to Shine Day – frankly what would look better than this image? Not a lot ... cheers me up just to look at it
Be Positive Day is the goal we set ourselves for EACH and
EVERY DAY ... and no-one has this better down to a T than
Lenny ... and I hope you pay him a visit, preferably for the last two posts ...
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King Protea |
first on Mother’s Day – nothing could be more poignant than his words – but look
how his words lead us to the Choose to Shine post ... we could all do with this realisation
that we were granted this life and to fully engage and enjoy we should always
be positive ...
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A leopard .. it's Africa |
me ... I’d like to highlight Judy Croome, she who is hiding away in the South
African winter writing furiously. Judy’s
mother lost her husband of 57 years last year ... and this year decided she
needed a different mindset ...
... she
contacts Judy, and says before I visit London, and your sister, I think, at age
79, I’d like a TATTOO .... please visit Judy’s post where she tells the story
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Cape Town by moonlight |
has also just been picked up by Huffington post – so she is over the moon ...
and I do love Judy’s books – she was extraordinarily kind to me, when my mother
was ill ... “The Weight of a Feather” is a delightful read ...
My review of Judy's book "Dancing in the Shadows of Love" ... is so evocative of Africa ... my post is here ....
Pam and I ... |
I went
to Brighton last week to meet Pam McIlroy, who blogs as an avid reader ... what
a great meeting - laughter all the way ... John, another knowledgeable reader
too, happened to have decided to attend the Brighton Festival ‘discussion group’
on “What Makes a Book Worth Publishing?" – both Pam and John live in Nottingham
Pam sat
on the discussion panel – while it was a treat
to meet two wonderful readers ... Pam runs the Nottingham Book Club, while she
tweets her thoughts as she reads a book ... under the Twitter hashtag #TAIR .... this hashtag
approach to reading has created a great deal of interest ...
Pam's story can be read here ... "Confessions of a Book Addict" ...
I'm adding this as Pam has just posted about the Brighton Festival Event - and her panel discussion, including "How to Judge a Writing Competition, Overcoming Stage Fright and making her soul sing" ... excellent article on the event.
I'm adding this as Pam has just posted about the Brighton Festival Event - and her panel discussion, including "How to Judge a Writing Competition, Overcoming Stage Fright and making her soul sing" ... excellent article on the event.
many of you are writers, authors ... and the farmer, James Oswald, who has
recently been picked up by Penguin ... once you get past the ads – the video
clicks in (with wonderful Celtic music) ... it’s only just over 2 minutes ...
from The Independent ...

of Highland Cows and Romney sheep in Scotland makes good by drafting stories as
he farms! He still lives in a static
caravan – dreams are what make us ...
here The Daily Mail tells his story ... he’s been writing all his life ... but
an incredibly unfortunate event ... made him even more determined to succeed
last but by no means least ... an interesting article in Saturday’s The
Independent on "Bookbarn International" ... about the long tail as far as second-hand books are concerned
... you
may not like the story as we’re all authors with new stories to tell – but read
on – this chap, William Pryor, has had his difficulties – he may be a
descendant of Darwin ... but read to see
what he’s overcome ... while ...
towards the end of the interview they quote the following ... “After all, it was Darwin who said it’s not
the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but the
one most responsive to change.”

Positive ... be cheerful, smile often, laugh happily ... live to live – enjoy every
hour in each day – there may be 24 of them ... but we only have one life – it’s
better to BE POSITIVE ...
The terrible ravages that nature can unleash - have left many in mourning, shocked and extremely worried about their future ... my thoughts are with all affected.
Letters Inspirational Stories
Hilary for all your kindness around the web, you & your delightful Mum were extraordinarily easy to be kind too, it was a pleasure to spoil your Mum a bit! Thanks for including me in your International Day post -it's an honour! :)
Lovely photo of you looking very smart with your blogging friend.
And, like you, thinking of the aftermath of Mother Nature's anger ... the terrible storms in the USA. Prayers and positive thoughts to all.
Before I hunker back down in my (freezing) writing cave, I'll tweet and FB about this lovely post. Thanks again! :)
Hamba kahle!
Hi Hilary, nothing beats positivity! Everything works out better when you smile and think positive!
