Tuesday, 12 March 2013

Gong Bath anyone? ... Random Act of Kindness – match this one? ... My return to the fray ...

No – I didn’t need rescuing from the Gong Bath!  I have not done nearly as much as I intended to – on the other hand I’ve made a good start on a number of things – my flat is somewhat more organised and tidier than it’s been for ages ... so everything’s in place – and my head too!!

Resonance ...

Lenny’s comment touched me ..."for sure i’m gonna miss you my special friend.  Have a real fun time and come back and tell us all the cool stuff you did.”   

So, of course, I dropped Lenny an email ... saying I was here and we could email if he wanted to stay in touch that way .... oh yes, he did – and has kept me amused ever since ...!!!

The envelope with badge are at the back,
the card with a cat on it, Lenny's letter -
complete with Rocky headed notepaper +
Racoon footprints!, some chocolates, a
notebook, a bookmark ... 
I mentioned I go back up to the Nursing Centre to see one particular lady, Linda, as she doesn’t have any relatives ... is so lovely, doesn’t complain and gets on with her life as best she can, while my visits seem to cheer her up.

Back came ... "i been thinking bout that lady you go visit at the home and how you said shes got not one family person.  i could like to get her a nice card and send it to you so you could give it to her.  

... and pink hair slides - aren't they lovely,
while the box of Georgia mints has Linda's
name printed on them ...
maybe it could make her happy to get it.  do you think its ok to send it even if she doesnt know who iam?  if its ok you could tell me her name so i could put it on the card.”

Linda was so pleased to receive a card and little packet from the States ... I’d warned her a surprise was coming – she was soooo delighted though and I know really warmed the cockles of her heart ... thank you Lenny!

Lenny wrote a letter to her too – two pages ... [so Roland (or Mark Twain) – Letter Writing isn’t dying here ...] telling Linda about his critter cafe, his family and life ... in his usual bouncy style ... just so lovely – and Linda was sooo soooo chuffed .... then I had to explain “chuffed” to Lenny!  He was very happy to know that she was so pleased.

Now to other things ... I went to various films – The Well Digger’s Daughter – a French film ... being one I highly recommend.

Ah -  the Gong Bath ... I go to the Natural Fitness Centre based in the old Lifeboat Station overlooking the sea ... in a gorgeous place to have treatments ... with a lovely group of therapists ...  (some of whom spent time with my mother - for which I was eternally grateful).

Sailing in front of the Natural Fitness Centre

I have done and do a mixture of Qigong, Meditation, Shiatsu, Pilates and have osteopathy treatments ... this time the Qigong group were offered the experience of a Gong Bath – we’re game for anything!!

We relaxed on yoga mats with the sound of the sea washing the pebbles in the background, then Gabby began her gong therapy ... ancient gong sounds resonated through the room – varying with the different sizes used ...

Gabby with some of her gongs

... the meeting of sound with form dissipates everything that is not real ... the frequencies bathed, soothed, washed through, immersed and seduced us ... taking us fully on our journey of whispering vibrations as we experienced the full effects of the harmonies over and in our bodies.

A promotional view - just looks
wonderful doesn't it
We each had different experiences ... I would love to have another gong bath ... to experience the harmonious waves that vessels of sound can bring us to a time of peace and healing in this chaos of human existence.

It was interesting and fascinating to say the least ... while being an area I’d like to explore further ... to find out more about the origins of therapeutic sound that were the origins of our vocal chords – yet which today still have powerful influences on our beings.

To change the subject yet again ... I’m over with Laura at Mistress Snark’s Parlour – having a zizz after tea with Jezebel ... one dangerous lady – still she’s lured me out of my lair and I’m blogging again!

I'm over with Jezebel discussing
feet measurements in barleycorn

See you all soon – especially as the A – Z is rushing towards us ...

It looks like it’s a good thing I’m semi-snowbound today as I’m back blogging ... Sussex has had the worst of the snowy weather – not a lot, but enough to ice up, block roads ... the wind was terrible yesterday ... 

