A few
things I need to acknowledge or remind us all of ... or mention in case you’re
interested ...
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The Bird man ...! |
First –
the Oh I Miss You Blog Fest ... as I went through all the posts I noticed that
few of us mentioned Arlee Bird ... and quite honestly – I’m not sure how many
of us would have become such good friends in the last three years ... if Arlee
hadn’t had the bright idea of setting up the A – Z Challenge.

latest post is a great one: Wrote by Wrote – Are We Talking about Food
Again ... this is on his Memoir site ...
He has
a few blogs ...
Tossing It Out is his
original blog ...
A – Z Home Page blog – find details on the Ato Z challenge
AFarAwayView – a blog about dreams ...
done two challenges just didn’t have the energy to do the first – but watched
from the sidelines as everyone’s followers and friendships developed ... so
most definitely it is HEAR HEAR to Lee – he needs a few hugs at the moment ...
Awards – I’m sorry I’m really not good with these! Love receiving them ... bask in the
appreciation and then withdraw quietly as they take my mind away from my path
ahead ... I think I’ll have to set up a page – which says delighted to have
them – tucked them away so I don’t need to dust them .. I think Friko does that
– a good example to follow!
the recent awards I recollect and for which I am very grateful come from:
Morning AJ – blog
addictive award – yes I suspect that does apply to me ... as long as you all keep
coming by to comment, I guess I’ll keep on posting ...
Nancy Williams – gave
me two!! The Super Sweet Blog Award ... and the Tag Your It game - with the word ‘look’ ... I failed to look
for look and thus did not find look!
Super Sweet Award ... wonderful looking cupcakes ... thanks Nancy .. her site
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I see Martha's blog has been awarded The Observer Food Blog of the year |
there’s an update on Martha of “Never Seconds” – who has been out to Africa to
the Malawi school, who has been breaking records in the Amazon rankings ... has
been interviewed everywhere ... and she’s still as shy as a wonderful little
mouse, as is her Dad ...
book is out ... here’s the link to Martha's site, with some photos, details of the book, information on Mary’s Meals ...
and lots of blog posts showing their adventure to Malawi ...
one little niche .......... food for thought!?! My original posting ..
people in Africa will be thanking Martha this year, we will be thanking Lee for
his A – Z Challenge ... and to all bloggers who support each other through
thick and thin ...
Three Cheers for Lee
Happy Thanksgiving ...
Hilary Melton-Butcher
Positive Letters Inspirational Stories
Cheers for Lee! That first Challenge made such a difference in my blog, which is why I will always champion the Challenge.
And congratulations on the awards.
Three cheers for Lee!!! He convinced me to try the A to Z Challenge through his posts about past challenges. My 'Paris Posts' came about because Lee encouraged bloggers to push themselves for one month.
Thanks Lee, keep looking forward. Liked this post, Hilary.
Correct that to my 'Paris Etc -Art, Film, People and Places' posts. From Aphrodite to Zadkine, the artist. My goof.
I totally agree about Lee and his challenge. I found some really great blogs through that blogfest.
Found lots of great blogs through the blogfest, it was a great idea.
Martha has been more than an eye opener on Never Seconds, she has been an inspiration and she has done so much good. Amazing person, just shows what one person can do if they try and she is so young.
Great post. Diane
Cheers for Arlee Bird! I never would have believed that I could have blogged everyday for one month if it wasn't for Arlee's A-Z Challenge. Plus, I connected with so many amazing people in the blogging world that I'm really looking forward to the next one. Glad Arlee is the man behind it all. (:
@ Alex - yea .. that's what I thought - we all benefited so much from Lee's first Challenge ..
@ DG - yes .. I loved your Paris posts .. in fact all your A - Z posts .. and commented on most .. that's where we met - and that was a huge bonus ...
@ Holly - good I'm glad I've hit the right note here .. didn't we all meet wonderful people ..
@ Diane - it's such fun meeting new people ... and Martha has been amazing - exactly as you say ... one person - one movement ... as for being young it really doesn't matter if the idea catches on ..
@ Elise - I know it's that encouragement isn't it .. and then those connections, remade during the next Challenge .. me too - I'm semi organised for next year .. love April now ..
Cheers to you all .. so pleased you appreciate Arlee .. he's definitely worth it - Happy Thanksgiving .. Hilary
Brilliant post, Hilary.
It needs saying that Lee rocks.
He is a rock and has been the solid foundation for many of us newbies through his A-Z challenges, which I had the privilege of co-hosting last year.
