It's ridiculous … it's still blowing a gale, and heaping lots of that chilly wet stuff on us … everything is green, when really we should be enjoying Spring blues. No doubt we'll be having water rationing later on – as we haven't enough reservoirs … but so be it …
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June togetherness ... |
Our election is going to be in early July I'm very glad to say – let's get it out of the way so we get on with life … there's far too much discord going on: here, there, and everywhere … so I'll be happy to have ours over and done with.
When I wrote this post – I'd got no idea about the background to said 'flambeau' … we did have fun and games ??!!, which took a few days to get over … our fire-alarm goes off quite often, particularly since a challenged-family moved in to the basement flat next door.
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Spring Blues ... |
The house is divided into a variety of flats, but at one stage both sides of the house was a school – so the layout isn't the normal 'semi' that most would expect.
Two Thirty am (yes, early morning) – the alarm goes off … and stops, and goes off, and repeat, repeat … we're all tired of it – as it's usually set off by that family.
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Hand held brazier by Joan in the 1928 film Joan of Arc |
I couldn't see anything serious, and looking at how other flat members were reacting, so went back to bed … but was then surprised to see two fire engines and an ambulance turn up.
The firemen went to work … by then I was up and about again watching from on high … got the hoses out, put their smoke equipment on … and went in – but that really was it.
I've since found out – curiosity necessitated itself … the wife was there on her own, so I could chat to her – apparently her husband doesn't sleep – he put some oil on for some french fries (what we call chips!), went to the loo … when he came back the pan was on fire … he managed to tip that over his foot …
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Issam Kourbaj - exhibit at Kettles Yard, Cambridge in 2016 |
The place was full of smoke, the extractor fan had caught fire, the walls are in a state … he's now not in a fit state to do much, his wife is grafting to clean up … the two kids – another story – are away for now (bliss – no screeching from the little girl) …
This scenario … got me thinking … I was wise not to go out into the street in the early hours of the morning … common sense by me prevailing.
But brought to mind … Hilaire Belloc's 1907 poem 'Matilda' ...
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Struwwelpeter |
... and the one I was even happier to have happy memories of 'Struwwelpeter' by Heinrich Hoffman – which is available on Project Gutenberg … 'Merry Stories and Funny Pictures' – particularly 'The Dreadful Story of Harriet and the Matches' … and of course Struwwelpeter himself – just like the chap next door …
There are plans for a move to a better area for the family, where their friends are … the little girl turned off a tap – so one of the flats this side of the house didn't have any water – they borrowed from me … not a problem – but the actual tap-stuff was turned off by Amelia the amoeba of the aqua world …
Life in Hilary land … and oh yes … after the peregrinations of the night-time … guess what – it was fire-alarm test day for the flats, then I was meeting friends for coffee up at a local hotel – and yes … you guessed it – the fire-alarm went off there too … thankfully a test … that day I'd had it! Three alarms in less than twelve hours …
That's summed up recent days ... I do hope there will be no more fire alarms, and that the weather will improve … summer really is due soon … isn't it?!
Hilaire Belloc's poem 'Matilda' ...
Project Gutenberg - includes Struwwelpeter by Heinrich Hoffman
Hilary Melton-Butcher
Positive Letters Inspirational Stories
OMGosh! That (and they) would drive me just nuts! So sorry you have had to deal with any of it. :(
That sounds far too exciting and quite unnecessary;-)
You can't choose your neighbours, sadly, and there's nothing quite so unsettling as a screeching child.
Hari Om
Having once had a feral family as neighbours (in OZ) I can sympathise. I endured an entire year - the lease period - before the landlord moved them on. Here's hoping your lot get shifted soon. YAM xx
So many people have lost their homes or their lives when a catastrophe hits a building - be it a bushfire, flood, enemy rocket or earthquake. So it is critical to train every single citizen to listen to the warning and to act immediately. The emergency services did the right thing!
I would have been VERY angry, therefore, if the crisis was caused by a non-sleeping man baking oil at 3 am, and leaving it unsupervised gggggrrrrr
That’s a little too much drama by any standards, Hilary, and I’d better not send you the little fire alarm Christmas tree ornament I had put aside for you! Such are the problems of communal living, at times. Hopefully, the family will get moved and life will be better for all of you. As for your elections, I have been paying a bit of attention to this via BBC news here, and I am a little shocked. The situation over there doesn’t seem to be much less chaotic than what we see going on south of the border here. The world is going slowly mad, I fear. Well, maybe not so slowly! Hugs - David
That family needs a fire safety course.
Wish we could get our elections over that soon. We have five months of torture left though.
@ Rita - it happens to most of us through life ... but I do hope they get moved on soon! Thanks for the empathy ...
@ Janice - well it's interesting isn't it - but as you say unnecessary ... and that small girl's constant hig-pitched chit chatter is 'the pits' ... the wife/mother is definitely tolerable ... the husband not ...
@ Yam - thanks ... feral's a good word - and appreciate the sympathetic thoughts coming south! After this - I hope they get moved on too ... we shall see!
