Happy Christmas one and all ... and have a very blessed, peaceful time.
It is a time for compassion, care, empathy, thoughtfulness, a smile or two or three, a few gifts of kindness to others who need our help .. and three extra special wishes for 2011, given to me by Jan Lundy of Awake is Good, I pass on to you all:
Peace of Mind
Peace of Mind
Love in your Heart
Time to pursue your Passions
The Nativity by Charles-Francois Poersen, 1667.
And from my mother, Hardwick and I all our wishes for a successful and progressively happy 2011 as the year unfolds.
And from my mother, Hardwick and I all our wishes for a successful and progressively happy 2011 as the year unfolds.

Happy Days everyone –
An Edwardian English advertisement for Champagne, listing honours and royal drinkers (Laurent Perrier 1905)
Dear Mr Postman – we have not had so much snow – but it is still icy underfoot .. so we thank you for delivering our cards and mail. My Mama sleeps – and has yet to really see the Christmas tree I made up this year, but the staff are appreciative of it and they love the fresh flowers that are always in her room. The decorations I found in the Samaritans shop - they are made out of dried straw covered in glitter – stars, angels, pine cones etc .. very simple, but very pretty – they probably don’t stand out enough against the pale background.
Should you wish to see last year's completely different take ... very different - perhaps that is why we have gone plain this year! Apart from the fact we've moved rooms a few times this year & my energies for decorating are gone! Mum and Hardwick - decking out the tinsel 2009.
Hilary Melton-Butcher
Positive Letters Inspirational Stories
Hilary Melton-Butcher
Positive Letters Inspirational Stories
Hi everyone .. I have no idea why 'it' decides to come up all black or green .. when that's not the way I set it up .. 2011 I'd better improve my ways ..!! Cheers Hilary
A very Merry Christmas to you, too, dear Hilary! With many happy returns! And best wishes to you for a wonderful New Year!
Merry Christmas Hilary, with the very best wishes for peace and happiness in the coming year ...
Hi Betsy .. many thanks - drive safely when you set off on your travels .. for your wonderful Christmas with family .. so grateful for your wishes .. and I do so hope we all have a gloriously successful 2011 - happy days ahead for you - and see you in the New Year - xoxo Hilary
Hi Joanne .. I certainly couldn't wish for more .. thanks so much .. you too have a fabulous family time .. Merry Christmas and New Year with them .. - Hilary
I love Hardwick. He makes me happy just looking at him, I can imagine how he makes your mom feel comforted.
Be careful on those slick surfaces.
Oh, the green is very festive! Merry Christmas to you and your Mom (and Hardwick). :)
This year's decorations are beautiful. Wishing you and your Mother a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. May the new year bring wonderful times. BTW, congratulations on the award too.
Thoughts in Progress
Many Christmas blessings to your mother, Hardwick and you, Hilary. May you find all three wishes fulfilled in the earliest part of the new year.
Wondered what your mother's favourite carol would be...
Hi Teresa .. yes, Hardwick is very special!! Mum has her hand on him as often as possible and when I put his Christmas hat on him and showed her - she said "hello boy!" .. always does - and they have a nose to nose!
I shall .. we seem to have a little respite down here, it rained last night - a little further inland it turned to snow .. but icy on the roads.
Happy Christmas to you and the family .. Hilary
Hi Linda .. thanks - the daffodils are glorious aren't they! Thanks for the Christmas thoughts .. Mum and Hardwick will mainly sleep through it I expect - but I never know ..
Happy Christmas to you and your family too .. Hilary
Hi Mason .. thank you - I had fun doing something different. Thanks for your thoughts .. peaceful and quiet ours will be .. the New Year - yes here's to some wonderful times. Steve's award is wonderful to have: thanks!
Happy Christmas to you and the family - enjoy the times .. Hilary
Hi Amy .. thank you .. and yes - it will be wonderful when all the thoughts come true and then the world will be a happier place.
