In 1986 I had a nasty accident outside my house in Johannesburg .. about 30 feet away were some traffic lights, it was Friday afternoon & I was off to visit some friends .. very fortunately I'd set off slowly, as I was mentally checking if I had everything .. and the next thing I knew: wham, spin, buffet, shudder, bang, bang, bang .. & shake to a stop on one of the said traffic lights. My beautiful orange beetle, I'd travelled round South Africa in, was written off in one fell swoop.
Fortunately I hadn't hit my head .. but certainly my brain had wandered around inside & I felt pretty awful .. - after 'sorting things out' as you do with passers by and the local householders in that situation, I rang my mother back in England .. who announced that I should on no occasion go and play a game of squash (racquet ball) that night or that weekend .. I should rest in a darkened room and let my brain settled down - I did as my mother told me to & certainly didn't want to do much else!!
Today I heard of a young man, 30, who competed in triathlons .. and so was you'd think 'super fit' .. but he'd had a stroke: his fiance saw the three symptoms and acted on the 4th point: fortunately they'd both watched the BBC advert for recognising strokes and so he was in hospital pretty quicky and is on his way to near recovery - but remember the brain continues to adjust and adapt after illness. (see my post).
Sometimes as this week - a mere apparent bump can mean death - as has happened to Natasha Richardson - and just because someone can talk and seems ok .. they need to be monitored, so if there are changes an immediate response and quick medical diagnosis can be set up.
Hilary luckily you didn't hit your head in that car accident - so you're here to tell this cautionery tale and remind us all of our mortality .. we need to be aware and protect it .. - I'll bring you a happier letter tomorrow!
Hi Hilary,
Great post on strokes! I enjoyed the way that you tied your accident into the subject matter then to current events with Natasha Richardson.
Best Regards
Pete Baca
The Car Enthusiast Online
Regrettably I too have to say I thought I was quite clever!! My mother did too .. which was lovely and then we had a happy one on Jasmine! She likes my letters ..
Thanks for visiting though .. and I'm really grateful for the support ..
By the way did you click the orange beetle & see where it went???????
Hilary: Be Happy Be Positive
Hi Hilary
Great story telling, well done you are very clever. I love the Mr. Postman bring you letters, I would I have a Mr. Postman that brings me letters instead of bills :-) LOL
Thank you,
Giovanna Garcia
Imperfect Action is better than No Action
Hi Gio .. me too .. I think everyone would love no bills .. &
these letters I hope will go to people who just don't get letters fullstop! So it'll give them something to look forward to ...
Thank you, Hilary: Be Positive Be Happy
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