@ Hels - thankfully it wasn't a fully fledged fire - and how far it'd have spread from the next door house to here I don't know. Our ways of life are a little different to yours in Australia - and things worked as they should - apart from the pyromaniac who loves burning oil for potato fries! No point in getting angry ... but I do get pretty irritated ...
@ David - oh what a pity ... perhaps a watering can Christmas ornament instead?! I know ... it's a very quiet area - and I certainly didn't expect that sort of family to be placed here - but the powers that be are looking for another place for them: soon I hope!
Our election and politicians et al - are not funny - it's the pits! I just hope the populations and sensible leaders can bring some sense into our worlds ... it's getting too dangerous by far.
@ Alex - I hope that the shock will have brought some sense into their lives - sadly the father is on the spectrum ... so not easy to talk to. You're so right re the election pain - and sadly we will be sharing your five months and afterwards - let's hope sense prevails.
Cheers to you all - thanks for your comments ... perhaps being out of the political field is the best. Take care one and all - Hilary
I know it’s not funny, but your sorry tale of fire alarms coming in threes did make me laugh. But seriously, you had a luck escape - what an idiot that man sounds. I hope the feral family find somewhere else to live toute de suite!
That is a lot of fire alarms. Glad that no one was killed or more seriously hurt (although it sounds like that wasn't a great injury). I hope you're finally able to get some rest.
yeez you had quite some unasked adventures Do I understand that the family is moving on and peace and quiet returns?
@ Anabel - I hadn't taken into account 'the three thing'! There wasn't anything serious happening - if there had been I'd have been out and away from it all ... but I couldn't see any danger.
The feral man - can't do much about those - just wait for the authorities to sort things out - with luck this episode will speed that decision up. Hope ...
@ Liz - it obviously was one of those days ... I really couldn't believe it. It wasn't serious ... and you're right it wasn't a bad injury - he's hobbling around ... I guess it'll take a while for the burn to heal. I was fine the same day - but grateful for a quieter night afterwards and thereafter - I'm pleased to say.
@ Marja - it was 'fun and games' for those 12 hours - it was a pleasure to have lunch and 'relax' afterwards. The wife said they'd hope to move eastwards (away from here) ... but the authorities have to prevail ... who knows!
Thanks you - you three ... it was just an interesting set of experiences - we've had major fires on the sea-front here - and those I'd have hated to be involved in ... one on the pier and another when an unoccupied hotel went up in smoke ... real conflagrations in 2016 and 2020 ... cheers Hilary
Bells and alarms clanging, and you can't just assume it's a "Cry Wolf" situation. Can't mess with fire. Glad you are safe, though a bit a jangle.
Sounds like that flat family needs to be voted off the island.
Never a dull moment, eh?! And I wish all politics all around were very boring and of no consequence - we've got a world mess going on, that's for sure. Good luck across the pond.
Goodness, that's quite the drama, Hilary. In our house the smoke alarm sometimes set off for no reason at all, and of course usually it was during the night. Most of the time it was in my daughter's room, so we could turn it off without to much difficulty, but sometimes the one over the stairs set off and that was a real pain to turn off. We finally got rid of these and my husband got some that work over a network and so far - touch wood - they have been quiet. And IF they should set off, we can turn them off via our phones. It's nice to have a geek as a husband.
I need to inform myself about the election in Britain. So far I only know the date and that I really don't like the prime minister of whom I can't think that he is even able to imagine what the regular person has to deal with. Somehow I don't want to think that things can be as bad and crazy as in this country, but who am I kidding?
@ Joanne - just sometimes ... life has a life of its own - I just thought I really didn't need the cold dark wait in the street - I couldn't see anyone panicking ... so stayed where I was.
Yes - well at least into the east of Eastbourne ... away from here!
Politics - never dull but so imposing ... and the slanging ... I'll vote - but don't need to listen to those who shout loud to raise their heads to grab the headlines ... at least (ours) it'll be over soon.
@ Carola - you're so lucky to have a geek husband ... I could do with one of those ... I plod on on my own ... happily, thankfully. I'm glad your alarm scenario has been fixed by your husband: I can see the geek advantage! At least the system works here - which is one encouraging bit of knowledge.
I wouldn't get too involved with our politics ... leaving the EU was an error - in my mind. A generation's time it might have settled down ... I can't understand our politics completely - or anyone's ...
Thanks for both your comments ... cheers for now - Hilary
Oh my goodness and the fire alarm going off all the time is scary as well. The day you really need to react to it is the day that you ignore it as just another mistake.
As for British politics what a mess, I suspect you are going to have a boring new PM who lacks in personality.
Take care and hope your neighbours decide to move. Cheers Diane
Hope the rain and the elections pass along quickly!
Two-thirty is an early wake-up call! Glad they made it through okay, but hubby needs to be more careful with hot oil!
Oh my goodness, that was awful! I've got over-sensitive alarms in my flat that are forever going off - I can't even use a toaster! My neighbours know to ignore it, which is a little concerning because they would just stay put if there were to be a fire!
As for the election, for the first time in my life, I'm thinking of abstaining!