Sunset at the NFC
... and the Natural Fitness Centre rang and said don’t come down ... we’re not sure if we’re about to swim or stay dry: squally winds, a high tide and a full moon did not help ...  update to follow ...

Roland Yeoman's post about Letter Writing in the 21st century ... 

Hilary Melton-Butcher
Positive Letters Inspirational Stories


Lynn said...

That is wonderfully thoughtful of you to visit the friend who has no family. And Lenny sounds like a nice, nice friend, too.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

You were awesome over at Laura's today!
And that was really nice of Lenny to do that for Linda.

Optimistic Existentialist said...

I'm so glad to see a post from you - I've missed your blog :)

Mike Goad said...

Funny -- when you mentioned your fitness center, I had pictured a different kind of facility. When I go to the gym, it's to the St. Mary's Wellness and Fitness Center. No treatments of any kind there, just exercise, exercise, and more exercise.

How very thoughtful of Lenny!

Old Kitty said...

Lenny's a total sweetie!! And Linda's lovely too! And this gong bath is totally intriguing and the first I've ever heard of it so thank you for this intro!!

Take care

Manzanita said...

You AND Lenny are examples of what most of the rest of the world has forgotten. You both give up a little bit of your life to make life bearable for others. I know so few humans who would or could be capable of this.
OOOOhh, I would love to visit your fitness center. It has all the activities I love to participate in. I'm so happy you are getting out, doing nice things for your wellbeing and having a fun tea time.
Take care

Bish Denham said...

That was SO sweet of Lenny, who such a sweetheart. He reminds me, all of us, what it is to be a better person.

I think I'd like a gong bath.

D.G. Hudson said...

So many interesting things in this post. I've never heard of a Gong Bath, but yes sound therapy can be beneficial. You do immerse yourself
in life, Hilary, which is inspiring to see.

And Roland's letter post reminded us of how impersonal the internet can be.

It's nice to see you blogging again.

Annalisa Crawford said...

What a wonderful gesture from Lenny. And it's lovely that you visit too.

The Gong Bath sounds very interesting! (Lol @ 'sounds')

MunirGhiasuddin said...

Welcome back !! I hope that your time off was lovely. Lenny is such an inspiration. I like the way he writes and I like the way he cares about people.
I am not sure how to register this year for the A to Z challenge. If I do not get to register, I will write anyway. Are you going to go for the challenge?

Luanne G. Smith said...

Oh, that gong bath sounds wonderful. I don't generally go in for spas or massages, but to sit in hot water and have that tonal harmony soothing the mind? Sounds fabulous right now.

Jo said...

To Munir and anyone else who wants to sign up for A to Z go to http://www.a-to-zchallenge.com/p/2012-to-z-challenge-sign-up-list.html where you can sign up for a while yet. It closes on April 1.

Lenny sounds like a really nice person.

Interested in your Gong Bath. Have don qigong and T'ai Chi. Great believer in them.

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

@ Lynn - I didn't want to just walk away ... I'd been around at the Nursing Centre too long - and a visit seems to cheer many ... care staff too, as well as a few patients ...

@ Alex - Mistress Snark's parlour is an interesting place for tea ...

Lenny is such a great inspirer .. and Linda was so pleased to receive the letter and packet ..

@ Keith - many thanks .. that's a lovely comment ..

@ Mike - can't do the rush, rush, rush any more! There's lots of treatments on offer ... it's a wonderful resource ..

Exactly Lenny is so thoughtful and caring ..

@ Old Kitty - all in all Lenny and Linda have given each other pleasure ...

The gong bath is a wonderful experience ...

@ Karen - Lenny cheers me up no end ... not to say I need cheering up - but he certainly always brings a smile to my face ...

You'd love the Fitness Centre - it's a gorgeous place for a work-out ...wonderful setting ...

@ Manzanita - that's exceedingly kind ... Lenny enjoys the interaction and I love being the connector and bringing some joy into people's lives - and yes, I'm pleased I'm still visiting at the Nursing centre ...

You'd love it at the Natural Fitness Centre and they do dance sometimes too ...

The tea party - well ... I need to recover from Jezebel's machinations and questions!