Duncan In Kuantan
That's why I only link to positive bloggers on my blog - lovely bloggers like you and Lenny. I just added Lenny's link to my blog roll.
I hope you have a happy day!
@ Judy .. what a beautiful comment - and as you so happily let me know - the post has been picked up by the Melton Mowbray Times, now I see by a PaperLi publisher here in Oakham, Rutland ...
Still an amazing story .. and how extraordinary to be picked up - many thanks ...
@ Duncan - too true - being happier and giving a smile does make us all feel better ...
@ Lynn- thanks for that compliment .. and so pleased you added Lenny too ...
Yes .. I am having a very happy day! Cheers Hilary
Judy's Tweet - got picked up by the Melton Mowbray Times .. it's an English PaperLi site here out of Oakham, Rutland ..
Check out at end of page ..
Amazing!!! Hilary
Positive thinking makes a HUGE difference? Is it a magic pill that makes everything better? Of course not. BUT it definitely makes life a great deal more manageable :)
Amongst all the tragedy, it is nice to read a positive post. Our news here, is, of course, full of the tragedy of the latest tornado. That's why it's called Tornado Alley.
Been reading Lenny's posts for a while now.
Love the photo of you. Will check out some of your links later.
I do try to be positive....but I woke up today feeling angry at my car insurance company that increased my rate by $76 for no good reason (no claims, old car, no accidents) and I have to try and peddle my jewelry at a shop that probably will shoot me down, so I am not feeling real positive at all.
You know it takes energy to be negative and or positive and positive feels so much better and makes the world a better place. sandie
That image of Cape Town is beautiful, Hil. Thank you for including it in this uplifting post -- which served as a reinforcement. Have a beautiful week, girl.
Wow, how cool to see you in the paper and click to find you! Congratulations!!!!!!!
Being positive is so key to successful living. I named my blog Life is Good as a reminder...and have needed it lately, as you know ;-)
Will check out your recommendations for sure.
I hope you have a wonderful, happy, positive and uplifting day!
Tina @ Life is Good
What the opposite of positivity--negativity. As far as I know negativity never accomplished anything.
You always fill your blog posts with so much interesting information. You certainly shine out in blog land. Well done!
Nothing throws water on a happy day like a negative person. So here's to a great day (and maybe the negaholics will drop their frowns and join in).
Off to check out some of your positive links.
And thanks for that photo of Cape Town. Looove that city!
Life's too short to waste time wallowing in the negative zone. No matter what happens, we always have the freedom to choose our reaction to it. I choose the positive.
Great post, Hilary. And you sure have provided us with a bunch of interesting links. I'll check 'em out later. Cheers!
Who, but you, would write such a wonderful post about being positive. I will look up Lenny and the lady from S.A. now. I have a thing now, that I'm old, that I wish I had thought of earlier in my life: Every morning I smile, big, a huge grin before I get out of bed. I'm not a positive person, so this helps me so much to face another day with joy.
I thank you and Sharon and Robyn and last but not least Lenny. We do need to be positive each and every day but this is a terrific idea, to come up with a special day for a positive attitude.
That Darwin quote is very interesting. Lovely to see you meeting up with fellow bloggers, Hilary, looking well. Positivity is so important isn't it? Wonderful! Great post.
A lot of positive stories! Glad you got to meet Pam and John.
POSITIVITY ROCKS! And your post is overflowing with positive vibes Hilary!
Thanks for all the links.
I especially like that Darwin quote. Embracing change is so important, because change is a constant.. It's actually one of life's inevitabilities... and most humans are scared of change... because it represents the unknown... which is always scary... it's so much more safer in the familiarity of one's comfort zone... but a comfort zone can often lead to a rut (if you're not careful)
Change is growth... something new to learn... progress... it's exciting!
Writer In Transit
Oh Hil! What a positive post! It ranks second, with Lenny's first. I am so thankful that you are in my life, my friend. What a great pic of you with Pam. You're looking so lovely and positive. Hugs and loves. Smooch, smooch, smooch!
P.S. Judy is a long time cyber pal of mine. She is everything you say she is.xoxo
Part 1 of the comment replies:
@ Keith – it certainly helps .. and I know there’ve been times when I’ve felt down, but I’ve hung on in .. and it passes and then I can be my cheery self again .. and it does make life more manageable.
