Monday 30 September 2024

Hickory Dickory Dock – Exeter Cathedral …


We had a prompt (Upstairs Downstairs) for our reading group … and to my surprise … no-one thought about the famous tv series 'Upstairs Downstairs' for that particular prompt (before Maggie Smith died).

Might be American spelling!
Me … I just kept on with the way I've been going this year … very slow, but not ponderous in thought … Nursery Rhymes came to my fore …

The Grand Old Duke of York … Frederick Augustus, Duke of York and second son of King George III of England is the only member of the British Royal family to be immortalised in a nursery rhyme.

Goosey Goosey Gander …

whither shall I wander?

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall …

Humpty Dumpty had a great fall …

and then …

Looking up towards the ornate
setting in Exeter Cathedral

Hickory Dickory Dock …

the mouse ran up the clock …

twelve times, then that poor little mouse had to start all over again … such is the life of a little mouse …

A whiskery looking mouse -
that's actually a rat!
Poor little mouse … has been kept very occupied these past weeks as I pondered on … but then the cat was more than encouraged to chase said mice (plenty born by this time!) through the new bell tower cat flap – the scampering rodents found their nemesis awaiting them …

It is thought Hickory Dickory Dock came into prominence in the 1700s from Exeter Cathedral, which has an astronomical clock … and had had a small hole cut in its face for the resident cat to keep watch …

Steve Roud's book on
Folk Songs in England

History abounds through our nursery rhymes … apparently there are about 250,000 references to 25,000 songs collected for the Roud Index after World War Two … thankfully the oral traditions have been saved.

Beneath the main dial is an appropriate saying ... 

PEREUNT ET IMPUTANTUR … the hours pass and are reckoned to our account.

As many hours have passed … I believe I am on the way to being back in the swing of things … so my next post will be the WEP October Horrorfest … mine will be a gentle tale – but do join us …

An early mechanism for the
astronomical clock removed
in 1885; but is restored and is
in its current position for
viewing purposes.

Thanks for bearing with my slothful time away … I shall catch up and see you all soon …

Hickory Dickory Dock Nursery Rhyme ... 

Exeter Cathedral Astronomical Clock ... which is thought to date from 1484

Please if you get can email advising you of a new post ... if you don't want it ... just let me know and I'll delete your name ... thanks ... or I can add yours in ... 

Hilary Melton-Butcher

Positive Letters Inspirational Stories


John Holton said...

Hope you enjoyed your time off...

Diane said...

what a fun blog. Hey diddle, diddle!
The cat and the fiddle,
The cow jumped over the moon;
The little dog laughed
To see such sport,
And the dish ran away with the spoon.
Take care, cheers Diane

Debbie D. said...

Nursery rhymes are fun! ☺ Welcome back, Hilary. I hope you had a lovely time away. I'm not much for "horror fests", but will come by to see what you've written. Cheers!

Elephant's Child said...

Hooray for WEPs return. I am not writing but look forward to some delicious reading.
I love and always have tracking the history behind nursery rhymes.
And welcome back.

Anabel Marsh said...

Cats, eh? They have a lot to answer for.