@ Bish - lovely to see you ... you're so right about his demeanour in life ...

That gong bath was lovely ... just the resonance ...

@ DG - good to see you too ... I love learning new things and will always try ideas out - sound healing is coming to the fore now ...

I don't do dull! Thanks - it's good to be back ...

Roland's "Mourning the death of a letter" .. was well timed with Lenny's card and packet sent over for Linda ... she was so moved.

@ Annalisa - Lenny inspires; while Linda's capacity to be at peace with her situation deserves a lot of congratulation and acknowledgement ..

The Gong Bath is brilliant ... yes it sounds away ... (Lol) ...

@ Munir - Lenny just grasps life and lives it - always full of life isn't he. He does care hugely about people too ..

I emailed you the link re the A-Z if you want to join ... I'm doing it, yes ...

@ Luanne - sorry we're not sitting in a warm bath .. it's the sound reverberating around us - but I'm certain if a spa was around - the gong therapy would be an added pleasure.

It was a very relaxing pleasurable tonic for the mind ...

Thanks so much for coming by after my return from my break ... it did me good - cheers Hilary

Shelley Sly said...

Aww, Lenny is so sweet! Sounds like you've been busy with lots of rewarding adventures. Thanks for the update!

Janie Junebug said...

Lenny, whoever you are, you are nice. I like nice. I'll try to remember the title of the French movie. The Hurricane got me started on French movies several years ago and I've liked every single one I've seen.


Patsy said...

So glad you had a good time.

Your friend Lenny sounds a lovely person - perhaps even as nice as you.

klahanie said...

Hi Hilary,

Your glowing tribute to our inspirational young buddy, Lenny, touches the heart. And what he does, touches the heart.

After reading your thoughtful posting, it makes me realise how much you have been missed on here. Thus, dear lady, welcome back.

I'm sorry that by the time I got back to your email, it was days later. Thank you for your ongoing support.

Good to see that Mistress Snark, lured you out of your lair!

And, on no, not the alphabet challenge! :)



Southpaw said...

Both you and Lenny are very kind.

Nick Wilford said...

The A23 looked truly terrifying on the news. Just as well you're not going out.

What a sweet thing for Lenny to do for a lady he didn't even know. He's a great soul.

And I hadn't heard of a gong bath. That sounds truly relaxing!

Elise Fallson said...

Such a kind gesture from Lenny. It sometimes doesn't take much to brighten someone's day. (: You've intrigued me with the French movie, I'll have to check that one out. And I've never heard of a gong bath but it sounds so relaxing, exactly what I could use right now, lol. :D

Vallypee said...

Great to see you back again, Hilary! How kind of Lenny, and how kind of you too to visit the lady, Linda. I love the sound of the Gong Bath too. I could do with something relaxing like that right now :-)

Joylene Nowell Butler said...

Lenny is one terrific human being. They say birds of a feather flock together. Hmm, must be why you and Lenny are such good mates.

Anonymous said...

Welcome back Hillary. What a lovely generous gesture of your friend to the person without a family, If there was more generosity like that in the world there would be more happiness.

Take care.

A Lady's Life said...

This was a lovely post. So many lonely people out here with no family.
Letter writing has become a dying art thanks to internet but it is still nicer I think to recieve a card or a letter even if you have to wait a little longer. Sometimes a letter would take weeks to arrive but it sure was worth it to receive it. It had a lot more meaning than any email today.

Susan Flett Swiderski said...

Welcome back! It's great to hear from you again. Lenny sounds like a very special young man. Talking about sounds, I've never heard of a Gong Bath before. Utterly fascinating.

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

@ Jo - thanks for the link re the A-Z .. Lenny just amazes me with his caring attitude. The Gong Bath was a very different experience ..

@ Shelley - I've taking it easy yet getting things done ..

@ Janie - Lenny is one special lad. Great if you can get to watch The Well Digger's Daughter ... we often have them via the Film Society ... they brought us the Oscar nominated "Amour" - brilliant and evocative French film about an elderly couple dealing with a stroke .. and coping or not with life thereafter ...

