Wednesday 7 August 2024

WEP Get Togethers # 5 … Languorous me …


Unsettledness perhaps … life leads me very slowly forward … the brain is very active, the typing fingers less so!

Rather too many 'games' going on … both physical and political – some very interesting, others not so much – yet the brain tacks across all subjects …

I know a few blogging members have been having some challenges – I wish them and their families well … and an easier future …

Perhaps some time down in Marseilles ... 
I think perhaps the meaning of 'languorous' … it suggests a dreamy boredom and delicacy that avoids unnecessary activity … does not describe where I'm at … I'm definitely not bored – overwhelmed with ideas I'd like to explore is more like it ...

The Olympics Paris 2024 Cauldron:
not quite a balloon ... but near enough ... 

... so where to start … when my mind is a star burst of thoughts – where to start is a challenge … as my mother used to say – for goodness sake get on with it … bless her!! So best get on with it!!

Another 24 hours, 48 or more hours later … probably!

Eastbourne - Devonshire Park tennis set up
Tennis – lots of tournaments down here … County Week, Over 35s et al – lots, then the Olympics taking me back to 1972 when I worked for the British Olympic Organisation and fast forwarding to the 2012 Games … and to the 2024 Para-Olympics coming up …

Teahupoo, Tahiti - where the surfing is being
held - not the kind of waves we get here
in the English Channel, along our seafront
We've got Airbourne with the Red Arrows … along the seafront in ten days time … lots of noise, ancient and modern aircraft, wing walkers – the thought appals me! Fun for the town though … but be prepared rattling windows ahoy …

Pampered pooch with punctured pouch
However to finish off and I hope give you a big smile … how about a pampered pooch prompted to enjoy their ping-pong patrols with a punctured pouch on board … spreading those tiny wild seeds out and about.

One of the emblems for the next Olympics
in Los Angeles 2028

Interestingly and apparently the aim is to replicate the activity of wolves before they went extinct in the middle of the 1700s … strange but true!

Better go to catch up a little … take care one and all …

Olympics - Paris ... information vision ... 

Railways Land Project ... pottering pooches ... 

Hilary Melton-Butcher

Positive Letters Inspirational Stories


Hels said...

I wish I knew you back in 1972 when you worked for the British Olympic Organisation. My father worked for the 1956 Olympic Water Sports in Melbourne (swimming, diving and water polo) and mum and I got free tickets for these particular sports.

Could you have got tickets for me in 1972? :) Spouse and I were married by then and lived in Europe until 1976, so we drove anywhere between Israel and Britain.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

That's cool you worked for the Olympic Organization!

Rita said...

I must confess that I am one of the few people who has never had an interest in the Olympics so I have rarely watched any of it in my lifetime. I had to peek to see what all the fuss was about, of course, but other than some gymnastics and ice skating I lose interest rapidly. Just not a competitive person, I guess, so sports hold no interest for me. I can admire their determination and dedication, though.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari Om
There's an awful lot going on at the moment... Awful, and a lot... Am a bit hampered for watching the Os this year, but am catching what I can. YAM xx

Elizabeth Spann Craig said...

What a cute dog! And I know what you's easy to get overwhelmed these days!

Computer Tutor said...

I was excited about the Olympics this year, but completely put off by the opening ceremonies and then letting men fight women. That's not even sport. Still, my news feed says some amazing feats are happening there. I'm happy for the athletes.

jabblog said...

It's difficult to focus when there's so much going on - well, that's my excuse ;-)
I wonder how many people will take up the idea of dogs with seeding pouches without considering the point made in the article.

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

@ Hels - I remember you telling me about your Olympic connections ... and sadly the answer would have been 'no' re tickets ...

@ Rita - I quite understand your lack of interest ... sport is a thing some people definitely don't get it ... I've always loved sport ...

@ Yam - yes there's a lot going on ... I know you're busy but it's good to know that you've been catching up....

@ Elizabeth - yes a little cutie pooch, who's being useful on his daily walks. Yes as I get older I get more overwhelmed ... but still absorb lots ... and engage with many friends fortunately ...

