St Michael's Mount - the island 400 yards off the coast of Penzance - was really exciting to visit .. we could walk through the water on the manmade causeway and come back in a skiff or dingy, if the tide had come in too far. We could roam around the gardens up to the actual Castle, which is still a private residence of Lord St Levan.
Marazion, the Cornish village opposite St Michael's Mount, was a flourishing town owing its prosperity to the pilgrims flocking to worship on the Mount. At low tide there's a lovely long beach where we be able to run up and down, eat our sandwiches, munch our apples, dash up the strand and buy luxury ice lollies - a new treat for post war babies. So if the wind was coming from the north .. this is where we came .. so we vacated our bed and breakfast lodgings for the day .. a very good cheap British standby for parents with young children.
If the wind blew from the south then we drove round St Ives Bay past the coastal branch railway line to Godrevy .. where in those days we clambered haphazardly down the heath topped cliffs on to the beach. It was magical .. there were granite covered pebbles, shells, some brightly coloured - getting some of their colour from the red river ... the river flowing down from the tin workings above; we were able to jump from rock to rock - quite high ones which made it more exciting for us as we got older - with the waves crashing around underneath us.
We'd eat lunch .. homemade pasties, biscuits, oranges to suck on to quench our thirst .. sometimes with a sugar cube in .. delicious!! .. tucked into the cliff face keeping out of the wind sitting on a couple of rugs, beach towels round our shoulders .. keeping our eyes out for the numerous birds (gulls in their 100s, cormorants, guillemot, razor bills (wonderful shells for youngsters!), as well as grey seals, if we crept out over the rocks onto the point & if the water spouts weren't pounding up.
We'd watch the waves crash around Godrevy Lighthouse about 300 yards off the shore - knowing that it was protecting ships from the mile long submerged reef known as 'the Stones' a hazard to the life blood of the bay when fishing was the mainstay of the local communities.
On our journey home we'd be able to stop off and have fish and chips, with salt and vinegar .. served out of newspaper .. and a bottle of pop ... possibly cherryade - eaten out of the wind in the car! Wonderful days of youth .. so simple, but so pleasureable and teaching us so much about life ..
Dear Mr Postman - this letter has meant so much .. bringing her reminders of our holidays and times in Cornwall growing up, also bringing her own childhood memories back too.
My mother has been so pleased to have this letter and while she's in hospital she'll be able to have memory-dreams of times her children were growing up, or as often happens .. muddle her own childhood into ours .. - we learn some interesting snippets from her .. - this has been a good positive letter to bring her today .. thank you ...
Hilary Melton-Butcher
Positive Letters
Hi Hilary,
Enjoyed your post about your childhood memories! Decided to check out Google maps! They had some more beautiful pictures of the area.
Very English...very fun! Thanks for your wonderful post!
Pete Baca
The Car Enthusiast Online
Thanks Pete .. yes it's a beautiful part of the world .. and include Lands End .. but that's been so concreted over now .. in "our" day .. it was just wind swept rocks .. with a signpost of how far it is to New York etc ..3147 miles!!
I'll do some more posts of our part of Cornwall and some other parts .. it's a matter of breaking down the ideas .. so it keeps stimulating people .. I was just a bit flurried today .. as I'd spent so much time down at the hospital yesterday, as today .. time just disappears!!
So more pics and snippets to follow ..
Thanks for enjoying the pics and googling further .. one day I'll be able to show you inside my house!!
Hilary Melton-Butcher
Positive Letters
Hi Hilary
The world is so big, that I really enjoy to learn about new places. Childhood memories are the best, as I watch little Dylan growing everyday. I make a point to ensure he has good memories to look back on.
Thanks for sharing.
Giovanna Garcia
Imperfect Action is better than No Action
Hi Hilary,
It is very visual post! I could envision you enjoying the short trip. It also reminded me my trip with my parents to seacoast in East Tokyo. My father swims and my mother prepare lunch brought from home, etc...
Thank you for your article.
Shaw Funami
Fill the Missing Link
Hi Gio .. thanks .. yes I hope you play sandcastles on the beach and build moats for the tide to fill up? Dylan will love it ..
We are lucky - we have so many ways now to record things for our children as they grow and see the world in their light.
Thanks for visiting ..that little bit of Cornwall is so small!! but as you say the world is large ..
Hilary Melton-Butcher
Positive Letters
Hi Shaw .. thanks for your memories .. yes going beaching with our parents was special .. especially the days of pebbles, sandcastles, paddling, trying to avoid the waves as they run up the beach .. memorable times .. especially the sandy picnics .. yours was the Pacific Ocean, I see!
Thank you for remembering your own time
Hilary Melton-Butcher
Positive Letters
Hi Hilary,
Sounds like a splendid time! It reminded me of my childhood, too. I remember our visits to the beach and family BBQ's in Okinawa, Japan.
As our children get older, we look forward to creating special childhood memories like these. Thank you for sharing yours.
Many Blessings....
Roxanne ~ Believe Achieve
Hi Roxanne .. thanks for coming back and I'm glad the post brought back some memories of your time in Japan - I see Okinawa is an island prefecture south of the mainland, and north of Taipei.
I expect you'll have lots of special simple plans for Mia and Noa .. as they start their lives - wonderful!
Thank you for your thoughts .. I was really interested in the Japanese connection ..
Hilary Melton-Butcher
Positive Letters
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