@ Patsy - Lenny is nicer than I am and much more special!! Truly.

@ Gary - Lenny does touch our hearts doesn't he ... many thanks for your thoughts - it's good to be back.

It's important to be around for people if they're going through tough times - I had a lot of support when my mother was ill ... over the years.

Mistress Snark does lure us .. doesn't she ... and that alphabet thing again ... oh yes!

@ Holly - Lenny encourages me on .. what he did for Linda is so inspiring ...

@ Nick - the roads round here and along the coast were terrible .. thankfully I didn't need to go out!

Lenny really reaches out across humanity doesn't he ... and you know how much that helps you and your family ...

The gong bath is such a fabulous experience ...

@ Elise - it doesn't take much to brighten our day .. but Lenny's sunshine lives on with the experience of the letter and packet ..

You'll love the movie - I hope you can get to see it locally somewhere in France ...

Gong Bath - that resonance ...

@ Val - it's good to stay in touch .. and Lenny's thought just brought a big smile to Linda ...

I hope things are improving for you - but the snow can't have helped ... as I think you had more than we've had ...

@ Joylene - birds of a feather .. fit Lenny for sure - and I love sharing things with him ..

@ Yvonne - we need to think of others and Lenny certainly does that - always has done .. happiness via care and thought could make the world go round much more easily ...

@ A Lady's Life - Linda is a stalwart of adjusting to very difficult circumstances ... she has my admiration ..

I agree that a letter through the post is so much nicer - I keep looking everyday!! Sometimes they arrive .. and I'm writing out a few still ... Lenny's letter means so much to Linda ...

@ Susan - Lenny is a very special young man ... The Gong Bath was a lovely experience and now I want to find out more ...

Many thanks everyone - it's so lovely to be welcomed back ... makes my heart sing ... from a crisp, sunny, very cold March morning! Hilary

Anonymous said...

Lenny is such a great, kind, thoughtful young man. He has a way of filling so many lives with sunshine and smiles.

That Gong Bath sounds like a wonderful experience. I'd like to learn more about it.

Elizabeth Spann Craig said...

Glad you're posting again!

Oh, that's so nice that you're visiting at the retirement center. And so nice of Lenny to brighten your friend's day, too.

Haven't heard of the Well-Digger's Daughter...sounds very good! Thanks for the tip.

Sara said...

Yeah...YOU'RE BACK:~)

Wow, the Gong bath sounds interesting. I've never heard of that, but I bet I'd like it.

Lenny is such a doll and so are you for continuing to visit Linda.

I realize I'm very late for this post, but I do hope the snow had melted by now and you are out playing again. I look forward to the A-Z challenge. Remember to do your finger exercises:~)

Suzanne Furness said...

That was such a lovely thing for Lenny to do and you too visiting a lady with no family. It is these small acts of kindness that restore my faith.

Gong bath sounds very interesting, glad you had a nice relaxing time.

Tammy Theriault said...

I always enjoy your awesome photos and kudos for visiting an old friend. It warms hearts!

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

@ Susanne - Lenny deserves much credit ... for getting us to remember the smiles, the laughter and sheer joie de vivre ...

I'll do another post on the Gong Bath anon ...

@ Elizabeth - thanks so much .. the Nursing Centre is a two way process .. I can give back - but a few people don't have many visitors .. so they enjoy a visit ..

@ Sara - that I am!! I am sure you'd love the Gong Bath .. the sounds invaded my whole being ..

Will Lenny be enthralled to be called a 'doll'? - he'll be laughing anyway .. !!

Still very heavy frost .. and we had snow flurries yesterday and they said more next week ... beautifully sunny today ...

A-Z fingers .. good idea about the exercises! Thanks for the reminder ..

@ Suzanne - I agree it's the small acts that make the difference - the smile on passing to everyone, the thank you ...

I've sort of caught up and so feel easier .. the Gong Bath was a pleasure to enjoy!

@ Tammy - thanks .. I enjoy using the photos to explain the post or give a meaning ... just another dimension isn't it .. and definitely warms hearts.

Lovely to see you all - cheers for now - Hilary

Friko said...