@ Jacqui - I couldn't watch the opening ceremony - too wet, albeit I wasn't there! I need to know what's going on - I'll catch up with 'the story' later on; then the tummy upsetting Seine ... and the gender thing ... too challenging, I understand that - I too have disconnected ... but am enjoying the bits I watch ... and am happy for the athletes, as you so rightly say ...

@ Janice - yes ... my excuse too - I just feel pretty slobby though - next week, a change of direction I hope! I rather liked the idea of spreading wild seed and re-wilding the railway lines ... it's lovely going to London when the bluebells are out. I expect there'll be lots of takers ... good idea I thought.

Thanks so much for your visits and engaging on various subjects ... cheers for now - and I will be around to catch up. Hilary


J Lenni Dorner said...

The Olympics has been enjoyable. The pooch seeding a forest is adorable.

L. Diane Wolfe said...

I've enjoyed watching the athletes. It's in LA next time? Boy, do they have a lot of cleaning up to do before that happens.

Kay G. said...

Hey! I just read on the BBC that Eastbourne is trying to get permission to built flats out of a car park that is on Terminus Road. I think the car park has been closed for some time. I am pretty sure it is the one where my father in law always parked to go to Sainsbury's and to Shades (which were both inside the Arndale Centre, now The Beacon). Ahh...the cheese scones from Shades! Please tell me you enjoy them there too!

cleemckenzie said...

So many ideas and so little time. I hear that! Loved the doggie with the bag of seeds. Such a simple yet effective way to get a job done--mimicking nature. Have a wonderful day, Hilary!

Elephant's Child said...

I love the idea of the dog spreading seeds.
I would be surprised if your mind was EVER langorous. Too many rabbit holes to explore.

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

@ JL. - thanks ... good to see you ...

@ Diane - yes the Olympics 2028 will be on the west coast ... they've started the 'mechanics' I gather ... it'll be interesting ...

@ Kay - there's plenty of housing plans going on - they need permission etc. I'm not sure exactly where the flats will be - there are a few around town. Sainsbury's is where I shop locally, but I'm afraid I don't do Shades ... but it's still there!

@ Lee - I know so many ideas, so little time - so true. Isn't the dog with punctured pouch a delight to see ... such a good idea ... I'm sure it'll work.

@ EC - yes I thought the dog re-wilding project would amuse readers ... but a great idea - good for Sussex. My poor mind is full of ideas with nobs on!! Lots and lots of rabbit holes ..

Cheers to you all ... I'll be around soon - Hilary

Truedessa said...

I love that dog spreading seeds in the hopes they grow roots. That is amazing.
It sounds like you have a lot of thoughts roaming around.
Enjoy each day!

H. R. Sinclair said...

What a great way to spread seeds! And I love the word "languorous."

Carola Bartz said...

Languorous is a new word for me, but what a nice one!
The Olympics in Munich 1972 - I remember them well, especially the shock it gave to all of us.
We usually watch the summary of the Olympics on German TV. There are some competitions I'm really interested in, like rowing which can be more exciting than a thriller.
I love the seed spreading dog - a brilliant idea!

Liz A. said...

It's definitely interesting times. You seem to be busy. Take care.

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

@ Alex - thanks ... yes it was an interesting time. And believe it or not - your comment went to spam ... rescued, thank you ...

@ Truedessa - yes the pooches with pouches is a great idea. My mind is constantly busy ... but that's good, I think!

@ Holly - thanks re "languorous" ... had to 'dream' up a word that was vaguely appropriate! I knew the Pooch would engage many commenters ...

@ Carola - so good to see you ... also the word 'languorous' being new to you. I actually went out the day of the atrocity ... I was lucky to get in c/o the British Olympic Association. Rowing ties me in too ...

The seed spreading dog is a brilliant idea ... rootling around, as they spread those seeds ...

@ Liz - there's lots going on down here ... thanks ...

Cheers to you all - take care - Hilary

John "By Stargoose And Hanglands" said...