Do you know I have no idea .. we have another tiny tree which plays carols, but poorly - she always loved the Carol Service from Kings College, Cambridge with the 9 lessons and carols .. I try and get up to the Home, when one is on - so we can watch ..
So not sure .. I do what I can in the cirumstances .. Happy Christmas to you and yours .. Hilary
A very Merry Christmas and blessing to all your family :)
Marinela x
Hi Marinela .. thank you so much - you have a lovely warm one .. lucky you! We certainly need the hugs - freezing here! Happy days to you .. Hilary
Merry Christmas to you and your mom Hillary and all the best for the New Year. Thanks for the kind words you left at my blog. I appreciate you.
Hi Tess .. many thanks for coming over .. I feel for you - but your post to your mother is wonderful .. we can learn so much from each other ... and my thoughts will be with you during this time, into the New Year and beyond .. with love and empathy for your very generous loving spirit - Hilary
Have a happy Christmas, Hilary.
Hi Theresa .. thanks so much for taking the time to come over - you too .. have a wonderful family time and get some rest!.. cheers Hilary
Merry Christmas and happy new year to you and your mother Hilary. Your blog posts have been a pleasure to read over the last year.
Hi Paul .. good to see you and thanks for coming by .. and delighted you've enjoyed the eclectic tales ..
Mum and I will have a quiet Christmas - peaceful and blessed .. with thoughts to you for this first year of your wonderful grandchild .. happy days ahead .. Hilary
Very nice, Hilary! Thinking of you and your mom/mum and wishing you a Happy Christmas!
Hi Dot .. thanks - delighted to see you here .. and Mum will be very grateful for the wishes .. she got to look at the tree today & seemed to approve - I showed her one of the decorations .. straw stalks, so they are light.
You too I hope you have a peaceful, fun time .. look after yourself .. we'll be quiet .. a very Happy Christmas .. Hilary
There are so many people who need the gift of kindness. If anyone can give this to them, you can!! Thank you, Hilary, for your most beautiful Christmas wish to me and my daughter that you left on my blog today!! Maybe you have a most wonderful week and weekend, and New Year!!!
Lovely post. Happy Christmas.
Thanks for dropping by my blog. Our snow is melting slowly. Tomorrow's post will show a little pic of some of it. :O)
Hi Ann ... that's really kind of you - just delighted to cheer you at this time of year - you and Jen deserve a hug or two and warm comfort for the Christmas period .. we will have a peaceful and blessed time .. with love and thoughts .. Hilary
Hi Madeleine .. thank you ! Yes - the snow up here is slowly going, but lots of ice around; ok - I look forward to your pictures tomorrow .. see you then .. Hilary
Merry Christmas, Hilary. I wish you and your family many blessings for this holiday season and the new year.
Best wishes for a peaceful holiday season. Thanks for the visit.
Hilary, I hope you and your family have a Wonderful Christmas :-)
God Bless You, ~Ron
Thank you for the blurb and link to my blog, Hilary. I am sending you oodles of snowy holiday love. We are up to our knees and the bushes are a'twinkle with lights and the white stuff. My inside tree is still not decorated though--I'm a bit behind here. But no stress, no worries, just taking things slow and savoring the days. Hope you are too and that all your wishes for 2011 come true. xo
Merry! Merry Be!
Lovely post will come back for better commenting and attention Teething pup not good for typing
Wanted u 2 know I loved reading
Hi Hilary. Hardwick is so cute. What an interesting name. I'm sure he is a wonderful companion for your mother. I like how he is surrounded by all those wonderful decorations.
I'd like to wish you and your mother a very Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year! May 2011 we a wonderful year for all!
Hi Patricia .. many thanks - you too and lots of happiness and joy with your family and friends .. Merry Christmas - Hilary
Hi Rosaria .. It's a pleasure to pop over and see you - have a blessed time this Christmas season. Hilary
Hi Ron .. thank you! You and Mrs G have a safe 20 mile round trip .. long way I know! - but you'll be just fine! Happy times to you and the family (extended!) .. A blessed Christmas time ... Hilary
Dear Jan .. so good to see you - it's a pleasure, you always have wise, soft words for us .. and your thoughts were exactly what I needed.