We've had a lot of similar recently, strong winds and lots of the wet stuff instead of the cold beer and barbecues on the deck we often enjoy by now. As for alarms, not fire, but bear sightings in the neighborhood lighting up local Facebook groups. We make sure all our animals are accounted for every evening!
@ Diane - I was aware of what was going on ... but realised I didn't need to panic ... it was the other half of the house. British politics has got even worse ... he may be boring, but at least he's honest and doesn't shout! It's going to be a fractured election experience ... my neighbours are down to the authorities moving - I guess this might be one the straws that puts them on the moving path ... I hope so!
@ Elizabeth - it's about to cool down again - but grin and bear the weather whatever it is ... I guess - no choice really. Yes re the chap needing to be more careful ... not sure how his brain works, not the expected way ... This episode will have curtailed his life for a while and I hope bring some sense into his life ... it may be forced on him though, if he doesn't ...
@ Keith - just one of those days - thankfully not serious. Oh my gosh your alarm sounds 'worse' - I've nearly set the alarm off here - thankfully ... I realise and rush around opening windows, turning the extractor fan on ... and recover from anxiety about setting it off! Cry wolf - for your neighbours could be concerning - you're right there. Let's hope it doesn't happen. I don't want to abstain - but you've got an open constituency haven't you ... as the MP is standing down: all the best re that decision.
@ Ian - I gather the weather hasn't been brilliant your side of Canada ... your newly restored deck will come in handy soon I'm sure. I'm glad your weather wasn't like it is now when I was there. Bear sightings ... what fun (?) - I wonder how many they're having on the farm - your peninsula bear population sounds a little worrying ... I remember the huge elk coming by ... I'm not surprised you make sure your animals are in and safe.
Thanks everyone - life goes on ... and I guess these little stories bring some different aspects into our lives ... a full blown fire I'd be much more agitated ... our weather is still 'variable'!! Cheers Hilary
Oh my! Hilary land has been dealing with way too much. The fire and the elections. We too have been under the election fever and it ain't going away so soon.
Hi Hilary,
That is utterly frustrating and annoying. It's also funny. My mother taught me how to use baking soda on a grease fire and I taught my girls. I had to use it once. You've figured out how to find people and their posts. I still can't figure that out.
Oh gosh, what a mess.
@ Sonia - great to see you … life goes on doesn't it … at least the little girl, with the screeching voice, isn't around for a while – it's blissfully quiet – as this area tends to be. Most of us have elections going on … we get yours too – over-coverage is over-doing it in my book! Still we can't do anything except wait it out.
@ Nancy – well it certainly was a nuisance … sad, but funny too … it's given us relief noise wise for a while. We were taught about fires too … I'm not sure I could find the baking soda in a hurry!!
Finding blogging friends who for whatever reason drop off their expected appearances has always been annoying – Reader helped about 12 years ago, then Feedly came into play … now that's causing grief. My intention has been to set up a private email for anyone wanting to hear from me – but I've yet to organise that … hopeless me! I'm not a techie either …
@ Sandra – well their flat is a bit of shambles I'd expect …
Cheers to you three … thanks for your comments and thoughts - Hilary
Wow! Some excitement in your life--perhaps too much at one time!
Here's to both of our countries surviving the elections. Ours is a debacle and it's only June. Psychiatrists and counselors are going to see a boots in clientele this year!
Sounds like a lot of drama going on around you!
Hope the weather around you improves!
It's rags to riches where weather is concerned, isn't it? I don't think moderation is in Mother Nature's vocabulary. Cheers,
@ Lee - well it certainly livened things up ... or more probably took its brain toll on me for 24 hours ... I feel better now!
Elections - I know ... I'm so glad ours is 4 weeks away ... but we'll still have yours to worry about ... the Indian, South African and Mexican ones have been and gone - with interesting results. You're probably right re the need for lots of psychiatrists and counsellors - the world is in a strange place.
@ Sherry - it's being fun and games ... if one can stand away. It's interesting because the weather on D-day those 80 years ago features strong in today's thoughts ... no doubt we'll get some full on heat soonish.
@ Sandra - well here ... I'd like something warmer ... 'cold' once again! You're probably right about Mother Nature and her vocabulary ...
Cheers to you three - life goes on whatever the weather ... Hilary
July 4 is the date for you. And looks like Rishi Sunak is on his way out.
Hope you're having a grand weekend, Hils:)
That sounds way too exhausting! I hope you get back to quieter times soon, here's to positive outcomes, both in the neighbourhood and the wider political one.
@ Pradeep - yes July 4th is our date ... I'd agree with you ... but so much discord around - French troubles too ... I'm looking forward to your Holy Island post - I'm sure you enjoyed it ... but perhaps the Andaman and Nicobar islands overshadowed Holy Island ...
@ Sandra - yes I'm fine - I get into my head and think .. which is seriously problematical! - but now I've got the next post up - all well.
@ Nila - thank you! It was a wearying day ... and now as more information seeps out about the night-time fire-scrap! Next week, after Monday life should be easier - and has to be ... I've lots I'd like to do ...
Thanks so much for visiting ...
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