Friday 13 February 2009

Dogsbody ... and snail mail ....both are huge pluses!!

Isn't it lovely to be sent a letter.. by snail mail??!! My uncle has thanked me profusely for giving him a memorable day .. when we went to the Church and paid our respects to his wife of many years. He is always so appreciative and enjoys the laughter.

He also very generously gave my mother some bulbs and flowers this week - which she is loving as they smell so wondrously .. the narcissi, cyclamen & the hyancinths - & Mum knows she's got them within her vision. So a snail mail from both us will be winging its way a few miles north - he loves his missives from me too .. I constantly send positive letters through .. often things I've talked to my mother about .. eg the No Left Turn Story .. he said that's exactly what he did to keep his driving skills up while his wife was ill!!

It's a major factor in my life .. that I'm her "Dog'sbody" .. her "Emmanuensis" ... & I said I think I'm a bit more than just a dogsbody ... with all the letters I write .. about 100 as a batch (Mum acknowledged that was a lot!!) & then there's obviously more at times .. and the personal ones as we go along .. remembering all the points people have made & commenting on them ... I am kept busy!! Let alone the visiting ...


Anonymous said...

Hi Hilary

I just want to stop by to tell you, "Have a happy Valentine’s Day and remember it is also a day to celebrate you as well :-)" Please tell your mother I said, "Happy Valentine's Day, and that there are people all over world who is thinking about her." :-D

Giovanna Garcia
Imperfect Action is better than No Action

Believe Achieve - Hugo and Roxanne said...

Hi Hilary,

Receiving "snail" mail is so wonderful!
With today's advanced technology, it's much easier to send a text or email, so receiving something through the mail makes it extra special. :-)

Many Blessings....
Roxanne ~ Believe Achieve

Jacques said...

It's always the little things that make a difference. We need to reach out to people and make them realize that they are special!

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Thanks Gio .. I've been a little time & planning for a bit more time for me .. & thank you for your thoughts for my Ma .. she feels loved and that's the most important thing.

Hilary - Be Positive Be Happy

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Hugo and Roxanne .. it does make such a difference, especially to the sick and elderly .. they love their personal letters and the extra thought that goes into it.

Thanks - Hilary - Be Positive Be Happy

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Jacques .. thanks for your comment about reaching out .. I've been trying to do that on behalf of my Ma .. & it's amazing what appears and opens so many interesting doors.

Thanks - Hilary - Be Positive Be Happy