Not only does he mentor beautifully; he is patient, respectful, kind, and very encouraging.
Thank you for singling him out for a well deserved round of High Fives.
Lee - if you're reading this...you are all that I say you are and so much more. Much love, my friend, much love.
Cheers, Jenny
I didn't participate in the A-Z, but I still think Lee's rocks. "Amen and hallelujah sister!" Yes, I love getting to say that.
I had a wonderful time during this blog, and now we'll soon be able to honour Alex. That's special.
Great tribute to Lee, Hilary.
Arlee is the community founder and builder. You are one blogger friend that I miss when I'm away and will definitely miss if I don't receive your positive letters and inspirational stories! Hello Hilary.
What a lovely post.
I'm one of Lee's followers. I've never tried the challenge, though. I usually don't do well with these contests.
I do so agree, Lee and Alex together changed my blogging experience considerably.
Cheers for Lee!!!
Awesome! You are such a great blogger. Those people have made blogging a treat for me and I'm so glad you acknowledged them.
Hi Hilary
Alas I'm late. I forgot about Arlee Bird, you are so right. My daughter is learning GIMP on my computer and I've done no writing for a week. When she is done though, she will do the majority of my book covers and develop her own career. I've been trying to talk her into this for two years. She's a wonderful artist.
@ Jenny - many thanks .. just thought Lee needed an extra bump of cheer! He really has been the rock for many of us - and being one of the co-hosts last year .. you experienced his abilities more than us ...
To me he's always seemed to be the epitome of an English gentleman ..
Mr Bird - you deserve this little extra credit ... and high fives from us all ..
@ Joylene - I don't think anyone's "Amen and hallelujah sister" me before!!
Delighted to read you too appreciated Lee and all he embodies re the Chalenge and his blogs ..
@ Lisa - you're right Lee is the Community founder and builder .. thanks for your comment - as I've mentioned before .. I can't work your blog out or how to comment .. so sorry can't join in.
@ Janie - thank you ..
@ Richard - it's not a contest .. just post something interesting, preferably themed for the month of April ... it's interesting, challenging and we meet some wonderful friends .. simple?!
@ Jo - we're lucky to be amongst Lee .. who started the ball rolling and then Lee and others who've kept lots of extra momentum up ..
@ Tyrean - great .. more cheers!
@ Clarissa - the previous post highlighted a few more - but Lee, I felt, deserved his own little post ..
@ Nancy - no worries .. what a wonderfully talented daughter ... and so pleased to see she's learning GIMP - that'll help you loads in the future with your book covers .. lucky girl to be able to draw etc ...
Cheers everyone - and have very Happy Thanksgivings .. Hilary
I think I originally spotted you on Jannie's blog, but then we bonded a bit over the A to Z Challenge. I don't think I'll do that one again, but I enjoyed it while it was going on. :)
Thank you again for alerting us to Martha's blog. I've loved keeping up with her.
Great to see Lee here. Lee and food? I'm on my way! Congrats on your award. Have a wonderful week!
Definitely three cheers for Arlee! He's the one who told me about the A-Z challenge. Thanks, Arlee!
@ Lynn - you did that's right .. both Jannie and the 'bonding' on the A - Z. I just enjoyed writing about the same thing for the 26 days .. something I don't do - gave me different focus - but there's lots doing the challenge, that is for sure.
Delighted you're enjoying seeing how Martha is doing - it's a wonderful success story ..
@ Theresa - thanks so much .. Lee deserves his recognition and that food posting is fun - very family oriented.
@ Sherry - glad you're giving three cheers for Arlee - his A- Z tentacles stretch a long way don't they!
Great to see you three - Happy Thanksgivings ... Hilary
Your post reminds me of all the wonderful people I have met through blogging--including you!
I'll cheer right along for Lee as well. A to Z has been such a wonderful experience.
Three cheers indeed for Lee! Although I couldn't participate this year, I had great fun the first two years.
I,too, owe Lee so much for his awesome A to Z blogfest! Many of my current friends come from participating in it.
Three rousing cheers for Lee!
Lee is a great blogger and such an inspiration! He deserves some special recognition, I totally agree. I love his responses to my comments and I enjoy his posts. So glad you took the time to give him the kudos he merits.
Thanks for all the other miscellany, too! So much, Hillary. You covered a lot of bases here today.
lee is an awesome guy! i am so glad he brought us a to z, it's where i got my first boost of followers!
thanks for the thanksgiving wishes!
I'm just beginning to realize how cool Lee is! Serious. He's such a great, positive presence in this community! <3
What a beautiful post, Lee is such a great blogger :)
Thanks for the thanksgiving wishes!