What a squirrelly mind and squirrelly body you have, in and out and up and down and roundabout! Keeping happy, healthy and fit.

The gong bath sounds fun and very relaxing and Lenny is a treasure.

Chatty Crone said...

You are back - good to see you Hilary and I think that is so nice to visit someone who has no family. Makes a big difference in the life of that person.


Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

@ Friko .. sometimes it's difficult to fit in all the subjects - hence the squirrel! I am happy healthy and fit - or on the way to being there!

The gong bath was a great experience ... and you appreciate Lenny, I know that ..

@ Sandie .. yup here I am .. thank you. Linda certainly loves people who can spend a little time with her - she's an amazing person ... and I know makes a big difference to her dreary days ... but she does keep cheerful ...

Thanks Friko and Sandie .. good to see you .. Hilary

cleemckenzie said...

I love Bath--that beautiful bridge with all those amazing shops, the costume museum. I could have stayed much longer.

I'm putting The Well Digger's Daughter on my movie list. It sounds wonderful. Have you seen The Upstairs Maids?

Michael Offutt, Phantom Reader said...

I hope I meet someone like you when I'm old and in a home. What you are doing for Linda is great. I have an extremely small family and when my very old parents are dead, I will be alone in the world. I can totally see myself in Linda.

Ingrid said...

It seems that you had a very nice time ! I go to yoga classes too once a week. I don't know this movie "The Well Digger’s Daughter" because the title in English is certainly different then in the French original.
We had a snowstorm and the whole country broke down ! Terrible ! I am so fed up of winter !

Christine Rains said...

Glad you have a lovely time. I love reading about your experiences. What wonderful people you and Lenny are. The world needs more people like you.

J.L. Campbell said...

Hi, Hilary,
Never heard about gong baths before today, sounds like a soothing experience.

Julia Hones said...

Hi Hilary! Welcome back. It is nice to read your posts and your comments again! Regarding the previous post about the architect, my mother enjoyed it. She says she loves his work. Not much to add about that. Stay well.

Bossy Betty said...

So sweet of Lenny!!!

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

@ Lee .. we sorted the Bath bit out and I noted your thought re the Costume Museum - I haven't been to Bath for years ... so I must visit soon ...

@ Michael - yes we're a small family too - no children ... perhaps there's a business idea here?! They often have so many stories to tell ... Linda is the epitome of a good patient ...

@ Gattina - it was good to have that break ... and I enjoy the classes. Your snow was much worse than ours - which often happens - still the drifts of snow are still very visible ... and it caused a lot of disruption here ...

@ Christine - many thanks .. it's lovely to know "I amuse and entertain" through the blog postings ...

@ JL - the gong bath was amazing and Gabby and friends put them on regularly ...

@ Julia - many thanks. So pleased your mother enjoyed the Niemeyer (architect) post ...

@ Betty - sounds like you had a wonderful time in San Francisco .. so pleased for you ..

Lenny is the star here .. everyone is so right - Linda loves his letter to her ..

Cheers for now - Hilary

Empty Nest Insider said...

Lenny sure knows how to spread good cheer! Not only is he a wonderful friend to you, but he is extremely generous to your friends as well.


Rhonda Albom said...

You and Lenny are delightful and I am fascinated by the gong bath.

hyperCRYPTICal said...

I've never heard of a gong bath Hilary and as a lover of quiet I'm not sure whether it would be for me...

Love to hear your stories of interaction with Lenny - he seems such a good soul and tis a pity our Earth does not have a wonderful glut of good people like him.

Your letters are truly inspirational - thank you.

Anna :o]

Anonymous said...

I love stories ofncompassion and benevolence. What a way to make Lindas day.

And we love French films. Not the weird ones though. Its agreat way to learn French.

Susan J. Reinhardt said...

Welcome back, Hilary! You were missed. :)

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

@ Julie - Lenny is a bright star in our blogging firmament .. he's been amazing all the way along the line - and still is!!

@ Rhonda - Lenny & I seem to bring out the best in each other ..

I must find out more about the Gong Bath and do another post sometime after the A-Z ..

