I've been asked to provide 25 random facts about my mother and myself, as I don't have a significant other! So here we go ... light relief - positive letters and Hilary's snippets to keep you (& me) amused (at this difficult time):
1. I was born on St Hilary's Day!
2. My mother was born in October - the month of balance.
3. My mother loves sailing ....
4. I prefer the air - gliding over the rocks and crashing waves ...
5. She has high standards
6. I need to maintain these .. eg answering all letters - with positive letters
7. She loves the coastline .... with a rocky coast, waves and splashing water
8. I love the African bush
9. She loves Cornwall, so do I!
10. I love interesting facts - Hilary's snippets
11. She was training to be a doctor before the war came
12. I've been on the administration side
13. She's great carer ...
14. hence she opened a Care Home managing and caring for each & everyone of others' loved ones, including her own uncle and aunt
15. I've learnt to adapt to caring for a dying person & for the elderly
16. she's always unbelievably appreciative
17. I get on with things, I philosophise - turn the challenge round & cope
18. She loves travelling
19. I too like travelling & seeing the world
20. She was always willing to help in the local communities and church
21. I'm a good communicator and keeping in touch with family and friends - positive letters
22. She is always doing things .. & is now even, despite being bedridden .. busy in her brain
23. I too .. get that from her - lots going on & having to be dealt with ..
24. She loved gardening - we were self sufficient at home when I was born .. fresh vegetables, fruit .. all sorts, ducks - before the fox got them!, hens, pigs - smoking bacon, hams at home, pickled eggs, pickled walnuts, bottled fruits and veg before freezers came .. home made bread, croissants = delicious!! It looks like we didn't have a cow & therefore needed to buy in milk, butter and cheese ... but not much else .. oh yes - the fish van came round with fresh fish on a Friday!!
25. I loved eating her produce and her home cooked food!
We both send blessings to you all ..
1. I was born on St Hilary's Day!
2. My mother was born in October - the month of balance.
3. My mother loves sailing ....
4. I prefer the air - gliding over the rocks and crashing waves ...
5. She has high standards
6. I need to maintain these .. eg answering all letters - with positive letters
7. She loves the coastline .... with a rocky coast, waves and splashing water
8. I love the African bush
9. She loves Cornwall, so do I!
10. I love interesting facts - Hilary's snippets
11. She was training to be a doctor before the war came
12. I've been on the administration side
13. She's great carer ...
14. hence she opened a Care Home managing and caring for each & everyone of others' loved ones, including her own uncle and aunt
15. I've learnt to adapt to caring for a dying person & for the elderly
16. she's always unbelievably appreciative
17. I get on with things, I philosophise - turn the challenge round & cope
18. She loves travelling
19. I too like travelling & seeing the world
20. She was always willing to help in the local communities and church
21. I'm a good communicator and keeping in touch with family and friends - positive letters
22. She is always doing things .. & is now even, despite being bedridden .. busy in her brain
23. I too .. get that from her - lots going on & having to be dealt with ..
24. She loved gardening - we were self sufficient at home when I was born .. fresh vegetables, fruit .. all sorts, ducks - before the fox got them!, hens, pigs - smoking bacon, hams at home, pickled eggs, pickled walnuts, bottled fruits and veg before freezers came .. home made bread, croissants = delicious!! It looks like we didn't have a cow & therefore needed to buy in milk, butter and cheese ... but not much else .. oh yes - the fish van came round with fresh fish on a Friday!!
25. I loved eating her produce and her home cooked food!
We both send blessings to you all ..
Thank you Mr Postman - your comments are very kind and I'm glad you enjoyed learning a little about us ..
Hilary Melton-Butcher
Positive Letters
Thanks for the post on your 25 random facts! Everyone that has been reading the blog has gotten a very positive impression of you and your mom.
I would have to say one of your greatest strengths is your internal fortitude. "An acorn doesn't fall far from the tree" as they would say here in the states!
Best Regards
Hi Pete .. thanks so much for those comments .. and I'm so grateful for your appreciation.
Thank you re my internal fortitude .. yes I do need it at the moment - it is a trying time .. but it is a moment & it will be over .. it is very sad for my mother.
Yes - I think I have two strong families!!! My father's side too .. but that's another story later on ...
Many thanks & I hope I continue to provide an interesting blog to read ..
Hilary: Be Positive Be Happy
Hi Hilary, Thank you for your post. It is great to know you & your mother this way. No wonder she asks about Japan if she likes traveling. As you say, be positive and be happy.
Thanks again.
Shaw Funami
Fill the Missing Link
Dear Hilary. I was not sure if I could upload my comment. So, if this duplicate, I apologize. It is great to know you and your mother. No wonder she was interested in Japan if she likes to travel. Thanks, again!
Shaw Funami
Fill the Missing Link
Hi Shaw .. these word verification problems were a nuisance .. but they seem to be better .. - so don't worry re the duplication .. I think there are a few of mine around too ..
We'd mentioned the bush fires outside Melbourne, and I told her the States was still in the grips of snow & ice .. & it was terribly cold here .. so suddenly she said Japan .. her mind holds no boundaries!!
Thanks again .. for coming here & sharing with us .. actually my sister in law speaks Japanese .. she's a Patent & Trade Mark lawyer! Clever girl .. - so visits to Japan are "part of the family" ..
Hilary: Be Positive Be Happy
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