Warmly Marinela
I think you deserve every award going. There can’t be many bloggers as generous as you in their posts.
Thank you for mentioning me in the previous one. Much appreciated.
Let's hear it for Lee! I had fun with the A to Z the past two years.
@ Bossy Betty - you've been doing so much this year - thankfully you've had lots of support .. and it's wonderful to see you springing back so happily!
@ Damyanti - so pleased you agree with me ..
@ Talli - I know you did so much to help Lee the first and 2nd year ..
@ Laura - I'm sure that's right - we've all made such wonderful friends ..
@ Lee - so pleased you feel Lee needed that extra recognition .. I so agree - he's always thoughtful ..
@ Tara - I had quite a few followers, but certainly each A - Z has definitely brought more in ..
@ Morgan - it took me a while too .. to realise people meant what they said and cared - Lee in particular ..
@ Marinela - glad you enjoyed it and can celebrate with us
@ Friko - really appreciate this - I always feel I'm missing so many out .. glad you picked up the previous post too .. I love visiting your blog ..
@ Diane - thanks .. let's hear it for Lee -so true ..
The A- Z is fun everyone, so pleased you agree with me .. and Lee has been that star turn getting it set up and rolling ..
Happy Thanksgiving to all Americans wherever you are ... enjoy the celebrations and family time .. Hilary
Hi Hilary,
And of course, I have done my very own spoof alternative to Lee's 'Alphabet Challenge'. Yes, it has been good natured fun and Lee has taken my ribbing, very well. In fact he titled me "The official Anti-A to Z spokesman" :) I was most honoured by that.
Seriously, I know that our good friend, Lee, has been going through some time personal times and we wish him and his loved ones, a better future.
And hey, you are totally deserving of those blogging awards. And thank you for all the links on here.
Yes indeed, Happy American Thanksgiving!
Cheers and all the best to you, Hilary.
Lovely new-to-me links, Hilary, thank you! I'm off to take a look.
Yea for Arlee and CONGRATS on your awards!
Thank you so much for this beautiful post--I am moved. And all the nice comments made me feel really good.
Ironically, I was just preparing a tribute to you and came over to copy the link to your blog when I found this. Anyway, I will be giving you some honor on my Wednesday post.
Hilary, you are a very supportive blogger.
Tossing It Out
@ Gary - I remember that fun titling by Lee and thought what a great name for you! Also your spoofing of us -has lit some of the A - Z bloggers up as you've connected with them ..
I'm glad you noted Lee's challenges - we can feel when things aren't quite right for people ..
I'm afraid I'm hopeless with the awards ... but always very grateful to receive them.
Happy Thanksgiving - gives us a little extra break and time!!
@ Deniz - oh how lovely new friends to make ... that's good ..
@ Susanne - you're right Yea for Arlee and I'm honoured with my awards.
@ Lee - that's great you came by .. when so many have already left their words for you - you deserve our many thanks!!
Oh gosh - this is a real honour .. and certainly one I didn't expect to get - I am just happy doing my thing!! Whatever that might be ..
I like to support and be around for people ..
Thank you so much everyone - I'm so pleased we all feel the same way about Lee - Happy Thanksgiving to all American friends ... cheers Hilary
Hey Hilary,
Great post and thanks for sharing all the info... I follow the Birdman, but I must sneak over there more often:)
Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours, too :)
What a perfect "appreciation" post, and just in time for Thanksgiving, too! I am completely in awe of bloggers like Lee who manage to keep multiple websites going at once. PLUS run what surely must be one of the largest blogfests in the world. (He must have figured out a way to squeeze a few extra hours into every day.) Congrats on your awards, Hilary. Much deserved!
What lovely and sincere post!
What a lovely story.Bieng a new blogger I feel quite green.
take care Hilary.Ana
Fabulous blog! Love the liveliness and colour! I'll be back here for sure! Blogging is best and most definitely my thing, so it looks like I'm at the right place :)
This is such a wonderful tribute to Lee! If it hadn't been for A to Z, I would've never met you Hilary! Lee also topped my list in the blogfest! Congrats on your awards Hilary!
@ Mark - most of us follow Birdman - I'm so grateful that I 'bumped' into him somewhere along the line ..
@ Susan - many thanks .. Lee has been incredibly covering all his bases ... while the A - Z is a great opportunity for many of us ... testing and trying our ways forward, while meeting so many wonderful people ..
@ Farawayeyes - appreciate this - thank you!