@ Jo – the postings are coincidental ... and desperate times in Moore Oklahoma. Lenny is great isn’t he .. and thanks re the comment on our photo!
@ JoJo – sorry about the news and that insurance extra ... I sure hope you get lucky with the jewellery .... good luck.
@ Sandie – you’re so right .. the energy being negative is not helpful is it – and we’ve wasted that time ...
@ Suze – the image of CT is brilliant isn’t it and Judy’s book is set there – so it matched perfectly ... so pleased you enjoyed the post ..
@ Tina – I know the link across to the Melton Mowbray Times was a bit of a shock – but what a fun thing to have happened ... Your blog name is excellent and tells it like it is .. Life Is Good ...
I know you’ve had a few challenges recently – life can kick us in the butt at times ... sending positive vibes in your direction ... and hope life is easier today ...
@ JL – also so true – and you practise the best positivity trying to get better ... and letting us know various tricks and tips ... a very useful blog to follow and understand/learn from ...
@ Ros – thanks so much .. I really appreciate your comment – I just enjoy blogging!
@ Kittie – the day certainly becomes difficult – and I love the idea of the negaholics dropping their frowns and joining in ... Cape Town is a stunning city isn’t it .. and enjoy the links ..
@ Karen – yes I can see from your posts you’re keeping your mojo going and being positive about life –
Second half of replies:
@ Susan – wallowing in the negative zone – love the phrase, but don’t do it ... as you say. We do have choices ... Choosing to Shine is a great blog post by Lenny ... Enjoy the other links they’re fun ...
@ Inger – gosh thank you so much ... I know you’ll enjoy Lenny’s posts and Judy’s ...
I think your idea of getting out of bed with a big smile on your face is a great idea, and can now see why that would make the day happier ... we all need prompts don’t we ..
@ Munir – it’s great ‘the team of bloggers’ joined together and Lenny did a wonderful lead in for us on his Sunday post ...
@ Madeleine – I loved the Darwin quote when I read it ... so wanted to quote it here ... Pam and I had a great time – it was fun ... and Positivity is essential in life ...
@ Alex – yes .. almost as full as one of your posts Alex! .. and it was lovely meeting Pam and John .. lucky me I say!
@ Michelle – wayoway ... thank you!! Lots happening here today and I just needed to put the links in too ..
Embracing change is very difficult for so many people ... but it’s what makes the world tick and I love it ... though occasionally I wish it would give me a little space to catch up!!
@ Robyn – well you and Sharon started this Day off for us – great idea, which Lenny embraced on Sunday ... and definitely Lenny is number one!
We just had a great lunch and fun nattering session ... which added to the fun of meeting up with Pam and John and then attending the “What makes a Book Worth Publishing” event and hearing Pam be a part of the panel.
Thanks so much everyone ... it’s such fun having so many wonderful comments and blogging friends .... Hilary
Hi Hilary~ I really enjoyed reading this post. Of course, you know that I have to giggle a little at learning here that this is International Be Positive Day. You were very sweet and supportive over at my post today about me M.E., etc. so I'm sure that you can guess why this made me giggle. Honestly, of all days to put out a post like that lol. Thanks for the smiles. You're a very kind lady and I am happy to be getting to know you. :)
Choose To that motto and all the positivity in this post today. Gosh, it's a pleasure to read all of your posts with all the positive links and reports.
Thanks for the Darwin's right on!!!
Sue CollectInTexasGal
Intellectual 'Piles of Political Poop'
Chose to shine...I think this is so true. You can decide to be positive and things will be more positive in your life or you can chose the negative path and your life will go down that path. I'm not saying that bad things don't happen to positive people...they just push forward and try to find a bright spot.
Thanks for joining in Hilary.
Happy Be Positive Day!!
Such wonderful links. I'm off to check a few out. :D
What a great list of shout outs! I love the idea of tweeting thoughts w/a hash tag. I think that would be way better than a book club because you could Tweet at will but still share your thoughts (and share them while they're fresh).
@ Tracy - it's tough having ME .. and this post was instigated by Sharon and Robyn .. and I joined in .. I love supporting everyone if I can. Thanks for your support ..
