Wednesday 18 February 2009

Attitude at times of ghastly periods in one's life .. I didn't think it could get worse ...

Dear Mr Postman .. thank you for this update .. it is a difficult time ...

It's 2 years now since my mother had her strokes .. and I've learnt really quite a lot in those two years - including writing lots of letters! This has included developing new friends and contacting 'relatives' that I'd never really been in touch with, coming across the most amazing items of interest that I never thought I'd spend time on!

Today obviously is not so good for me .. I just hope that I can get back to seeing my mother as soon as possible - & I hope she's not too distressed by what's been happening .. especially as a social worker went to see her yesterday without a family member present. Janice, our Healer, had been in .. but what happened afterwards? Janice has also been in today. Tomorrow the social workers come to see me - that'll be interesting.

Yesterday I had some friends I met in South Africa come down for 24 hours .. I'm godmother to Amy & have had a lovely time .. just nice to have a break .. but a bit of nuisance as I couldn't fully relax .. as the 'incident' is hanging over me.

The next chapter tomorrow .. I'd love to get back to my positive letters ..

Thank you Mr Postman .. as you say it's been good having some friends down to give me moral support and I'll have something to talk to Mum about when I get back ....

Hilary Melton-Butcher
Positive Letters

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