@ Ana - we were all green once, those ripening tomatoes come into their own!!
@ Val - good to see you and thanks for following - I'm not usually quite so colourful! But it's great to read you'll be back ...
@ Julie - that seems to apply to many of us doesn't it - Lee provided us with the platform to meet up and join in ... We've been lucky he's been around for us ..
Cheers everyone - enjoy Thanksgiving and ? Black Friday!!!
Happy Thursdays and weekends .. Hilary
Congratulations on all your blog awards, they are well-deserved!
And I agree with you on the A to Z..though I've only done it once, it was a great way to connect...I remember thinking about the incredible amount of work that must go into something like that..Lee is a super-blogger to say the least! :) Martha's book sounds great, love to learn about new places, people...thanks, Hilary!
hi Scarlett - great to see you ... then that must be where I first came across you - via one of the A - Zs.
As you say he is a super blogger - but you're so creative on your blog and your recent owl stamp was just delightful ..
Martha has been inspiration to school kids around the world, as well as receiving a very high profile here in the UK - let alone the kids in Malawi, who have been having some nutritious meals in school with her help.
Pleasure - it's great hearing people are inspired with my posts and their information ..
Cheers Hilary
Hilary, I just popped over to thank you for your kind words on mine and I see from your profile you lived in SA. I was also there fore twenty years! Nice to have that in common as well as the blogs and writing :)
Hi Val .. I'd spotted that - and thought I'd highlight the connection - those African roots are hard to shift!!
It'll be fun having you around .. cheers Hilary
I've said it before and I'll say it again, the A-Z was a brilliant idea. Yay, Lee. Good job.
Thanks, Hillary for remembering Lee. He is awesome.
SO are YOU!
I agree. Three cheers for Lee. I haven't done the challenge (you know how hopeless I am at blogging!) but I enjoyed reading everyone's posts.
Congrats on the awards!
Congrats on your awards and I agree, three cheers for Lee! I've sure missed being a part of the blog world lately. Thanks for popping by to say hello. I hope all has been well in your world!
I agree, Lee is a treasure! As are you, Hilary. :) So thankful our paths have intersected. Have a wonderful weekend!
Lee is amazing. The A-Z Challenge changed the blogosphere significantly!
Congratulations on the awards.
@ Teresa - appreciate your comment .. Lee is well worth the plaudits ..
@ Shirley - I understand you've got lots going on .. I've thoroughly enjoyed the Challenge - and am sure most of my contacts came via the A-Z
@ Martha - well it's good to see you back ... life can have its moments ..
@ Karen - I'm blessed with the friends via the A-Z ... it's been a great place ..
@ GE - I think you might be right .. and you're young enough to understand that - and will see it for what it is in 20 years .. so interesting to see what effect it has had ..
I wonder with all the blogs out there ... how many have this supportive network of blogging friends from all walks of life - so we learn so much ..
Interesting ... have great weekends everyone ..cheers Hilary
The blogging world is much larger and full of riches than I realised. Thank you for bringing this information together, and I must say that I could easily make up a new award for you, which is for the liveliest formatting on any blog!
Thanks so much for the update on Martha of Never Seconds. Your first posting on her introduced me to her site - what an inspiring young person she is!
@ Juliet - many thanks .. liveliest formatter = well that's a thought - sometimes I step out of the box and do things a little differently - so appreciate your thought!
@ Coral - oh great ... and being in that part of the world I can understand your interest in Martha and her book .. she is certainly inspiring ..
Great to see you both .. from this battered, sodden, gale swept isle of ours ... cheers Hilary
Arlee should have been on my list, for the reasons you mentioned - so many of my blogging friends came from AtoZ. Thanks for writing this.
I benefited tremendously from the A - Z challenge. Made new friends and got my thinking straight. Hip, hip!
@ Rhonda .. I didn't put the obvious people on my list, but I thought I had to mention one or two - so difficult to decide and I know I should/could have mentioned others ..
@ Francene - as most of us imply or directly mention as you have .. many of our friends, information etc have come via the A - Z Challenge ..
Lee definitely deserves his accolades!
Cheers to you both - Hilary
you have such a great blog! enjoyed all the wonderful pics, they are beautiful. new follower here! hi!
Hi Tammy - many thanks .. be seeing you at yours - cheers Hilary
Lee keeps such a low profile, deferring the limelight to others. Yes, definitely a presence I'd miss.
Those are some cool awards Hilary :)
Hi Donna .. you've used the right words here - he does defer to others ... but we'd all miss him. Thanks re the awards .. cheers Hilary
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