Literary Cats, the loveable, independent creatures, that so many people in the world love, and who give comfort to their owners.
The Literary Cats tea towel
Radical Tea Towel company
Here are some quotes found by the British Radical Tea Towel company, offering political and social statements, for the kitchen and home, inspired by history.
"If man could be crossed with the cat,
it would improve man, but it would deteriorate
the cat.”
Samuel Langhorne Clemens (1835 – 1910) known by the pen name Mark Twain
"For I will consider my cat Jeoffry for he is an instrument for the children to learn benevolence upon.”
Christopher Smart (1722 – 1771) was an English poet.
He was a major contributor to two popular magazines, The Midwife and The Student, and a friend to cultural icons like Samuel Johnson and Henry Fielding.
Interestingly he was infamous as the pseudonymous midwife “Mrs Mary Midnight” … see link below by GrubStLodger …
And see his poem on Jeoffry, his cat, – from his Jubilate Agno poem (written 1759 – 1763).
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A cat eating a fish under a chair - a mural found in an Egyptian tomb, dating to the 15th century BC |
"A cat is an animal who has more human feelings than almost any other being.”
Emily Bronte (1818 – 1848)
"You may think at first I was
mad as a hatter
When I tell you, a cat must have
"The cat is the best anarchist.”
Ernest Hemingway (1899 – 1961)
"God invented the cat so that mankind
could have a tiger to stroke at home.”
Victor Hugo (1802 - 1885)
(ha ha - love it!)
"Cats are mysterious folk. There is
more passing in their minds
than we are aware of.”
Sir Walter Scott (1771 – 1832)
Not quite Boot - but so near ... he was a dear!
From a 20th/21st lover of cats … especially one called 'Boot' – why I've no idea!
The Grub Street Lodger blog - on 'Christopher Smart, drag and Mrs Midnight's oratory'
Hilary Melton-Butcher
Positive Letters Inspirational Stories
Hemingway also said "One cat just leads to another."
The Egyptian mural is amazing and I love all the quotations.
Cats are fascinating creatures.
I am smiling. Of course. I really like Lynley Dodd's Slinky Malinki - and of couree T.S Eliot on cats is well worth reading.
Ad was your link to Mrs Mindnight's Oratory. Thank you.
We have been owned by five cats. A pair of males, an independent female we took in from a friend who had to give her up and sisters. All but the independent were black and white tuxedo cats. Only one remains - MiMi - but at 18, she still rules.
@ John - that sounds a typical cat response ... thanks for the extra Hemingway quote ...
@ Janice - I loved that Egyptian image ... and also the quotes ...
@ Liz - cats are so independent and loveable ...
@ EC - yes I know you with your new beloveds, after Jazz ...
I hadn't remembered Slinky Malinki .. now you've reminded me: Slinky Malinki: a very, very NAUGHTY cat.
"He had bright yellow eyes, a warbling wail,
And a kink at the end of his very long tail."
Thanks ... and yes TS Eliot's cats ... then the Christopher Smart links - they're fun ...
@ Dan - yes we get ruled by them don't we ... MiMi is 18 ... incredible - and yes I can see she still rules.
Thanks everyone for the comments ... cheers for now - Hilary
Hari OM
A lovely post bringing smiles and memories of one's own feline friends along life's path! YAM xx
We’ve had two cats, both long since departed. They were very different from each other - it’s amazing how a brain the size of a walnut can produce such varied characters.
My Labrador dog used to wait at the front door with the leash in his mouth, waiting for me to return from work each evening. No cat that I know of has ever done that.
So cats must be important to literature for their intelligence or sophistication, not for their bouncy slobbery love for their humans.
Love these images and quotes about literary cats. :)
Thank you for cheering me up with the cat post. One does not currently abide with me, but my daughter has three so I have three grand-kitties.
This cat lover thanks you.
Yeah, being able to touch a real tiger would be so cool.
Even though I'm a dog person, I found this interesting - especially the cat mural. Cats were revered in ancient Egypt.
@ Yam - thanks ... yes our feline friends bring happy memories ... then the literary reads ...
@ Anabel - I know ... sadly they do depart - and as you mention so different in characters: my brother's and SIL's have had three very different ones ...
@ Hels - oh dogs too ... but the tea towel only represented cats with their authorly owners - but I agree re dogs - more looking after though?! I think the balance between dogs v cats and the slippery slope re love for their owners might just be a bridge I'm not going to set out on!
@ Tyrean - thanks ... I just had to post them up ...
@ Susan - delighted to see you here and to know I've cheered you up - lovely that the grandchildren have their own kitties ...
@ Kathy - it's a pleasure ... good to see you here ...
@ Alex - being able to touch a tiger would be just staggering - wouldn't it ... they look so beautiful ...
@ Debbie - I know you're a dog person - so pleased you could find something to draw you in here ... the cat mural is quite extraordinary isn't it ...
Cheers and thanks so much to you all - lovely to see your comments - Hilary
Whilst in no way a cat enthusiast (dogs have masters, cats have servants!) I really enjoyed reading the quotes - especially Victor Hugo's homely tiger!
People who have cats certainly are passionate about them, Hilary. Right now I am staying with my daughter and her family and they have a large dog named Payton who is about as loveable a creature as you could imagine. Pets benefit people’s lives in myriad ways, I suspect. All the best - David
Delightful quotes!
Literary cats, with their lovable and independent nature, hold a special place in the hearts of many. These creatures bring comfort and companionship to their owners, often becoming cherished companions. Whether curled up with a good book or exploring their surroundings, literary cats add a touch of warmth and charm to the lives they share.