The Olympics used to be a rare and uncommon event, now it seems to rattle around with annoying frequency. The only thing I don't like is the way the media assume that because someone won a medal last time that makes them favourites to win again - especially if they're British!
I'm sure all self-respecting wolves are horrified that their noble task is now assigned to such inferior beasts.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

I am sure that when you worked at the Olympics, Hilary, you brought a large measure of purity to it all. Now the mere staging of the event is sullied with intrigue and skullduggery as cities exercise political chicanery to secure the venue, with jingoism and xenophobia in good measure. Then we have nations spying on each other’s athletes, coaches sent home, round the clock armed security for some, drug testing, disputes as to gender and on and on it goes. A pox on it all, I say. Hugs - David

Joanne said...

Indulging in a lot of Olympics viewing. Rooting for all. The dog days of August and summer bring a certain ennui here. We just go with it - sit and stare at the pool while sipping a cool drink, or dipping into the rather warm water and floating lazily. I enjoyed this post. August is for slow motion.

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

@ John - yes ... I think time was less frantic when we were younger?! It's been they're due to win gold ... so they will do - yet then the poor souls flunk ... yes I agree with you re the media - things are over egged.
You might well be right about self-respecting wolves ... strange to say! - love the thought ... I wrote a long post in 2012 on dogs ... lots of information there ...

@ David - I know sport isn't your thing ... and quite understand your comment about the 'cheating' that's going on ... and we can't trust people and countries to behave properly. Yes - you may have your pox on the Olympics ... as long as I can watch the parts I'd like to ... thank you! Oh yes and a hug ...

@ Joanne - good luck with that shoulder. Anyone who can persevere and push themselves so much, deserves our cheers for them. I think meeting the Olympians back in 2012 - helped me appreciate the various sports.

Enjoy your pool lolling ... sounds good to me!

Cheers to you all - I'll enjoy what I can ... some I avoid now-a-days ... but I keep an eye on what's going on sports-wise. Hilary

Marja said...

How exciting that you worked for the British Olympic Organisation I loved the opening of the Olympic Games. NZ did well as a small country and the Netherlands did too. These waves are high We were recently in Fiji which is close to Tahiti. Love that dog What a good idea. Hope you are ok Hillary Languorous seems like a good way to be but it feels that you are pretty busy

Karen Jones Gowen said...

I'm happy for anyone who enjoys watching the Olympics. I've never really gotten into it, although I like hearing stories of inspiration after the fact. There is too much news of everything and I try not to pay much attention, other than to what impacts me personally and even then it's easy to get overwhelmed and at times upset by it all.

Sandra Cox said...

Thinking of you, Hils. Here's hoping your brain and your fingers meet in the middle. Enjoy your weekend.

Nilanjana Bose said...

Brain outstripping the fingers is always a problem, isn't it? :) I hope they can negotiate a compromise sometime...have a restful Sunday.

mail4rosey said...

How awesome to have the British Olympics on your work resume! The flight shows are noisy. The idea of spreading the seeds with the dog is cute. :)

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

@ Marja – yes it was very stimulating so early in my working London life. NZ did pretty well I thought – ten golds, seven silvers and three bronzes … not at all bad. Oh how wonderful to have visited Fiji – and seen those waves power in. The dog is a delight isn't it …

@ Karen – some of us are sports orientated – leave me out of football! - but I do enjoy a number of other sports. Also as you mention the inspirations that we hear about from Olympians … also good to know about. Good luck as you plan to move back home.

@ Sandra – all well here – just lazy at times … but my brain definitely has more exercise than my body!

@ Nila – oh yes brain outstripping the fingers … good analogy – I'm getting into active mode again now … so all well … normal life resuming …

@ Rosey – I was very fortunate to have had the opportunity to have that experience. Oh we used to live underneath Farnborough Air Show flight paths in the 50s and 60s … but yes the little dog brings us back to earth …

Cheers to the five of you … thanks for being here – all the best – Hilary

Sandra Cox said...

My mind boggles at flying a car across the channel. Amazing.

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Sandra - this refers to the next post I think ... but yes I rather wish I'd remembered more ... but the Writing Group brought back other memories of those days. Apologies only just noticed your comment ... cheers Hilary