@ Sue - many thanks .. Lenny's idea is the "Choose to Shine" post ... and am always delighted if I inspire you ..
The Darwin quote is fascinating isn't it - and so true even today ..
@ Sharon - this was thanks to Lenny .. sadly difficult things happen to positive people .. but that push forward makes all the difference ..
I was delighted to join in your International Be Positive Day ..
@ Luanne - hope you enjoy the links .. it is a Happy Be Positive Day ..
@ Rosey - the hashtag idea is a good one isn't it .. but Pam runs an excellent bookclub - and is obviously highly respected in publishing and author worlds .. she was a delight to meet too ..
Cheers to you all .. Hilary
What lovely sentiments, Hilary. You are always so positive and supportive. Thanks for all the links to follow too.
A very positive post, indeed, Hilary. I don't know if I should be called myself a"positive" person, but I always look at the bright side of everything, and I always try to learn from every single experience. Life is a world of infinite possibilities. Everything is a gift to the curious creative mind. I will check some of those blogs...
Nice of the world to have a positive day to celebrate all your positing and enthusiastic posts Hilary. Thanks for sharing all this wonderfulness :)
Positive! Cheerful! Smile! What great advice for everyone. Lovely!!!
Mary Montague Sikes
This post was like a long drink of water after a thirsty day. Thank you!
Two of my favorite subjects - writers and authors. :)
It's true. Being positive changes your whole view of situations.
Great post Hilary. We need some positive thoughts here in North Texas. I live about 3 1/2 hours south of the area in Oklahoma City that was virtually destroyed. It has been quite tragic around these parts.
Encouraging, fun to read post. Your blog always makes me smile. I read your comment at at Sandy's post regarding Chris Beardshaw. I have two teens recently diagnosed with autoimmune diseases. Will be a great link to share with them. Proof that being postiive can have a global effect. Thanks for the info.
No one has shown a more wonderful positive attitude than my 94 year old mom who just went into assisted living with eagerness and excitement after graduating from Hospice and recovering from a small stroke and a couple of hip twists. She has met up with old friends, embraced the help she's getting, and even went to an exercise class today. What an amazing example she sets about positive thinking.
Lots of brightness and positivity in this post Hilary. I'm going to check out the link to the woman who went for a tattoo at 79. (Personally I dislike them, but at 79 anything goes!). I've just been inspired by many older women and men at the Auckland Writers and Readers Festival.
Keep up the good spirits!
@ Suzanne - I see no point in being miserable .. and like to encourage others ..
@ Julia - you seem to be in the right mood .. and looking on the bright side of things, looking for the possibilities around challenges is a great way forward.
I love your words .. everything is a gift to the curious creative mind.
@ Donna - well thank you .. I'm sure the world is quite happy without me .. but it's lovely to be appreciated!
@ Monty - it is great advice for us all isn't it ..
@ Diana - so pleased you felt that way on reading my thoughts - but learning but so many other delightful people ..
@ Susan - yes .. writers and authors fit well together don't they. I know you know the value of positiveness ..
@ Chuck - the tornadoes across Moore town have been so devastating to see .. and hearing how people are pulling together in the light of such destruction and sadness ... I can see they need all the positive thoughts and help we can provide from far and wide.
@ Bethie - many thanks .. and if I make people smile .. that's wonderful.
I enjoyed Chris Beardshaw's garden at Chelsea, but he seems to have overcome much ... and so I'm glad the link I posted at Sandy's gives food for thought ... I'll post about Chelsea Flower Show next ..
@ Patricia - your mother sounds AMAZING! How wonderful that everything is complete for her - her friends are there, she's looking forward and embracing the help available .. and even exercising!
You are so right that she sets an amazing example to us all!
Great news Pat and I'm so pleased for you .. it eases so much for us .. we'll have her dancing soon!
@ Juliet - many thanks .. I try to keep things light ... Judy's mother's story about the tattoo is just brilliant ..
So pleased you had a good time at the Auckland Writers and Readers Festival .. looking forward to reading about it ...
Wonderful comments from you all .. many thanks - Hilary
Wholeheartedly agree with you as usual Hilary. You know what's important in life and I think you shine. The positive comments you make on my blog always make me smile, thanks so much. Love and prayers for all the suffering everywhere.