@ Anna - the gong bath is so soothing .. it only resonates - no crashing around .. the sound just washes over you - hence gong bath I guess!

I quite agree this earth could do with lots of Lennies .. he is special ...

Thanks and I'm so delighted you find my 'letters' inspirational ..

@ Stephen - you scored it right - and he continues to make Linda's day ...

The film had English Subtitles ... and is a great way to pick up some of the language ..

@ Susan - many thanks .. it's lovely being missed!!

Cheers to you all - have lovely weekends ... Hilary

Linda said...

Hilary, I had never heard of a gong bath. It is a very interesting concept. You do experience and write about some of the most unique and fascinating things.

Imagine having a bath without even getting wet. That could be very popular with some (just being silly).

M. Reka said...

Both you and Lenny are great :)

Robyn Campbell said...

Lenny is THE BEST! That sounds just like him. To want to help Linda.

I'm glad you go to see Linda. She sounds like a lovely lady. You have such a huge heart, Hil.

A gong bath. Hmmmmmm. ;-)


Marja said...

Oh what a wonderful uplifting story What a wonderful acts of kindness from you to give company and from Lenny for the goodies.
A special experience to relax with sound of the gongs. I always enjoy our wind chime in the garden. Thanks for the tip for the movie as well. I love the French country side so I have a look of it is in our cinema's

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

@ Linda - just like to keep myself amused ... which thankfully amuse you too!

Perhaps I'd better not advertise this Gong Bath to the great unwashed as an alternative washing arrangement!

@ Marinela - thank you ..

@ Robyn - Exactly .. Lenny is the best and is what we've come to expect from him ... Linda is still loving her letter and the thought of it ...

It's good to be around and give others another perspective and we do have a laugh up there ...

The gong bath - was wonderful ...

@ Marja - it's been a wonderful experience sharing Lenny with Linda - gives her something special and something different to think about ...

The Gong Bath was special ... I have my moments with wind chimes! especially if they're not mine.

The movie was very good .. so enjoy ...

Cheers from a wet soggy England - when is Spring coming?!!! Cold, but not snowing at least down here ...!! Hilary

Unknown said...

That was one tremendous experience!

Francene Stanley said...

I loved your touching story about Lenny. It's amazing how kind people can be to strangers and his response really highlights how you touch people with your blogs.

Connie Arnold said...

How very interesting! Never heard of anything like that before.

Lenny is so thoughtful and sweet! And so are you, Hilary. It's such a pleasure to be blog buddies with both of you!

TALON said...

I'm so glad you are back, Hilary, and I'm glad you had a wonderful time. Could you be any more thoughtful visiting Linda? And how sweet of Lenny!

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

@ Damyanti - the gong bath was fascinating - just so good to have had that experience.

@ Francene - Lenny is special - he's so thoughtful and I'm taking the post up to Linda today .. so she can see it.

@ Connie - we're just lucky in the experiences we have in life and via the blogging world - and thank you for your thoughts.

@ Talon - many thanks - I love your photos and poems .. and yes, there's always more I could do - but adding the conversation with Lenny into the mix - really cheers her up.

Thanks so much .. have happy weeks - Hilary

Talli Roland said...

Lenny is just the sweetest! He always makes me smile.

I'm glad you had a good time on your travels!

Diane said...

You and Lenny are obviously very kind people and I am sure that you are appreciated for you acts of kindness. Have a good week Diane

Theresa Milstein said...

Another Lenny post. He's amazing. I received a holiday card from him, which was so sweet.

Your trip looks like it was wonderful. Sounds so nice too. Welcome back!

Julie Flanders said...

I'm so glad to see you back blogging, Hilary! And, I was very worried about you after Jezebel got a hold of you with her tea, glad you survived your visit to Mistress Snark.

I think that's so wonderful that you continue to visit Linda in the nursing centre. I would imagine it is hard to go there sometimes since your mother is gone but I bet your visits mean the world to Linda.
And Lenny is a real gem!

Looking forward to your posts for the A-Z coming up. :)

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

@ Talli ... I bet Lenny would love to meet baby TR - pity they're on different continents! Thanks - no travels, but rested ..

