Saturday 12 October 2024

Write – Edit – Publish Bloghop: October Horrorfest …


A dark and gloomy evening – a dreaded long night ahead … the heavens were dark and broody … what had induced her to stay home … she couldn't imagine – she hated the uncertainty.

Willow tit ( a sweet little bird!)

That music infiltrated … it wouldn't go … it was taking over … especially now she remembered the lyrics … tit-willow-tit-willow-tit-willow …

Long ago alone the tv glowed … that song again … the setting - a murder … how did he die? Now all was in deep murky darkness … the garden stretched out … falling away towards a gurgling stream …

Tangled undergrowth
Even though it was the black and white era … she remembered the images … that song always brought shivers to her spine … why … no idea – but along her journey of life … there were some horreurs …

Time to put the Tit-Willow … back in its box – til the tune raises its ugly head and resonates again, as it surely will …

Grey image: Willow Tit
I don't seem to do well for October horrorfests … remembering my post for October five years ago – almost to the day …

So after mental reference to my Dark Places WEP posted seven years ago … and my thoughts on Joan of Arc and her ending, found as we're covering the Plantagenet era in our history group … horrors abound throughout the centuries … I'm almost bowing out …

That Tit-Willow song will, apparently, always bring up the anxious senses … I'm off now - a gloomy evening awaits … I'll catch up properly next week …

Horror: I avoid if I can … happy for all other prompts! Thanks WEPPERS … and BLOGGERS … see you soon …

Damned Soul (c1525)

Dark Places post - October 2017 

The Passion of Joan of Arc 1928 film 

The Mikado by Gilbert and Sullivan - a comic opera ... though that tune gives me the heebie-jeebies ... 

Hilary Melton-Butcher

Positive Letters Inspirational Stories

Monday 30 September 2024

Hickory Dickory Dock – Exeter Cathedral …


We had a prompt (Upstairs Downstairs) for our reading group … and to my surprise … no-one thought about the famous tv series 'Upstairs Downstairs' for that particular prompt (before Maggie Smith died).

Might be American spelling!
Me … I just kept on with the way I've been going this year … very slow, but not ponderous in thought … Nursery Rhymes came to my fore …

The Grand Old Duke of York … Frederick Augustus, Duke of York and second son of King George III of England is the only member of the British Royal family to be immortalised in a nursery rhyme.

Goosey Goosey Gander …

whither shall I wander?

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall …

Humpty Dumpty had a great fall …

and then …

Looking up towards the ornate
setting in Exeter Cathedral

Hickory Dickory Dock …

the mouse ran up the clock …

twelve times, then that poor little mouse had to start all over again … such is the life of a little mouse …

A whiskery looking mouse -
that's actually a rat!
Poor little mouse … has been kept very occupied these past weeks as I pondered on … but then the cat was more than encouraged to chase said mice (plenty born by this time!) through the new bell tower cat flap – the scampering rodents found their nemesis awaiting them …

It is thought Hickory Dickory Dock came into prominence in the 1700s from Exeter Cathedral, which has an astronomical clock … and had had a small hole cut in its face for the resident cat to keep watch …

Steve Roud's book on
Folk Songs in England

History abounds through our nursery rhymes … apparently there are about 250,000 references to 25,000 songs collected for the Roud Index after World War Two … thankfully the oral traditions have been saved.

Beneath the main dial is an appropriate saying ... 

PEREUNT ET IMPUTANTUR … the hours pass and are reckoned to our account.

As many hours have passed … I believe I am on the way to being back in the swing of things … so my next post will be the WEP October Horrorfest … mine will be a gentle tale – but do join us …

An early mechanism for the
astronomical clock removed
in 1885; but is restored and is
in its current position for
viewing purposes.

Thanks for bearing with my slothful time away … I shall catch up and see you all soon …

Hickory Dickory Dock Nursery Rhyme ... 

Exeter Cathedral Astronomical Clock ... which is thought to date from 1484

Please if you get can email advising you of a new post ... if you don't want it ... just let me know and I'll delete your name ... thanks ... or I can add yours in ... 

Hilary Melton-Butcher

Positive Letters Inspirational Stories

Tuesday 27 August 2024

Procrastinate, Prevaricate … Pear-shaped brain …


Such is life – I'm getting off the bandwagon for a fortnight – for anyone who doesn't know that's two weeks + a bit!

Procrastinating, prevaricating doesn't do me any good ...and the pear-shaped brain is discovering more rabbit holes …

Who knew? - that The Rabbit Hole book will be published in October … I give up – it appeared on my radar today of all days … actually you'd think if I had radar I wouldn't be down so many rabbit holes … wouldn't you?

Far too many of these around ... 
books, articles etc
Lots going on and before the Autumn really comes along … I'm going to get a few things done and then I'll feel easier … and the brain won't be so pitted with half-explored books, sites of interest, articles to look into …

Hanging fruit waiting for me
to check out!