How beautiful .. the sparkle, and the glistening. You're at peace with your pace and I'm sure the tree will look lovely once up ..
You too .. have a peaceful, merry time and enjoy family and friends .. and that our wishes for 2011 come true - definitely! With lots of thoughts .. Hilary
Hi Patricia .. little pups don't stop do they .. but sounds as though you're thoroughly enjoying Zippity's presence .. they are magical as they bounce around in ungainly fashion!
By the way did anyone tell you - pups are for the floor .. they're not like kittens .. no laps?!
Delighted you're here .. and have been to see us .. as you say - you have a wonderful family time together .. before they go off cross country skiing! Merry, Merry Be .. happy Christmas days .. Hilary
Hi Suzanne .. Hardwick is very special! The man who owned him, died when he was 80+, and he came from Sheffied .. and Hardwick Hall is nearby .. so we think that's how his name came about.
He's usually on Mum's bed with one of her hands on him .. but he needed to in pride of place for a photo - not much space for that sort of thing!
This year's decorations are very parsimonious compared to last year's as the link shows! Very subdued, gentle and understated we are this year!!
Many thanks for your wishes .. you too with your family and friends have a lovely time this Merry Christmas - Hilary
Happy Christmas and happy holidays, Hilary. Thank you so much for all your wonderful help and support over the past year! :)
Hi Talli .. it's been a pleasure joining you on your ride - and here's to much happiness in 2011 .. and & enjoy the weekend in London -- an English Christmas your way! Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to you .. enjoy yourselves .. cheers Hilary
I love those extra wishes for 2011. It's so nice to meet positive people like you through blogging. I wish you and yours a Merry Christmas!
Hi Julie .. thank you so much .. they were special wishes Jan 'sent' me, for which I'm so grateful .. and also for your sentiments .. I love blogging and the support and care it offers us. Julie - you too .. my thoughts, blessings and a Merry time over this coming festive few days for you and your family .. cheers Hilary
Those are three perfect holiday wishes, Hilary. Congrats on your meat and potatoes award. Have a blessed holiday! :-)
Hi Shannon ... Jan is certainly one lady of wisdom - so it was with delight that I received them and am so happy to pass them on .. I love them!
Thank you re the award .. you too with your family and friends have a lovely festive time - Hilary
Have a fantastic holiday. I’ve enjoyed your posts throughout the year and look forward to what next year will bring.
Hi Holly .. thanks so much for the sentiment .. I will have a peaceful quiet time and do look forward to 2011; you and your family have lots of fun and happiness over the holiday season .. Merry Christmas .. Hilary
Merry Christmas to you, too, Hilary! 2011 is going to be GREAT.
And what's the deal with the dog in the Santa hat :D
Hi Tristan .. he's my mother's special companion .. he's probably 80 years old .. and looks after my mother .. He's the best thing since sliced bread for my mother .. constant and faithful & always around - even when we've had bouts in hospital .. Hardwick accompanies her - sometimes coming back with me - to make sure he stays safe! That's his story .. trustworthy, companionable and very wise!! Cheers Hilary
Congratulations on the award Hilary. The pictures are great too.
Merry Christmas.
N. R. Williams, fantasy author
Hi Nancy .. thank you very much - it was a lovely surprise. Glad you enjoyed the pics ..
Merry Christmas to you and the family too .. Hilary
What's the dog's name? The one with the Santa hat on? At my house, we have Billy Bear. It's not Christmas until he has his Santa hat on.
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas to y'all. A very safe, happy and healthful New Year
I love Hardwick and his decorations. So cute!
Hilary, I hope you have a Blessed and Wonderful Christmas!
Hi Helen .. he's Hardwick!! He's been of great solace to my Mama since she's been ill - had to travel from Cornwall to Sussex by car, and on a train to the Acute Brain Injury Unit in London, then St Pancras, then by ambulance down here .. so he's determined to be around as psychological support ..
