles or sunshine?

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

@ Rosey - yup I know ... elections everywhere ... I thank goodness ours is over - more on that anon. I love their songs too ...

@ Sandra - I'm coming back to life ... sheer laziness abounding! It's been typical British weather ... but perhaps more discombobulated than usual! Today - we have two days of sunshine ... then ... who knows!

Cheers to the two of you - thanks for being here - Hilary