So I'm going to love you and leave you … we've a few sunny days left before Keats' season of mists and mellow fruitfulness sets in, followed by Blake's Winter of our discontent … then Rossetti's Spring will return … more rabbit holes!

Varieties of those low hanging fruits
I'm so grateful for our seasons … they provide interest sparking different thoughts appropriate to that time of year … from which we could learn so much …

Thankfully I haven't got as many as
shown here - but enough to keep me occupied
I'm eternally grateful to you all for following along … and yes I will set up a private group email to send out my posts to anyone who'd like to be on it … let me know – that'd be great: thank you … (reason being some of us lose our reasons for being sometimes with programmes cancelling our previously happy set up … )

I won't be far away … cheers for now …

Hilary Melton-Butcher

Positive Letters Inspirational Stories

Monday 12 August 2024

Tail Fin Heroes …


We had a prompt recently … 'our first flight' – well it introduced a range of memories for the eight of us … trips to the States to meet up with relatives who'd left the Welsh valleys, others who'd gone south to Africa with their families, an English-American who'd lived in Sri Lanks, or holidays into Europe …

Showing a car being boarded at Lydd
... then me (of course) … I'd remembered we'd taken in the mid 1960s, our car over the Channel from Lydd airport, on the Kent coast ...

... so my mother could drive the three of us down to Italy, where my father would fly out and join us.

The leaning tower was one
of our stop overs
Now to tail fins – as the company that flew out of Lydd turned out to be Silver City Airways … interesting company … one of the first commercial flights from London Airport (as it was known) was to Sydney … via – guess where – yes … Johannesburg – crumbs – I'm so pleased I didn't have to travel that way.

Panorama view of Lake Como - another stop over
So this was why I was off down various rabbit holes, we lived near Heathrow for the first 20 years or so of my life ...

Using both the USA and UK flags as their logo
... I really had better get back to 'tail fins' … my first flight to the States for a friend's wedding was on one of Freddie Laker's Skytrains …

It certainly shows Freddie ... 
To my amazement in 2017 – oh yes 50+ years of air transportation … when tail fins popped up … would you put Freddie Laker, Queen's frontman Freddie Mercury, children's author Roald Dahl, pioneering pilot Amy Johnson and our 1966 football's winning team captain Bobby Moore …

Map of Lake Como ... I've no idea where
we stayed, but my mother, father and I 
did learn to play Bezique here

... well believe it or not Norwegian Air International has placed these images on five of their tailfins … strange bedfellows I thought – and I'm sure you do too? Little things amuse me …

Normal service will be resumed shortly …

Hilary Melton-Butcher

Positive Letters Inspirational Stories

Wednesday 7 August 2024

WEP Get Togethers # 5 … Languorous me …


Unsettledness perhaps … life leads me very slowly forward … the brain is very active, the typing fingers less so!

Rather too many 'games' going on … both physical and political – some very interesting, others not so much – yet the brain tacks across all subjects …

I know a few blogging members have been having some challenges – I wish them and their families well … and an easier future …

Perhaps some time down in Marseilles ... 
I think perhaps the meaning of 'languorous' … it suggests a dreamy boredom and delicacy that avoids unnecessary activity … does not describe where I'm at … I'm definitely not bored – overwhelmed with ideas I'd like to explore is more like it ...

The Olympics Paris 2024 Cauldron:
not quite a balloon ... but near enough ... 

... so where to start … when my mind is a star burst of thoughts – where to start is a challenge … as my mother used to say – for goodness sake get on with it … bless her!! So best get on with it!!

Another 24 hours, 48 or more hours later … probably!

Eastbourne - Devonshire Park tennis set up
Tennis – lots of tournaments down here … County Week, Over 35s et al – lots, then the Olympics taking me back to 1972 when I worked for the British Olympic Organisation and fast forwarding to the 2012 Games … and to the 2024 Para-Olympics coming up …

Teahupoo, Tahiti - where the surfing is being
held - not the kind of waves we get here
in the English Channel, along our seafront
We've got Airbourne with the Red Arrows … along the seafront in ten days time … lots of noise, ancient and modern aircraft, wing walkers – the thought appals me! Fun for the town though … but be prepared rattling windows ahoy …

Pampered pooch with punctured pouch
However to finish off and I hope give you a big smile … how about a pampered pooch prompted to enjoy their ping-pong patrols with a punctured pouch on board … spreading those tiny wild seeds out and about.

One of the emblems for the next Olympics
in Los Angeles 2028

Interestingly and apparently the aim is to replicate the activity of wolves before they went extinct in the middle of the 1700s … strange but true!

Better go to catch up a little … take care one and all …

Olympics - Paris ... information vision ... 

Railways Land Project ... pottering pooches ... 

Hilary Melton-Butcher

Positive Letters Inspirational Stories

Friday 26 July 2024

Stubbs', his son, Townly, ... stipple engraving, Wedgwood, Écorché art ...