I managed to find his hat from last year .. and the tea towel .. last year's post has some more pictures.
I hope Billy Bear has his hat on now? so you can start Christmas - have a lovely time .. Hilary
Hi Paige .. thank you .. you too with your family, & exactly - a very safe, happy and healthy New Year .. cheers Hilary
Hi gloW .. many thanks - Hardwick is very special .. and his decorations are very simple this year!
You too .. have a very peaceful time with your family and friends .. and a Merry Christmas with lots of blessings in the New Year .. Hilary
A toast of cinnamon and nutmeg-laced natural eggnog to you and yours. May merry moments and reasons for gratitude continue to be your focus. You and your writing evoke pure joy. We love you just as you are!
Hi Liara .. thanks for popping in from LA on your way back to Melbourne! You've gone backwards to go forwards I think! Happy Christmas.
Delighted to have a cinnamon and nutmeg-laced toast with you .. cheers from here ..
Thanks so much for the comments - they are really appreciated ... and cheer my soul.
Enjoy being home .. and happy days ahead .. Hilary
Merry Christmas Hilary
Many thanks for your Christmas day message - kind of you.
Hope you have a good Christmas and a fantastic New Year.
Hi Keith .. good to see you - & thank you too for your reply. Me too - hope next year is successful and happy for us both and all bloggers out there .. cheers Happy Christmas Day and festive days ahead .. long frosty walks?! Cheers Hilary
Darling Hilary, My love and warm hugs to you and your beautiful mum in this beautiful season of joy. Merry Cheery Joyful Christmas to you :)
Much Love,
Hi Zeenat .. how wonderful a true Christmas gift .. thank you - Mum will be so pleased .. it is a beautiful season of joy and love. You have the most wonderful day with family and your little one .. enjoy! You will I know .. Much love to you too .. Hilary
Merry Christmas Hilary!
Wishing you all the best this holiday season and a I hope you have a great 2011!
Hi Chase .. thanks so much for the Christmas wishes .. hope you're having a lovely time .. just getting yourself organised for the day I guess?! and definitely here's to a fantastic 2011 .. enjoy this time of love, peace and celebration .. Hilary
A blessed Christmas to you, Hardwick, and your mother this day!
I pray a little Christmas magic and peace follows you and your mother from this day to each day of this year and unto the next. Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving such a nice comment.
Each day has a miracle in it though sometimes it is a very small one -- but those are the most precious, Roland
H Roland ... many thanks - we did have a very quiet day .. Hardwick constantly guarding and watching.
Many thanks for your prayers and thoughts .. exactly what we need.
You're so right each day has a little miracle in it .. an unexpected glimmer of love, hope and charity .. and they definitely are the most precious.
Wonderful thought - lovely seeing you here .. Hilary
Merry Christmas Hilary and prosperous new year. Thanks for being one of my friends I met through writing.
I would definitely pursue my passion for writing.
Hi RS .. thanks - isn't it great we can communicate around the world. Your poetry is wonderful .. sad and deep as you say .. but definitely keep writing and pursue our passions .. so true. Have an excellent warm! festive week, and you too a prosperous New Year .. Hilary
I enjoyed your post very much.
Thank you for your visit to mine and the kind comment. Aslo thanks for becoming one of my followers.
Much appricated.
Happy New Year to you.
Hi Yvonne .. it's a pleasure to have come over and commented and connected with you. It's good to have another British follower!
Enjoy the week with your grandchildren .. and the time before 2011 comes in .. Hilary
Thanks for dropping by my blog and leaving such a lovely comment. The day after Christmas has a peace all its own, the press of things left to do mostly gone.
May a unicorn or two peek in on you, your mother, and their old friend, Hardwick. Roland
Hi Roland .. pleasure - your stories and tales are very different. It is peaceful as you say .. and if a unicorn or two would peek in on us .. that would be wonderful - what magic ..thanks so much for the thought -I love it!! Cheers Hilary
Happy new year :D
Hi Arts Web Show - thanks for the visit - you too have a great New Year .. all the best - Hilary
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