IT’S HERE!! Today - Wednesday, December 1 - is the day author Talli Roland has selected to hold her “Amazon Web Splash.” Positive Letters is among more than 450 bloggers who are participating in this unique and amazing event.
Help Talli Roland's debut novel, THE HATING GAME, hit the Kindle bestseller list at Amazon.com and Amazon.co.uk by spreading the word today. Even a few sales in a short period of time on Amazon helps push the book up the rankings, making it more visible to other readers.

With the Amazon.com link (depending on your location): Help debut author Talli Roland Take On Amazon today! The Hating Game
No Kindle? Download a free app at Amazon for Mac, iPhone, PC, Android and more.
THE HATING GAME is also coming out soon in paperback. Keep up with the latest at Talli's blog: Talli Roland
Here’s a brief synopsis of THE HATING GAME: When man-eater Mattie Johns agrees to star on a dating game show to save her ailing recruitment business, she's confident she'll sail through to the end without letting down the perma-guard she's perfected from years of her love 'em and leave 'em dating strategy.
After all, what can go wrong with dating a few losers and hanging out long enough to pick up a juicy £200,000 prize? Plenty ..... Mattie discovers, when it's revealed that the contestants are four of her very unhappy exes.
Can Mattie confront her past to get the prize money she so desperately needs, or will her exes finally wreak their long-awaited revenge? And what about the ambitious TV producer whose career depends on stopping her from making it to the end?
For those visitors that are on Facebook and Twitter, you can also help by pasting the following in your status update bar.
Thanks so much .. I almost forgot?! Not good - but made it just in time .. enjoy the Hating Game - and Talli's blog is worth a visit .. it's good to be part of the Websplash team ... 450 of us around the world .. not bad?!
Enjoy the book - Hilary Melton-Butcher
Positive Letters Inspirational Stories
It's great to see how much support Talli is getting today. I read her book and highly recommend it!
Hi Hilary,
All the best with this endeavor. It sounds like a good project to jump behind and support.
Hi Theresa .. great that you've come here .. and that you've read her book - that's a wonderful endorsement. I've yet to hit the blogosphere .. better get going!
Lovely seeing you and all your comments today .. Cheers Hilary
Hi Chase .. I hope Talli does really well out of this - all the effort that is put in - in writing a book deserves lots of support - & from Theresa's comment .. sounds like a good book.
Great - thanks for coming by this post - Hilary
Talli is getting such wonderful support!
Hi Laura .. good to see you here - thanks for supporting this blog & Talli ..
Cheers - Hilary
How to support a fellow writer, Hilary. Good on ya! :) And congrats to Talli.
I just clicked over to Amazon, and WOW, Talli is doing great! Kudos to her, she deserves the success :)
Thanks for dropping by my site, too . . . It is fun being part of the buzz, like you said. Go Talli!
So exciting to see Talli everywhere today! I started reading last night & I'm enjoying the book a lot!! :)
I'll join in on the well wishes to Talli. She's such a sweetie!
I hope all is well for you Hilary. :-)
Hi Amy - wonderful to see you & as you say support is the word .. sounds like the book is doing well .. and as you say congratulations to Talli for organising this .. enjoy the week - Hilary
Hi Joanne .. it is WOW isn't it .. and exactly as you say kudos to her - sounds like it's an excellent read & success will be well deserved. I must check in and see the stats etc .. Hilary
Hi Janet .. I was pleased to drop by and join in the buzz .. hope to be over to comment more often .. and Go Talli! Have a good week .. Hilary
Hi Jemi .. lucky you - you've got her book The Hating Game .. and it is so exciting being a small part of this global web splash! Enjoy the rest of the book .. cheers Hilary
Hi Sharon .. thanks for the support here for Talli .. she is a sweetie & lives 'up the road' .. so hope to meet her sometime next year .. for a coffee!
We're fine - but had quite a lot of snow last night .. pretty - but not very convenient!! Thanks for the thoughts .. cheers Hilary
Thank you so much for your help and support spreading the word! I really appreciate it - so amazed how much help people have given me. Thanks again! :)
And yes, we must meet up for a coffee at some stage when the snow and cold eases! I look forward to meeting you.
Hi Talli .. it's been a pleasure & I'm enjoying watching the process unfold .. also just seeing what everyone does for each other is great.
A coffee and a chat would be great sometime - Notting Hill beckons! In the spring - when it's warmer?!
See you soon & catch you around the blogosphere .. enjoy the week - it's been a fun one so far! .. Hilary
When someone expresses hatred, one can choose to see the message of love shining through. One chooses to learn hatred or to reflect back an expression of love.
Hi Liara .. interesting thought - especially for me now. I gather her book is a very good read .. and I must take on board your comment here .. thanks so much - appropriate for my own life just now .. Hilary
Talli deserves her success ..
I need to head over to Talli's blog and see if what the results are of her big splash!
Hi Helen .. they're there .. she's done incredibly well .. what a little blogging power will do!!
Big splash I reckon .. thanks for popping in and supporting Talli and this blog .. cheers Hilary
Talli is getting great support and she deserves the success :) :)
Hi Short Poems .. thanks for calling in and supporting Talli here .. as you say she's getting the best support this blogging world can give her .. it's wonderful to see ... Hilary
Hilary -- As I don't Talli, I'll have to check this book out. It does sound interesting.
What is Websplash? I've never heard of this. I'll look it up.
Happy night to you:~)
Have the book on the list and will download on my kindle..asap.
Nice job.
This is fun stuff :)
Sounds very very intriguing. An interesting man-eating character and potential plot. 4 exes, eh?
And Talli is SO cute!
Another paean to Talli. Good job Hilary! Talli's made quite a splash with her book.