Laughter, Crying, Terror, and Tranquility … all stipple engravings made by George Stubbs' son: George Townly Stubbs (after his father) …

These prints, by Townly Stubbs, reproduce a lost set of wax models of facial expressions made by his father based on the influential illustrations of 'passions' designed by the 17th century French history painter Charles Le Brun, which many artists of the period used as a guide for depicting human expression.

Charles Le Brun's The Expressions
(1619 - 1690)
But please note (!) George Stubbs snr (1724 – 1806) … took licence with Le Brun's illustrations … as he 'removed the skin' to reveal the muscular foundations of the expressions … adding to his personal artistic fascination with anatomy and physiology. This is known as Écorché … as depicted by Leonardo da Vinci.

Echorche by Leonardo

As you might have gathered … I've become slightly obsessed with the work of George Stubbs …


Stubbs was 'full on' as far as experimentation was concerned … which I'm sure you've gathered from this post and the earlier one.

Terror / Fright

He also collaborated with Josiah Wedgwood in producing ceramic plaques … it took over three years for a satisfactory 'canvas' to be prepared … with which Stubbs and Wedgwood continued to refine.

During this time – Stubbs also experimented with  methods of painting enamels on copper. Again a few years passed as he worked with new pigments appropriate for enamelling in the 1700s.

One of the books I learnt from
As Stubbs snr was silent to the world … we have hardly any records of the work he was carrying out. Wedgwood's discoveries were however listed in his Experiment Books – and also in his personal letters to his friends, unfortunately his Books detailing the Stubbs' records have vanished

Anglo-Saxon hilt showing garnet
inlay in the Cloisonne style
The word 'enamel' is used to denote both a material and various forms of pictorial art which are made from the mixes. The material is essentially a kind of glass formed from silicates with some technical adjustments.

Mosan 12thC armiet - showing the cast
recesses for the enamel
(in the Champleve style)

The main forms of enamelling are Champlevé, Cloisonné, Bassetaille, and painted (vitreous) enamels … these latter were the type Stubbs was exhibiting. I've linked Wikipedia's pages for each type …

Vitreous Enamelling on my ring

Well that's it … I just wish I was artistic and technically capable … still curiosity clicks in … as you can see …

The ring was made for me about 20 years ago … it's beautiful and was a wonderful prize to win – I got to chose what I wanted made … lucky me.

Écorché - c/o Wikipedia

Tranquility ... let's all be tranquil
Charles Le Brun - French painter, physiognomist, art theorist  (1619 - 1690)

Champlevé technique ... 

Cloisonné style ... 

Basse-taille ... 

Vitreous Enamelling ... 

Hilary Melton-Butcher

Positive Letters Inspirational Stories

Friday 19 July 2024

Blue Moon Rising solved … Suspended Coffee anyone?


Originally I could only think of David Niven's memoir 'The Moon's a Balloon' – which on the cover of the French version appears as rising blue and white moon rays …

However 'My Blue Moon' tethered the other day on Eastbourne College's playing fields was a fundraising campaign to provide more school bursaries for children from all backgrounds – they are aiming for 40 fully funded pupil bursaries.

Having friends who used to work at the College, or friends and family who either went there themselves, or sent their children to the school – I hadn't realised that Nigel Lawson's son, once our Chancellor of the Exchequer … and Nigella Lawson's father, is the headmaster: Tom Lawson. Also I'd no idea he lived down here …

Eastbourne College - with 'its balloon'

Tom Lawson appeared with his wife in the 'Blue Moon', which did not rise – as a promotion for this new appeal.

The College was founded 157 years by the town's philanthropic doctor, with support from the local residents.

Bandstand in 2005

The Balloon tethered at the College, and the Bandstand concert in the evening, were the 'headlines' announcing their Blue Sky Bursaries Appeal … including regular giving, one-off gifts, or a financial legacy … however small or large …

The Blue Sky Bursaries Appeal has been based on the Caffè Sospeso film … whereby when a coffee is bought, another is included in the price – so deserving customers can have a free coffee …

Container in Naples where the
'Surprise' receipts can be dropped

Paying it Forward style with an added beneficial twist … and with that long-term commitment added in … I hope they succeed for the kids who could benefit from the Appeal.

I have to say I couldn't quite get to grips with the Caffè Sospeso (coffee suspended) film … but obviously the concept is working around the world.

Volume One bookshop in Duncan, Canada
My mind is scattered … around much going on, much coming up … and the usual – my curiosity … so I need to get to grips with my typing fingers!

Thanks for visiting … and I will be around soon – the fingers promise!

Our logo for five years of 
encouraging posts that we blogged about
You might remember my WATWB post in 2018, about the chap who paid for my groceries – when I quietly nearly died of embarrassment … that post resonated with many of you … after I confirmed I'd paid it forward with a book voucher to a local Early Learning Day Care Centre.

Wikipedia's entry for Caffè Sospeso

Hilary Melton-Butcher

Positive Letters Inspirational Stories