@ Diane - Lenny is so thoughtful .. and I just do my bit to help where I can ..

@ Theresa - yes - Lenny rules the waves! How lovely to have that holiday card from him .. he always writes such special words ...

I just have been able to relax a little ... travel is during April.

@ Julie - Jezebel certainly had decided I needed some strong herbal put me downs ... but she got some mighty funny answers - but she does ask such ridiculous questions - as if we should know!

Funnily enough it's been fine - it's just a continuum, and I'm sure my mother would be happy to know I'm visiting ...

I printed out this post for Linda today .. so she'll be able to read all about Lenny - and it does give her something else to think about.

A-Zing .. me too - I enjoy everyone's posts - well those I get round!!

Cheers to you all - Letter A will have passed in two weeks time ... what's yours ... I'm keeping mine under wraps for now ...


Karen Lange said...

Good to see you back! Missed seeing you round and about. Lenny is a sweetheart, isn't he? :) Glad your time off was productive.

Have a great week,

Deniz Bevan said...

Lenny is the sweetest!
I hadn't heard of gong baths before - I'd love to try one. Sounds so soothing and energising at the same time!

~Sia McKye~ said...

What a lovely thing for Lenny to do! It always warms my heart when I hear people reach out to others. As a kid, I was always partial to the older ones. They told such grand tales and it fun to spend time with them. I still have a few older ones I send cards and short missives to. I could another to my list...

Gong therapy--what a name. But, seriously, sound is healing and relaxing. It makes since that you felt refreshed afterward.

I'm so glad to hear you're getting yourself together. You've been walking a hard road, my dear. We don't walk that road without scars. Hugs, my dear Hilary, lots of hugs!

dolorah said...

A gong bath; how interesting.

Sweet of you to visit a lonely friend; and Lenny too. He's a sweety.


Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

@ Karen - many thanks .. yes got lots done.

@ Deniz - I'll try and do another post re the Gong Baths .. I loved it.

@ Sia - I still write out .. everyone loves the real thing ... letters or cards and Lenny's thoughtful contribution to Linda's life has made a huge difference ...

Gong therapy - one of the elderly who attend the class and joined us said she found it loud - I thought it was so soft ... funny our perceptions. I must ask the others what they felt ..

I honestly think I've just been slow and to an extent lazy .. but 7 days a week for over 5 years was a stretch ... but nothing like so many others go through: I appreciate your thoughts - you've had your own road ... and yes - lots of hugs with you too ... one day!

@ Donna - it's part of life isn't it ... I just couldn't walk away if I can help out .. but Lenny is in a class of his own.

Have a great rest of the week ...Hilary

Laura Eno said...

Lenny is one of those awesome friends you want to put in the keeper pile!

A gong bath sounds so soothing and relaxing.

Jezebel sends her love and had such a grand time during your discussion!

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Laura .. at least Jezebel hasn't got her pretty little snarky red-painted nails into Lenny yet! But you're right .. I want to bundle Lenny up - hug him tightly and never let him go!!

Perhaps Jezebel should try a gong bath sometime .. might calm her down and give some poor blogging soul a break ..

I enjoyed my time in Mistress Snark's parlour ... and fortunately found I could release myself from Jezebels hooks .... cheers Hilary

Romance Reader said...

I often wonder how it would have been in India had followed Australia down under. Then perhaps we could have had kangaroos in India? What a thought.

Maria RR

Juliet said...

Love the sound of the gong bath and would love to experience one.

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

@ Maria - just the movement of continental masses always amazes me - while the flora and fauna move too.

@ Juliet - the Gong Bath was just so peaceful, while listening to sea washing the pebbles in the background ...

Cheers to you both - Hilary

Melissa Sugar said...

Hi. I am making the rounds and trying to say hello to all of the people who are helping with this years A to Z blogging challenge. I have been away from my blog for a while, but will return on April 1st & I will be back then to check out your post. Thanks for helping with this awesome challenge. I look forward to reading your blog post.

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Thanks Melissa .. pleasure to help. Cheers Hilary