Tossing It Out
Hi Sara .. I love that .. Talli lives in Notting Hill - so I feel an affinity .. and just got drawn in to her blog. Her book had a wonderful review her over at Theresa's:
and a websplash is ..? Not sure I just followed along .. and everyone (450 supporters she lined up) .. blogged, Facebooked, Twitted and tweeted etc ..
The results were amazing - as you'll see on Talli's blog ..
Thanks - no more snow overnight .. but still covered with it! You too - enjoy the weekend & Friday! Cheers Hilary
Hi Patricia .. I know you have a kindle .. still not sure I'd like to use one .. perhaps one day!
It is fun supporting a blogging author .. enjoy the read & give us one of your special reviews ..
Cheers - have a great weekend .. Hilary
Hi Jannie .. it does sound intriguing and the reviews from fellow bloggers have been enticing .. so it's on my list.
Talli certainly has presence! Love the photo of her .. good publicity shot.
See you amongst my previous post on feathered friends shortly .. cheers .. oxoxo Hilary
Hi Arlee .. thanks for coming by .. exactly as you say .. shout out - & she sure got heard ..
Enjoy Friday and the weekend .. Hilary
Thanks for sharing this, Hilary! Sorry I'm a bit late on it. Best wishes to you, Talli.
Hi Connie .. always delighted to see you!! No-one is ever late here ..
and Talli will be delighted to have another blogger friend share her news ..
Thanks lovely seeing you .. Hilary
It's great to be part of a community of bloggers who pitch in to help their friends. Talli had a great marketing idea!
Hi Patricia .. isn't it just - seeing us all over the place .. and the different ranges of authors and fellow bloggers - and exactly as you say Talli had a great marketing idea .. long may it last ..
Thanks so much for coming by .. Hilary
So wonderful of you to offer support!
Hi Vered .. it's been to great to generally see the support of fellow bloggers .. and lovely to be a part of - I've enjoyed it. Thanks for adding yours .. good to see you .. Hilary
And it was a big success!
H Diane .. thanks - it is being an amazing success .. lovely seeing you here .. and good luck with your new emphasis "Overcoming Obstacles" - writers, tips and presenters etc etc ... great new approach and help for us all! Hilary
Congratulations, Talli! I'll have to check out her blog and the book. The premise sounds like a fun read. Thanks for the heads up, Hilary.
And she's Off! :-D go Talli!
Hi Talon .. yes do- the book sounds excellent - good write ups from fellow bloggers .. always a good sign! I have to put my order in! Cheers Talon .. good to see you - & Talli will be pleased for the added support .... Hilary
Hi Kat .. good to see you here - thanks for coming over .. Talli deserves her success .. have a peaceful weekend .. Hilary
I like the way you help her with lift off. It's great to see authors succeed in the age of digital publishing.
Hi JD .. the whole thing has been fun .. just seeing the process unfold & with Stephen Tremp and his book too - home and away posts coming up 6th/7th .. I'm learning! Thanks for coming over .. appreciate the visit .. Hilary
Hi Hilary
Great review.
Makes me want to read it... but it may be a bit racy for me LOL.
Sounds as though I should be buying one of these Kindles but I do love the feel of a real book.
There I go again, living in the past.
Hi Keith .. thanks: Talli's description - but it sounds a very good read from other bloggers' review of the book .. it's good to read something racy occasionally isn't it?!
I know Kindles or ipads seem to be the rage .. I agree I'm not sure I can read a book on a screen - when I'm here screen reading rather a lot anyway ..
We'll catch up one day! Great to see you and your latest post including the TED talk - music, Shakespeare, Mandela etc .. is extremely good .. hope lots of people see it ..
Thanks - enjoy Sunday .. Hilary
Hilary: Thanks for the book recommendation. Talli sounds like an amazing author and if you are endorsing the book, I know it must be great :)
I came over from another blog to check you out. Glad I did! I love the upbeat title of your blog.
I bought and read Talli's book (and participated in her Websplash) and loved it! The writing sparkled. It was a page turner.
In previous post, you say you had snow in the northern hemisphere. We've got the wind chill and a smattering of snow here in Virginia USA. Brrrr. Stay inside. Stay warm.
Ann Best, A Long Journey Home
Hi Sibyl .. good to see you - I hope so .. I'm going to be reading it soon! Others have given it the thumbs .. so there's something special there .. and the WebSplash has been fun.
Have a good week .. Hilary
Hi Ann .. thanks for coming on board - & for leaving a comment .. and really good to see you here. I'll be with you after I've hit the comment button here!
Fantastic you've read Talli's book .. another great endorsement .. I'm looking forward to reading it too.
We've had lots of snow and ice .. in fact it's a very unpleasant early winter .. except if you like winter wonderlands! I gather the weather has sort of spread its wings a little .. and some of you in the States have had some falls - it froze heavily overnight.
Thanks lovely seeing you and enjoy the week ahead .. Hilary
Whoa! Congratulations to Talli. I'll check it out.
I just found a link last night that you might like. This young man offers a free ten-day course on how to grow your blog. He must know what he's talking about because he has more than 1900 subscribers.
On a different note, have you met Lenny? I'd appreciate it if you could check out his blog and become a Follower. I've shared some of his talents here.
I truly hope this will help both you and Lenny. Thanks for looking at his blog. I think you will really like it. He's a great kid.
~ Yaya
Hi Yaya .. thanks - yes I have .. just left a comment with you and him .. Lenny commented here on my Yellow River in China post (Earth's Crust) - all about minerals .. he hit a good one for school work!
Thanks .. I'm happy with my organic growth at the moment .. and really enjoy my visitors with their great, salient comments ..
Look after yourself and good for you for promoting Lenny .. enjoy the week .. Hilary
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