Thanks for another great post, Hilary. I admit I wasn't feeling very positive when I started reading it, but you've persuaded me to ensure I look on the bright side a little more.
Hi, Hilary! What a wonderfully positive post. Lenny's blog is definitely worth visiting. So nice that you got to meet Pam McIlroy. Sounds like a great meeting.
: )
Hi, Hilary,
Wow, what a way to start my day. Your effervescence is JUMPING OFF my computer screen! I just love and admire how positive you are. I could spend the rest of the morning clinking on all those amazing stories and links you have featured. But, I only have limited time to blog this morning so I will definitely drop back to check out all your links.
The pics are stunning. Especially Cape Town by moonlight!
Lenny is such a sweet kid. I totally need to drop by there now. I haven't visited him in ages.
What a great time in Brighton. SO cool to have met up with such inspiring and fun people.
I must also point out that just the title of your blog inspires us all to smile and turn a ho hum day into something more positive and fun.
Yes, I am settling back into Chicago ... slowly. LOL. Trying to get my condo back in shape is no easy task. Plus I have to do a home staging later this morning for a client. Must get my creative juices flowing. This particular client is quite the perfectionist, so she pushes me to my fullest. Which is fine, but stressful.
Have a wonderfully positive and special day... Is there any other kind?
Yes, thoughts and prayers with those affected by the ravages of nature. And I loved this, Hilary. I'd never heard of International Be Positive Day, but all those positive vibes have to have an incredibly impact!
How wonderful for Judy! And what fun you must have had getting to meet Pam!
Thank you for all these recommendations. You do get around, don’t you?
Hope to see you some time.
Of all the bloggers I've come to know over the past five years, you are the #1 #Positive #Blogger, Ms. Hilary. None of it is contrived or artificial. Nothing saccharine is ever detected here. Thanks for making blogging such a pleasure!
This is such a wonderful idea. I loved Lenny's post! So glad you joined in the fun. Stopping here is always a treat. :)
Have a lovely weekend!
@ Maggie - I love looking at your Brazilian stories and photos ..
@ Patsy - sorry you were feeling down - looking on the bright side is a good way of looking at life isn't it ..
@ Susanne - Lenny - deserves all the attention he garners .. he's amazing and so cheerful. I so enjoyed meeting up with Pam .. had a lovely time.
@ Michael - so appreciate this comment .. and am delighted you'll link across to meet the others.
I loved that pic of Cape Town .. couldn't resist it .. Glad to see you'll be dropping by Lenny .. Brighton was so good .. makes me smile thinking back ..
Actually your timing re my blog title is extremely timeous - so great to know, thanks ..
Settling back is a hassle isn't it - we feel so displaced ... especially as you've come up from Florida - a world away ...
Good luck with the perfectionist client .. sounds as though she's encouraging though, and will support those creative juices. Good luck ... and enjoy the process ..
@ Talon - nature can leave some devastating effects - so sad. Sharon and Robyn's idea for International Be Positive Day - seems to have come at the right time for many ...
@ Nutschell - Judy's post about her mother's tattoo and now her own tattoos are so fun to read .. and Pam, well that was great we met up.
@ Friko - it's a pleasure .. yes the scatterbrain is around a few places ... I'll be up anon.
@ Walk2Write - that's exceedingly kind .. I just enjoy what I do .. and delighted to know you like being here and reading my bon mots.
@ Karen - great that you stopped by Lenny's post - amazing teenager isn't he ... and pleased you called here to drop me a note ..
Thanks to you all .. lovely to see so many - Hilary
What a delightfully positive post! And thank you for the links. I remember going to Brighton years ago to visit a friend of mine...we had a wonderful time, it looks like you did too. (: And yes, being positive is important. I tend to be a bit too pessimistic at times, I need to think more +++. Plus, I want my kids to be positive so I need to set the example. (:
Hi Elise .. Brighton's a lovely place - if you didn't have to park! Just been again .. next time I'll take the train!
Well you've got a very good reason to be as optimistic as possible .. and it will help your kids too .. so good luck - you'll be fine!
Cheers Hilary
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