@ Keith - yes I know there's 'a which side of the coin do you fall' dogs v cats ... but these resonated as an interesting easy to read post for December. Yes - I thought Hugo's tiger quote was apt for a short while!
@ David - oh yes ... I had a dog in South Africa, I still miss him, and my brother has dogs and cats ... we grew up with cats; people do benefit from pets in as you say it - a myriad of ways. They used to bring trained animals into the Nursing Centre where my mother was ... she certainly loved seeing them ... and seeing my brother's dogs when they were brought in ...
@ Ian - great to see you here ... thank you - fun quotes aren't they ...
@ Melody - thank you for coming by. Literary cats add to their author's stories or help them through the writing thereof ...
Cheers to you four - it's become really gloomy here, but thankfully still 'warm' for this time of year - all the best Hilary
The fist quote by Clemens is the absolute best!
I appreciate the beauty of cats - big and small - from afar. I do not need them jumping up onto my lap (as my friend, Linda's cats like to do), especially when I am wearing black pants. They can sense that, can't they?
Wonderful tributes to the mystery that is cats. I like cats too, but prefer the unwavering affection of dogs. I'm so pleased to have a dog in my life again.
Love these cat quotes. I am a big fan of cats. I have two and they are so smart and fun. One of them is currently giving me a guilt trip- but I guess I will learn my lesson. ;)
Have a lovely week!
Love the quotes. And cats!
Love these quotes and that tea towel.
@ Holly - I just thought great about all the quotes ... but can see the sense in Clemens' one ...
@ Joanne - they are beautiful ... near and far - but I agree, and cats always seem to know someone who would rather they weren't around - but 'pets be pets' ... black pants often attract ...and yes as you say - they can sense ...
@ Val - thank you ... cats certainly are a law unto themselves ... I'd have both - I had a dog out in Africa - I miss him! I can understand your delight having your own dog again ...
@ Jess - cats are fun and I love seeing them around. How wonderful you've got two - to keep you in check, which I see they're doing!! Great to see you here ...
@ Diane - I know to both ... author and cat lover you!
@ Sandra - thank you for coming by - I know you have other things on your mind ... I just loved the tea towel and I'm fond of cats ...
Thanks to you all - our pets are special and bring us comfort at so many difficult times, while reminding us about life - cheers Hilary
Even though I live with the smartest, kindest, most polite dog ever, I still miss living with a cat. I lived with both cats and dogs for all of my married life. At my age and my dog's age, I will not bring a cat into our lives, but I never miss an opportunity to place my neighbor's cat on my lap and listen to him purr as I stroke his soft fur.
Hi Inger - lovely to see you here ... yes Faith is wonderful isn't she and I'm so pleased for you. I know having animals is so happy making, yet can be demanding especially as we age. I'm glad I don't have the responsibility of owning an animal now ... but love it when an animal appears onto my lap and that purring begins ...
Thanks so much for coming by and commenting ... I thought of you on St Lucia's day ... when I was organising a dinner for 70 for one of our groups down here ... so was somewhat busy - but you did get a look in!
Reading about Faith with you always makes me nostalgic for days of yore - Cheers Hilary
I have had cats in the past but because Nigel is allergic to them I have not owned one for many years. They certainly have a mind of their own and each has its own character. They do what they want to when they want to. Dogs are so better mannered (in general) although they each have their own character they are mostly obedient while a cat has no idea what that means!!
Keep well and take care, Diane
Hi Diane - great to see you here ... I'm recovering from an important dinner for 70 I helped organise this week ...
Obviously if Nigel is allergic to them - it makes sense. They certainly have their own personalities ... I've learnt that particularly from my brother's over the year - completely different. They have dogs too - which as you say does do what their owners suggest - yet a cat is much more independent and not so demanding - except for your lap!
Cheers and all the best for the end of this year and then a happy 2024 - take care - Hilary
Nice smile for me today! We recently got a second cat, and it's been fun around the house!
These were fun quotes Hilary. I think I'm with Hemingway on his. Lol. :) xx
Hi, Hilary - These are absolutely wonderful quotes. The first one grabbed my attention and pulled me right in!
Hi, Hilary - Blogger really does not like me and does not like to let my comments go through. I will keep on persevering! :D
Love the mural and the quotes of course I love cats. We adopted ours from an older man who couldn't take his cat to an retirement home. She is super cute
@ Elizabeth - how lovely to have a second cat ... so pleased for you - they are fun to have around ... enjoy!
@ Debby - I too loved the Hemingway one - while 'the cat is the best anarchist' makes a great annotation for Ernest!
@ Donna - yes ... I was enamoured with the tea towel - just temporarily borrowed pre present time! The Clemens one seems to be a winner for many of us. Thanks for persevering with the commenting - it's the only way - and I, each day, check my spam/ awaiting moderation folders ...
@ Marja - that Egyptian mural is amazing isn't it; I'm so pleased the old gent was able to find such a lovely home with you for his cat after his move to a care home ...
Cheers to you all - thanks so much for visiting - Hilary
I love literary cats! When I first started using tumblr, that was one of the first things I shared -- photos of authors and their cats <3
Hi Deniz - yes ... they're delightful characters aren't they ... I'd forgotten about Mowzer - the Mousehole Cat ... the story incorporating Star Gazey Pie ... by Antonia Barber ... so many inspirations - thanks for being here ... cheers Hilary
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